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Dalton Buehler
Professor Drake
Research Proposal, Outline and Timeline
7 February 2017

Research Proposal
The question that I have about the whole body is what energy system is the most effective

when helping the body the most from when a person is either young or old. Most people

currently have two different opinions when it comes to which energy system is the best, because

both energy system could have a huge effect on how your body functions or how long you live.

The anaerobic system deals with how strong your body is or could be and the stress that your

body could hole. While your aerobic system is basically your cardiovascular system, which deals

with your heart and lungs. Both energy systems start with the sliding filament theory, this

happens when your muscle contracts and how your body functions.

The energy system that I personally think has the most impact on the body would be the

aerobic system. The reason I think that the aerobic system is the best way to stay healthy is

because of all the positive effects it has on your body. The main impact that the aerobic system

has on a persons body would be the huge effect that this energy system has on your heart and

lungs. This system also has a huge effect on your nervous system and helps you retain

information quick and easy. This energy system also helps by decrease the chance of having

dementia and having short term memory loss because of the benefits of running and staying in


I. Introduction
a. Which system is the best for the whole body?
i. Anaerobic or Aerobic
ii. Give my hypothesis
b. I want to expose the nervous system, mental retainability and muscle and bone

II. First Subheading: The Nervous system
a. Main purpose
b. How the nervous system functions.
c. Which trait is better Anaerobic or Aerobic.
III. Second Subheading: Mental retainability
a. The positive effects on each trait
i. Anaerobic
ii. Aerobic
b. Describe the Negatives effects on each trait
i. The outcomes and test results.
ii. How could each trait improve someones mental retainability?
iii. Which trait is the best for mental retainability?
IV. Third Subheading: Muscle and Bone Strength
a. How does each trait make an impact to help the body improve or maintain

i. Anaerobic
1. Give work out information, such as test or comments by scientist

or experts.
ii. Aerobic
1. Give work out information, such as test or comments by scientist

or experts.
V. Conclusion
a. Give a detailed description on which trait is better.
b. Give examples on why the trait is better than the other.
c. Show references on where I got my information.

Date Completed

February 3 Topic Proposal

February 10 Research and have 2 sources (Computer)

February 17 Research and have 2 sources (Articles)

February 24 Research and have 2 sources (Books)

March 3 Research and have 2 sources (Interviews)

March 10 Complete Introduction

March 14 Complete first 2 subheadings (I & II)

March 21 Complete last 2 subheadings (III & V)

March 25 Complete Conclusion and Abstract

April 2 Turn in 1st Draft

April 10 Write peer review and review a peer review

April 15 Write final draft

April 24 Turn in final paper

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