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Dalton Buehler
Annotated Bibliography
Professor Drake
7 March 2017

Weil, R., & Stoppler, M. Anaerobic Exercise. Aerobic Exercise. 8. Retrieved from

This source gives out information about the certain different exercise that involve with

anaerobic and aerobic exercise. The certain example are exercise classes, workout partner like a

person trainer and doing in home exercise through a video. Also in this source the authors

explain the pros and cons about exercising both anaerobic and aerobic and the positive effects

that could come with exercise. Likewise, while explaining the pros and cons of exercising both

authors do explain how go into detail on how long to exercise for.

This is a great source for describing aerobic and anaerobic exercises. This source does not

have a date that it was released but this source is supported about a great medical site. This

source is intended for the scholarly audience and this site does not show any bias opinions. The

credentials of both authors are great, both authors are very educated in this field of study by both

authors being certified and have a specific field of training in exercise. This article is important

because the source shows how important about energy systems are to the human body.

Caba, J. (2015). Cardio vs Weight lifting: How to Us Both to Reach Your Summer Body

Goal. Retrieved from


In this source explains the importance of cardio and weight lifting could do for someone

who is looking to improve their overall body. The author gives vital information about each of

the energy systems and gives out excellent examples on how to improve the energy system. This

web source gives out the recent study methods that have been performed on regular sedentary

people and overweight people. Also in this article, the information goes very in depth on how

each energy system is made the steps it goes through.

This would be a good source for describing how each step of what both energy systems

go through. This web source is intended for the general population and the author credentials are

good considering he is a personal trainer. This source is important because of all the basic steps

on how each energy system is made and how to incorporate each system into someones life.

This source does have some bias information when it comes to the certain workouts and how to

perform the workouts.

Vanderburgh, H. (2016) Resistance Training Benefits from Variety; Different types of

Contractions Help Build Strength and Flexibility. LexisNexis, pC3.

This source shows the benefits of doing anaerobic exercises and the different types of

resistance workouts that deal with the anaerobic system. This source gives out information about

the nervous system and the muscles that are involved with the anaerobic system. Also in this

article gives out lab information and results about doing certain anaerobic exercise. Also in this

source this article gives you a little information about how anaerobic system can impact your

overall health.

This article is a great source for showing how resistance training can improve your

overall body health. This source is intended for the general public and there is no bias opinion

when it comes the information that is given. The author is certified in this source because she has

an extensive history in kinesiology and as a personal trainer. This article is important because it

gives out great information on how to work out with resistance training.

Nath, M. (2015) Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology. Glenview, IL: Pearson.

This book citation deals with the overall body functions of the human body. This source

gives out medical information about both energy systems and their main functions. This source

gives out many examples of how each system works in the body. There are also lab results for

each system and the persons physical traits, so the reader could see what the energy system does

for the body.

This book is a tremendous source for showing someone how the overall body functions in

the human body. This book source is intended for scholarly readers and is not bias when it comes

to the information about energy systems. This source is important because it states every energy

system in the book which includes the nervous system, muscle structure and cardiovascular

system. The author credentials are great considering she has a PHD in several fields that must do

with exercise science and this book is used to teach college students about the body.

Mandal, A. (2003). What is the Nervous System. News Medical Lie Sciences. Retrieved


This source is article that deals with the functions of the nervous system and how the

nervous system sends out neurons from one body part to another. Also in this article the nervous

system is broken into two main systems called the peripheral and central nervous system.

Likewise, in explaining this information the article provides videos and graphs describing each

function of each energy systems. After explaining each system this article talks about the brain

and how it recruits neurons to activate a muscle.

This article is an outstanding source to use for information about the nervous system.

This source is intended for the general public and the author does not show any bias when

talking about the nervous system. The authors credentials are great considering that she has a

master degree and a doctor degree and her information is published by a medical site. This

information is important because it gives out great details about the nervous system and the

certain areas that help the nervous system function.

Berg, M. (2012). To Much Cardio Bad. AzCentral . Retrieved from

This article shows the effects of doing aerobic exercise too long or too much. In this

source, the results that are produced by the Mayo Clinic and certain exercise requirements that

are required for over training or training the right amount of time. Also, this source gives out

details about what over training the aerobic system how it affects the heart and muscles. The last

information about this article deals with the signs of overtraining about fix being over trained.

Finally, this article gives out other exercise that could help the aerobic system.

This article was published in 2012 and this information is intended for the general public.

The authors credentials are not good considering she is just used other medical references to state

her information. Even though the author is not familiar with the aerobic system, she has great

sources that help her article. This article is important because it helps the reader with the

importance of over training and how to prevent overtraining the cardiovascular system.

Gladwell. H. (2016). Side Effects Of Weight Lifting. SteadyHealth. Retrieved From

This source is a great topic when discussion how overtraining your muscles during

anaerobic exercising. First the author explains the certain side effects of weight training and he

also starts listing the bad supplements involved in overtraining the body. Then after listing every

side effect, he gives examples about how long or how many times a week that a person need to

train the anaerobic system. Also in this article the author gives out a chart explaining the positive

effects of training the anaerobic system.

This source is a good source when it comes to finding information about overtraining the

human body with the anaerobic system. This article is intended for the general public and this

article does show bias to the certain exercises that involved training the anaerobic system. The

author credentials are good, since he is a medical expert and has a masters degree in this field.

This article is important because of the information it contains when describing the negative side

effects with training the anaerobic system if someone would over train or the use supplements to

enhance their strengths.

Kotz, D., & Haupt, A. (2012). 7 Mind- Blowing Benefits of Exercise. U.S.News.

Retrieved From


This source is a website that have seven good effects of the human body after body. The

seven steps involve how to relieve stress, sleep better, mental functions and how you physically

look after you work out. This article goes into great depth about how exercise can make someone

smarter and more aware of their surroundings. Also, this article uses book information from

authors that have great knowledge about exercise and how it can improve a persons life. Finally,

this article gives out results about how exercise can improve a persons everyday life but using

the examples that are found in the books researched by the authors.

This source is a good source to read if someone is looking to improve their overall body

functions. This article is intended for the general public and this information contains no bias

opinions when giving out this information. The authors credentials are good considering she is a

health reporter for the U.S News. This article is important because it gives out information that

are vital to learning how exercise can be important for someones health.

Overmyer, L. (2012). 10 Ways to Build Health Bones (and Keep Them Strong). Time.

Retrieved From


This source shows the ten most impactful ways to keep bones healthy and strong. First

this article goes through the whole process from when someone was young until they finally get

old and the process your body goes through. Then the article goes in to depth about the

importance of calcium and vitamin D is for the bones. This article also states the importance of

exercise and how exercise both anaerobic and aerobic could benefit the bones. Finally, the

article gives important health tips that will help the bones stay strong, including do not drink,

smoke and drink less caffeine.

The article is intended for the general public and does not show any bias to any type of

energy system. The authors have no credentials in this field of study by she used great resources

to state her claims and information. This article is important because the information is still used

today for keeping bones strong. Also, this article is important because the information about

vitamins and someones drinking habits could affect their life.

Clemence, P. (2016). 5 Benefits of Circuit Training Workouts. MYPROTEIN. Retrieved


This source shows the importance of how the aerobic system is when exercising. First

this often states the mistake that people think that circuit training is the only workout someone

should do. Then the author goes into detail about each endurance system and how each system

effects the body. Then the author states that circuit training can also effect the anaerobic system

and the aerobic system at the same time. Then the information that the author gives out states

that circuit training is the best form of exercise because this exercise effects both energy systems.

This source was made in 2016 and this information is intended for the general public. The

authors credentials are great since he is a personal trainer and is sponsored by a top exercise site.

This information is bias to a point because the author thinks that effecting each system is better

than just effect one system at a time. This article is important because it gives out great details

about each endurance system and how it effects the anaerobic and aerobic system.

Finn, C. (2015). The Best Way to Keep Building Muscle After 40. MensHealth.

Retrieved From

This article first describes the importance of starting exercising around the age of 40.

Also, this article gives or researched results that was search in the University of Oklahoma for

comparing the different ages of who did the same work out as the different age group did. The

author explains the importance of using both energy systems in different weeks a month. In this

article the author gives out tips on workouts to use in each energy system that helped them

maintain muscle. After all the information about working out and maintaining muscle, the author

goes into depth about stretching and how it improves you maintain bone and muscle strength.

The source was made in 2015, so the information is considered to up to date and this

article should be read by a scholarly audience considering the verbiage that is use in this article.

Also, this article does not show any bias opinion considering the author just wants to inform his

readers about each energy system. This author has great credentials since he is a personal trainer

and is writing articles for a very good health site. This article is important because of the

information, results and workout examples that the author gives out to improve someones

overall life style.

Tallmadge, K. (2013). What- and When- to Eat to Build Muscle (OP-Ed). Retrieved from

This source first starts out how the importance of a quality strength- training workout can

be. The author also states that with a good quality workout that after a workout someone needs to

do yoga. The author also gives out the importance of working out once someone is young until

they are 80 years old. After giving out information about main muscle strength is important the

author explains how eating properly is important to main bone strength and maintaining muscle

strength. This article also gives out a new study that drinking tea also improve muscular strength

because it reduces stress and inflammation in the muscles and bone.

This article is out of date since the source was published in 2013. This article is intended

for the general public and does have bias opinion when it comes to the number of supplements,

exercise and amount of meals that a person needs to take in during the day. The authors

credentials a great considering that she is a certified nutritionist. This article is importance

because it gives out information and the importance of eating health and how much someone

should consume within a day or a week.

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