Research Essay

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Dalton Buehler
Research Essay
Professor Drake
27 March 2017
Research Essay

This paper discusses the effect that exercise has on the human body. The main focus on this

paper is to consider which energy system is best for the human body and how each energy

system could impact a persons life. The two energy systems are the anaerobic and aerobic

system. Both of these energy systems are important tools for humans to stay fit and to live long

and healthy lives. These energy systems help maintain and improve a persons nervous system,

immune system, muscular strength and a persons cardiovascular system by working out in the

anaerobic and aerobic system. The anaerobic and aerobic system have unique affects on the

human body by the certain effects it will have on the human body, such as increasing a persons

bone mass or help improve a persons heart and memory. This topic is being research because

finding out which system can help improve a persons overall health by finding which energy

system will improve the entire body is important because the right system could change so many

lives. By using lab reports and using medical references that were written by doctors or experts

finding the right energy system will be easily identified. Also by using a medical scholarly book,

comparing the right information with the experts will be key.

The obesity rates have increased tremendously since the early 2000 and the life expectancy in

humans have gone down also by average age of death is at 78.8 years old. By incorporating

exercise into someones life will have a great impact to increase and also will eliminate the

obesity rates in the United States. Also by adding exercise in to someones life will help reduce

stress into persons life and also help eliminate all the unhealthy food that society buys at a

grocery stores. The main goal in this essay is to point out which energy system is best for the

human body and how both of these energy systems could improve the chances of a person to live

longer and healthier lives. The two-energy systems are the anaerobic and aerobic system and

both energy systems occur differently for the human body. The anaerobic system is the known

for weight lifting and have long rest period in between each life, while the aerobic system is

known for walking, jogging, running or fast pace weight lifting that as short rest intervals that is

called resistance training. The information in this essay will point out each and every detail

about each system to see which energy system is best for the human body. Also by pointing out

the major differences in the anaerobic and aerobic system, this will help narrow down the pros

and cons of exercising in each system. The major conflicts in this essay would be the complexity

of the words and all the processes that the body goes through when exercising both of these

energy systems. One more conflict would be the bias opinions that other experts have about each

system and which system is best to use during exercise because of how unique each energy

system is and how both energy systems could impact a persons body. The major question that I

want to ask is what system will help a person live longer, be healthier and retain and keep

memory function once the person reaches late adult hood.

Impact of Exercise on the Human Body

First and foremost, the nervous system is the most important element in the body. The

nervous systems controls every neuron that sends out information to the muscles and tendons

which help a person move and do everyday movements such as bending, flexing and walking.

The nervous system is incorporated in both energy system in many different ways. In the Aerobic

system, the nervous system helps the movements that come with running and walking while in

the Anaerobic system, the nervous system helps with the recruitment in neurons to perform a

certain activity by using a term called rate codon. The rate codon is a term that refers to how fast

the body can send neurons from the nervous system to perform a certain action. A example of the

term rate codon, is would you are lifting up a box. The nervous system will send a number of

neurons throughout the human body to give out enough energy and strength to lift that box. Also

with the nervous system comes with stress, stress is a feeling of becoming overbearing with a

certain task or event that will lead up to becoming obese.

Miller (2008) Study the following

Your stress response involves the interplay of two divisions of your autonomic nervous

system. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for instigating the "fight or flight"

reaction that occurs when you face a stressor or fearful situation. During this reaction, your

hypothalamus and pituitary gland send signals stemming from your brain to your SNS. This

promotes certain biological responses, including the production of the stress hormone known as

cortisol, and an increase in your breathing and heart rate. After a stressful event occurs, your

parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, helping you calm down and returning your bodily

functions to normal. This action of the parasympathetic nervous system is sometimes referred to

as your relaxation response. (azcentral)

This statement shows how the nervous system routinely flows between the body helping

reduce the levels on stress that can cause obesity and put emits pressure on your body as a whole.

The next important area to address would be the mental retainability that comes when it

comes to the human body. Exercise in general is a great way to improve memory retention and

how the mind and body deals with the information that was giving to a person. According to

Kotz and Haupt, Youre challenging your brain even more when you have to think about

coordination. Like muscles, you have to stress your brain cells to get them to grow. The way to

improve your memory is by exercising and doing complicated activities to improve a persons

capacity to learn by enhancing a person attention and concentration skills. Many exercises that

involve memory retention is by running obstacle courses or doing circuit training. In the medical

resource , Weil and Stoppler states that aerobic exercise is the best way to

improve a person cognitive functions. The several exercises that come with aerobic exercises are

high impact, low impact classes that involve getting your heart rate up and also focusing on a

person memory retention by doing certain patterns of footwork. Anaerobic system does gain a

little of memory retention, but not as much as the aerobic system does. This is simply because of

all the blood flow that is flowing around the human body while being in the aerobic system. The

blood flow comes from constant movement throughout the heart while never taking a break. In

the anaerobic system, the blood flow wont be as fluid as the blow flow in the aerobic system,

because of the number of breaks that are included in the anaerobic system.

The muscle and bone strength is a vital point when the importance of having a healthy

body. This comes from both energy systems and how these energy systems incorporate

themselves to help the body is amazing. First, in the anaerobic system is meant to add more mass

or to improve someones bone strength. This mainly happens due to the weight lifting that

comes when a person is lifting dumbbells or using a barbell to add weight to both sides of the

body to make the whole body stronger. Many people have manipulated the body by using the

anaerobic system by using the weight lifting system. The ways that people have manipulated the

anaerobic system is by using resistance training. Resistance training uses both energy systems to

gain strength by also help improve a person cardiovascular system. Resistance exercises uses the

aerobic system that involves using light weights and having short resting intervals. In fact most

people think that in order to help build stronger bones and look healthy that cutting out aerobic

exercise is the right thing to do. Caba (2015) states the following

One of the most common misconceptions every gym rat struggles with is the notion that

cardio will diminish the effect of strength training by hindering muscle growth. People with an

ectomorph body type, someone with a naturally slim physique who finds losing weight easier

than most, are often fooled into abandoning cardio due to this rationale. While the amount of

cardio needed to lose weight is clearly more than the amount needed to build muscle, cardio is

still necessary to build your ideal physique.

Also in working out in the aerobic system can be effective because of the all the positives that

involves using this energy system for a work out, for an example the amount of blood that is

flowed through a persons body once they start exercising in the aerobic system. This will help

the heart, strengthen bones and improves a persons cognitive function.

Caba (2015) states the following

Cardio in the light to moderate intensity range stimulates the body to increase overall blood

volume, thereby increasing the amount of red blood cells if the behavior is maintained for over a

month (the time it takes to remake blood cells), Joey Gochnour, registered dietitian nutritionist

and certified personal trainer, told Medical Daily. It is helpful for reducing blood pressure

acutely. Cardio in the light to moderate intensity range also creates adaptations in the peripheral

cardiovascular system, such as increasing capillary density and overall efficient circulation.

Deciding between the two can be hard, but trying to incorporate both anaerobic and aerobic

should be the goal when trying to build muscle, strengthen bones and help with a persons

memory will come with the use of both energy systems.


Although in the opinions of the experts and doctors on both energy systems are proven to

be useful to help the human body, but most of the studies that were research stated that the

aerobic system was the most important. The aerobic system is the most important because of all

the components that comes with the aerobic system. The aerobic system has been more effective

on a persons nervous system and memory retention more than the anaerobic system does. Also,

the aerobic system can be train with weight lifting through exercises with a type of training call

resistance training. Resistance training involves using weights but light weights to bring up the

heart rate an having short resting intervals. Although, the anaerobic is a great exercise source to

use for the human body, but this system wont lead to having a longer life but this system will

help having stronger bones and muscle tone. I plan to do more research on the anaerobic system,

to see if there are any other affects that could help the human body to stay stronger and live



Caba, J. (2015). Cardio vs Weight lifting: How to Us Both to Reach Your Summer Body Goal.

Retrieved from


Weil, R., & Stoppler, M. Anaerobic Exercise. Aerobic Exercise. 8. Retrieved from

Vanderburgh, H. (2016) Resistance Training Benefits from Variety; Different types of

Contractions Help Build Strength and Flexibility. LexisNexis, pC3.

Nath, M. (2015) Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology. Glenview, IL: Pearson.

Mandal, A. (2003). What is the Nervous System. News Medical Lie Sciences. Retrieved from

Berg, M. (2012). To Much Cardio Bad. AzCentral . Retrieved from Finn, C. (2015). The Best Way to Keep

Building Muscle After 40. MensHealth. Retrieved From

Gladwell. H. (2016). Side Effects Of Weight Lifting. SteadyHealth. Retrieved From

Kotz, D., & Haupt, A. (2012). 7 Mind- Blowing Benefits of Exercise. U.S.News. Retrieved From


Overmyer, L. (2012). 10 Ways to Build Health Bones (and Keep Them Strong). Time. Retrieved



Finn, C. (2015). The Best Way to Keep Building Muscle After 40. MensHealth. Retrieved From

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