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Hannah White

Mr. Legg


February 21, 2017

American Exceptionalism

American Exceptionalism is the theory or idea that America is considerably

exceptional in comparison to all other countries. Though the term can imply America is

better for many different reasons, most uses refer to one common idea: America is

uniquely better than all other countries because it, rather than follow the usual economic

and sociological norms of other countries, has been built on a distinct foundation deeply

rooted in freedom and liberty. American Exceptionalism is an idea proven and driven by

comparative history between countries. One study completed by Norbert MacDonald

examined the differences between the similarly situated cities of Vancouver and Seattle.

Through this, MacDonald noticed extreme differences"in local characteristics and

processes" that reflected "the distinctive histories, roles and values of two separate

nations, (1). Some interpretations of American Exceptionalism suggest that America is

superior because it has been built on a Christian foundation, allowing it to be, better

able to develop economically and wealthier than countries with other religions (2).

American Exceptionalism has produced an attitude of superiority in Americans; they

believe that because they have formed a massive amount of wealth and power, they are

simply better than other countries and exempt from some obligations. America,

exempts itself from certain international law rules and agreements, refusing to agree to

anything that could legally bind them internationally by complying with laws without
ratifying them (3). Even the smallest notions of nonconformity in Americas history, such

as being the only country to still use the system of Imperial units, can be an example of

American Exceptionalism (3).

Newt Gingrich, a republican author and politician, defined American

Exceptionalism as, the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence, and the

unique American identity that arose from an American civilization that honored them

(4). Gingrich acknowledges there is a, determined group of radicals in the United

States who outright oppose American exceptionalism who believe America is a

malevolent country using American exceptionalism to justify blatant disregard of

internationally accepted laws and morals (5). Howard Zinn, a left leaning historian and

professor, is a good example of one of the radicals; Gingrich discredited. Zinn argued

that, the U.S. government considers itself exempt from legal and moral standards

accepted by other nations in the world, for example, refusing to be subject to, the

jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (5). He praised the growing refusal to

accept U.S. domination and American Exceptionalism and claimed that the true

American heroes were those who refused the idea that America has a, special claim to

morality (4).

The idea of American Exceptionalism is one that can be seen within many

different contexts in American history. Manifest Destiny is one of the terms that is

almost synonymous with American exceptionalism. Manifest Destiny is the idea that the

spreading of America across the continent was justified and inevitable. Americas

attitude in this specific instance is a great example of American exceptionalism, and

because it lead to a, rise as a global power, it is responsible for further cultivating

nationwide ideas of superiority (6). Postnationalism has, the effect on the nation-state

of the new global economic order which no longer finds in it a vehicle appropriate for the

accumulation of capital or the regulation of labor (7). It is the idea that nations can lose

their identities and importance to bigger nations with more importance. Postnationalism

could be seen partly as a result of American Exceptionalism. The phrase city upon a

hill can be derived from Jesus Sermon on the Mount in the book of Matthew. Matthew

5:14 reads, You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.

It can first be seen used in American politics by John Winthrop in 1630, who uses it to

suggest a, particular human community grounded in Christian charity could be

perfected was to serve as an exemplary ideal for the rest of the world (8). It was later

used in a speech by Ronald Reagan, implying that all countries should look to the

United States as a model nation (9).

Former President Barack Obama held a somewhat neutral opinion about

American exceptionalism. He stated,I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I

suspect that Brits believe in British exceptionalism, and the Greeks believe in Greek

exceptionalism and also expressed the idea that America has worked for its great

power (10). Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney criticized Obamas comment

and questioned his true belief in America as the undeniably best country (11). Romney

stated that Americas presence on a global level was, that of a great champion of

human dignity and human freedom and was uniquely exceptional in comparison to all

other countries (12). President Donald Trump was attacked by Hillary Clinton in August

of 2016 for claiming America is not exceptional. Trump has earlier made a comment

regarding American Exceptionalism, defending Putins criticism of Obamas use of the

phrase, claiming, if youre in Russia, you dont want to hear that America is exceptional

(13). Clinton defined American Exceptionalism as Americas, unique and unparalleled

ability to be a force for peace and progress and, a champion for freedom and

opportunity (14). Bernie Sanders has a more cynical view on American Exceptionalism

and Americas position on an international scale. Sanders suggested America can,

learn from other countries and is often remarking how America is flawed (15).

Typically, the views of American Exceptionalism tend to be split along party lines.

Republicans often to be stronger supporters of the theory. In 1974 in a speech about

American Exceptionalism, Reagan quoted John Winthrop when he referred to the

United States as a, city upon a hill in the way that it is uniquely great and a model for

other nations to follow (16). In a recent attempt to gain support from Republicans in the

2016 Presidential race, Hillary Clinton pointed out republican nominee Donald Trumps

distaste for the term American Exceptionalism, and insured she was a strong believer in

the theory.

American Exceptionalism should be taught as true in public schools because it

has been evident throughout history that it is in fact true. America offers unparalleled

freedom and opportunity, and boasts the strongest and most successful government. It

has economic and social liberties that other countries dream of one day achieving.

America is a model country and an example of what all other countries should be like.

The theory of American Exceptionalism should not be taught in schools because

its main ideas refer to the idea that America is the best because of God-given rights.

America is clearly a successful global superpower, but that comes from smart choices

within the government and a stable, fair democracy that allows for people's voices to be
heard. Americans have a great sense of nationalism, but so do other countries.

Citizens love and devotion to their countries does not equal some unmatched

superiority when compared to other countries.

In 2015, an Oklahoma lawmaker attempted to ban AP US history classes in the

state due to the fact they did not include American Exceptionalism. Dan Fisher, the

Republican state representative, claimed the curriculum emphasized the wrongs in

America rather than focusing on how exceptional it was (17). The bill passed in an 11-

4 vote.


1: American Exceptionalism in an Age of International History
2: On American Economic Exceptionalism
3: On American Exceptionalism
4: Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To
5: Exceptionalism more a fantasy than ever
6: American Foreign Policy - Spring 2008
8: Scholars debate American exceptionalism in new journal
9: Manifest Destiny and U.S Westward Expansion
10: Reviving American Leadership: The Next President Should Continue on the Path
Obama Has Set
11: Contemporary conservative constructions of American exceptionalism
12: How Trump Wants to Make America Exceptional Again
13: Clinton: Trump doesnt believe in 'American exceptionalism'
14: Read Hillary Clinton's Speech Touting 'American Exceptionalism'
15: Is the U.S. Ready to Become Scandinavia?
16: We Will Be A City Upon A Hill
17: Oklahoma AP history class under fire for omitting 'American exceptionalism'

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