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Budget Tracker: Personal Income Statement Worksheet

Directions: Fill in the green cells with your data. Be careful not to modify the red cells.

Budget Actual
Income Income Difference
Wages and salaries
Wage Earner 1 3210 3,210 0
+ Wage Earner 2 0
= Total Wages and salaries 3210 3210 0
+ Interest and Dividends 0
+ Royalties, Commissions and Rents 300 3600 3300
+ Other Income 0
= A. Total Income 3510 6810 3300

Federal Income and Social Security 438.45 -438.45
+ State Income 126.56 -126.56
= B. Total Income Taxes 565.01 0 -565.01
C. After-Tax Income Available for Living Expenditures 2944.99 6810 3865.01
or Take-Home Pay (line A minus line B)

Budget Actual
Amount Spencing Difference
Living Expenses
Housing 1364.24 1364.24 0
Rent 0
+ Mortgage Payments 0
+ Utilities 0
+ Maintenance 0
+ Real Estate and Property Taxes 0
+ Fixed Assets-furniture, appliances, TVs, etc. 0
+ Other Living Expenses 700 700 0
= D. Total Housing Expenditures 2064.24 2064.24 0

Food and Supplies 150 150 0
+ Restaurant Expenses 0
= E. Total Food Expenditures 150 150 0

Clothing and Personal Care

New Clothes 20 20 0
+ Cleaning 0
+ Tailoring 0
+ Personal Care--Hair Care 20 20 0
+ Other Clothing and Personal Care Expenses 0
= F. Total Clothing and Personal Care Expenditures 40 40 0
Automobile Purchase 270.75 270.75 0
+ Payments 0
+ Gas, Tolls, Parking 90 90 0
+ Automobile Registration/Tags/Stickers 0
+ Repairs 0
+ Other Transportation Expenses 0
= G. Total Transportation Expenditures 360.75 360.75 0

Movies, Theater, Sporting Events 100 100 0
+ Club Memberships 0
+ Vacations 0
+ Hobbies 0
+ Sporting Goods 0
+ Gifts 0
+ Reading Materials (books, newspapers, magazines) 0
+ Other Recreation Expenses 0
= H. Total Recreation Expenditures 100 100 0

Medical Expenditures
Doctor 0
+ Dental 0
+ Prescription Drugs and Medicines 0
= I. Total Medical Expenditures 0 0 0

Insurance Expenditures
Health 0
+ Life 3.2 3.2 0
+ Automobile 0
+ Disability 0
+ Liability 0
+ Other Insurance Expenses 77.61 77.61 0
= J. Total Insurance Expenditures 80.81 80.81 0

Other Expenditures
Educational Expenditures (college loan payment) 0
+ Child Care 0
+ Other Expenses 100 100 0
= K. Total Other Expenditures 100 100 0
L. Total Living Expenditures (add lines D-K) 2895.8 2895.8 0
M. Income Available for Savings and Investment 49.19 3914.2 -3865.01

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