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Student Name ___Jerrilyn Roberson____

Program Planning Worksheet

Agency Name: __GEMS Recreation Center______

Name of Program: __Jewels Camp_____

Target Market: __13-18yrs old___
Staff: Participant Ratio: ___1:8____

Program Description: Jewels Camp is a weekly program that promotes healthy living, etiquette, education,
class, and fun. The program takes place on the Saturday mornings from 10:00am-12:00pm, for 6wks. There 6
sessions offered throughout the year.

Program Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: . To promote healthy living amongst young women.

Objective 1: Upon completion of the session, the girls will understand how to make healthy
eating decisions.
Objective 2: Upon completion of the session, the girls will understand the importance of self-
care mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Goal 2: To promote the importance of high education.

Objective 1: Upon completion of the session, the girls with be able to understand the
importance/benefits of achieving high education.
Objective 2: Upon completion of the session, the girls with have connected with professionals in
high education, and have a list of colleges/universities they are interested in.

Program Administration

How many weeks does the program meet during a year? _24_

How are sessions* going to be offered? ___4wks__

How many sessions* in a year? __6__

If a person signed up for 1 class, how many days per week would they attend? __once a week__

How long does class meet each day? _2hrs__ How long does staff need to be there for each class?

Actual number of program days per session if in one class? ___4____

Are you offering more than 1 section* per session*? _NO_ If Yes, How many? ______

Actual number of class days per session* _4__ x _1_ section*s x _6__ sessions* = __24__ for the year

Max. Number of Participants : _24_ per class x _1__ sections x _6_ sessions = __144__ for the year

How many staff do you need for each class? __3__

Break Even Price (per person per session) for Covering Direct Expenses: $__$39.32__
Student Name ___Jerrilyn Roberson____

Break Even Price (per person per session) for Covering Total Expenses: $ __$136.78____

Program Budget

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