Draft Authorship

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Given the state of the U.S.

military, its overstretched resources, and the

untapped minds of the U.S., I propose that this congress reinstates the draft
in such a way that everyone joining takes the ASVAB. This way, we can fight
the cycle of poverty by training people in Nuclear Engineering, Management,
Clerical work, Education, and a host of research jobs, allowing the intelligent
delinquents, who would otherwise lead a life of crime, to instead learn the
skills necessary to be productive members.

While creating this benefit, we will also bolster our military research, allowing
us to fight wars more efficiently than ever. With better guns, missiles, and
vehicles than opposing militaries, we will be able to deter, and when needed,
eliminate, threats to U.S. national security.

An added benefit of this, will be a sense of national unity that hasnt been
seen since WWII, since the people of this great country will be finally working
towards a common cause.

This may have taken forever to happen here, but it is already being done all
around the world. Israel currently sends people to jail for objecting to the
draft, while this draft would be much gentler, only requiring them to serve in
a non-violent way. Countries that have drafts include Mexico, Russia, Brazil,
and Norway, showing that even peaceful nations can have a draft in order to
deter global threats.

Though many people will say that this draft will be controversial, due to the
wars, people who qualify by getting even a 35 on the ASVAB will be able to
avoid Afgahnistan and Iraq by joining the Navy, or going into a research
occupation if they score higher.

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