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B : Oh.. I see, sir

A : Yap. Wahat will you do later ?
B : I hope in two years later, I will continue my education in D3K at PKN STAN. And
then, after I finished my study in D3K, I will take D-IV Accounting at PKN STAN too.
A : Wow... what a clever man ! I really support your plan !
B : Yes, sir. I do it because my parents give advice to me.
A : Nice ! By the way, our lunch time has already finished. So we must back to our
B : Alright, sir. I am very glad to see you and thank you for your time !
A : Nevermind. Nice to know you too.
B : Thank you sir.

Lunch time has already finished. They must go back to their tasks.

D : Hello miss, Good Evening. Where do you come from ?

C : I come from USA
D : May I see your passport please !
D : Have you ever visit Indonesia before ?
C : Yeah
D : When the last time ?
C : About five or six years ago
D : How do I call you ?
C : Ms.Indah
D : Ok Mr. X, I need to check your congenital please !
C : Yes, please
D : Its all belong to you?
C : Yes
D : How many bottles you bring ?
C : Three bottle, one bottle is strong alcohol and two bottle are soft alcohol.
D : 750 ml. I want to exlpain to you the regulation on the Customs Declaration. Its
written One liter drinks containing etil alcohol for passenger. So basicly when you
buy it in Duty Free or you take it to your home, basicly you can only take one liter to
Indonesia. So we are only allowing you to take one liter of alcohol and the rest we
will destroy it in front of you right now.
C : Okay. But I really dont know about that rule. This is the first time I come to
D : Yes, because the regulation in Indonesia is you cant pay penalty for any alcohol
and tobacco. Are we clear sir ?
C : Yes of course. Now i know the customs regulation in here.
D : Okay sir, thank you for your compliance
C : Yeah, youre welcome

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