Assignment5 Final

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Q1. Count no. of records.
Q2. Display the total cost of the project.
Q3. Display the min. Cost & No. of employee in
that project.
Q4. Display total salary of the employees
according to their departments.
Q5. Display average salary of the employees
whose location ends with N.
Q6. Calculate the tax of the employees and then
find out their total salary.
Q7. Display average cost of the project whose
project name starts with S & whose project
name ends with S.
Q8. Display the names of the project whose
project cost is maximum.
Q9. Display names, Emp IDs of the employees
whose max salary is more than Rs. 70,000.
Q10. Retrieve total number of employees whose
name starts with A.
Q11. Display Max. salary from different Dept. in
Q12. Display the Dept. name Max. salary from
each department from employee table whose
salary is greater than 30,000.
Q13. Update the name of employees whose
name ends with A and whose salary is greater
than 40,000.
Q14. Delete a record whose salary is maximum.
Q15. Display Dept. name max(sal), Sum(sal) from
an employee table where job is HR.
Q16. Change the salary of the employees whose
dept HR.
Q17. Delete a record where cost of project is
more than 30,000.
Q18. Display dept name minimum & salary of
employees whose dept name HR & average
salary is greater than 30,000.
Employee Table:

Department Table:

Project Table:
Q1. Count no. of records.

Q2. Display the total cost of the project.

Q4. Display total salary of the employees
according to their departments.
Q5. Display average salary of the employees
whose location ends with N.

Q6. Calculate the tax of the employees and then

find out their total salary.
Q7. Display average cost of the project whose
project name starts with S & whose project
name ends with S.

Q9. Display names, Emp IDs of the employees

whose max salary is more than Rs. 70,000.
Q10. Retrieve total number of employees whose
name starts with A.
Q11. Display Max. salary from different Dept. in

Q12. Display the Dept. name Max. salary from

each department from employee table whose
salary is greater than 30,000.
Q13. Update the name of employees whose
name ends with A and whose salary is greater
than 40,000.

Q14. Delete a record whose salary is maximum.

Q15. Display Dept. name max(sal), Sum(sal) from
an employee table where job is HR.
Q16. Change the salary of the employees whose
dept IT.

Q17. Delete a record where cost of project is

more than 30,000.
Q18. Display dept name minimum & salary of
employees whose dept name HR & average
salary is greater than 30,000.

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