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Building project in the proper manner is really an art, something

that must be practiced and learned through trial and error. It is not
all that difficult. The main thing is to remember to take each step
slowly and carefully according to the instructions giving making
since that everything at it should be before proceeding further.

TOOLS: The electronics workbench is an actual place of work

with comfortably and conveniently and should be supplied with
compliment of those tools must often used in project building.
Probably, the most important device is a soldering tool. Other tool
which should be at the electronic work bench includes a pair of
needle nose pliers, diagonal wire cutter, a small knife (blade), an
assortment of screw driver, nut driver, few nuts and bolts, electrical
tape, plucker, etc. diagonal wire cutter will be used to cut away any
excess lead length from copper side of P.C.B. and to cut section of
the board after the circuit is complete. The needle nose pliers are
most often used to bend wire leads and wrap them in order to form
a strong mechanical connection.

MOUNTING AND SOLDERING: Soldering is a process of

joining together two metallic parts. It is actually a process of
function in which an alloy, the solder, with a comparatively low
melting point penetrates the surface of the metal being joined and
make a firm joint between them on cooling and solidifying. Before
discussing the way of proper soldering, we should know the
complete kit of soldering station.

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