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Phoenix Armstrong, Jordan Ontiveros, Casey St. Angelo, Gabrielle Garza

2335 Recreation Program Development
August 10, 2016
The Program Plan
Organizational Information
Name of Organization: Dive Shop San Marcos
Description of Organization: A for-profit retail dive shop in San Marcos that also has a contract with
Texas State University to teach SCUBA diving as a Physical Fitness and Wellness course. The SCUBA
classes taught range from basic and advanced, to instructor certified courses.
Mission Statement: To teach people to SCUBA in a safe way and create an outlet for a lifelong recreation
activity, encouraging participants to relax in new ways and unique settings.
Community Demographics: Based off information gathered from the 2010 census of San Marcos the total
population was recorded being 63,836. A large disparity between age brackets was depicted from the
community 15-29 years of age accounting for (48.5%) of the total population. Based off these numbers it
reinforces the importance of reaching out to Texas State Universitys students, faculty, staff and recent
alumni in order to present them with opportunities to experience recreation in new and relaxing ways as
they account for the majority of the population. In San Marcos Gender came out nearly 1:1 with males
holding a slight majority at (50.3%) and females with (49.7%) of the population. This is important to note
from a business standpoint to avoid over catering to one gender as doing so could exclude half of the
target audience. Scuba diving is a hobby that requires more expendable income than others and this is
where demographics for household income has a big impact in determining the target audience. In order
to be considered middle class a household must have an income of at least $42,000.00, from numbers
displayed in the census, it can be seen that approximately (40%) of San Marcos's population falls within
this range and would therefore be the target audience as they are more likely to have the income necessary
to continue diving after having their first experience within the free sessions offered.
Population: 63,836
Ages (Under 5-14) - Number 9,044 - Percent 14.1%
Ages (15-29) - Number 30,923 - Percent 48.5%
Ages (30-44) - Number 8,690 - Percent 13.6%
Ages (45-59) - Number 7,995 - Percent 12.6%
Ages (60-74) - Number 4,833 - Percent 7.6%
Ages (75-85+) - Number 2,351 - Percent 3.7%
Male - Number 32,138 - 50.3%
Female - Number 31,698 - 49.7%
Basic Racial:
Hispanic or Latino - Number 25,958 - Percent 40.7%
White - Number 23,995 - Percent 37.6%
Black or African American - Number 3,069 - Percent 4.8%
American Indian and Alaska Native - Number 538 - 0.8%
Asian - Number 1,062 - Percent 1.7%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander - Number 78 - 0.1%
Other - Number 7,315 - Percent 11.5%
Two or more races - Number 1,821 - Percent 2.9%
Household Income:
Less than $10,000 - 14.4%
$10,000 to $14,999 - 7.3%
$15,000 to $24,999 - 16.6%
$25,000 to $34,999 - 13.2%
$35,000 to $49,999 - 14.2%
$50,000 to $74,999 - 15.6%
$75,000 to $99,999 - 8.2%
$100,000 to $149,000 - 6.1%
$150,000 to $199,999 - 2.5%
$200,000 or more - 1.8%
Identification of resources
Major Sources of Funding for the Agency:
Retail sales and Texas State University fees
Number of Staff:
Full Time Staff- 2
Part Time Staff- 4
Volunteers- 20+
Facilities owned or used on a regular basis:
Dive Shop San Marcos; retail facility with offices, a classroom and a junior Olympic size pool
Aqua Sport Center; Olympic size swimming pool (Texas State)
Event Information
Name of Event: TRY SCUBA
Date of Event: July 30, 2016; 8:00-5:00
Location of Event: TXSTATE Aqua Sport Center @ 301 State St. San Marcos, TX. 78666
Description of Event: Introductory, 2 hour, non-certification program designed to introduce non-divers to
SCUBA in a controlled environment, under supervision of an instructor. Will include basic knowledge
and skills required for safe diving and a chance to swim around with equipment in the pool.
Target Audience:
Students, faculty, staff, and recent alumni of Texas State University
Our program is associated with the university, therefore our audience is targeted towards those legally
welcomed at the on campus facility. As well as the geographic location of the event and the price being
something that would be appealing to Texas States students, faculty, staff, and recent alumni.
Supervisors Name
Bob Vesseliza

Supervisors contact information

Phone #: (210) 885-8283

Program Rationale
Try SCUBA relates to Dive Shop San Marcos mission by encouraging non-divers to engage in SCUBA as
a lifelong recreation activity. This event allows for people to Try SCUBA for free, and to give them
an opportunity to experience something new. Participants are also given the opportunity to relax in new
and unique settings while a trained instructor guides them through basic skills that will keep them safe
and relaxed during the experience. These skills include, breathing and diving techniques, that will kindle a
certain amount of concentration and tranquility on the participants part. Dive Shop San Marcos has
provided Texas State affiliates with the opportunity to experience this unique activity in a fun, free, and
safe environment.

Goals and Objectives for the Event

GOAL 1: To promote the TrySCUBA event to affiliates of Texas State University
Objective 1: All members of Team 4 will make one social media post to promote the event before July
Objective 2: Each member of Team 4 will distribute 75 flyers before july 30

GOAL 2: To manage supplies and equipment during the TrySCUBA event

Objective 1: Members of Team 4 will assemble 100% of equipment needed for event participation before
the start of each session
Objective 2: At the end of each session 100% of used supplies will be disposed of by group members

GOAL 3: To provide a safe environment to develop basic scuba techniques

Objective 1: The lead instructor will inspect 100% of equipment being used by participants before each
Objective 2: Member of Team 4 will do a sweep of the pool facility to identify any hazardous materials.
July 20, 2016

John Sprincel, Sponsorship Coordinator

Chick Fil A
2213 S Interstate 35
San Marcos, TX

Dear John Sprincel:

For years, the Dive Shop of San Marcos has been an exciting place for citizens to
shop and to venture off in receiving scuba lessons and certifications. This year will
be a special year for the dive shop, as a new event will be hosted to allow people to
get a taste of what it is like to be a scuba diver. They will learn the basic
knowledge and skill by a professional and then test out their new skills in the
water fully equipped themselves.

The Try SCUBA event will be held in The Aqua Sports Center on the Texas State
University Campus on Saturday, July 30. We will be hosting two hour sessions for
Texas State affiliates from 9am to 4pm. On this day, a wide variety of the Texas
State family will be showing up to try out a new up-and-coming event hosted by the
Dive shop San Marcos. If all goes well, Try SCUBA will be a popular event open to
all of public for everyone to experience a beginners taste of what its like to scuba

We would be delighted to invite you to participate in the new Try SCUBA event
through your sponsorship. It is organizations like you that will help build this
event into something great and allow for participants to test out what the Dive
Shop of San Marcos is all about. Our sponsors will be recognized throughout the
event, labeled on the t-shirts, and will have the honor of being a proud supporter of
the Dive Shop San Marcos and the Texas State Student Recreation Division.

Thank you for your time and consideration in bringing together people with the
same passions and interest of the Dive Shop San Marcos. We look forward to
hearing back and partnering with you to provide this amazing opportunity to the
Texas State community and to its students of the Recreation Division!


Phoenix Armstrong
Student of Recreation Division
601 University Drive | JowersCenter | San Marcos, 78666
phone: 575.202.9402 | PS11@TXSTATE.EDU
This letter is an electronic communication from Texas State University.

Free! Introductory Diving Event
Press Release:

(July 30, 2016 - San Marcos, TX)-

The first annual Try SCUBA event hosted by the San

Marcos Dive Shop and Texas State Universitys
Recreation Division. Intended to introduce non-divers to
SCUBA in a safe, relaxing, and therapeutic

Trained diving instructors will be at the event

throughout three sessions of diving instruction to assist
beginner divers in learning the tricks of the trade!
Students from the Texas State University Recreation
Division will team up with faculty from the diving PFW
class, as well as the San Marcos Dive Shop to put on
this event.

The event is intended to be relaxing, and therapeutic for

those interested in learning to SCUBA dive as a life-
long recreational activity who may not have previously
had access to these types of equipment and services.

TrySCUBA will take place on July 30, 2016 from 8:00-

5:00 in three different, 2 hour sessions. Times are from
9:00-11:00, 12:00-2:00, and 2:00-4:00. The event will
take place at the Texas State University Aqua Sport
Center, located at 301 State St. San Marcos TX. 78666.
Admission to the event will be free!

Please join us for an amazing opportunity to

experience a new and unique recreational activity!
Register online at
Event Logistics

Description of Team Role

The roles that Group 4 will uphold in order to insure a successful Try SCUBA event will require us to be
both quick, and efficient in assisting participants, as well as the Try SCUBA instructors. This entails that
all members from Group 4 will arrive at the our assigned time (8:00 a.m),. on Saturday July 30 th, at the
Aqua Sports Center. At this time we will begin our preparations for the event by setting up equipment that
will be used, as well as cleaning and prepping the Aqua Sports Center to insure that it is adequately suited
to facilitate the event for all parties involved. After we have the facility set up, and ready for use, we can
discuss with instructors what they might need further assistance with before participants arrive. Once
participants begin to arrive, the members from Group 4 will greet attendees professionally, as well as
provide them with the proper waivers so that they can read over and sign all paperwork needed to
participate in the event. As of now Group 4 doesnt have a clear set of duties to perform during the event,
but throughout our designated time all members will be attentive and ready to assist participants and
instructors as occurrences may arise. At the end of the event all members from group four will gather the
equipment used during the session and help to set up for the next wave of participants. After all
equipment is put away we will once again discuss with instructors what they might need further
assistance with before leaving the site.

Equipment/Supply List
Scuba Gear
Oxygen Tank
Water Coolers?
Bottle of water

Venue Information
Name and Address of Location
Texas State University Aqua Sports Center
301 State Street
San Marcos, TX 78666
Map of Location

The Aqua Sports Center pool area will be used during this event and the parking lot across the street for
participants to use when attending.

Create a layout of the event in a map format with details on setup and map legend
Staff Management Plan
Job descriptions of each of your group members
Team 4 consists of four group members and each will have their own responsibilities and duties when
preparing and working the event. Before the event starts all group members will be ready and willing to
help in any way possible, with whatever is needed to be done in the setup of the scuba equipment.
In the beginning of the event Casey St. Angelo and Phoenix Armstrong can both be greeting and
registering participants walking into the event. Waivers will need to be distributed, and they can answer
any questions participants may have. Jordan Ontiveros and Gabrielle Garza will continue to look around
the facility and help the lead instructor with any last minute changes. During the event all group members
will help the lead instructor during his session to help the course run smoothly.
There will be approximately 5 volunteers helping during this event and these volunteers will be doing the
same jobs as group members.

Detailed Running Sheet

8:00am Team 4 meets at Aqua Sports Center
8:10am Team starts helping clean and set up for event
8:40am Team members start setting up for their jobs
8:55am Team welcomes participants of event and hands out waivers
9:00am-11:00am Team stays attentive to assist as needed
11:00am-11:30am Team gathers equipment, cleans facility and further assists instructors as necessary

Contingency Plan
If Scuba instructor cannot make it for some reason?

If for some reason our certified Scuba instructor can not make it, then as a class we would need to step in.
We could either; find another volunteer who works at the dive shop and would be willing to step in, or we
could use one of our own classmates who is certified in Scuba and could teach the basics.

Pool is unusable or closed down?

If for some reason the pool was shut down or unusable for our participants, we would have another
location to go to for a plan B. This secondary pool could be the one at the Activity Center of San Marcos.
This location allows for a free entrance and for a big space to park. Poop in the pool could be an
interesting example for this scenario.

Someone in our group does not show up?

If the event comes and we are lacking volunteers for our session then the two options are: stepping in and
taking on more responsibilities individually, or calling in other volunteers from the other sessions. For
this to happen we will make sure to have other volunteers phone numbers who may be willing to work
other sessions if needed.

Lacking equipment needed for the event?

This can be prevented on event day as long as the count of how many participants will be participating is
accurate, and theres extra equipment for safe measures. However, if something does happen and there is
not enough equipment for all of our participants, we would have to allow them to share, or try to transfer
participants to a different (less crowded) session. Transferring the participants will be worst case
scenario, but allowing them to share the diving equipment could still allow each participant to get a
general understanding of what Scuba diving entails.

No one shows up?

If come event day and no one has shown up to the sessions, then we will still have to make the best of the
event. Some of the students, and volunteers can become the participants. This will still help Bob Vesseliza
test out this event for the future. Also, this will help us as students get a better understanding of what to do
in a situation that could easily happen in our field of work.

Event Logistics, Evaluation Plan & Budget

Risk Management Plan
Create a risk management plan for the event that identifies a minimum of 3 potentially dangerous
aspects and address how they could be managed. You are being graded on how specific and thorough you
are with your plan.
To ensure the safety of the instructors, volunteers, and participants the pool policies, and rules should all
be followed. The rules are on the Texas State University Aqua Sports Center website and are posted on
the wall of the facility. The rules should be implemented to provide the safest environment. To be readily
prepared in the case of a dangerous health issue being present, there will be equipment at the facility to
help the situation. There will be a first aid kit present in case of a minor injury and a medical backboard in
the need of a serious injury. To prevent the risk of a participant drowning we should ensure that the
participant is capable of swimming, to keep them, and other participants safe. Another possible risk would
be if a person were to get a cut, there will be a first aid kit ready to clean the cut and prevent an infection.
The volunteers will also keep the pool site clear of any hazardous materials to prevent any cuts from
happening. To keep participants from slipping or falling participants should follow the rules of the pool
and walk around the pool. If a person were to slip or fall there could be a possibility of a head or spinal
injury, in that instance first responders on site would use the medical backboard until emergency
responders can help assess this problem because it is a more serious injury.

Inclusion Plan
Describe, in detail, how this event will be made accessible to as many types of populations as
possible. Include descriptions for 3 specific disability groups and for 2 other groups that may require
special accommodations.

Disability groups: physically impaired, hearing impaired, and visually impaired..

Other groups: aging population, veterans
Being underwater provides a weightless experience that allows for people who enjoy water due to the
freedom it gives them and allows for many different groups of people to enjoy this activity. For the Try
SCUBA event we would try to be as inclusive as possible for everyone to come and enjoy the event.
No matter what differently abled population we may encounter throughout the course of the event, we
would be sure to accommodate to their needs to the best of our abilities, without singling anybody out or
focusing our attention only to that person as others still need help and attention, and we wouldnt want to
make anybody feel uncomfortable with the amount of attention that could be brought to their situation.
Physical Impairments
In the Aqua Sports Center there is a chair lift that makes the pool accessible to the physically impaired
population, such as paraplegia, or those who have limited to no use of their extremities, that could better
aid them in entering and exiting the pool.
Aquatics programs such as this one, typically cater towards those with certain physical impairments as it
provides therapeutic opportunities for individuals tp feel and use body parts that may not be attainable
when out of the water.
Hearing Impaired
For participants who have hearing impairments, we could make sure to always speak clearly and
articulate our words. Also, always making sure to face in the direction of anybody who could potentially
be trying to read lips, repeating any important points in instruction. This population should be able to get
the full SCUBA experience, as being under water you wouldnt regularly be able to hear anything in the
first place.
Visually Impaired
This event, could potentially be a great opportunity for those who have trouble with their sight as other
senses are heightened while in and under the water. Throughout setup and instruction, these participants
may require a guide that can personally walk them through the basic steps as they would potentially be
going at a slower pace. Having some one on one support would open up opportunity for this population to
experience a sensory stimulation that could positively impact their life.
Veterans/Wounded Warriors
Bubble Therapy, attained through TrySCUBA, could be extremely beneficial for veterans who may need
an outlet to relax and escape from the stress around them in everyday life.
Veterans could potentially have trouble coping with certain situations that many others would deem
comfortable. Therefore, as facilitators we would need to be able to provide a safe and relaxing space, but
not push anybody to do things past where they are comfortable.
Aging Population
The pool does not have any stairs, only ladders, to enter the pool. Therefore, the chair lift could also make
the pool accessible to the aging population, to assist into the pool.
The aging population could include any number of abilities. TrySCUBA would provide opportunity for
this population to experience things that may not always be available to them.

Answer the following prompts related to evaluation
o Select and describe 3 ways that you could evaluate this event (evaluation tools) and how you would
implement them.
A few ways we could evaluate this event would be things such as setting goals and expectations,
conducting surveys immediately after event, and lastly gathering feedback of the event stakeholders. By
setting expectations for this event, it will help our group have a goal in mind that we can aim for, whether
it be the number of people that attend the event or even just the event running smoothly. Secondly,
conducting surveys immediately after the event will enable us to hear back from the participants on the
pros and cons of our event. This will allow us to know which areas are our strong points and also which
areas we will need to work on for next time we plan event, whether it be a Try SCUBA event or
something completely different. Finally, getting feedback from the event organizers, planners and other
staff will allow for another point of view on ways to improve the event. This is almost just as important as
the surveys, because it allows for another perspective for the people who were working behind the scenes
of this event.
o Design and attach a participant evaluation form. (Scroll to bottom of page)
o Report how well goals and objectives have been attained (you must write each one out and describe
how each was or was not met).
Our first goal was to promote the Try SCUBA event to affiliates of Texas State University. This
called upon all members of our group to make one social media post to promote the event before July
30th, and each member of our group would distribute 75 flyers before July 30. Our group was able to
make one social media post each on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Secondly, our class created a flyer
for this event, but we were not able to print out the flyers or pass any of them out. We were able to
achieve half of our first goal.
Our second goal was to manage supplies and equipment during the Try SCUBA event. This
would call for all members from our group assembling the equipment needed for event participation
before the start of each session. At the end of each session all of the used supplies would be disposed of
by group members. I would say we did attain this goal as a group, even though there were not supplies
present for our group members to disposed of. We did put in place, and assemble all of the equipment
needed before the event. However, there was no assembling that needed the be done at the end of our
session, because we had already assembled enough equipment that would last for the other sessions of
that day.
Finally, our third goal was to provide a safe environment to develop basic scuba techniques. We
were going to attain this by making sure the lead instructor inspected all of the equipment that would be
used by participants before each session. Members of our group would do a sweep of the pool facility to
identify any hazardous materials. I would say our goal and two objectives were attained even though we
were un-able to measure how well the main instructors inspected all of the equipment used previous to the
sessions. However, we do know, each participant was fitted for the equipment by the instructor. As I
watched, I noticed the instructors made sure all the equipment was in proper working order before putting
it on a participant and they made sure the equipment fit comfortably. Furthermore, as a group we did not
specifically walk around the whole time watching for hazardous materials, but we did keep an eye out for
things that could harm people. For example, we made sure all the equipment needed was in the right place
and nothing was going to be a potential hazard.

o Address how you have evaluated each of the 5 Ps of evaluation (Participants, Personnel, Place,
Policies/Administration, Program) and identify HOW they have been evaluated throughout the project
The place that the event took place was the Aqua Sports Center at Texas State University that had
planned on three regularly occurring two hour sessions of Try SCUBA. The instructor of Try SCUBA
decided that he would start the sessions earlier depending on how many participants and volunteers
showed up during certain times, if a few showed up 15 minutes before the next session he would put them
in a group and start earlier and continually add more people into a different group as they showed up. The
personnel of the Try SCUBA consisted of the lead instructor, some supporting instructors, a few
assistants, and the volunteers. The instructors and assistants had more knowledge of scuba diving and
were the personnel in the pool with the participants giving the information on the basics of the Try
SCUBA session. The instructors are certified in teaching scuba diving certification courses and that
qualified them to teach this non-certifying basic scuba course. The volunteers which included the students
in the programming class, were on the outside of the pool were there to help bring things into the pool if
the instructors needed any equipment left on the perimeter. The group of volunteers had expected to do
this due to the lack of information known about scuba diving. The participants were given the information
to perform the skills explained to them during the session and were able to have a good experience. The
event had more personnel present than participants which was also expected. The event being limited to
only Texas State student, faculty, staff, and alumni there wasn't an expectation of a big crowd because it is
summer and most students go home. The Try SCUBA website had only five people registered for the first
session. The participants of the event seemed to enjoy the event. When they were leaving the pool during
the end of the event all that was heard were good things. The policies of the facility were posted on the
Aqua Sports Center Texas State University website of basic etiquette of the pool and these policies were
also on the wall of the facility. The procedures, policies and rules of scuba diving is information the group
would not know because we were not participating in the event. The policies and procedures of the event
are unknown to our group but we had a basic outline of the event. There would be a couple of group
members directing participants into the right direction of the facility and lead to the registration table. At
the registration table we would have participants sign-in and sign a waiver for the event and to get in
contact with them later about the event. When they finished registering they would go inside the facility
and wait for the sessions to start. Once the session started the volunteers just watched and waited for the
event to end and helping them during the session. The program seemed to be very successful during the
first session. Though there were more personnel, the participants who joined were surrounded by
experienced divers and had a good experience with that. Because of the smaller number of participants,
the instructors could focus on them than if there were more people in a the number of participants. The
instructor said he would bring the equipment needed and he was more than prepared with the equipment
and there was nothing needed or missed during the event which allowed the event to run smoothly.

o List any aspects of the event that you believe could be improved and briefly discuss how you would
improve them.
One aspect which needed more emphasis throughout the semester was in the promotion of the Try
SCUBA event. A major factor that resulted in the lack of promotion was due to information slowly being
trickled down to us every week. The lack of information available forced us to push back the creation of
our flyers, we had no website to draw information from or to redirect any interested parties to until six
weeks of class had gone by underutilizing time we could have spent promoting our event, and also there
was no incentive to actively promote the event as it had no impact upon students grades until the last few
days when we were informed of the potential extra credit available, and by then it was already too late for
the majority involved. One solution to mending this problem would be to have the majority of
information available to students as soon as groups are formed so that due dates involving the creation of
promoting materials are not pushed back. Another solution which would have increased participation in
our event would be to give students the option to replace the current requirement in having two hours of
volunteer work outside of class replaced for a grade if students successfully enlisted participants to the
event or if they were able to show that they had actively promoted the event by multiple means to replace
the volunteer work which has no benefit on the success of our event.
o List any aspects of the event that you believe went especially well or you think should absolutely be
incorporated into future events and discuss what was so great about them.
A major component of the Try SCUBA event that attributed to its success and should be incorporated into
future events was the size of the teams working together during each session. Due to the size of each team
we were able to successfully set up the event with time to spare allowing us the opportunity to allocate
jobs and get into position to carry out these jobs before participants had arrived. During the event each
team was quick to assist instructors and participants in the water with their needs removing any downtime
which might have been experienced if the event was understaffed. Another factor that attributed to the
success of the event was due to each group's familiarity amongst each other gained from our time near or
around each other while having group discussions in class. As a result, the two teams were able to easily
transition into one while working the event.

Try SCUBA Evaluation Form

Name: __________________________ Session: ________________________

Instructor: _______________________ E-mail: _________________________
Today's Date: _____________________

The next several question will ask you to rate the following based on a scale of 1-5, 1 being poor and 5
being excellent. This will better assist Try SCUBA in making improvements for the next event.

1. How would you rate the overall quality of the event?

1. Poor 2. Fair 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

2. What was the overall rating of the instructor?

1. Poor 2. Fair 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

3. How was the registration process?

1. Poor 2. Fair 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

4. How would you rate the location of the event?

1. Poor 2. Fair 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

5. The information given during the session was successful in teaching you what needed to be done in order
to scuba.
1. Poor 2. Fair 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

6. Did the event fulfill the purpose that was proposed?

1. Poor 2. Fair 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

7. Did the event meet your goals?

1. Poor 2. Fair 3. Average 4. Good 5. Excellent

The next few question will allow you to give more information about the event. Please be specific and

1. Describe what worked well.


2. Describe what did not work well or requires improvements.

3. Did the time and date for your event work well? If not explain how we could better accommodate for future

4. Additional comments

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