Abu Fire Shows No Signs of Abating: Baroda's Tallest Artwork To Adorn New Garden Outside Railway Station

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Former Dhari MLA

attacked in Amreli
Manshuk Bhuva and
Rajkot: Former Dhari Naresh Bhuva were
MLA Manshuk Bhuva and sitting in the latters
sarpanch of Kincha villa-
ge, Naresh Bhuva, in Dhari
house in Kincha THANKS ST. Antony
I Dharmendrakumar Tripa- taluka of Amreli were hurt village, when the for wish granted A.D.1966
EARN Extra Income work-
thi announce that my Gun when five persons attack- accused attacked DEAR ST. Jude Thank
ing with US MNC Expanding you for all the favours
Licence No. 05/DMK/AL/-
in Guj. Training provided.
ARMS, Issued on 17-10-2014, ed them with sharp-edged the duo granted Thanks for
appointment req. 9377304920/
9725785782 www.peaklife was lost on 06-04-2017, If any weapons, sticks and iron everything : A.D.1966
have Objection Pls. Contact
within 7 Days at Dist. Magis- pipe on Sunday late night. terest rate sometime ago.
trate- Kishtwar, So I can Make The accused Jasu Va- On Sunday night, Jasu and PRAYER to the Holy spirit
New Licence at Dist- Magis- Holy Spirit you, who make me
trate, Kishtwar (J&K) la, Naval, Jayu Darbar and his men came to collect the see everythings & show me
two others were booked money. However, when Na- the way to reach my ideals,
you who give me the divine
for rioting and assault resh refused to pay, they at- gift to forgive & forget all that
is done to me & who are, in all
with sharp weapons. tacked him. Mansukh tri- instance of my life, with me.
The incident took place ed to intervene, but he too I, in this short dialogue, want
to thank you for everythings
when Mansukh and Na- was attacked by the accu- & affirm once more that I
resh were sitting in the lat- sed. never want to be separated
from you, no matter how
A well manage professional
ters house in Kincha villa- Both, Naresh and great material desire my be. I
organization worked in Im- ge. Mansukh had come to Mansukh, sustained inju- want to be with you & my
port - Export & commodity loved ones in their perpetual
Trading. Looking for Having
the village to attend a reli- ries and were shifted to ho- glory. To that end & submit-
Receptionist & office Assist- gious ceremony. spital in Amreli. Police ha- ting it to the God's holy will, I
ant- 1 Post, Female, Sales Co- ask from you (Request...)
ordinator- 2 Post, M/ F, Log- According to police, ve lodged FIR against the (Make this prayer for 3 con-
stitutive days... your request
istic & Warehouse- 2 Post, M, Naresh had borrowed mo- five accused, who are cur- will be granted, promise to
Export Documentation-2
Post- 2 Post, M/F, 9824045230 ney from Jasu on high in- rently on the run. publish this prayer as soon as
favour granted.) A.D.1966


Seven nabbed
for pelting
stones at Bhuj
Abu fire shows no
IGCSE (11-12 SCI + PMT
MLAs car
signs of abating
/ JEE) (8 to 10 foundation
batches) IIMES : satellite
/south Bopal : 7048448407
Rajkot: Seven persons were
arrested on Monday for alle-
gedly throwing stones on
Engulfs At TOI
/ 7878722265
Bhuj BJP MLA Nima Acha-
ryas car in Loriya village of
Least 30
Bhuj on Sunday afternoon.
Acharya was inside the car Important
when the stones were pelted
on the vehicle. Police said
the main accused, Hatubha
Jadeja and Paraji Jadeja, A K Sharma
who are also active BJP wor-
kers from Bhuj, were abscon- Mount Abu: The forest infer-
development executives for Army men engaged in the operation to contain the fire
physiotherapy equipment ding. no raging through the forests
product Email CVs to near Mount Abu shows no IAF has airdropped nearly 4 la. The authorities and armed
hrzealmax@gmail.com or Those arrested include
call 9824090958 SWARG Community Care - Shivbha Jadeja (30), Abha- signs of abating even as the In- lakh litres of water in nearly forces are making continuous
Baroda a service for rajsinh Jadeja (35), Khetub- dian Air Force, Army and 170 sorties by two choppers. efforts to ensure that the vehi-
Paralysized, Arthritis or
permanent care for mobile / ha Jadeja (35), Prithviraj- CRPF continue a Herculean On Monday too, the Gork- cular movement on the sole
EXCELLENT requirement immobile elderly. 8511666664 sinh Jadeja (23), Rajendra- operation to douse the flames ha Rifles, Konark Corps and highway connecting the hill
of 50 candidate for inter- that many times have come local fire brigade had to rush town is not disrupted.
national call center fluency gar Gosai (31), Shankarsinh
in english is must salary upto Sodha (22) and Karansinh dangerously close to human to Aarna village, just five km As many as 600 Army ja-
30k+ huge incentive 5 days
working fix interview Sodha (25). habitation. from the main town, when wans and five officers, 14 chop-
appointment 9033781085 In a complaint lodged The forest fire that has be- massive fire broke out in the per crew and 40 air warriors
with the police, the BJP MLA en raging since April 10 had forests at around 11.15 am. So- overseen by five IAF officers
has alleged that she had gone gripped at least 30 important urces said had it not been ex- and 300 CRPF men with their
with her supporters to Lori- points around Abu. While it tinguished quickly, the flames 14 officers are engaged in the
ya village after receiving has been doused at many pla- could have engulfed some por- firefighting operation.
complaint over release of ces with the help of IAFs heli- tions of the human habitat. While the fire was first re-
water from Rudramata Dam copter water tenders and Ar- Ten fire tenders battled the ported on April 10, it was only
there. When Acharya rea- my men, the gusty winds are blaze for nearly two hours and on April 14 that concerted ef-
ched the village, angry Ha- resulting in the blaze spar- the operations continued till forts began to douse and chief
tubha and his men allegedly king off at many other places. late evening. Thick smoke minister Vasundhara Raje re-
threw stones at her SUV, bre- The forest is scattered by dry was billowing along the high- quested the IAF to aid the ope-
aking the vehicles glasses. leaves due to autumn. The way towards the Gambhir Na- ration.

48 of Amul societies 10 safai workers held

booked for fraud after clash with cops TOI
It has also been alleged
Vadodara/ Anand: that the route supervisors Rajkot: Ten persons were ar-
Anand district registrar of of the dairy union have mi- rested following a clash bet-
co-operatives has lodged sused their power to forge ween sanitation workers of
an FIR against chairman, the resolutions which ha- Dhrangadhra municipality
secretaries and supervi- ve been made just on letter and police in Dhrangadhra
sors of 48 village level milk pads of the village societi- city of Surendranagar dis-
societies registered with es. trict on Monday. Seven police-
the Kaira District Co-ope- Most of the resolutions men were injured in stone
rative Milk Producers are identical and there is pelting by the sanitation wor-
Union Limited (popularly no mention regarding the kers, demanding permanent
known as Amul Dairy). same in the register main- jobs in the municipality. Seven policemen were injured in
The district registrar tained by the village socie- On Monday morning, stone pelting
of co-operatives Reena Pa- ties to record such resolu- over 30 sanitation workers
tel has registered a comp- tions, the officer has clai- along with their families sat were also injured in the stone
laint at Anand town police med. on a fast on the Ahmedabad- pelting incident. One sustai-
station alleging that the of- The officer has claimed Dhrangadhra highway block- ned severe injuries and is ad-
fice-bearers of the dairy that it was during a ran- ing the traffic. When police mitted to hospital. Others we-
FLY International friend- union allegedly produced dom check of the nearly asked them to vacate the ro- re discharged after treat-
ship club provides meeting fake resolutions on behalf 1,100 mandalis that the offi- ad, workers sought assuran- ment, said deputy superin-
with high standard ladies,
fill colours in your life. of the mandalis to call for ce came to know about the ce from the district collector tendent of police Manoj
Contact : 7617498796.
a special annual general fake resolutions most of that they will be given perma- Sharma, who too got hurt in
board meeting of Amul which are dated April 7. nent jobs in the municipality. the leg.
Dairy on April 20. The complaint has be- However, police called ad- As the protest by sanita-
Most of these village le- en registered under vario- ditional force to remove the tion workers got violent, poli-
vel societies fall in Anand, us sections of the Indian workers from the road. ce lobbed about a dozen tear-
CALL Bright Bent / Enjoy- Kheda and Mahisagar dis- Penal Code including sec- When police tried to remo- gas shells and used mild lathi-
ment Fun & Loving M/F For tricts. tion 468 (forgery for purpo- ve the workers by force, the charge to control the crowd.
Details Mahi. Call-
07384210317/ 07384210318. 31 The officer in her se of cheating), 471(using a crowd became violent and Sharma said that 10 sani-
Amarakhera,Varanasi-13. complaint has stated that forged document as genui- pelted stones at police vehi- tation workers were arrested
the resolutions were pas- ne) , 477 A (falsification of cles. Windows of three police for rioting, damage to public
ESCORT Service Educated/ sed without convening ge- accounts) and 120 B (crimi- jeeps were completely dama- property and obstructing po-
Decent/ Good Look girl neral meetings of the man- nal conspiracy). ged. About seven policemen lice from performing its duty.
Option & Relaxation Only for
Baroda, Quick & Good
Service Mobile 7227030777

Barodas tallest artwork to adorn

new garden outside railway station TOI
NAME change of
Savitaben Baluji to Zala
Raol Patel Has old Patel told TOI.
When asked about the
urs. I also want to have soft
lights kept inside these ope-
connotation of the sculpture, nings so that they glow du-
Sushilaba Dilipsinh. Village-
Kotha, TA. Kalol, Dist. Gand-
Prepared The Patel said that it denotes faith ring nights, he added.
of humans. When I was a A garden will be made
NAME change of Zala Dilip-
Sculpture child, my parents used to right opposite the railway
light earthen lamps and keep station and this artwork will
kumar Pratpsinh to Zala
Dilipsinh Pratapsinh. Vil-
lage- Kotha, TA. Kalol, Distt.
Signifying Faith them in the small openings of
the wall of our house in our
be installed there within six
months, Dr Vinod Rao, mu-
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
TIMES NEWS NETWORK village before leaving for nicipal commissioner said.
work. Usually, earthen lamps Once the garden is made, the
I have changed my name from
Patel Prabhaben Keshavlal to Vadodara: Soon, when you are lit in front of god but my artwork that is currently
Patel Prabhavatiben Bhup- come out of the railway sta- Nagji Patel at the site of the parents kept them in empty kept at Patels studio at Juni
endrakumar, Add: 4, Akshay
Appts, Ranip, Ahmedabad. tion, a huge sandstone sculp- construction wall openings and it made me Jithardi village in Karjan
ture will greet you. And this curious, Patel recalled. will be brought to the city.
40-feet high artwork will be I have been working on When I grew up, I learnt The area outside the rail-
I changed my surname from
Saifuddin Fakhruddin Rup- the tallest sculpture ever to the sandstone sculpture for that they used to light the way station will be the best lo-
alwala to Saifuddin Fakhrud- be installed in the city. Prepa- last one year and it is almost lamps out of faith that everyt- cation as visitors and tou-
din Rupawala, 178/1, Bhik-
habhai Panachand chawl, red by famed artist Nagji Pa- complete. This is the biggest hing will be good in their life. rists will be able to see admi-
Saraspur, Ahmedabad. tel, the artwork will adorn artwork I have ever made. It It signified positive thinking. re the artwork the moment
the proposed garden opposite will take a big crane to install We all should learn to have fa- they enter the city, Patel sa-
I have changed my name from the railway station. The fa- it. Called Column of Faith, ith on others, Patel said. So id. The civic officials had con-
Khandelval Vrijamohan mous 20-feet high Vad sculp- the sculpture prepared out of I have kept 13 openings in the sidered several spots in the
Rameshvarprasad to Shah
Brijmohan Rameshvarpra- ture made by Patel is current- stone from Rajasthan has be- Column of Faith and made city before finalizing the pla-
sad. Address: B-75, Ambica ly the tallest artwork in the ci- en made in two colours light carved small flowers inside ce outside the railway sta-
Nagar Soc.-2, At & Post & Ta:
Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar. ty. pink and dark red, 80-year- that are painted in red colo- tion.

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