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Taking steps for poor Sahara refused

to abide by Narada sting: Ministers, MPs PC: EDs move to
stop me from
to get access to quality SCs orders
health services: PM Continued from P1 among 12 of TMC booked criticising govt
Continued from P1

he bench said since the Chidambaram dismissed

Continued from P1 Besides, the ministry has

group refused to abide
by the SCs orders, the CBI FIR A CAUGHT ON CAMERA Ajit Ninan
the charge against his son as
baseless, and said the EDs
also issued orders to the time had come to act on the move was meant to stop him from
Political Game,
CBI probe against whos who of
odi said, We have Medical Council of India courts threat to auction the TMC in Narada sting operation criticising the government. The
done this work, and (MCI), state governments groups prime property ED has the habit of recycling alle-
you can imagine how and all central government Aamby Valley. The SC had Says Mamata What agency FIR says gations from time to time. Todays
angry the manufacturers of hospitals asking them to en- earlier rejected Saharas Mukul Roy | Was shown press release by the ED is another
medicines will be. Despite sure that doctors write pre- plea for time till July 2019 to Neeraj.Chauhan to assure support to sting example. The allegations in the
the wrath of a very powerful scriptions with generic refund the balance amount. operator Mathew Samuel in press release are baseless, totally
lobby, the government is tak- names of medicines in legi- As no amount has been his business proposal after false and ridiculous, the former
ing one step after another so ble hand writing. deposited by the contemnor New Delhi: The Central Bu- April 24, 2014 with full amount finance minister said.
that poor people and middle The move assumes sig- (Subrata Roy), we are in- reau of Investigation (CBI) of money. He is shown telling No notice has been served up-
class get quality health ser- nificance as medicines ac- clined to go ahead with the filed on Monday a case Samuel to hand over money to on Karti Chidambaram so far. If a
vices. count for 70-75% of a house- auction of Aamby Valley against 12 senior members SMH Mirza (IPS ofcer) which notice is received, a suitable reply
The PM outlined a series holds out of pocket expendi- City near Lonavala, Maha- of Trinamool Congress, in- he (Samuel) brought for him will be sent, he further said.
of measures planned by the ture on health. While gener- rashtra, the bench said and cluding Rajya Sabha mem- (Roy). He also said he wont He added, By targeting Karti
health ministry in line to ic medicines are good appointed the official liqui- ber Mukul Roy, former West accept money for himself and Chidambaram with baseless no-
regulate cost of medical care quality low cost drugs with dator of Bombay High Bengal minister Madan Mi- advised Samuel to go to his tices, the government cannot si-
in the country with recent equal efficacy as branded Court to elicit details of the tra, and Lok Sabha mem- ofce at 6A Elgin Road after lence my voice or stop my writ-
price control or caps on med- drugs, doctors and chemists property and proceed with bers Saugata Roy, Aparupa one hour and hand over ing. Significantly, the ED state-
ical devices being one such often push the more expen- the auction. Poddar, Sultan Ahmed, Pra- the money to staff there have accepted 5 lakh assuring help from them in ment emphasised that it was also
initiative. sive alternatives. Invoking its powers under sun Banerjee and Kakoli from Samuel promoting Samuels business probing the former finance min-
Madan Mitra | Was shown to
The health ministry has Despite stringent price Article 144 of the Constitu- Ghosh Dastidar, for alleged in their constituencies after ister for bypassing the Cabinet
have accepted Rs 5 lakh from Sultan Ahmed | He asked
recently issued a draft ga- control, big pharma compa- tion that mandates all author- criminal conspiracy and the election Committee on Economic Affairs
Samuel, who told him that his Samuel to hand over Rs 5 lakh
zette notification making it nies manage to spend exorbi- ities to act in aid of the SC, the corruption on the basis of to allow mobile service provider
company was looking for work to a person named Iqbal. In Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar |
mandatory for pharma com- tantly on marketing and bench said, The official liq- the Narada sting operation. pertaining to highway and
Aircel-Maxis to bring in foreign
panies to carry generic branding of their drugs. uidator must complete the ex- The sting operation pur- another video, he was heard Was seen accepting 5 lakh investment worth Rs 3,500 crore.
infrastructure projects in West advising Samuel to support from Samuel
name of drugs on packs that Since advertisement of pre- ercise of valuation within 10 portedly showed them tak- Bengal. Mitra told Samuel The total amount of contra-
is at least two fonts larger scription medicines are not days and send a report to the ing money, allegedly against Prasun Banerjee, Kakoli Ghosh vention identified on different
he had seen as to how he Prasun Banerjee | Was
than the brand name. allowed in India, companies apex court. We are sure all future favours. It was broad- Dastidar and Dinesh Trivedi shown accepting 4 lakh from counts committed by Advantage
used to get the work done nancially, who were contesting
This clause will be a le- or medical representatives shall work in harmony to cast by a portal called Nara- Samuel to help him in his Strategic Consulting in the sale
gal provision as a rule under push their products through comply with the directions just before the Saugata Roy | Was shown to 2014 Lok Sabha election, while future business endeavour transaction of shares of Vasan
the exisiting Drugs and Cos- doctors, chemists and dis- passed by this court. assembly elections last year. Healthcare to overseas investors
metics Act and any violation tributors in lieu of freebies, The SC also directed Roy According to the CBI, its (sting operator Mathew Sa- selves and others, the agen- identified, it said. is around Rs 45 crore. Show-cause
will be punishable under the junkets and incentives. to remain present in the preliminary enquiry into muel, who introduced him- cy added. The enquiry re- The probe has revealed notice has been issued to Advan-
provisions of the law, a se- Modi said his govern- court on April 27 at 2 pm and the matter revealed that the self as the representative of vealed that the accused per- that most of the TMC mem- tage Strategic, its directors and
nior health ministry official ment brought in a health pol- said it would decide whether 12 MPs, state ministers and a firm named Impex Consul- sons either accepted illegal bers shown in the sting oper- also to Karti P Chidambaram,
told TOI. The ministry has icy after 15 years and capped he was entitled to bail or MLAs of West Bengal were tancy), or asked him to hand gratification or agreed to ac- ation demanded money a who appears to be the controller
sought public comments on the prices of medicines and should be sent to jail. The shown to have either accept- over the money to someone cept illegal gratification few weeks before the 2014 and ultimate beneficiary in these
the draft within 45 days, after stents, which has not gone bench warned Roy that he ed money in cash given by else on their behalf . They from Mathew Samuel dur- general elections. transactions, the ED said in its
which it is likely to become down well with some phar- should not play truant with the representative of a were also shown to have ing April-May 2014 and their For the full report, log on press note.
part of the drug law. maceutical companies. the contents of the affidavit. Chennai-based company asked for money for them- video images have been to

AI asked to use
JNU, BHU may get Chorus of revolt as Sonu Cops analysing docs, Hindi in its tickets
financial autonomy
New Delhi: Top ranking educational institutions
Nigam slams loud devotion technical aspects Continued from P1

such as Jawaharlal Nehru University, Banaras ukherjee has accepted
Hindu University, Delhi University, Shri Ram Col- Continued from P1 Joint commissioner some recommendations of
lege of Commerce and Lady Shri Ram College Gundagardi hai bus... he tweet- faiths. Praveer Ranjan has formed the committee of Parlia-

which the Centre funds could get full operation- ed to 5.94 million followers. Predictably, Twitterati ex- IADMK had contest- several teams for a thor- ment on official languages which

al autonomy, including in financial matters. inger Sonu Nigam climbed The comments were in circu- ploded in a heated debate, mostly ed the R K Nagar as- ough probe. state: All dignitaries including
The move to grant autonomy to well-perform- to the top of Twitters trend- lation all day and while the de- slamming the singer for bigotry sembly bypoll J While one team is focus- honble President and all the min-
ing educational institutions is part of a wide- ing chart on Monday morn- mand to ban high decibel broad- and hurting sentiments but Jayalalithaas seat on ing on serving summons to isters especially who can read and
ranging educational reform plan being finalised ing over a series of posts ques- casts found resonance on social some in support of greater re- the hat symbol as the EC the accused, including Dhi- speak Hindi may be requested to
by a high-powered panel headed by Niti Aayog tioning the use of loudspeakers media, Nigams rant was seen as straint on use of loud speakers, had frozen the two leaves nakaran, another team is give their speech/statement in
vice-chairman Arvind Panagariya. by places of worship. targeting a specific com- irrespective of religious following a split in the par- looking for the missing Rs Hindi only. The committee,
This would allow these institutions to raise re- God bless everyone. Im not munity and ended up pola- congregations. ty. EC had cancelled the 8.7 crore. headed by former Union minister
sources independently and also have freedom to a Muslim and I have to be woken rizing the debate. Am a Hindu but isnt election poll on evidence of A third team is analys- P Chidambaram, made these rec-
hire the best talent. TNN up by the Azaan in the morning. Many Muslim commu- same inconvenience faced large scale bribing of vot- ing seized documents and ommendations in 2011.
When will this forced religious- nity leaders and activists by Non Hindus too when we ers. technical aspects of the Though Hindi-speaking
ness end in India. And by the way too criticize the muezzins blare loudspeakers for Nav- Police said Sukesh had case. states like Madhya Pradesh, Ut-
Mohammed did not have elec- call as needless and one ratri n Ganesh proces- flaunted his connections During interrogation, tar Pradesh and Rajasthan con-
tricity when he made Islam which the community should sions? The screeching loud- with senior EC officials Sukesh told cops that Rs 10 duct official business predomin-
(sic), he posted. regulate. speakers hurt old patients, dis- and promised to get the crore had been sent antly in Hindi, speeches by cen-
Why do I have to have this ca- However, singer Sonu Ni- turb students studying for ex- symbol back for the party. through hawala by a Kochi- tral government functionaries,
cophony after Edison? I dont be- gams choice of words on Mon- ams n scare babies argued He apparently came to Del- based operator. file work and statements are pre-
lieve in any temple or gurudwa- day did not endear him to this Maya Sharma in her tweet. hi 10 days ago and began It was received by him dominantly in English. The move
ra using electricity. To wake up section, even though he did Despite several attempts, Ni- meeting people. However, a at Chandni Chowk in Del- is expected to impact central min-
people who don't follow the reli- make an effort to temper his crit- gam remained unavailable for tip-off on alleged hawala hi. Police have secured his isters the most and may mean
gion. Why then..? Honest? True? icism by mentioning other comment. transactions did him in. remand for eight days. that most statements or speeches
made in Parliament or govern-
ment functions would be in Hin-
di, accompanied by a text of En-
glish translation.
Another recommendation
that has been accepted says that
national carrier Air India should
use Hindi in its tickets. The rec-
ommendation was for all Indian
airlines but the President has re-
stricted his approval only for Air
India. The national carrier will
also be expected to beef up its
reading list to include Hindi
newspapers and magazines. The
committee was of the opinion
that the language is grossly ne-
glected and announcements both
for railways and airlines should
be in Hindi. .

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