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Che Siti Wan Kembang is the legendary

queen regnant over a region in the east coast

of Peninsular Malaysia, which is now
encompassed within Kelantan state. She is
believed to have ruled in the 14th century.
Che Siti was famous for her beauty and
wisdom. She is descendant from the royal
lineage of Champa-Kelantan-Pattani.

She was also known as a warrior princess

and was said to be able to enter battle on
horseback with a sword with an army of
female horseriders. It was said that she and
her adopted daughter, Puteri Saadong had
mystical powers.

Che Siti never married, and therefore never

had children of her own.
Legend has it that Che Siti never died but
instead "disappeared" into the mystical world,
and reappears from time to time.
According to the legend, Mahsuri was a beautiful Malay
lady who lived in Padang Matsirat, Langkawi Island
sometimes in 19th century

A vicious rumour saying that Mahsuri was having an

affair with Deraman in the absence of her husband.

The village then condemned her to death. She was tied

to a pole and stabbed repeatedly with a keris, (a keris
is a traditional Malay weapon), however she did not

Mahsuri kept on pleading her innocence, but the

people did not believe her words. After several failed
attempts to kill her, Mahsuri told the people that the
only way she can be killed was by using the family

When she stabbed with her family's keris, a white blood

flowed from her body to signify her innocence. The
villagers were shocked and regretted their action, but it
was too late. With her dying breath, Mahsuri cursed the
village to have bad luck for seven generations.

Many locals of Langkawi believed the legend to be true,

citing decades of bad crops and various wars between
Siam after the death of Mahsuri. At the last invasion by
Siam, the local burnt their rice field rather than
allowing the field to be fallen in the hands of Siamese
soldiers. The place is still known as "Beras Terbakar -
Burnt Rice".

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