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Emily & Rachel's Birthday Scavenger Hunt

Rules & Regulations

All photo tasks must be received by email by 7PM.  The subject of the email should be your team
name.  Please email them one at a time as you go to avoid problems emailing a bunch at the end
and potentially missing the deadline. If your team doesn’t have a camera phone for the hunt, one
digital camera with all the photos must be submitted in person at Bruno’s by 7PM.  

All trivia tasks and item tasks must be submitted in person at Bruno’s by 7PM.  Make sure to write
your team name on this handout before submitting it.

No team members are allowed to use their own (or a friend’s) car or other personal vehicle during
the scavenger hunt (moped, bike, motorcycles, etc). Taxis & buses are allowed, but probably not
necessary to win.

Play fair.  No sabotaging, lying, cheating, stealing, or copying of other people’s work.  If one
person on your team breaks the rules, your whole team is disqualified.  

All decisions by the judges are final.  There is no appeals process.  There’s also no crying. There
is no crying in Emily & Rachel’s Birthday Scavenger Hunt!  

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Photo Tasks:

Take One Picture Of Each & Email To Joe

One team member wearing some form of apparel from a school Emily or Rachel attended - 5

All team members on the back of a fire truck - 20 points

All team members with a non team member man dressed as a woman - 10 points

All team members with at least one non team member mariachi band player - 15 points

Two team members in a hot tub - 15 points

One team member in front of a purple house - 5 points

Photo of bartender at the bar where Emily & Joe met holding a team member’s underwear (team
member must not be wearing the underwear in the photo) - 15 points

One team member wearing assless chaps (ass need not be bare) - 10 points

Two team members hula hooping - 5 points

One team member behind the wheel of one of those three-wheeled traffic cop golf carts - 20

One team member on a Segway scooter - 15 points

A parking meter with 35 minutes left on it - 10 points

Two team members riding in a shopping cart - 5 points

Photo of a license plate with either the consecutive letters "EH" or "RS" - 10 points

One team member holding a toy representing the title of the top grossing film from the year Emily
& Rachel were born - 10 points

One team member pretending to take a swill from a bottle of wine from Heller Estates Vineyards -
25 points

Two team members out front of the address: the birthday girls’ age and where they are from - 15

All team members in one bathroom stall - 10 points

One team member giving a non team member a wedgie (atomic = +5 points) - 10 points

Photo that includes a) one team member b) a DVD of the 2009 film "Precious" & c) two thumbs
up - 10 points

All team members smoking one or more hookahs - 15 points

Photo Tasks (continued):

Page 2
All team members standing next to a 35 MPH speed limit street sign - 5 points

One team member shaking the paw of a yellow lab - 10 points

One team member riding a Big Wheel - 15 points

One team member drinking directly from a draft beer tap - 15 points

A non team member wearing a piece of clothing with the words "New Jersey" printed on it - 10

Photo that includes a stuffed donkey and a bong within close proximity (hint: check Mission
Street) - 10 points

One team member playing an official Ms Pac Man arcade game - 10 points

All team members next to a mural in Clarion Alley - 5 points

Two team members arguing aggressively with a pinata - 15 points

Page 3
Trivia Tasks:

Answer Questions & Hand This Page In At Bruno's

Name the 90210 star who shares the same birthday as Rachel - 10 points


Make a Scrabble word out of the letters “R A C H E L E M I L Y” - points based on Scrabble letter


Name the celebrity mentioned in Emily's bio for the Thai cookbook she photographed last year - 5


Name the #1 Billboard song from the week Emily & Rachel were born - 10 points


Your Team Name:


Page 4
Item Tasks:

Find Items & Bring Them To Bruno's

MUNI transfer ticket stamped today - 5 points

Penny from the year Emily and Rachel were born - 10 points

Chocolate éclair from Tartine Bakery - 5 points

Copy of Playgirl magazine - 15 points

KFC "Double Down" sandwich - 10 points

Receipt from Christopher Elbow - 15 points

Salsa from Spanish for “kite” - 10 points

Business card from a lawyer (must indicate that the person is an attorney) - 15 points

New Jersey state quarter - 10 points

Package of Pocky Japanese snack food - 15 points

Polaroid photo of anything - 10 points

Take-out menu from Emily’s favorite Japanese Vegetarian restaurant in the Mission - 5 points

Photo booth photo strip with at least one picture of two team members kissing - 20 points

Key chain with either the name Emily or Rachel on it - 15 points

Receipt for $0.35 of gas - 15 points

Paper cup with logo from synonym for “habit” - 5 points

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