Hadoop HDFS + YARN + Mapreduce HDFS - Storage Mapreduce - Processing YARN - Resouces

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Session 3

Hadoop = HDFS + YARN +


HDFS> Storage
Mapreduce> Processing
YARN> Resouces

<Linux Command>> Linux

hdfs dfs -<Linux Command>>
Hadoop File System

PDF File

Pre requisite for starting your lab.

Okay.. HDFS done.. Now I need

map reduce
Step 1: You will get labs.zip from
intellipaat site
Step 2: Unzip it and you see two
Folder 1: Data
Folder 2: Workspace
Step 3: In workspace.. You will see
all the jar files ready to be run and
you will see source code also..
Step 4: Our agenda is to see the
code> understand it> run it
To do that we will use a tool called
as Eclipse..
Step 5: but hey.. Eclipse is a great
tool for java development But it
by default points to the location
What is this man
Trainer gave us
Downloads/labs/workspace and
Eclipse wants
Simple move all
the Downloads/labs/workspace
to /user/training/workspace

Step 6: Okay.. As trainer said.. All

files in workspace.. But how can I
create a jar and run it

Two ways:
2. Use Eclipse
We will do it in both the ways..

First.. lets do it yourself

Run MR1
if MR1 success
then MR2

MR1> Mr2> MR3

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