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Active Surveillance for Early-stage Prostate Cancer

Review of the Current Literature

Marc A. DallEra, MD1 The natural history of prostate cancer is remarkably heterogeneous and, at this
Matthew R. Cooperberg, MD1 time, not completely understood. The widespread adoption and application of
June M. Chan, ScD1,2 prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening has led to a dramatic shift toward the di-
Benjamin J. Davies, MD1 agnosis of low-volume, nonpalpable, early-stage tumors. Autopsy and early obser-
Peter C. Albertsen, MD3 vational studies have shown that approximately 1 in 3 men aged >50 years has
Laurence H. Klotz, MD4 histologic evidence of prostate cancer, with a significant portion of tumors being
Christopher A. Warlick, MD5 small and possibly clinically insignificant. Utilizing the power of improved contem-
Lars Holmberg, MD6 porary risk stratification schema to better identify patients with a low risk of cancer
Donald E. Bailey Jr, PhD, MN7 progression, several centers are gaining considerable experience with active sur-
Meredith E. Wallace, PhD, APRN-BC8 veillance and delayed, selective, and curative therapy. A literature review was per-
Philip W. Kantoff, MD9 formed to evaluate the rationale behind active surveillance for prostate cancer and
Peter R. Carroll, MD1 to describe the early experiences from surveillance protocols. It appears that a lim-
ited number of men on active surveillance have required treatment, with the ma-
Department of Urology, University of California jority of such men having good outcomes after delayed selective intervention for
at San Francisco Comprehensive Cancer Center, progressive disease. The best candidates for active surveillance are being defined,
University of California at San Francisco, San as are predictors of active treatment. The psychosocial ramifications of surveillance
Francisco, California.
for prostate cancer can be profound and future needs and unmet goals will be dis-
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, cussed. Cancer 2008;112:16509.  2008 American Cancer Society.
University of California at San Francisco, San
Francisco, California.
KEYWORDS: prostate cancer, active surveillance, review, risk stratification.
Division of Urology, University of Connecticut
Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut.
Division of Urology, Sunnybrook and Womens
College Health Sciences Centre, University of
P rostate cancer is the most common form of noncutaneous
malignancy among males in the U.S., and is the second leading
cause of cancer mortality, accounting for more than 27,000 deaths
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
in 2007.1 However, the natural history of this disease is remarkably
Department of Urology, Johns Hopkins Univer-
heterogeneous and, at this time, not completely understood. Au-
sity School of Medicine, James Buchanan Brady
Urological Institute, Baltimore, Maryland. topsy studies have shown that approximately 1 in 3 men aged >50
years has histologic evidence of prostate cancer, with up to 80% of
Division of Cancer Studies, Kings College Lon-
these tumors measuring <0.5 cm in size and low in grade, suggest-
don, Guys Campus, London, United Kingdom.
ing that the majority are clinically insignificant.2 Approximately 3%
School of Nursing, Duke University, Durham, of all men will die of prostate cancer, although the mortality from
North Carolina.
prostate cancer has declined by 31% over the past 13 years.1 The
School of Nursing, Fairfield University, Fairfield, relative contributions of factors responsible for this decline includ-
Connecticut. ing prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening, improved detection
Center for Genitourinary Oncology, Dana-Farber strategies, and improved treatments are not known.
Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston,

Dr. Kantoff has acted as a paid consultant/advisor The last 2 authors are co-senior authors. dero, Box 1695, San Francisco, CA 94143-1695;
for Dendreon, Celgene, Aventis, GPC, Amgen, and Fax: (415) 353-7093; E-mail: mdallera@urology.
Novacea. He has also acted as an investigator for Address for reprints: Marc DallEra, MD, Depart-
clinical trials for Novartis, Pfizer, Amgen, Bayer, ment of Urology, University of California at San
Glaxo Smith Kline, Therion Biologics, Bristol Francisco Comprehensive Cancer Center, Univer- Received August 16, 2007; revision received
Myers-Squibb, Wilex, Genentech, and Genzyme. sity of California at San Francisco, 1600 Divisa- October 20, 2007; accepted October 29, 2007.

2008 American Cancer Society

DOI 10.1002/cncr.23373
Published online 27 February 2008 in Wiley InterScience (
Surveillance for Low-risk Prostate CA/DallEra et al. 1651

Widespread, repeated PSA testing and extended- The ratio of prostate cancer incidence to mortal-
core needle prostate biopsies have raised concerns ity appears to be relatively high, with nearly 8 times
over the possible overdetection of prostate cancer. as many men diagnosed with prostate cancer each
Overdetection refers to the ability of a screening test year than will die of the disease. This is compared
to identify a condition that would have remained with only 1.3 and 2.1 times for lung and colorectal
silent and caused a patient no morbidity during his cancers, respectively.10 This disparity between pros-
lifetime if left untreated. Theoretically, this is consist- tate cancer incidence and mortality partly accounts
ent with the concept of length-time bias, a bias that for the high prevalence of prostate cancer noted
would be expected to be most pronounced in a dis- today as more men live with the disease, the effects
ease of such high prevalence and variable natural of its detection, and, for those treated, its therapies.
history. Currently, overdetection rates are estimated The U.S. has the highest incidence of prostate cancer
to be between 27% and 56%.3,4 Despite earlier detec- in the world, along with northern Europe and Austra-
tion and, as a consequence, stage migration of newly lia.10 Mortality also varies geographically and is high-
diagnosed cases, active treatment remains the stand- est in northern Europe, Australia, and parts of sub-
ard and the use of active surveillance has not Saharan Africa followed closely by North America;
increased.5 Any active treatment for prostate cancer, Asian countries have the lowest mortality rates from
no matter how well delivered, may be associated prostate cancer.10 This worldwide variation in pros-
with potential decrement in quality of life in multiple tate cancer incidence and mortality likely reflects
domains (eg, urinary function, sexual function, etc).6 differences in genetic susceptibilities, variations in
Utilizing the power of improved contemporary risk competing causes of death, environmental exposures
stratification schema to better identify patients with including diet, and, importantly, screening practices.
a low risk of cancer progression, several centers are The comparatively high prostate cancer incidence in
gaining considerable experience with active surveil- the U.S. compared with other countries suggests a
lance with delayed, selective, and curative therapy.7 potentially higher detection rate of clinically insignif-
Thus far, a limited number of men on active surveil- icant tumors.
lance have required treatment and the majority of
such men appear to have good outcomes after treat- Impact of changing diagnostic and screening practices
ment. Therefore, in selected men delayed treatment In 2003, data from the Prostate Cancer Prevention
does not, as yet, appear to compromise the outcome Trial demonstrated the prevalence of prostate cancer
and care of these patients. The best candidates for in a contemporary, screened population of men. The
active surveillance are being defined, as are predic- study found that 15% of men with PSA levels below
tors of active treatment. Unmet needs and future the traditional cutoff of 4 ng/mL had prostate cancer,
research strategies are being formulated. and that there existed no PSA threshold below which
the risk of having cancer was zero.11 These data
The Rationale for Active Surveillance prompted the trend toward lowering the PSA thresh-
Biology and natural history old for prostate biopsy. Clearly, as indications for bi-
Autopsy studies first described the significant preva- opsy are expanded more cancer will be found. Porter
lence of clinically undetected prostate cancer among et al.12 estimated that if all men in the U.S. between
men dying from unrelated causes. Rates were found the ages of 62 and 75 years underwent prostate bi-
to vary by age, race, and geography. Among men opsy regardless of PSA, an additional 1.2 million of
aged >50 years, for example, 21% of men in Japan cases of prostate cancer would be diagnosed. Clearly,
had some element of prostate cancer at autopsy the impact of lowering PSA thresholds for biopsy can
compared with 37% of black men in the U.S.2 Preva- be significant, with nearly half of currently diagnosed
lence was found to increase with age, with up to 67% prostate cancers classified as low risk.13 Recent stu-
of men aged >80 years having prostate cancer at the dies, moreover, have found that beginning screening
time of death.8 When comparing rates of autopsy- at earlier ages will lead to detection of significant
detected prostate cancers before and after the start numbers of tumors, some with aggressive features
of the PSA era, Konety et al.9 found a significant that merit early treatment.14 Indeed, the National
decrease in prevalence after the introduction and Comprehensive Cancer Networks (NCCN) updated
widespread use of PSA testing. These data suggest screening guidelines now recommend screening be-
that a significant proportion of prostate tumors will ginning at age 40 years, with subsequent screening
never become clinically significant and that PSA schedule driven by the baseline value.15
screening likely identifies several of these cancers In addition to lowering screening and PSA
before death from other causes. thresholds for biopsy, increases in the average num-
1652 CANCER April 15, 2008 / Volume 112 / Number 8

ber of cores taken at prostate biopsy also will lead-time bias and overdetection rates based on
increase cancer detection rates.1618 As with lowering results from the European Randomized Study of
of PSA thresholds, the effect of extended pattern Screening for Prostate Cancer. Diagnosis lead times
biopsies on the detection of clinically significant ranged from 9.9 to 13.3 years for men in PSA screen-
tumors is unclear. Although extended pattern biop- ing programs.24,25 Other authors report similar lead-
sies have been shown to increase detection of smal- time rates ranging from 5 to 10 years.4,26 Overdetec-
ler volume tumors independent of Gleason score or tion estimates calculated by several models are
PSA, an analysis by Master et al.19 and Chan et al.20 approximately 50%, meaning that up to one-half of
showed no difference in the grade distribution of PSA-detected cancers may be clinically insignificant.4
tumors diagnosed with extended pattern biopsy. The identification of high-risk cancers in younger
Similarly, Eskew et al.21 found no significant differ- patients is the most important goal of widespread
ences in Gleason score, pathologic stage, or tumor screening efforts; however, these men are also at risk
volume between cancers detected by sextant or for the early detection and treatment of indolent
extended needle biopsy schemes. When directly cancers. Given young mens high pretreatment func-
comparing biopsy Gleason score with pathologic tional levels in multiple health-related quality of life
Gleason score after radical prostatectomy, however, (HRQOL) domains, they may experience greater
extended pattern biopsies appear to reduce the risk absolute functional declines than men who are older
of clinical undergrading.22 Although the proportion with poorer baseline function (ie, those who have the
of clinically low-risk tumors may remain the same most to lose, lose the most).5
with extended biopsies, the absolute number of
tumors detected and potentially treated clearly Risk of delayed intervention
increases, further compounding the potential pro- The reasons behind what is likely underutilization of
blem of the overdetection and overtreatment of active surveillance are multiple and complex. It must
prostate cancer. be acknowledged that prognostic risk assessment is
not perfect and that one assumes some risk of dis-
Defining the magnitude of stage migration ease progression while on active surveillance, which
and lead-time bias many physicians and patients may not be willing to
The widespread adoption and application of PSA accept. The issue becomes one of timing of definitive
screening has led to a dramatic shift toward the diag- intervention for successful active surveillance of
nosis of low-volume (1 of 3 cores positive), nonpalp- prostate cancer. Is there evidence that treatment can
able, early-stage tumors. The majority of tumors are be delayed until absolutely necessary with no detri-
now detected at clinical stage T1c, diagnosed by pros- ment to curability? Freedland et al.,27 for example,
tate biopsy after elevated PSA.13 Data from the Cancer reported no differences in adverse pathologic fea-
of the Prostate Strategic Urologic Research Endeavor tures or biochemical disease progression for men
(CaPSURE) has shown that the percentage of patients with low-risk prostate cancer who delayed radical
presenting with locally advanced (T3-T4) tumors fell prostatectomy for up to 180 days after diagnosis.
over a 10-year period, from 11.8% in the early 1990s Similarly, Warlick et al.28 reported no differences in
to only 3.5% by 2000.5 Clinical stage T1c-T2a tumors adverse pathologic features between a group of men
have increased from 65% to 77% over this same pe- undergoing delayed prostatectomy after a period of
riod. Moreover, whereas the proportion of tumors active surveillance and a group of men with similar
diagnosed as low risk under traditional criteria (as risk disease undergoing immediate surgical interven-
defined by a PSA <10 ng/mL, a Gleason score 6, tion. The median time to intervention in the delayed
and clinical stage T2a) has been essentially constant group was 26.5 months.28 These data suggest that
since 2000, PSA and the percentage of positive biopsy well-characterized, early-stage tumors followed by
cores have continued to fall since 2000 within the experienced physicians and knowledgeable patients
low-risk group, thus lowering overall risk as assessed do not progress rapidly and deferring treatment
by a current multivariate instrument.7 appears not to alter their natural history.
Such a stage migration from widespread screen-
ing correlates with considerable lead-time bias as Refined risk assessment and nomograms
tumors are diagnosed well before they would other- Ideally, prostate cancer therapy will be reserved for
wise become clinically evident. A corollary to this men at greatest risk for cancer progression and mor-
observation is the finding that widespread screening bidity or mortality from their disease. Determining
may detect tumors that would otherwise never which men fall into this category poses significant
become clinically evident. Draisma et al.23 estimated challenges. Many physicians estimate risk by inte-
Surveillance for Low-risk Prostate CA/DallEra et al. 1653

grating Gleason score, pretreatment PSA, and clinical Active Surveillance: Contemporary Experience
stage by physical examination or prostate ultrasound; The last few years have witnessed a paradigm shift
many now also assess the extent of biopsy involve- in conservative management for low-risk prostate
ment with tumor. Tables and nomograms integrate cancer. Rather than reserving watchful waiting
clinical variables to help estimate risk of adverse out- (which suggested deferring intervention until the
comes from prostate cancer. Such risk assessment advent of symptoms), for older patients with limited
helps guide timing and choice of therapy. It must be life expectancy, a large fraction of men diagnosed
emphasized that all such instruments require that today with low-risk disease might be offered active
the initial prostate biopsy be performed well. Com- surveillance, suggesting close monitoring of PSA
mon instruments include the Partin tables,29 the kinetics and other parameters, and treatment with
DAmico risk classification,30 the Kattan nomo- clinical interventions when/if necessary. Whereas
grams,31 and the CAPRA score.32 With particular many men on such a protocol may ultimately
respect to low-risk tumors, Kattan et al.33 have devel- require active treatment, they often can delay ther-
oped nomograms to predict tumors likely to be indo- apy and preserve quality of life with the possibility
lent based on pathologic characteristics, and the of benefiting from further advances in available
CAPRA score has proved to be an effective tool with treatments.
which to substratify low-risk men in terms of likeli-
hood of disease progression.7
An argument can be made that the overdiagnosis Selection criteria
of prostate cancer is problematic primarily to the Critical to successful active surveillance programs is
extent that it leads to overtreatment; a patient diag- patient selection. Who are the best candidates for
nosed with an indolent tumor that is not treated may active surveillance? In general, active surveillance
suffer anxiety, but no other sequelae of disease or protocols attempt to identify men with good-risk
treatment. Despite evidence for an often prolonged prostate cancer who are most likely to be safely
natural course, however, the majority of tumors are watched for a period of time and then treated when
actively treated with surgery, some form of radiother- necessary. Published active surveillance series use
apy, and/or hormonal ablation, with a significant risk different criteria largely based on personal prefer-
of treatment-related detriments to quality of life.5 ences and individual clinical experiences with no
Data from CaPSURE demonstrate that the proportion hard data. Tables and nomograms based on a well-
of low-risk men electing surveillance has risen in performed, extended pattern biopsy at the time of
recent years (20042006) to 10.2%, up from a nadir of initial diagnosis and assessment should be used to
6.2% in 2000 through 2001, but still representing a integrate clinical variables and help estimate risk to
small fraction of potentially eligible men.7 guide timing and choice of treatment. It has been
Observational cohort studies in men with pros- demonstrated that PSA, PSA density, and prostate
tate cancer diagnosed in the pre-PSA era provide im- needle biopsy parameters can be used to predict
portant insight into the heterogeneous and often low-volume disease.34 Greene et al.35 reported that a
prolonged natural history of localized disease and higher number of cores involved with tumor corre-
demonstrate a clear correlation between Gleason lates with biochemical failure after radical prostatec-
score and mortality from prostate cancer.26 With a tomy and thus may suggest higher risk disease. PSA
median follow-up of 24 years, prostate cancer-speci- velocity before treatment has been shown to be pre-
fic mortality remains low and relatively stable for dictive of outcome and may be useful in evaluating
men with low-grade tumors. Johansson et al.4 patient risk.36
reported progression-free and cause-specific survival The most common clinical data used to define
rates at 15 years after diagnosis of 56% and 89%, low-risk prostate cancer include a Gleason score 6
respectively, for men with well-differentiated tumors (no pattern 4 or 5 disease), PSA level 10 ng/mL,
diagnosed clinically in the pre-PSA era. Rates for all and clinical stage T1 to T2a disease. Other character-
men were stable up to 15 years after diagnosis, after istics to consider include PSA density (PSAD <0.15),
which they observed a 3-fold increase in cancer pro- percent positive cores at biopsy (<33%), the extent
gression and mortality from prostate cancer. With a of cancer in any core (<50%), and PSA kinetics
5-year to 10-year estimated diagnosis lead-time (stable) before diagnosis (Table 1). Prospective stu-
afforded by PSA screening, these data suggest a very dies comparing entry criteria for active surveillance
low prostate cancer-specific mortality, especially for protocols with subsequent disease progression and
a group of men with low-risk tumors who are treated treatment patterns are needed to clarify the best can-
conservatively. didates for active surveillance.
1654 CANCER April 15, 2008 / Volume 112 / Number 8

TABLE 1 period of active surveillance had a rising PSA as the

Common Entry Criteria for Active Surveillance only driver for intervention. Stephenson et al.45
found that men with stage progression detected by
Gleason sum 6 (no pattern 4 or 5)
PSA 10 ng/mL digital rectal examination while on active surveil-
% positive cores 33% lance were more likely to have PSA doubling times of
% single core involvement 50% <2 years, again suggesting that PSA kinetics may act
PSA kinetics Stable as an important surrogate for progressive disease. A
retrospective analysis of 88 men with low-risk cancer
PSA indicates prostate-specific antigen.
who deferred initial active management reported
that a positive first follow-up biopsy was predictive
of disease progression and only 11% of men with
Predicting progression negative rebiopsies developed disease progression
Identifying the early signs of significant disease pro- compared with 40% of men with positive surveillance
gression is critical for providing appropriate therapy biopsies.46 Predicting clinically significant disease
during the window of curability. What will serve as progression is critical to providing appropriately
the best canary in the coal mine for prostate cancer selective treatment in a timely manner.
surveillance is a matter of ongoing debate. Mounting Prostate imaging by ultrasound or magnetic res-
evidence suggests that PSA changes over time pro- onance may also have a role in following detected
vide an important window into prostate cancer tu- lesions. Although to our knowledge no published se-
mor biology. DAmico et al.36 showed in 2004 that ries used lesion size as a sole trigger for intervention,
men with rapidly rising PSA in the year before radi- stage progression may provide insight into disease
cal prostatectomy had a higher risk of dying from progression. It remains to be shown whether signifi-
the disease. Among patients with biochemical recur- cant changes in lesion size occur in the isolation of
rence after radical prostatectomy, PSA doubling time PSA or grade progression. Emerging techniques in
is a strong predictor of prostate cancer-specific mor- magnetic resonance imaging with spectroscopic ima-
tality.37 A recent analysis by Carter et al.38 suggests ging (MRI/MRSI) can integrate anatomic with molec-
that PSA velocity (PSAV) 15 years before diagnosis ular data to possibly improve prostate cancer
was significantly higher in men who died from pros- detection and characterization.47 By assessing tumor
tate cancer than men who were never diagnosed metabolism, such technology may enhance the pre-
with the disease or who were diagnosed and died of diction of tumor aggressiveness or disease progres-
unrelated causes. Ali et al.39 observed that PSA dou- sion for active surveillance protocols. Shukla-Dave
bling time <2 years in men undergoing radical pros- et al.48 incorporated MRI/MRSI findings with clinical
tatectomy after a period of active surveillance was variables to develop a nomogram for predicting clini-
the greatest predictor of eventual biochemical recur- cally insignificant prostate cancers. Highly sensitive
rence. These findings suggest that PSA kinetics can transrectal ultrasonography with 3-dimensional ima-
be used to predict cancer behavior and perhaps pro- ging and color flow Doppler is also being investi-
vide an important endpoint for active surveillance gated for better characterization or prostate
protocols. By identifying only the less indolent, clini- tumors.49 Whether PSA kinetics or innovative ima-
cally significant tumors for surveillance, many men ging modalities can predict clinically meaningful
may be spared treatment. tumors or disease progression in men with low-risk
Carter et al.40 describe following PSA and digital prostate cancer on active surveillance remains to be
rectal examination semiannually with annual pros- determined. Such tools must be tested rigorously in
tate needle biopsy. Other investigators describe fol- larger, prospective studies before being relied upon
lowing PSA every 3 months for 2 years with a repeat for predicting candidacy for active surveillance or for
prostate biopsy after 1 year of surveillance.41 Criteria detecting disease progression.
for grade progression in a Canadian cohort include
upgrading to Gleason 4 1 3 or greater on rebiopsy; Outcomes
however, only 4% of men were treated because of Reported outcomes from several series have been
grade progression alone. PSA doubling time was the promising, although follow-up remains limited.
greatest trigger for intervention, with 21% of the Treatment characteristics and indications for active
cohort having a doubling time of <3 years.42 Data therapy in selected surveillance series are presented
from CaPSURE also demonstrated that rising PSA is in Table 2. Roemeling et al.50 examined a cohort of
the greatest predictor of active treatment.43 In the se- 278 men with screen detected prostate cancer from
ries by Zeitman et al.,44 71% of men treated after a the European Randomized study of Screening for
Surveillance for Low-risk Prostate CA/DallEra et al. 1655

Treatment Characteristics of Selected Active Surveillance Cohorts

Median follow-up,
Study No. of patients % Treated Treatment criteria months

UCSF 321 21 Gleason score 7 on rebiopsy, rising PSA, increase 24

in volume by biopsy parameters
Klotz et al.42 299 34 PSA DT <3 years 64
Warlick et al.28 320 31 Gleason score 7 on re-biopsy, any pattern 4,5 >2 23
cores involved, >50% any single core involved
Hardie 200551 80 14 Rising PSA, clinical judgment 42
Patel 200446 88 35 Gleason score increase, PSAV>0.75/yr, increase 44
DRE/TRUS detected lesion, increase biopsy

PSA indicates prostate-specific antigen; PSADT, PSA doubling time; PSAV, PSA velocity; DRE, digital rectal examination; TRUS, transrectal ultrasonography.

Prostate Cancer and found that 30% of men received cancer, the median follow-up from these published
delayed therapy after a median of 40 months on series remains relatively short. Without longer-term
active surveillance. With a median follow-up of 82 data or validation of appropriate surrogate end-
months, no men in the active surveillance group points, results from these protocols must be inter-
developed metastatic disease or died of prostate can- preted with caution.
cer. With a median follow-up of 42 months, Hardie
et al.51 reported that 80% of men remained on active
surveillance with no prostate cancer-specific deaths. Psychosocial Impact
Five of the 80 enrolled men (6%) died from other In contemporary series approximately 10% to 50% of
causes and no men developed metastatic disease. men come off of active surveillance and are treated
Approximately 73% of the cohort had a PSA level despite the absence of evidence of clinical disease
<10 ng/mL and 91% had a Gleason score 6. The progression.41,53 The psychosocial ramifications of
median PSA doubling time for the active surveillance careful surveillance for a disease such as prostate
group was 12 years. Carter et al.40 described evidence cancer can be profound. In the more than 10 years
of clinical disease progression (primarily grade pro- since Litwin et al.54 first reported that men on active
gression on repeat biopsy) in 31% of 81 men in an surveillance experienced limitations in their role
active surveillance program with a median follow-up function because of anxiety and uncertainty regard-
of 23 months. Of the men undergoing radical pros- ing their disease status, to our knowledge only a few
tatectomy for disease progression while on active studies have explored the psychosocial ramifications
surveillance, 23% had adverse pathologic features of this management option for men with prostate
considered to represent <75% chance of remaining cancer. These studies reported that men undergoing
disease-free for 10 years after surgery.52 This rate did watchful waiting experience anxiety, illness uncer-
not differ from a similar group of low-risk men trea- tainty, and a decreased quality of life.5558 It is
ted within 3 months of diagnosis, and likely repre- unclear whether these effects are worse than those
sents underassessment of baseline risk rather than experienced by men who have been treated radically.
disease progression during surveillance. In what to A companion study to the Holmberg randomized
our knowledge is 1 of the largest published series to trial of surgery versus watchful waiting in Scandina-
date with nearly 300 patients and 8 years of follow- via, for example, demonstrated absolutely no signifi-
up, overall survival was 85%, with a disease-specific cant psychologic difference after 5 years between the
survival rate of 99.3%.42 Among more than 500 men 2 groups.59 Worry, anxiety, and depression all were
on active surveillance at the University of California equal between the 2 arms. Whereas surveillance may
at San Francisco, 24% have received secondary treat- be stressful for some men, it appears that most
ment a median of 3 years (range, 117 years) after patients with prostate cancer whether treated or not
being placed on active surveillance. Thirty-eight per- are concerned about the risk of progression, and
cent of the cohort had an increased Gleason score anxiety regarding PSA recurrence is common among
on rebiopsy and increasing cancer grade was the both treated and untreated patients. Cultural differ-
greatest driver of treatment for the entire cohort. ences undoubtedly have an impact on patients
Given the often prolonged natural history of prostate response to a cancer diagnosis, and the Scandinavian
1656 CANCER April 15, 2008 / Volume 112 / Number 8

experience may not be generalizable to other groups lance for men with low-risk disease have been incor-
of men. Substantial clinical experience suggests that porated into current NCCN guidelines for prostate
patients who are educated to appreciate the indolent cancer. These guidelines function to support patients
natural history of good-risk prostate cancers may and clinicians interested in expectant management.
avoid much of these adverse psychologic effects. Lack of adequate psychosocial and financial sup-
Indeed, anxiety can be a greater factor than PSA pro- port networks is not unique to prostate cancer.
gression or other clinical factors in driving surveil- Increased public awareness combined with patient
lance patients toward active intervention.60 demand can work to focus existing cancer-oriented
Studies of the role of support groups to decrease resources on the specific needs of men living with
the negative impact of active surveillance have pro- prostate cancer. Certain aspects of the monitoring
vided inconsistent results. Katz et al.61 observed that protocol such as PSA measurements and digital rec-
after adjusting for ethnicity, age, and type of treat- tal examination can be performed remotely with
ment, men attending support groups reported better local providers utilizing telephone or internet-based
health-related quality of life than men who did not. communication to update more specialized centers.
Yet Chapple et al.62 reported that support groups Careful and thorough patient monitoring is critical
intended to provide emotional support may produce for active surveillance and the responsibility must lie
a negative psychosocial response in men when they on both the patient and the physician to ensure that
believe pressured by group members to initiate appropriate tests are performed and interpreted
aggressive treatment. These studies underscore the appropriately. Such issues must be addressed before
need for psychosocial intervention to support mens widespread implementation of active surveillance for
emotional responses to active surveillance. It remains prostate cancer and are currently the focus of multi-
unclear as to whether traditional group programs are ple working groups internationally.
effective at meeting these needs.
Recent work by Bailey et al.63 has supported the The Future
benefit of 1-on-1 nursing interventions for patients Despite ongoing research and active education, the
undergoing active surveillance and to our knowledge overwhelming minority of eligible men and their
to date, their study remains the only published trial physicians choose active surveillance for primary
of the intervention. The intervention involves a pro- management of their disease. Although we are able
cess of rethinking about prostate cancer as a chronic to predict low-risk prostate cancer with increasing
illness rather than an instant killer (cognitive refram- accuracy, the need for novel biomarkers for predict-
ing) and changes in lifestyle that promote health. ing the biologic behavior of individual tumors
Preliminary results of the intervention are promising, remains. Demichelis et al.,64 for example, evaluated
but these results must be replicated in a large study TMPRSS2:ERG gene fusion in prostate cancer tissue
of men in active surveillance programs. The goal of specimens from 111 men on active surveillance for
future work designed to provide psychosocial sup- what was considered low-risk prostate cancer. The
port for these men is the development of a clinical gene fusion was detected in 15% of the specimens
protocol focusing on the management of prostate and was found to be significantly correlated with
cancer as a chronic condition for men considering or Gleason score and prostate cancer-specific mortality.
undergoing active surveillance for their disease. Other researchers have investigated genomic altera-
tions in prostate cancer and have correlated them
with PSA recurrence after treatment. Paris et al.65
Obstacles to Surveillance used comparative genomic hybridization to investi-
Multiple pragmatic barriers to implementing active gate DNA alterations and their relation to postopera-
surveillance for prostate cancer exist and must be tive PSA recurrence. They found gains (11q13.1) and
addressed. These include access to psychosocial sup- deletions (8p23.2) associated with advanced stage
port, appropriate clinical data tracking, medicolegal and biochemical recurrence after prostatectomy in-
concerns, and financial constraints. Educational pro- dependent of the grade and stage of the primary
grams designed to increase health professional and tumors. A 12-gene signature developed by Bismar
community awareness of active surveillance for pros- et al.66 was shown to discriminate aggressive prostate
tate cancer can begin to break down some of these tumors by also predicting postoperative PSA recur-
barriers. Organizations that embrace active surveil- rence. However, multi-institutional validation studies
lance, including the American Cancer Society and are required before the widespread clinical applica-
the NCCN, represent invaluable resources to begin tion of these techniques. Ideally, the concomitant use
this process. Guidelines for offering active surveil- of novel biomarkers and standard clinical character-
Surveillance for Low-risk Prostate CA/DallEra et al. 1657

TABLE 3 2. Yatani R, Chigusa I, Akazaki K, Stemmermann GN, Welsh

Recommended Surveillance Schedule RA, Correa P. Geographic pathology of latent prostatic car-
cinoma. Int J Cancer. 1982;29:611616.
PSA Every 34 mo 3. Etzioni R, Penson DF, Legler JM, et al. Overdiagnosis due
DRE Every 36 mo to prostate-specific antigen screening: lessons from U.S.
TRUS Every 912 mo* prostate cancer incidence trends. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2002;
Prostate biopsy After 1 y then every 12 y or as indicated 94:981990.
by PSA or examination trends 4. Johansson JE, Andren O, Andersson SO, et al. Natural his-
tory of early, localized prostate cancer. JAMA. 2004;291:
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