List of Sales Metrics and Kpis

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List of Sales Metrics

and KPIs
By The KPI Examples Review
Copyright 2017 The KPI Examples Review.


In this report we define the most important sales metrics and KPIs based on web
search data in 2015. For some of the key performance indicators were defined their
formulas and calculation examples. In our calculations we used the official
statements of Siemens AG and others.

List of the Most Important Sales Metrics and KPIs

"List of the 12 Most Important Sales Metrics and KPIs"

Read/ Download.

Based on the web search data[1], we define the most important sales KPIs used
to measure a company's performance:
1). Market share;
2). Conversion rate;
3). Gross margin;
4). Break-even point (BEP);
5). Price elasticity of demand (PEOD).

Source: "List of the 12 Most Important Sales Metrics and KPIs" (PDF),

The KPI Examples Review 1

Copyright 2017 The KPI Examples Review.
All indicators were divided by the three types of sales KPIs: sales effectiveness
measures, product pricing indicators and promotion efficiency measures (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Types of sales KPIs

The first category of sales KPIs sales effectiveness measures:

market share.

The second category of sales KPIs product pricing indicators:

gross margin;
break-even point (BEP);
price elasticity of demand (PEOD).

The third category of sales KPIs promotion efficiency measures:

conversion rate.

The most important sales KPIs in their categories were:

market share (sales effectiveness measures);
gross margin (product pricing indicators);
conversion rate (promotion efficiency measures).

Examples of the Most Important Sales KPIs

Market Share

The formula for calculating unit market share is:

The KPI Examples Review 2

Copyright 2017 The KPI Examples Review.
Unit market share = (US / TMUS) 100 , (1)
US Unit sales;
TMUS Total market unit sales.

Source: "List of Key Indicators for Sales: Key Performance Indicators, Examples, Sales, Key Performance Indicator,
Examples for Sales, KPI List, Sales, KPIs List, KPI Format for Sales",

The formula for calculating revenue market share is:

Revenue market share = (SR / TMSR) 100 , (2)

SR Sales revenue;
TMSR Total market sales revenue.

Source: "List of the Best KPI for Sales and Marketing Department: KPI in Sales and Marketing, Measuring Sales
Performance: Metrics, Examples, KPIs for Sales Department, KPI for Sales Representative",

The formula for calculating relative market share is:

Relative market share = (SR / SRLC) 100 , (3)

SR Sales revenue;
SRLC Sales revenue of largest competitor.

Example of calculating. Based on the research of global wind turbine market in

2014 (from Make Consulting, a Danish renewable energy consultancy [2]), we can
calculate the unit market share for the company Siemens AG (Table 1).

Table 1. The calculation of unit market share for the company Siemens AG on the
basis of the research from Make Consulting in 2014

(capacity in GW, unit market share in %) 2014

Total capacity of newly installed wind turbines (global
wind turbine market)
Total capacity of Siemens machines (newly installed
and connected to the grid wind turbines)
Unit market share of Siemens AG 10,8

The KPI Examples Review 3

Copyright 2017 The KPI Examples Review.
Unit market share = 5,63 / 52,13 = 0,108 or 10,8%.

Source: "Marketing KPI: Examples of Sales Effectiveness Measures",

Gross margin

The formula for calculating gross margin is:

Gross margin = (R COGS) / R , (4)

R Revenue;
COGS Cost of goods sold.[3]

Source: "Marketing KPI: Examples of Product Pricing Indicators",

Conversion rate

The formula for calculating conversion rate is:

Conversion rate = NGA / TNV , (5)

NGA Number of goal achievements (sales);
TNV Total number of visitors who viewed a web page, advertisement or e-mail.

Source: "Marketing KPI: Examples of Promotion Efficiency Measures",

All formulas and calculation examples you can find in our eBook:

"List of the 12 Most Important Sales Metrics and KPIs"

Read/ Download.

The KPI Examples Review 4

Copyright 2017 The KPI Examples Review.

1. Google Trends,

2., "Ten of the biggest and the best manufacturers",
3. The KPI Examples Review, "List of the 12 Key Performance Indicators for Sales
Manager: KPI Examples for Sales Manager, Key Performance Indicators for Sales
Executive, Sales Manager, KPI List",

Source: "List of Sales Metrics and KPIs: Sales KPI, Examples of KPI for Sales Manager, KPI in Sales, KPIs for Sales, Key
Performance Indicators for Sales, KPI for Sales Department, KPI Examples for Sales, Key Sales Metrics, Sales Effectiveness
Metrics, Measuring Sales Performance, Metrics and KPI, Sales, KPI List".

The KPI Examples Review 5

Copyright 2017 The KPI Examples Review.

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