Colores - Sudoku

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Spanish colours sudoku

This sudoku will help you practise nine colours in Spanish.

Spanish English
negro black
blanco white
rojo red
azul blue
verde green
naranja orange
amarillo yellow
gris grey
marrn brown

naranja blanco negro rojo gris marrn

rojo verde amarillo

marrn negro azul gris rojo verde

gris marrn naranja verde azul

naranja verde negro azul rojo

verde azul marrn amarillo negro

gris naranja marrn verde negro amarillo

marrn gris rojo

negro amarillo blanco naranja marrn verde 2012 19695 Page 1 of 2

Spanish colours sudoku

Teaching notes

Students need to write each colour in an empty cell. Each row, column, and three x three box
must contain only one use of each colour.

With lower ability students it may be helpful to suggest colouring the boxes according to the
Spanish colours.


naranja blanco verde negro amarillo rojo azul gris marrn

rojo azul gris naranja verde marrn blanco negro amarillo

amarillo marrn negro azul blanco gris rojo verde naranja

gris negro marrn rojo naranja amarillo verde blanco azul

blanco naranja amarillo verde negro azul marrn rojo gris

verde rojo azul gris marrn blanco amarillo naranja negro

azul gris naranja marrn rojo verde negro amarillo blanco

marrn verde blanco amarillo gris negro naranja azul rojo

negro amarillo rojo blanco azul naranja gris marrn verde 2012 19695 Page 2 of 2

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