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Increasing Students Reading Comprehension Achievement By

Using Collaborative Strategic Reading

A very useful skill used as a tool to communicate between a writer

and a reader called as reading. By this skill, a reader got through
understanding for what was written by the writer. But, reading is not just
spelling the word one by one and then doing nothing. There is a very
important activity to do, so a whole understanding will be absolutely
achieved. A reader requires comprehending, an activity which he or she
needs to have active process before, during, and after reading. There are
five aspects of comprehending the text; they are, identifying main idea,
determining reference, making inference, and understanding vocabulry. A
bad reading comprehension skill of Junior High School students made the
researcher took reading and then tried to increase the students
comprehension by a strategy called collaborative strategic reading.

Finding out whether there was any significant increasing of the

students reading comprehension achievement at the second grade of
SMPN . and what the most affected aspect after being taught by using
collaborative strategic reading are the objectives of this research. The
researcher used one group pre test post test design. The sample of this
research was VIII A at SMPN . As the instrument of the research, the
reading comprehension test was used. Repeated measure t-test was used
to analyze the data in which the significance was determined by p<0.05.

The result showed that the pretest mean score was 58.56 while the
posttest mean score was 69.42. It showed that there was a significant
increase from the first to the second mean score. It had increased to be
11.84. So that, the result proves that the the students score were
significantly different (p<0.05). It means that the two hypothesis proposed
in this bachelor thesis were accepted. The researcher then found that
determining main idea is the most affected aspect after being taught by
using collaborative strategic reading.

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