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J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(7), 628e632

Forsterite Nanopowder: Structural Characterization and Biocompatibility

M.A. Naghiu1), M. Gorea1)*, E. Mutch2), F. Kristaly3), M. Tomoaia-Cotisel1)
1) Department of Chemical Engineering, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania
2) Institute of Cellular Medicine, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH, UK
3) Department of Mineralogy and Geology, University of Miskolc, Hungary
[Manuscript received October 22, 2012, in revised form February 13, 2013, Available online 8 April 2013]

Forsterite, a new biocompatible material was synthesized from Mg(NO3)2$6H2O and TEOS by using the solegel
method. The material was then heated at 800, 900 and 1000  C. The forsterite was noticed as the main
crystalline phase in the material fired at 900 and 1000  C, while periclase (MgO) was present in all the
samples. The tests confirm that in the first two samples forsterite is present as crystallites <60 nm, while in
the sample synthesized at 1000  C it forms aggregates of micrometre-sized grains. In vitro test was
performed by immersing the forsterite powder in the simulating body fluids (SBF) and hydroxyapatite
formation on the surface was investigated. We could evidence the formation of hydroxyapatite on the
forsterite surface after 7 days of immersion. The MTT test confirmed that forsterite powders dissolution
promote osteoblast proliferation of the human-type osteoblasts with no significant cytotoxicity effects.

KEY WORDS: Forsterite; Nano particles; Biocompatibility; Grain size; Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy

1. Introduction Ceramics with Si and Mg contents have been tested for

obtaining bone implants materials[10e14]. Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) is
In the last decades, a wide range of biomaterials have been a phase in the MgOeSiO2 system that shows high biocompati-
produced and tested as replacements for the bone tissue. Espe- bility and good mechanical properties; thus it may be tested for
cially bioceramic materials were investigated, because of their orthopaedic, maxillary-facial surgery and dentistry applications,
low production costs, simple technology of fabrication and for dental and bone prostheses[11,12].
increased compatibility with hard tissues[1e5]. In spite of the high demand on the market, the production of
The evolution of research on bioceramics produced promising pure nanocrystalline forsterite with controlled grain size is still a
alternative materials that could be used for replacing or sus- challenge for the industry. The main cause is the slow speed of
taining parts of the human skeleton[6,7]. Thus, it is important to the reaction of obtaining Mg silicate from oxides; this is related
investigate new, higher-quality bioceramic materials with an to the systems relative low diffusion rate that controls the for-
increasingly better biocompatibility. Previous research has mation of enstatite and/or of magnesium oxide as end products.
demonstrated that silicon is an essential element for the human As a result, a relative high ring temperature, between 1200 and
bone. Magnesium is also of special importance, being closely 1600  C is needed leading to the formation of coarser
related to the mineralization of calcied tissues[8], indirectly powders[15,16].
inuencing the mineral metabolism[9]. Great interest in special methods for synthesis of powders is
In the last years, a special focus was placed on the study of related not only to a high level of mixing of initial components,
forsterite bioactive ceramics as important materials for medical but also to the possibility for ceramics to inherit morphology and
applications[10]. other characteristics of initial materials[17]. Many alternatives for
forsterite synthesis by different techniques have been reported,
for example heating MgO and SiO2 powders (up to 1525  C)[18]
mechanical activation method[19e25], co-precipitation[26],
* Corresponding author. Dr.; Tel.: 40 264 593877; E-mail address:
molten-salt approach[27], polymer precursor method[28] and sole (M. Gorea).
1005-0302/$ e see front matter Copyright 2013, The editorial ofce of gel techniques[2,29,30].
Journal of Materials Science & Technology. Published by Elsevier In the last 20 years, the solegel method was used with a
Limited. All rights reserved. continuously increasing interest. The basic advantages of using this method are represented by lower processing temperatures,
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M.A. Naghiu et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(7), 628e632 629

and higher homogeneity and purity of the nal products. The The in vitro bioactivity of the obtained powder was evaluated
hydrolysis of alkoxides metals or the precipitation methods are by soaking prepared forsterite nanopowder in the SBF solution
frequently used for obtaining homogeneous gels that are then for 7 and 28 days at a solid/liquid ratio of 1.5 mg/ml without
processed for obtaining ne ceramics[16]. refreshing the soaking medium. The SBF solution has been
To conclude, the goal of the present paper was to synthesize prepared according to the procedure described by Kokubo and
forsterite by using the solegel method starting from hydrated Takadama[31]. The experiment was carried out in a water bath, at
magnesium nitrate and tetraethyl orthosilicate (named also tet- 37  C. At the end of the experiment, the obtained powder was
raethoxysilane, TEOS); the forsterite nanopowder containing ltered and gently washed with distilled water in order to remove
small amounts of MgO was subsequently characterized for its the SBF solution, then dried at 100  C. The potential formation
structure and grain size, as well as for its in vitro biocompati- of hydroxyapatite on the surface of the forsterite powder was
bility (SBF and MTT tests). investigated by the means of IR spectroscopy using KBr pellets
on a FTIR JASCO 6100 unit in the 4000e400 cm1 spectral
2. Materials and Methods range, with a resolution of 4 cm1.
The SEM back-scattered electron images (BSE) were obtained
on a Hitachi TM-1000 low-vacuum benchtop microscope with
2.1. Preparation of forsterite nanopowder 15 kV accelerating voltage on uncoated samples (working dis-
tance 14e16 mm), while the energy-dispersive analysis (EDS)
In order to synthesize the forsterite powder, it was used hex- was carried out using a Si-drift detector with an ultra-thin Be
ahydrated magnesium nitrate (Mg (NO3)2$6H2O, 99.5% purity, window.
Merck) and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOSeC8H20O4Si, Merck)
as raw materials, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), sucrose and nitric 2.3. Cytotoxicity test
acid as binder and pH regulators. The molar Mg:Si ratio was 2:1.
Magnesium nitrate (0.5685 mol) was dissolved into magnesium
The cytotoxicity test was performed by adding forsterite
nitrate into 200 ml distilled water, and then TEOS was added in the
powder extracts in contact with osteoblasts cells. For this we
needed amount. Sucrose (sucrose:TEOS ratio of 4:1) solution was
have used U20S-type human osteoblasts cells in a Dulbeccos
prepared into 400 ml distilled water and then it was added as drops
Modied Eagles Medium (DMEM, Sigma 500 ml) supple-
into the magnesium nitrate and TEOS mixture. This solution was
mented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 1% Penicilline
homogenized for 2 h by using a magnetic stirring device.
Streptomycin. The forsterite powder has been sterilized before
After that, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA:TEOS 0.8:1) was pre-
being tested. The dissolution extract of forsterite was prepared by
viously dissolved into 120 ml distilled water. Nitric acid was
mixing forsterite powder with Dulbeccos Phosphate Buffered
further used to bring the solution to pH 1; the solution was
Saline (PBS, Sigma) at an average volume of 200 mg/ml. After
then stirred again for 2 more hours. The mixture was heated up
24 h incubation at 37  C, the mixture was centrifuged, with the
to 80  C and then stirred for 2 h. The nal solution thus obtained
supernatant being collected. The cell suspension was adjusted for
was preserved for 24 h at room temperature, in order to allow the
a density of 3  103 cells/ml. Then, 1 ml of cell suspension was
gel formation. Subsequently, the gel was heated at 100  C in air
added into each sample placed in a 24-well plate that was sub-
to obtain its complete dehydration; the product was represented
sequently incubated with 5% CO2 supply at 37  C for 24 h.
by a thick black gel. In the last stage, the dry gel was red at 800,
1 ml of the diluted extract of forsterite powder with concen-
900 and 1000  C, with 2 h plateau at the maximum temperature.
trations of 25, 12.5, and 6.25 mg/ml has been added to each
The heating rate of gel was 5  C/min for each gel sample.
sample, each concentration being used for three different
2.2. Characterization of the forsterite nanopowders After the cells were incubated for 1, 2, and 5 days the mixture
was removed; to each sample we added 500 ml DMEM and 50 ml
The phase composition of the synthesized powders was 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide
investigated by using a Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer (MTT) solution. The well plates were then incubated for 2 h. This
(CuKa radiation, 40 kV and 40 mA, parallel-beam geometry was followed by the addition of 0.8 ml of 2-propanol in order to
obtained by Gbel-mirror). For phase evaluation we have used
DiffracPlus EVA software, with components identication by
Search/Match on ICDD PDF2-2005 database.
The crystallite size of the forsterite powders was determinated
by using the Scherrer equation:


where b is the width of peak at half of its height, l is the

wavelength (0.154 nm), q is the Bragg angle, K is a constant
(0.9) and t is the apparent crystallite size. We have selected
three distinctive peaks showing the highest intensities that are
clearly separated in the X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern.
The size and shape of the grains were evaluated by scanning
electron microscopy, on a SEM JEOL 5600 LV unit and by using
a Shimadzu Sald-7101. Particle size distribution was investigated Fig. 1 X-ray diffraction patterns for the forsterite synthesized at various
by using Counter Coulter equipment, also. temperatures.
Author's personal copy

630 M.A. Naghiu et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(7), 628e632

Fig. 2 SEM images of the forsterite powder red at: (a) 800  C, (b) 900  C, (c) 1000  C.

prevent an interaction between the cells and the MTT. The optical forsterite powder red at 1000  C (Fig. 2(c)) is well-crystallized;
density was measured by using the SkanIt Software 2.5.1. the individual crystals show relatively spherical morphologies
but also crystalline aggregates are present.
2.4. Statistical analysis
3.2. Grain size distribution
For each experiment, the data were collected with N 3 and
expressed as means  standard deviation (SD). Statistical anal- Fig. 3 illustrates the grain size distribution (cumulative and
ysis was done using the Tukey test. The differences were differential curves) in the forsterite powders obtained at various
considered statistically signicant at p <0.05. temperatures (800, 900 and 1000  C). The grains red at 800,
and 900  C show a single, very similar size interval: 0.010e
3. Results and Discussion 0.028 mm (83%) and 100% of the total particles <0.043 mm in
the rst case, and 0.010e0.034 mm (82%) and maximum
0.064 mm grain size for the second one.
3.1. Characterization of the forsterite powder and phase
The crystal sizes calculated based on the XRD patterns are
very close to the measured ones. The size distribution in the third
sample, red at 1000  C evidences three distinctive grain size
Fig. 1 illustrates the XRD patterns on the forsterite powder
intervals: 71e17 mm (16%), 17e0.5 mm (68%) and 0.500e
obtained by using Mg (NO3)2$6H2O and TEOS and red at 800,
0.119 mm (16%). This grain size increase can be assigned to
900 and 1000  C. The patterns show that the sample red at
strong particle aggregation phenomena due to large specic
800  C has a lower crystallinity degree, the pattern being
surfaces and to supercial energy of nanoparticles at high
dominated by the peaks of periclase, MgO. The increase of the
synthesis temperature is accompanied by the formation of well-
crystallized forsterite. Periclase is present also in the sample
3.3. Cytotoxicity assay
obtained at 1000  C; nevertheless, enstatite peaks were not
identied (probably the intensities being below the equipments
limit of detection). We have selected the sample synthesized at 900  C to be
The calculated grain size is 1e19 nm at 800  C, 30e40 nm at tested for biocompatibility due to the presence of nanosize
900  C and 45e60 nm at 1000  C. SEM images on the forsterite grains.
powder are presented in Fig. 2. The sample red at 800  C Fig. 4 illustrates the results of the MTT assay of forsterite
(Fig. 2(a)) does not reveal the presence of forsterite crystals. powders dissolution (at concentrations of the extract of 6.25,
However, at 900  C (Fig. 2(b)) small crystals are visible. The

Fig. 4 Results of the MTT test performed on forsterite powders in

different concentrations, after different intervals of cell culture
using U20S-type osteoblast cells. Data are presented as mean
values; they were considered as statistically signicant at
Fig. 3 Grain size distribution for the forsterite nanopowders synthe- p <0.05 difference in the same day when compared using the
sized at various temperatures. Tukey test.
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M.A. Naghiu et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(7), 628e632 631

12.5 and 25%) after different times (1, 2 and 5 days) of cell
culturing as compared to the control sample, C.
We can notice that the cell proliferation rate in the forsterite
solution for all the studied concentrations increases proportion-
ally to the culturing time. As compared to the control sample, the
cell proliferation is diminished at lower concentration (6.25%),
especially after one day. After 2 days, the cell proliferation effect
is insignicant at low concentration, 6.25%, it decreases at
12.5% concentration and then increases again at 25%. After 5
days, the effect is similar to the one observed in the control
sample at 6.25, and 12.5%; a slight decrease was noticed in the
25% concentration solution.
The constant increase of the proliferation rate at all concen-
trations represents a conrmation that the forsterite powder
samples promoted the proliferation of osteoblasts cells in the
Fig. 5 FTIR spectrum of the forsterite powder red at 900  C placed in absence of cytotoxicity effects. Also, it is worthy to notice that
a SBF solution for various periods of time. MgO present in small amounts does not play a role in dimin-
ishing the powders biocompatibility. Based on our results, we
can state that the forsterite synthesized as described above shows
a good compatibility with the osteoblast cells.

3.4. In vitro evaluation of bioactivity

As in the previous case, in order to evaluate the powders

bioactivity we have used the sample synthesized at 900  C given
the nanometre-size of its particles and the main crystallized
component in this sample is forsterite. The evaluation was based
on the comparison of Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra
after various time intervals.
Fig. 5 presents the FTIR spectra of the studied forsterite
nanopowders before and after they were placed in the SBF so-
Fig. 6 XRD patterns of the forsterite nanopowder before and after 7
lution. Prior to the immersion, the typical absorption bands are
days, and after 28 days of soaking in SBF (F forsterite;
B brucite; A hydroxyapatite).
located at 420 cm1 representing the MgO6 octahedron, at 513

Fig. 7 SEM micrographs and EDS spectrum of the forsterite nanopowders after immersion in SBF solution for: (a) 7 days, (b) 28 days.
Author's personal copy

632 M.A. Naghiu et al.: J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(7), 628e632

and 620 cm1 for the SiO4 bending and at 890 and 1010 cm1 biocompatible material that allows that formation of HAP during
for the SiO4 stretching. its immersion into SBF solution.
In correlation with the duration of soaking in SBF, new bands
can be observed, assigned to OeH, CeO and PeO bonds. The Acknowledgements
band corresponding to the CO3 2 (CeO stretching) located at This work was nancially supported by research project 171/
1428 and at 1486 cm1 is present even after 7 days of 2012. One of the authors (M. A. Naghiu) thanks the nancial
experiment. support of the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Re-
The absorption bands at 1629 and 3437 cm1, corresponding sources Development 2007e2013, co-nanced by the European
to the OH bond in the newly formed hydroxyapatite (HAP) are Social Fund, under the project No. POSDRU/107/1.5/S/76841,
clearly visible already after 7 days of soaking. 76841. F. Kristaly thanks for support of the European Union and
After 28 days, the previously mentioned OH bands increase in the European Social Fund under the grant agreement No.
intensity; more than that, they are accompanied now by the sharp TMOP-4.2.1.B-10/2/KONV-2010-0001.
band at 3690 cm1. At the same time, the band at 476 cm1
corresponding to the PO4 group occurs. The PeO stretching REFERENCES
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