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Shapers of Elements

Parentage: Moros, Mysterium or Free Council.
Background: Scientists, Alchemists, Occultists The Shapers of Elements come from
differing walks of life, sharing only one goal: to understand the Physical World through
command of its basic building blocks: Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
Appearance: No two Elementalists are alike, but they all share a common interest.
Shaped by such interest, many adorn themselves with alchemic symbols, be it in
jewelry, or embroidered in their clothing.

Prerequisites: Matter 2, Forces 1, Crafts 1, Occult 2 and Sciences 2.
Initiation: To show command over at least one of the elements and understanding of
the elemental interactions in the world.
Organization: The Shapers of Elements do not follow a strictly rigid hierarchy, but do
respect those who have proven themselves more capable. Once a year, Elementalists
convene to talk and mingle, to expose new theories and exchange knowledge, with
Initiates taking the opportunity to talk with those more experienced to grow in
knowledge and power.
Theory: The Shapers of Elements believe in knowledge of the World and in acquiring
such knowledge through the power to command the Elements that compose it. By
gaining the necessary knowledge to bend the Elements, one can now command them in
new ways, which will, in turn, allow for more knowledge by experimenting with new
combinations and so the cycle never stops.

Ruling Arcanum: Matter
Yantras: Focusing on an Element pertaining to the Spell (+1); Chanting a command to
the Elements (5 turns, +1); Taking damage from any Element (bashing damage from
strong winds, cold exposure, lightning; lethal damage from fire, stone, poison; +2);
Casting inside a circle with representations of the four Elements (+2).
Oblations: Meditation with soil, smoke, flame, and water; preparing/experimenting
with alchemical pastes; collecting, tending and cataloguing natural ingredients.
First: Knowing the Medium
Prerequisites: Initiation
An aspiring Elementalist knows the world to be divided into Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
It also knows these to be mere categories and that Matter has many forms. This
attainment allows the Elementalist to know at a glance the composition of any matter it
encounters, as per the spell Discern Composition.
Optional: Forces 1
Knowing that of the Four Elements there is one not composed of Matter, the
Elementalist must open itself into the world of energy. By reproducing the effects of
Nightvision, a Shaper can also perceive energy around itself.

Second: Coaxing the Elements

Prerequisites: Matter 2, Sciences 3, Occult 3, Crafts 1
The next step on learning to command the Elements is to guide their movements. By
applying the effects of Lodestone with reach to Instant Casting and Sensory Range,
the Elementalist can now direct the path of the natural flow of the Elements.
Optional: Forces 2
Knowing how to guide the physical Elements means one is also able to nudge the
subtler energies of Fire. By increasing or decreasing the presence of the Element of Fire,
the Elementalist can manipulate temperatures as per the spell Control Heat with reach
assigned to Instant Casting.

Third: Commanding the Four Generals

Prerequisites: Matter 3, Sciences 3, Occult 3, Crafts 2
After learning to know the Elements and to influence them, the Elementalist is now
prepared to learn the next step, to command them. By focusing its will on any material
that is capable of fluidity, the Elementalist is able to freely manipulate it, moving it and
shaping it to its will, as per the spell Shaping with reach dedicated to Sensory Range
and Instant Casting.
Optional: Forces 3
Commanding the liquids of Water, the gaseous manifestations of Air and the solid
particles of Earth, the Elementalist can also try its hand at manipulating Fire, by
copying the effects of Influence Fire with reach dedicated to Instant Casting, Sensory
Range and Increasing or Decreasing the flames size by one level.
Fourth: Changing the Form
Prerequisites: Matter 4, Forces 4, Occult 4, Sciences 3, Crafts 2.
Focusing ones will on the structure of the Matter one controls, an Elementalist soon
starts to realize it can extend its control even further. As simple as it was to command
the Elements into other forms, now the Elementalist can command them into
transforming into one another. Therefore Water can solidify into Earth, Earth can
disperse into Air or even become plasma as Fire. This attainment reproduces the effects
of the spell State Change with reach assigned to Instant Cast and Sensory Range.
Optional: Forces 4
Controlling the very states of Matter opens the path to controlling other manifestations
of the elements. Fire and Air combine into Lightning. Air and Water become Ice. At the
Elementalists beckon the weather around it changes to accommodate its whims, as per
the spell Control Weather with reach dedicated to Instant Cast and Drastic Changes.

Fifth: Alchemic Creation

Prerequisites: Matter 5, Forces 5. In addition to the Occult 4 requirement from the
previous Attainment, the Elementalist must increase the other Skills to 3.
The mark of a Shaper of Elements its the ability to bend Matter to its whim. The final
attainment allows the Elementalist to turn inert Matter into something animated, the
mark of the Elements bending to its Mastery. As per the spell Golem the Elementalist
can turn one kind of Matter into a Retainer. Reach is applied to Instant Casting and
Advanced Duration.
Optional: Forces 5
Creating life out of inert material is surely one of the Elementalists greatest feats.
But those energies governed by Fire are already very much alive. A Master
Elementalist is able to make those energies spring to existence with a mere thought.
This reproduces the effects of the spell Create Energy with reach applied to Instant

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