Children and Discipline - What's The Best Way

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Children and Discipline: Whats the

Best Way?
Sadhguru looks at how rather than imposing something, discipline works best if it is brought in
as a culture in the family.

Blog Home Lifestyle Relationships May 29, 2015

Sadhguru looks at how rather than imposing something, discipline works best if it is brought in as a culture in
the family.

Sadhguru: Essentially, in English, the word discipline means a learning or to learn. When you say, I am
disciplined, that means you are always willing to learn. You are not stuck in some mode. Discipline is not just
doing something in a particular way. If you constantly strive and are willing to learn how to do everything better,
you are disciplined.

You cannot impose learning but you can force people to do certain things. But
once you start forcing people, if its for a short while it can be done, but if it is

In my own long-term, your life will go, their life will go. In trying to enforce it your life will
go. Their life will go in trying to dodge it.
childhood, whatever
In my own childhood, whatever my family tried to impose never worked. But
my family tried to whatever was brought in as a kind of a culture in the family worked and it has

impose never beneted me immensely in many ways. It was just simple things. For example,
wherever we were, we always went back home for lunch and dinner. It wasnt
worked. But possible for breakfast because people were leaving at dierent times but lunch
and dinner, the whole family always ate together. If one person didnt come, the
whatever was whole family would be waiting. So, you could not not go on time. This was not

brought in as a kind an imposition. An atmosphere was created where you had to be a part of it.

of a culture in the
family worked and it
has beneted me
immensely in many

Essentially, it is about doing what is needed in a certain way. If you want to have a certain quality of life you have
to have a clean space. To keep the place clean you have to do certain things. If youre not willing to bend down
and do that then you will live in a dirty place. So, rst lets set our priorities right. If you make people understand
why something has to be done, Im sure every sensible human being is willing to do it. If you are a sensible
human being you understand what is best and you do it. If you dont understand, if someone tells you, at least
you will listen and understand. If you dont get anything, you are a donkey. Donkeys will get treated like donkeys.
Even if people dont treat you like donkeys, you will live like a donkey.

In the house, it didnt matter what, even if the maid did not come, my mother
would sweep the house twice, in the morning and evening, and swab the house

Civilization has once. She would not have her bath and eat unless the house was swept and
swabbed. How will you let your mother do the whole thing by herself? So
disseminated not everybody pitched in to whatever extent they could. If only the maid was doing it
and when the maid was not there my mother did not do it, we would have never
through textbooks thought of doing it because it would have been the maids work. But whenever
she was not there, without hesitation my mother was doing it, so there was no
or preachers. It is question of not doing it. Everybody had to do it.

essentially the way a It was these little things that made all the dierence. Simple things like the way

family lives. you leave your bed when you get up in the morning to where you leave your
coee cup these things are not there in many families unfortunately. No one
ever yelled at us if we didnt do these things. My mother would sit and do it.
When you saw her doing it you had to pitch in and do it yourself.

Civilization has disseminated not through textbooks or preachers. It is essentially

the way a family lives. Everything, from a bathroom to a dining table, how you

If you bring yogic leave them, these things were all set and it had to happen that way. Whether you
participate or not, no one asked but how long can you just simply be like that?
practices into a You cannot be. When everyone is doing it you also become a part of it and do it.

childs life there is no If you bring yogic practices into a childs life there is no way they cannot be

way they cannot be disciplined. Practicing yoga brings discipline into life because you have to do
certain things in a certain way. Otherwise it does not work. The way yoga is
disciplined. taught is so meticulous that once you start doing it with that sense of
meticulousness, there is no way you cannot be disciplined.

Editors Note: The ebook Inspire Your Child Inspire the World has more of Sadhgurus
wisdom on childhood, parenting and education.


Todays Mystic Quote

POSTED IN: Relationships

TAGS: Parenting, Starred


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