Actividad 4 My View On Colombia

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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidence: My view on Colombia / Evidencia: Como veo a Colombia

The first thing to keep in mind is that colombian people are open and
outgoing, much more so than the European or worth American people. As a
result, they are people who love fun, who are kind and even a little
unconcerned when compared to other types of thinking.

Colombia is one of the most optimistic and happy countries in the world. the
enoyment of life is easily seen thanks to the dance, the party or what they
do at any time. Nightlife defines them as well as the parties of any social

in areas where this is true is primarily in the strength of family ties and the
persistence of traditional household roles. !hroughout the country, the
central block of society remains the family, both in its immediate and
extended form

Although in many parts of the country they are becoming more modern, the
national culture retains many traditional elements. one of the main areas
where this is true is primarily in the strength of family ties and the
persistence of traditional household roles. Throughout the country, the
central block of society remains the family, both in its immediate and
extended form
For Colombians, the best way to live everyday life is by interacting with their
relatives. Family gatherings and social events are regular, and will always
give priority to the family than to friends. this can be some what complicated
for foreigners who want to integrate into colombian life.

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