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Anchor Point Design

- for review by -
Usa 4 hilons para cortar ms rpido Se adapta a las formas y tamaos El hilo se recarga en 10 segundos El diseo revolvente disminuye el rom- Las cuchillas se recargan Cuchilla de metal slido
de hilos pimiento del hilo en 10 segundos

Print promotion is an effective tool for spreading community
awareness, and as such I have developed countless flyers to
entertain and educate. Most of them were made during my
career as a Radio DJ on WUSC 90.5 FM for our fundraisers
Visual Identity is the way a brand looks at feels in the comer-
cial space. In the music industry this individuality is crucial
to a bands image and by extensions, their message. I created
all the logos, packaging and promotion for two local bands,
Dead Surf (left) and Casio Mio (right)
How To Become

A Map to
Congaree National Park Trails
A National Park
Junior Ranger
Complete the workbook
activities for as many pages as you can. If
you get stumped, ask a parent or adult for

When you have completed

your booklet, you and a parent or adult must
sign the back. Then, Take your workbook to
the visitor center information desk and they
will sign your certificate and award you a

Ranger Station

Remember these lessons

when you leave the park and make an
effort to practice them in your everyday life.

facts you didnt know

where you see new animals, plants, landmarks, or
from the last. Draw an X on the trail at places
BONUS: Every walk through the park is different

THIS PAGE: a trifold for Congaree Park target audience 8-10

years old
OPPOSITE TOP: Infographic displaying results of a survey
about habits of young musicians
OPPOSITE BOTTOM: mockup for the Carolina News
Network to use on their chromakey screen for weather
38%* 48% of American adults
want more art & music in
Musicians Start Early
elementary schools, and In the United States 62 million people have identified themselves as
36% want more arts in musicians. From beginner to virtuoso, most of these artists started
from an age that may rock your expectations.
Influence high schools.

A study of 7,500 university

students showed music
majors scored the highest
reading scores among all
other majors

Starting Age

Source: The Case for Music in the Schools, Phi Delta Kappa, 1994
National Association of Music Merchants, 1996 data
Note: all figures rounded, totals may not equal 100%
Lee Garrett

Effective design will communicate a larger point

while captivating the audiences imagination. Publica-
tions use infographics like these to quickly present
data in an easy-to-digest format.
Dinosaurs were one of several prehistoric reptiles that lived during
the Mesozoic Era, the Age of Reptiles.Dinosaurs shared features
of the skeleton (bone shapes and structure) that are not found on any
other animal. Animals that do not possess those features, including
Mosasaurs, Pterosaurs and mammals, are not dinosaurs.
These fascinating creatures were given their name by Sir Richard Owen in 1841, who

huge, lizard-like extinct

animals. Imagining what they must have been like, he named them dinosaur,combining
two Greek words deinosmeaning terribleand saurosmeaning lizard. The name
immediately captured the imagination of the public and we havent been quite the same
Birds are considered to have evolved from a group of carnivorous dinosaurs, called
Theropods (beastfoot),which includes Deinonychus. Birds are therefore a subgroup
of dinosaurs. Paleontologists use the term non-aviandinosaurto refer to any dinosaur
that isnt a bird. The next time youre eating a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, youre
chowing down on a dinosaur!

When Did Dinosaurs Live? Non - Avian Dinosaurs in

Dinosaurs evolved around 230 million South Carolina?
years ago in Triassic Period of the Me- Yes!
sozoic Era. All non-avian dinosaurs died different types of non-avian dinosaurs
out at the end of the Mesozoic (end of the that are related to species like Miasaura,
Cretaceous Period) about 65 million years T. rex, and Deinonychus, have been found
ago. Birds survived the extinction and in the eastern part
10,000 of South Carolina (Darlington, Florence
species! and Williamsburg counties). The South
Carolina dinosaurs lived along rivers and
Where Did Dinosaurs Live? swampy areas near the shore.
Non-avian dinosaurs lived on every con-
tinent, and their bones can be found al- How Do Robotic Dinosaurs Work?
most everywhere, from the United States Inside each model is a metal skele-
to Japan, Argentina, Tanzania and Italy. ton and air cylinders. A source of com-
They lived in forested areas, pressed air outside the models activates
deserts, swampy areas, along the shores the air cylinders inside the dinosaurs.
of oceans and lakes and even polar re- As the air pressure varies at each action
gions (the Earth was warmer back point, the control box turns valves on and
then). Birds can be found on all seven off. When a valve is off, no air goes into
continents and inhabit desert, mountain, the cylinder and the model is still. When
forest and arctic habitats. a valve is on, its air cylinder moves and
the part it is attached to moves (head, tail
and limb). The valves are controlled by
a computer. By changing the computer
program, the model can be made to move
in a different pattern.
THROUGH PAINSTAKING RESEARCH, actual fossil evidence and the latest in robotic technology, this life-like ex-
hibit will evoke the spirit of a vanished time and environment that has intrigued the world for more than a century and will spark
imaginations of all. The robotic dinosaurs and creatures on exhibit are from the Jurassic (200-140 mya) and the Cretaceous
(140 65mya) periods. Beware, these creatures look, move and sound like the real thing!


Meaning of name: helmet lizard Meaning of name: tyrant reptile
This large plant-eating dinosaur had a Probably the most famous of all, this
hollow crest that may have been used to dinosaur had a huge skull
signal other Corythosaurus in the area
Lived during the Cretaceous Peroid Lived during the
Grew up to 30 feet long and weighed Cretaceous Period
about four tons Grew up to 47 feet long and weighed
Has been found in Western North America about seven tons
Has been found in Alberta, Colorado,
Montana, New Mexico, Saskatchewan,
PACHYCEPHALOSAURUS (pak-ee-sef-uh-lo-SAWR-us) South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming; possibly in China
Meaning of name: Thick-Headed Lizard
A thick-skulled dinosaur that may have engaged in
head-butting DEINONYCHUS (dyne-ON-ik-us)
Lived during the Cretaceous Peroid Meaning of name: Terrible Claw
Grew up to 15 feet long A fast moving dinosaur
Has been found in North America meant to kill
(Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota and Alberta) Lived during the Cretaceous Period

Grew up to 10 feet long and weighed up
to 175 pounds
TRICERATOPS WITH BABIES (try-SAIR-uh-tops) Has been found in Western United States
Meaning of name: Three-horned face

his dinosaur had a shield of bone at the back
of its head and three big horns to protect TENONTOSAURUS (ten-ON-tuh-sawr-us)
itself from the T. rex

Meaning of name tendon lizard
Lived during the Cretaceous A medium to large-sized plant eating
Period dinosaur that seems to
Grew up to 30 feet long have been a favorite food
Has been found in North America (Colorado, Montana, South of Deinonychus ENJOY. . . PTRAVELING PTERRENCE
Dakota, Wyoming, Alberta and Saskatchewan) Lived during the Cretaceous Period
Grew up to 21 feet long and weighed one ton Reduced admission to DINOSAURS: A Bite Out of Time.
Has been found in Western United States
PTERANODON (tair-AN-o-don) FREE general admission
Meaning of name: winged and
toothless DISCOUNT admission to signature events Pterrence the Pteranodon is a very
ELASMOSAURUS (e-las-mo-saur)
These dinosaur relatives ruled the skies for Meaning of name: thin-plated lizard DISCOUNTS in the museum store special creature in the exhibit that wasnt a
more than 100 million years! A long-necked marine reptile with four dinosaur, but was a close friend of dinosaurs
Lived during the Cretaceous Period long, paddle-like limbs. Lived during ONE YEAR Subscription to the museum magazine and ALL
Grew up to 23-foot wingspan the Cretaceous Period while you support YOUR State Museum! from the same time period and environment.
Has been found in North America (Kansas) and Grew up to 46 feet long Join us in the Ptraveling Pterrence
Europe (England) Found in Western United States contest and track Pterrnaces travels
throughout South Carolina and beyond. Its
Meaning of name: roof lizard simple
Meaning of name: meuse lizard
This dinosaur featured rows of unique bones This true sea monster was not a 1. Purchase a Ptraveling Pterrence replica
that developed into plates and spines dinosaur, but lived in the oceans during
in the museum store
along its back and tail. the same period
Lived during the Jurassic Period Lived during the Cretaceous Period
Grew up to 30 feet long, nine feet Grew up to 30 feet long Shop the DINOSAURS store full of dinosaur
tall and weighed about 3 tons 2. Take Pterrence on your adventures to
Has been found in North America toys, games, activities and more!
Has been found in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming school, shopping, dining out, on vacation
(Alabama, Colorado, Kansas, Mississippi) and Europe
and other places you travel.

3. Take pictures of Pterrence photobombing

your travels and share them on Facebook,
Twiter or Instagram with the hashtag
#SCSMdinos for a chance to win a
monthly State Museum prize.

4. Each month the museum will pick the

best picture and will give the winner a
special Dinosaur prize. Winners will be
PLUS! You can saddle up on a life-sized
Layout and publication design were the most important skills Triceratops and purchase a souvenir photo to
take home.
announced on the museums Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram pages each month.
to my time in the design department of the South Carolina
State Museum. Mass Communication to a general audience of S C M U S E U M . O R G 3 0 1 G E RVA I S S T. , C O LU M B IA , S C 803. 898. 4921 #S C S M dino s

all demographics forces an accessable and informative design

Our program is modeled on the Stress Reduction
Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical
School. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is
an organized, progressive educational approach
designed to teach individuals how to be more aware,
more present, and more rela ed while facing the
stresses of daily life.

Come get chilled out with us!

Learn to quiet your mind College Street,
Columbia, SC
n ive oints Students enroll in
(across from City o ga)
-wee class
- - series and learn
info user-friendly
ups treamsc
meditation s ills
in a friendly,
peaceful class
Our mission is setting. Contact
to bring us to see when
mindfulness the ne t series
practices to will start.
Columbia, SC

Lear n t o q u i e t your mind

in a class
series format
for all
ability levels.

Next MBSR class series

he goal o teach you how to rela , for real.
starts April 29
Join Us!
OPPOSITE: a holistic health and yoga studio that wanted
a logo that included a swoosh and a rising sun, two sym-
My process begins with thumbnails and evolves through client
bols of wholeness.
feedback. The most satisfying part of design is seeing an idea
from crom concept to draft to final, and all the communication TOP: a pharmacy program that gives step-by-step
inherent in development instructions to its patients, visualized through the motif
of a GPS
the basket. Snares are for catching
hares, but when the ares are trapped,
you forget the snares. Words are for
conveying ideas, but when ideas are
understood, you forget the words.
How I would love to talk with someone
whos forgotten all the words!

-Chuang Tzu

My name is Lee Garrett. I hope

to communicate big ideas while
forgetting all the words. Lets connect
at 803-760-3408 or

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