Anubis Invocation PDF

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practitioner in mind, shortened the speeches. This kind of spell is

often said to come from a physician in the Oxyrhynchus nome. Herm-
Anubis is another important aspect of the god. For comments on
the Sethian associations of Oxyrhynchus see The Bull of Ombos.

This rite is for two people, the priest who acts as amanuensis or
scribe and a medium. It develops into a dialogue between the
medium and the god Anubis. In classical times, the medium was
usually a virginal youth but for this reconstruction I have it as a
sensitive medium. For equipment one needs a suitable bowl or
chalice into which one places clear water or oil, preferably from
one of Egypts oases. In addition a table altar on which to place
food and drink as well as a thurible or brazier to burn incense
and other magical catalysts. Egyptian magicians used a special
Anubis herb for this rite. This has been variously identified as
Stachys or Woundwort, which has a long medicine history as a
mild antiseptic and eye medicine. An alternative could be
Mentha Aquatica/Water mint. It seems likely that the medium
used an embrocation to open their inner eyes.

1. Start with the Tankhem opening as given earlier:

2. Priest: (opening address)

Hail thou soul god, Anubis,
The son of the goddess Nephthys
Hail key-holder
Who sends the phantoms of the dead,
For my service in this very hour.
Hail Anubis loyal dog
Resting on a box of myrrh,
Your feet on the frankincense

When I make this libation

Anubis with a fair face
I see you great god
And with this masque (or mark) about my head
I am Anubis, master of secrets.

Oh Anubis, the edge of whose strap rests in Pelusium
Whose his face is like a spark
Put the light and breadth in my vessel
Open to me, O Earth!
Open to me, O Underworld!
Open to me, O primeval waters!
O protector of the necropolis at Abydos

Oh Gods who are in heaven

Who are exalted, come
And put the light and breadth in my vessel.

May we prosper for this vessel that was used by Isis in her
searching for Osiris
Powerful one of heaven, ABLANATHANALBA
The griffin of the shrine of the god who stands here today.

Then whisper:
Oh good Oxherd Anubis,

My compeller, open the eyes of the medium so they may see.

O pure gods of the primeval water,
I am a child of earth by name,
Under the soles of whose feet the gods of Egypt are placed.
I am the one in the shrine
Of earth by name
I preserve the one in the shrine
With these forearms of real gold
The truth in my mouth is the honey of my lips.

Priest addressing the Medium:

Open your [inner] eyes and tell me what you see?

[The following develops into a trance session. The text gives an
idea of how this goes but in practice the participants would
need to allow some flexibility. For example there needs to be a
pause to allow the medium time to refocus and then whisper or
otherwise signal they are beginning to see visions. They may say
something like:]

Be great, be great, oh Light

Priest: (If necessar y)

Oh darkness, remove yourself from before him.
O light bring the light to me
Fate who is in the primal water
Bring the light into me
O Osiris who is in the divine bark

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