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SMRP Best Practice Metrics FOR COMMENT

3.2 Total Downtime

A. Definition:

The amount of time an asset is not capable of running. It is the sum of Scheduled Downtime
and Unscheduled Downtime. (See Figure 1 - Time Element Chart)

B. Objectives:

This metric allows one to evaluate the total amount of time the asset has not been capable of
running. The metric would be used to identifying problem areas and or potential capacity.

C. Example Calculation:

Total Downtime = Scheduled Downtime + Unscheduled Downtime

D. Component Definitions

Scheduled Downtime Time to do required work on an asset that is on the

finalized weekly maintenance schedule.

Unscheduled Downtime Time an asset is down for repairs or modifications

that are not on the weekly maintenance schedule.

Weekly Schedule The list of maintenance work to be done in the

week. It is usually finalized three to four days before
the start of the work week.

E. Qualification:

1. Time Basis: Weekly, monthly and yearly - similar to financial basis

2. Indicator type: Lagging
3. To be used by plant managers, corporate managers for improvement initiatives, capital
investment justification, asset rationalization and to identify latent capacity
4. Can be used in conjunction with Availability in certain instances with low demand to
uncover problems

F. Sample Calculation:

For a given asset in a given month the scheduled downtime is 50 hours and the unscheduled
downtime is 25 hours the total down would be:

Total Downtime = Scheduled Downtime + Unscheduled Downtime = 50 + 25 = 75 hrs

It can also be expressed as a percentage; for a month = 75 hrs/730 hrs per month = 10.3 %

2005 SMRP Page 1 of 2 Rev 1-FC

Prepared by: Dick Olver Date: February 22, 2005
SMRP Best Practice Metrics FOR COMMENT

3.2 Total Downtime

Time Available

Available to Run Unavailable to Run


Actual Running Scheduled Unscheduled

Idle Time
Time Downtime Downtime

No Demand
PM/PdM Repairs

No Feedstock or
Raw Materials Repairs Modifications

(Not Scheduled Modifications
for Production)


Figure 1. Time Element Chart

2005 SMRP Page 2 of 2 Rev 1-FC

Prepared by: Dick Olver Date: February 22, 2005

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