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Design for Instruction (DFI) SSE 3312 Unit Plan

Theme: Power, Authority, and Governance Grade level: 2

Group Members:
Samantha Puglisi
Nicole Bowen
Samantha Taylor
Leanna Davidson
SS standards you plan to include (at least 3):

1. SS.2.C.2.2
Define and apply the characteristics of responsible citizenship.

2. SS.2.C.2.1
Identify what it means to be a United States citizen either by birth or by naturalization.

3. SS.2.C.2.3
Explain why United States citizens have guaranteed rights and identify rights.

4. SS.2.C.2.4
Identify ways citizens can make a positive contribution in their community.
LAFS/MAFS/SC, etc. standards you plan to include (at least 1):

1. LAFS.2.RI.4.10
By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social
studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 23 text complexity band proficiently,
with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

2. LAFS.2.RI.1.3
Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts,
or steps in technical procedures in a text.

3. LAFS.2.RL.1.1
Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of key details in a text.

4. LAFS.2.SL.1.1
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and
texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
1. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful
ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and
texts under discussion).
2. Build on others talk in conversations by linking their comments to the remarks of
3. Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and texts
under discussion.
Pre-Post assessment ideas: Kahoot for pre and post assessment, and on Friday at boot
camp graduation students will give a speech on what it means to be a good citizen
Who is the exceptional student you are planning for and what is their special need?
Miguel, hearing impairment
Outline below, what will take place on each day? Who is responsible for typing that

Day 1: Classroom Citizenship - Nicole

What is a citizen? What are traits of citizenship?
Definition: The position or status of being a citizen of a particular place
Honesty, Compassion, Respect, Responsibility, and Courage.
How can we incorporate these themes into not only our class, but our daily lives?
What does it take to be a good school citizen? How can students become better citizens at
1. Being respectful of other people and their property.
2. Being respectful of school property.
3. Following school rules.
4. Displaying good character (responsibility, honesty, good listening, kindness)
5. Giving back to the school community.

Day 2: American Citizenship - Leanna

Discuss natural citizenship by birth and naturalization
What are rights?
o Have students write down their list of rights
What rights do US citizens have?
o Vote
o Freedom of speech
o Religion

Day 3: American Citizenship - Samantha

Remind students voting is an important responsibility of American citizenship
Read a book about voting
Have students make a Voters registration card
Tell students we are going to be voting on what to eat for lunch at graduation on
Friday (main dish, dessert, and drink)
Have students fill out ballots
There will be a voting station with a ballot box, students must show their voter
registration card to put their ballot in the box
Count results, go over them with class, have open discussion about how all of the
citizens in the classroom got to vote, and the majority won

Day 4: Digital Citizenship / Graduation -

Samantha T
Short video opening the concept of digital citizenship
Open conversation as a class about what they think digital citizenship is
Discuss internet safety and what kids can do to stay safe online
Students will create a footprint and color/fill it in with their favorite apps and
websites. On the back, list ways they plan to stay safe online
At the end of the day, students will Graduate and parents will be invited to

Day 5: Community Citizenship - Nicole

Students will learn about community citizenship, what it means to be a
community citizen, and how different members of society contribute to
There will be a 45 minute career fair where parents come in and set up stations in
the library to showcase their career and how it impacts the community. They will
emphasize how their job makes them a good community citizen.
Students will have a closing discussion about the different jobs and how they
impact society and promote community citizenship.
After the lesson, students will graduate from bootcamp. Families will be invited in
for a meal.

Note (bullet) technology use below:

Earphones (Miguel)

Closed-Captions (Miguel)

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