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Analysis of accidents related to scaffolding and

floor/wall openings

Heckmann, John Vincent.

Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School
i^-nr^-'Y *2*^
Analysis of Accidents
Related to Scaffolding and FloorAVall Openings


John Vincent Heckmann, Jr.

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Civil Engineering

University of Washington

Master's Thesis

In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a

Master's degree at the University of Washington, I agree that the Library
shall make its copies freely available for inspection. I further agree that
extensive copying of this thesis is allowable only for scholarly purposes,
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other reproduction for any purposes or by any means shall not be allowed
without my written permission.
University of Washington


Analysis of Accidents
Related to Scaffolding and FloorAVall Openings

by John Vincent Heckmann, Jr.

Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee: Professor Jimmie W. Hinze

Department of Civil Engineering

Scaffolding and floor/wall openings are common potential hazards at construction sites

and account for a significant number of accidents, many resulting in fatalities. The major

types of scaffolds used in construction is reviewed and accompanied by illustrations. The

liability involving scaffold and floor/wall opening accidents is also examined as associated

with past and present case law. Accidents recorded under the Occupational Safety and

Health Administration's (OSHA) Integrated Management Information System (IMIS)

from 1985 to 1994 related to scaffolding or floor/wall openings were reviewed. Statistics

were compiled about numerous characteristics of the scaffold and floor/wall opening

accidents including: timing of accident, location of accident, company size, type work

being performed, scaffold type, size opening, apparent causes, OSHA standards violated,
and various information on the injuries sustained. By far, most of the scaffold and

floor/wall opening accidents investigated were fall-related. Scaffold accidents generally

involved the tubular welded frame type associated with masonry construction. The most

common causes of scaffold accidents were a lack of guardrails and unsecure planking.

Floor/wall openings accidents were mostly involved with open-sided floors and associated

with roofing operations. The most common causes of floor/wall opening accidents were

the lack of guards, inadequate covering, and the failure to use personal lifelines.


List of Figures iii

List of Tables vi

Introduction 1

Chapter 1 : Scaffolding Types, Regulations, and Liability 3

Types of Scaffolding 3

Swinging or Suspended Scaffolds 4

Stationary Scaffolds 8

Special ScaflFolds 12

Movable Scaffolds 20

OSHA's Efforts on Scaffolding Safety 22

Liability for Scaffolding Accidents 26

Owner Liability 27

Designer Liability 27

Contractor Liability 28

Summary 30

Chapter 2: Research Methodology 32

Research Objectives 32

Research Data 32

Research Approach 33

Database Structure 34

Data Analysis 35

Chapter 3: Results 36

Timing of Accidents 36

Location of Cases 41

Job Site Characteristics 44

Accident Characteristics 48

General Scaffold Accident Characteristics 50


Tubular Welded Frame ScafFolds 57

Manually-Propelled Mobile Scaffolds 59

Swinging (Two-Point Suspension) ScafFolds 62

Extensible and Articulating Boom Aerial Lifts 66

Pump Jack Scaffolds 68

Scaffold Summary 71

Floor and Wall Openings 77

Victim Characteristics 82

Chapter 4; Conclusions and Recommendations 85

General Accident Conclusions 85

General Accident Recommendations 87

Scaffold Accident Conclusions 88

Floor/Wall Opening Accident Conclusions 90

Scaffold and FloorAVall Opening Recommendations 90

Bibliography 92

Appendix A: Sample of IMIS Computer Printout 95

Appendix B: SPSS Database Definition File and Data File sample... 98

Appendix C. Listing of OSHA Regions and State-Plan States 108

Appendix D: Listing of Standard Industrial Code Descriptions 109

Pocket Material: Database and Definition File on diskette



Number Page

1. Two-Point Suspended Scaffold 6

2. Single-Point Suspended Scaffold 6

3. Boatswain's Chair 6

4 Two-Point or Single-Point Suspension Tie-Back Systems 7

5 Mason's Multi-Point Suspension Scaffold Cross Section 7

6. Wood Pole Scaffold Cross Section 10

7. Tubular Welded Frame Scaffold 10

8. Tube and Coupler Scaffold Connections 1

9. Tube and Coupler Scaffold 1

10. Outrigger Scaffold Cross Section 14

11. Window Jack Scaffold 14

12. Carpenter's Bracket Scaffold 15

13. Roofing Brackets 15

14. Horse Scaffold 16

15. Bricklayer's Square Scaffold 16

16. Plaster's, Decorator's and Large Area Scaffold 17

17. Needle Beam Scaffold 17

18. Interior Hung Scaffold Cross Section 18

19. Float or Ship Scaffold 18

20. Ladder Jack Scaffold 19

21. Pump Jack Scaffold 19

22. Crawling Board or Chicken Ladder 21

23. Form Scaffold 21

24. Manually Propelled Mobile Scaffold 23

25. Vertical Tower Aerial Lift (Scissor Type) 23

26. Articulating Boom and Extensible Boom Aerial Lift Platforms 23

27. Accidents by Disposition of Victims 37

Number Page

28. Accidents by Scaffold and FloorAVall Openings 37

29. Cases by Time of Day 38

30. Cases by Month of the Year 38

31. Cases by Month and by Region of Country 39

32. Fatality Cases by Month and Region of Country 40

33. Cases by Year 41

34. Number of States Reporting by Year 41

35. Cases by OSHA Region 43

36. Cases by Company Size 44

37. Scaffold and Opening Cases by Company Size 45

38. Average Fines Paid by Company Size 45

39. Cases by Citation Fines Paid 46

40. Cases by Job Site Union Affiliation 47

41. Cases by Standard Industrial Code 47

42. Scaffold and Opening Cases by Standard Industrial Code 48

43. Cases by Platform Elevation and % of Fatalities 49

44. Scaffold and Opening Cases by Platform Elevation 50

45. Cases by Scaffold Type (Top Five Types) 51

46. Scaffold Cases by Accident Description 51

47. Scaffold Cases by Major Causes 52

48. Scaffold Cases by Top 5 Environmental Causal Factors 53

49. Scaffold Cases by Top 5 Human Causal Factors 54

50. Scaffold Cases by Use 56

51. Mean Elevation by Scaffold Type 56

52. Tubular Welded Frame Scaffold Cases by Type Work Performed 57

53. Tubular Welded Frame Scaffold Cases by Accident Type 57

54. Tubular Welded Frame Scaffold Cases by Top 5 Accident Causes 58



Number Page
55. Manually-Propelled Mobile Scaffold Cases by Use 59

56. Manually-Propelled Mobile Scaffold Cases by Type Work Performed.. 60

57. Manually-Propelled Mobile Scaffold Cases by Accident Type 61

58. Manually-Propelled Mobile Scaffold Cases by Top 6 Accident Causes. 61

59. Swinging Scaffold Cases by Use 63

60. Swinging Scaffold Cases by Type Work Performed 63

61 Swinging Scaffold Cases by Accident Type 64

62. Swinging Scaffold Cases by Accident Causes 65

63 Extensible and Articulating Boom Aerial Lift Cases by Use 66

64. Extensible and Articulating Boom Aerial Lift Cases by Type Work

Performed 66

65. Extensible and Articulating Boom Aerial Lift Cases by Accident Type. 67

66. Extensible and Articulating Boom Aerial Lift Cases by Causes 68

67. Pump Jack Scaffold Cases by Use 69

68. Pump Jack Scaffold Cases by Type Work Performed 69

69. Pump Jack Scaffold Cases by Accident Type 69

70. Pump Jack Scaffold Cases by Causes 70

7L Opening Cases by Size of Opening 78

72. Opening Cases by Type Work Performed 78

73. Opening Cases by Type of Accident 79

74. Opening Cases by Causes 80

75. Opening Cases by Human Causal Factors 80

76. Opening Cases by Environmental Causal Factors 81

77. Mean Age of First Victim by Working Elevation 83

78. Cases by Nature of Victim's Injury 84

79. Cases by Part of Victim's Body Injured 84

. 1

Number Page

1. General Scaffold and Floor/Wall Opening Accident Statistics 37

2. State Fatalities Recorded 42

3. Top Nine 29 CFR 1926 Citations for Scaffold Cases 55

4. Top Six 29 CFR 9261 Citations for Tubular Welded Frame

Scaffolds Cases 59

5. Top Five 29 CFR 1926 Citations for Manually-Propelled Mobile

Scaffolds Cases 62

6. Top Six 29 CFR 1926 Citations for Swinging (Two-Point

Suspension) Scaffolds Cases 65

7. Top Six 29 CFR 1 926 Citations for Pump Jack Scaffolds Cases. 7

8. Comparison of Top 5 Scaffold Types 72

9. Comparison of Remaining Scaffold Types 73

10. Top Seven 29 CFR 1926.500 Paragraph Citations for Opening

Cases 81

1 1. Comparison of Victim Ages (years) 82


The author wishes to express sincere appreciation to Professor Jimmie Hinze for his

assistance in the preparation of this manuscript and general guidance throughout the

research of this topic. In addition, special thanks to Carm Sherlock of the Region X
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Office for providing the data used in this

research and explaining the structure of the Integrated Management Information System



To Lisa, my wife, and Hannah, my daughter who was

born during the preparation of this manuscript.


On April 27, 1978, a construction scaffold collapsed during the construction of a cooling

tower on the Ohio river and killed 51 workers. ' On August 23, 1989, a four-story high

scaffold collapsed in New Orleans, Louisiana. Amazingly, no one was injured in the shops

and restaurants below as rubble fell into the street .^ On September 28, 1993, a seven-

story scaffold section collapsed killing one worker and injuring five others in Bridgewater,

New Jersey.-^

These are three examples of how temporary structures, required for construction projects,

subject workers and others to considerable danger. Contractors are continually being

required to conduct construction in restricted work area locations close to or open to

public areas. This creates a safety and liability problem for contractors, their employees,

and the public. Fortunately, accidents involving the public are not very common.

Unfortunately, accidents involving the contractor's own employees and those of the

subcontractor's employees are all too common. Projects to be constructed are carefully

reviewed and checked for general safety during the design process by engineers.

However, the method of construction is usually left up to the contractor. This method of

construction dictates the type and style of temporary structures required. Many
contractors do not properly design these temporary structures, but rather rely on

"experience" from other projects and commonly reuse materials for these structures. This

"second billing" of temporary structures often puts it into a gray area with project

management and never gets the proper attention it deserves. This lack of attention often

leads to injuries, Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) violations, and potential

liability for those involved with the construction project.

'Helander. M. ed.. Human I actors Ergonomics for Building and Construction. New York: Wiley. 1981.
2"ENR News" Engineering News Record. Aug M. 1989. pl4

3"ENRNews" Engineering News Record, Oct II. 199.3. pl2

Scaffolding, as used in the construction industry, is defined as a temporary work platform

used to place the worker in the proper position to accomplish the assigned task. Of the
many temporary structures used in construction, scaffolding is the most common.

Scaffolds can vary from pre-engineered assemblies of metal tubes to wood pole scaffolds

and can be either stationary or movable. With specific purposes and limitations on each

type of scaffold, the potential for misuse is great when contractors undertake differing

projects. The seriousness of the hazards posed by scaffolding cannot be understated.

From 1980 to 1985 falls involving scaffolding accounted for 17% of all fall related deaths

second only to falls from buildings."*

A very closely related temporary structure includes the guarding of floor and wall

openings during construction. The principle danger with either scaffolds or floor/wall

openings is falling. Thus the procedures and materials used to avoid floor and wall

opening hazards, such as guardrail and lifeline requirements, are similar to scaffolding.

Because of this similarity, accidents occurring from floor and wall openings were included

in this study.

'"Scaffold Falls Could Be Prevented" BNA Construction Lohor Report, Feb 10. 1993. v38 pl417
Chapter 1

Scaflblding Types, Regulations, and Liability

The following consists of a description of scaffolding involved with construction and the

obvious safety concerns for each type. Later, the efforts of OSHA with regard to

scaffolding safety will be examined. Finally, a review will address the liabilities involved

with scaffolding accidents.

Types of Scaflblding

Nearly every construction project that does not consist of exclusively horizontal work will

probably require the use of some means of raising or elevating the worker to the level

required to perform the work. Unfortunately, no one type of scaffold will satisfy all

construction needs, i.e., no two construction sites are alike. The same can be said of the

scaffolding used at various construction sites. A number of factors are considered when
determining the type of scaffold to use, including:^

- Feasibility of Erection - Will the disposition, size, shape, and strength of the

scaffold allow it to be erected with or without the use of machinery at the required


- Economics - Do the initial purchase costs, maintenance costs, ability to reuse,

and ease of erection/dismantling make it cost effective?

- Structural Stability - Can the scaffold support itself and the applied load with an

adequate safety factor?

- Safety - Will the structure be safe under the intended use?

^Rossnagel. W.E.. et al.. Handbook of Rigging for Construction and Industrial Operations, New York:
McGraw-Hill. 1988. p379
If safety is not given adequate consideration, inappropriate scaffolding may be selected for

use in a construction application. Failure to consider all of the above factors in selecting

the type of scaffolding may be the major contributor to scaffolding accidents. The

influence of economics may push a contractor to use existing scaffolding even though

another type would be more suitable. Another major reason for scaffold accidents may be
improper erection of an appropriately chosen scaffold. To better understand the safety

aspects of scaffolding it is important to understand the various types of scaffolding

available and the unique safety concerns of each. Scaffolds generally fall into four primary


- Swinging or Suspended Scaffold - Usually consists of a two-point suspension

system supported from outriggers anchored from overhead. Vertical adjustment can be

made by manual or mechanically-operated hoisting devices.

- Stationary Scaffold - Self-supporting structures that can stand independently or

acquire lateral support from an existing structure.

- Special Scaffolds - Unique suspended or stationary systems required for special

construction applications.

- Movable Scaffolds - Systems supported on the ground and capable of relatively

easy movement by hand or motor.

Swinging or Suspended ScafTolds

Swinging or suspended scaffolds are made in a variety of sizes to match the requirements

for construction. Scaffolds of this type generally are used for applications where access to

a large wall surface is required with short duration up and down movements. Painting,

^ibib. p 379-380
cleaning, and repairs of existing buildings is the most common use. Sucli scaffolds are

commonly hung (suspended) by rope from outriggers anchored at the top of the building.

Suspension can consist of one or multiple points depending on the load to be supported.

OSHA defines standards for the following suspension scaffold types:"^

- Two-Point Suspension Scaffold (Swinging Scaffold)

- Single-Point Adjustable Suspension Scaffold

- Boatswain's (Bosun's) Chair

- Masons' Adjustable Multiple-Point Suspension Scaffold

- Stone Setters' Adjustable Multiple-Point Suspension Scaffold

Two-point suspension scaffolds are the most widely used of suspended scaffolds as they

provide the largest range of uses compared to other suspension types. As the name

implies, this type operates from two points of suspension as shown in Figure 1. Both the

single-point (Figure 2) and boatswain's chair (Figure 3) are supported by a single rope

system. Transfer of materials or single workers is generally done with this method. Two-

point and single-point systems are generally supported from the roof by one of two types

of supports and tie-back systems, as shown in Figure 4. Masons' and stone setters'

systems are similar and generally are designed for heavy construction or repair work as

opposed to the two-point suspension which handles lighter operations. The multiple

suspension system allows for a greater load capacity than two points and therefore is

better suited to handle brick and stone work. A cross section of a mason's adjustable

multi-point suspension scaffold is shown in Figure 5.

The obvious safety concerns associated with the suspended scaffold involve the support of

the working platform and the working platform itself Whether it is a single, two-point or

^29 CFR Part 1926.451. revised Julv 1. 1994

Figure 1 : Two-Point Suspended Scaffold (29 CFR 1 926.45 l(i))

Figure 2: Single-Point Suspended

Scaffold (29 CFR 1 926.45 l(k))

Figure 3 Boatswain's Chair


(29 CFR 1926.451(1))

w^mmmm^^'^: '/J

Figure 5: Two-Point or Single-Point Suspension Tie-Back Systems

Scaffold Cross Section

Figure 4 Mason's Multi-Point Suspension
(29CFR 1926.451(h))
multiple system, the importance of the suspension material (wire, synthetic or fiber ropes)

cannot be under emphasized. The next critical aspect is the platform supporting the

workers and materials. OSHA requires a safety factor of 6 for the rope loading while the

scaffold platform itself requires a safety factor of 4. In a traditional scaffold there may
exist multiple layers of working platforms which could limit the fall of workers or material.

This is not the case with suspension scaffolds. To compensate, at least in the case for

OSHA's two-point suspension, workers are required to be equipped with safety belts tied

off to a lifeline.

Testing of the scaffold is not addressed in the OSHA standards but it is recommended by

Rossnagel et al.'' Prior to use, and thereafter every 10 days, a minimum of 4 times the

anticipated load should be applied, raised to a height of 12 inches and held for 5 minutes.

The small amount of time invested for this test will likely identify simple flaws that could

be life threatening at typical working heights.

Stationary Scaflblds

Stationary scaffolds are the most common types of scaffolding used at construction sites

and can be categorized in three groups: independent self-supporting, partially self-

supporting, and cantilevered. Constructed of either wood or metal, stationary scaffolds

generally are supported from the ground up in either a built-up or prefabricated system.

Built-up systems have the greatest flexibility as more sections can added to obtain

additional height. OSHA defines standards for the following suspension scaffold types:

- Wood Pole Scaffold

- Tubular Welded Frame Scaffold

- Tube and Coupler Scaffold

*^Rossnagcl. W.E.. ct nl.. Handbook of Rigging for Construction and Industrial Operations, New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1988. p.l94
Wood pole scaffolds offer a very flexible option for scaffolding needs. Generally any size

or shape can be built. The primary disadvantages of wood are the requirement for

reasonably defect-free lumber and the effort required to design and erect the scaffold.

Splicing of long members also becomes a problem which can weaken the structure.

Contractors usually overcome these problems by reusing scaffold lumber and limiting

wood pole designs to relatively small applications. A cross section of a wood pole

scaffold is shown in Figure 6.

Both the tubular welded frame, and tube and coupler scaffolds have the advantages of

metal strength, ease of erection, and resistance to deterioration. Tubular welded frame

scaffolds are the most popular because of the relative ease of erection. As shown in

Figure 7, this system can be erected with minimal training and effort compared to other

systems. Tube and coupler scaffolds are constructed, similarly to wood pole scaffolds,

with varying lengths of tubular steel, each connected with couplers as shown in Figure 8.

While requiring more training to design and erect, tube and coupler scaffolds offer the

flexibility to install working platforms at locations the pre-engineered tubular welded

frame scaffolds cannot.

The modular design of metal scaffolds make them a popular choice for flexible

applications to most scaffolding needs. The largest safety concern for metal scaffolds is

over-estimating its capability. Like most stationary scaffolding it is weakest in the lateral

direction. If dynamic loads, such as wind or construction loads, are not anticipated failure

may result. When assembled properly in accordance with the OSHA standards, metal

scaffolds can provide a very reliable temporary structure. Another concern with both

metal and wood stationary scaffolds is the suitability of the base. Since all the support

starts at the bottom it is critical that the ground can support the intended load. To select

the correct stationary scaffold, whether of wood or of the variety of metal strengths and

Figure 6: Wood Pole Scaffold Cross Section

(29CFR 1926.451(b))


*-End irim

Base plate

Figure 7: Tubular Welded Frame Scaffold (29 CFR 1926.451(d))





Figure 9: Tube and Coupler Scaffold

Connections (29 CFR 1926.451(c))

Figure 8: Tube and Coupler Scaffold (29 CFR

alloys available, the following factors need to be considered for each construction


- Load-carrying capability.

- Availability.

- Corrosion resistance.

- Beam strength.

- Ease of handling.

Special ScafTolds

A variety of scaffolding types exist for unique construction requirements. These can

include suspended or stationary support systems and can be either free standing or depend

on the existing structure for support. They can be constructed of either wood, metal or a

combination of both. Overall, their application is limited to the special circumstances of

their design. OSHA defines standards for the following suspension scaffold types:

- Outrigger Scaffold - Needle Beam Scaffold

- Carpenters' Bracket Scaffold - Interior Hung Scaffold

- Window Jack Scaffold - Ladder Jack Scaffold

- Roofing Bracket Scaffold - Pump Jack Scaffold

- Horse Scaffold - Float or Ship Scaffold

- Bricklayers' Square Scaffold - Form Scaffold

- Plasters', Decorators' and - Crawling Boards or

Large Area Scaffold Chicken Ladders

Outrigger, window jack, carpenters' bracket, and roofing bracket scaffolds all operate on

the cantilever principle requiring support from the existing structure. Outrigger scaffolds,

^ibib. pp405-4()6
as shown in Figure 10, and window scaffolds, as shown in Figure 11, require the use of an

open window or similar opening in the wall. Their applications are limited due to their

dependence on the wall openings for support. Carpenters' and roofing bracket scaffolds

make use of a triangular support bracket anchored to the wall or roof framework as shown
in Figures 12 and 13, respectively.

The horse scaffold is the simplest platform consisting of two saw horses with a platform

placed on top as shown in Figure 14. It is generally used in residential construction for

work to be performed up to heights of 10 feet. Bricklayers' square scaffolding is a simple

assembly of framed wooden squares used as a strong base as shown in Figure 15. Both the

horse and bricklayer's square scaffolds can be stacked with additional layers but are

limited by CFR regulation to 2 and 3 layers respectively. The plasters' decorators' and

large area scaffold, as shown in Figure 16, is an interior scaffold constructed similar to a

stationary wood pole scaffold, except with greater depth, and used to work on interior

walls and ceilings.

The needle beam, interior hung and float/ship scaffolds are suspension type scaffolds with

no vertical mobility. Each type various by the method of suspension from ceiling or roof

structures as shown in Figures 17, 18 and 19, respectively. The same safety concerns of

the swinging scaffolds apply to these systems.

Ladder jack and pump jack scaffolds are commonly used to provide a raised platform for

exterior residential construction. Ladder jacks simply rely on two ladders or one ladder

with another structure for support as shown in Figure 20. With such a dependence on

ladders for support the ladder strength and stability become very important safety

concerns. Additionally, there are no provisions for guardrails so height is limited and

lifelines are recommended. Pump jacks, however, have a built-in work bench which can

serve as a guardrail. The pump jack operates by clamping onto a pole of double 2x4's


V Top rdil


Support ^

This eti() sq.iinst
secured ovedurn
/ Toehoard -,__ y,.
V a' I

t t

Figure 10: Outrigger Scaffold Cross Section

(29CFR 1926.451(g))



Window opening

Figure 11: Window Jack Scaffold (29 CFR 1 926.45 l(t))

Wall ttud

Guardrail pott

Figure 12: Carpenter's Bracket Scaffold

(29CFR 1926.45 l(m))

Figure 13: Roofing Brackets (29 CFR 1 926.45 l(u))


Figure 14: Horse Scaffold (29 CFR 1 926.45 l(o))

Figure 15: Bricklayer's Square Scaffold

(29 CFR 1 926.45 l(n))

Figure 16: Plaster's, Decorator's and Large Area Scaffold

(29CFR 1 926.45 l(q))


Needle beam


Figure 17: Needle Beam Scaffold (29 CFR 1 926.45 l(p))


Figure 18; Interior Hung Scaffold Cross Section (29 CFR 1926.451(r))

Figure 19: Float or Ship Scaffold (29 CFR 1 926.45 l(w))


Figure 20: Ladder Jack Scaffold (29 CFR 1926.451(s))

Figure 21: Pump Jack Scaffold (29 CFR 1 926.45 l(y))

anchored to the existing structure as shown in Figure 21 It can be raised by the operator

by a foot pump. Again, it is limited to light construction and has a height limit of 30 feet.

Crawling boards (or chicken ladders, as they are also known) and form scaffolds are very

specialized for their intended purposes. Crawling boards or chicken ladders are used for

roof construction where the top is hooked to the roof ridge for support as shown in Figure

22. This provides a non-slip platform and prevents damage to roof surfaces. Form
scaffolds are used to provide access to the tops of concrete formwork as shown in Figure

23. Since the form scaffold depends on the concrete forms for support, extra measures

should be taken to ensure the proper erection and bracing of the formwork.

A safety concern apparent with specialized scaffolds is not their inherent design but their

ultimate use, i.e., scaffolds might be used in applications for which they were not intended.

Trying to use these scaffolds for anything other than their intended purpose could

seriously compromise worker safety. Additionally, many specialized scaffolds do not have

guardrails installed and, therefore, depend on lifelines for proper fall protection.

Movable Scaflblds

The last category of scaffolds includes all forms of movable scaffolds which consist of

either manually-propelled or motor-driven types. Because of the regular lateral forces

being applied to these scaffolds during movement they are nearly exclusively made of

metal or metal alloys. Manually-propelled scaffolds typically are constructed of tubular

welded metal members supported by casters which allow movement in two directions and

can be locked into position, as shown in Figure 24. Their height is limited to 4 times the

least base dimension because of the lateral forces involved. The benefits of mobility can

outweigh the height limitation in many situations. If a suitable level base is available and

free of obstructions, a movable scaffold can eliminate the need to erect an extensive

stationary scaffold system.


Figure 22; Crawling Board or Chicken Ladder

(29CFR 1 926.45 l(v))

Figure 23: Form Scaffold (29 CFR 1 926.45 l(x))

Motor-driven scaffolds can take on a variety of shapes such as scissor lift designs and

truck-mounted boom designs, as shown in Figures 25 and 26. Usually classified as aerial

lifts, these units provide the same purpose as other scaffolds by elevating a work platform

to the required height. OSHA includes the following types of aerial lifts;

- Extensible boom platforms.

- Aerial ladders.

- Articulating boom platforms

- Vertical towers.

- any combination of the above.

The obvious safety concerns for movable platforms are their limitations to mobility. They

are most unsafe while being moved. The need for a level surface, free from obstructions

on the ground and overhead, is critical for safe movement. Once in position, it is critical

to have a means of securing and stabilizing the scaffold to prevent further movement while

workers are on the unit.

OSHA's Eflbrts on Scaflblding Safety

OSHA regulations, under 29 CFR 1926.451 (Subpart L), have attempted to limit the risk

to workers on scaffolds by specifying safety requirements for them. In the past two

decades, no significant changes have been made to the scaffolding regulations (29 CFR
1926.45 1). Recently, OSHA has reopened its discussion on the scaffolding standards,

specifically examining the issue of scaffold stairways, chimney bracket scaffolds and

scaffolds used to construct tanks. These areas were an oversight from the last proposed

(but not yet implemented) revisions done in 1986." Unfortunately, no final rule has yet

CFR Part 1926.556. revised July 1. 1994

""OSHA to Open Record on ScalTold Proposal" BNA Construction Labor Report. Jan 12. 1994. v39
pi 206

Figure 24: Manually Propelled Mobile Scaffold

(29CFR 1926.451(e))

Figure 25: Vertical Tower Aerial Lift

(Scissor Type) (29 CFR 1926.556)

Figure 26: Articulating Boom and

Extensible Boom Aerial Lift Platforms
(29 CFR 1926.556)
been published on any of the proposed changes. On August 9, 1994, a related final rule

on fall protection was issued and was to take effect February 6, 1995. During the signing

ceremony OSHA administrator, Joseph Dear, stated that the agency was committed to

completing a scaffolding standard by the end of 1994.'2 A changed political climate, after

the November 1994 elections, has shifted OSHA's focus from this commitment. As a

result, OSHA is reassessing its regulatory program in "light of new political realities."'^ It

is obvious that more regulations concerning scaffolding is not what a Republican-

controlled Congress wants to see.

While the final rule on fall protection may go a long way toward improving construction

safety, fiirther modifications of the scaffold standards seem needed. The Denver office of

OSHA reported in January 1 994 that residential construction had seen a significant rise in

the number of fatalities and accidents accompanying the construction boom in the area.

Falls were identified as the most common accidents and accounted for the most serious

injuries. Barton Chadwick, the OSHA regional administrator, indicated that OSHA
regulations are oriented primarily towards commercial construction and not written to

address the unique safety concerns of residential construction. The fact that violations of

OSHA's fall regulations and scaffolding regulations represented two of three of the largest

sources of fines in residential construction in 1992 shows that OSHA has been taking this
issue seriously.

Violations of the scaffold regulations are not solely limited to residential construction. A
review of nation-wide OSHA violations during the years 1980, 1985, and 1990 showed

violations of the scaffold standards ranking first, second and fourth, respectively, based on

'2"0SHA Issues Final Fall Protection Standard..." B\'A Construction Labor Report. Aug 10. 1994. v40
'^"Dear Says OSHA Examining Job Safety..." BNA Construction Labor Report. Dec 7. 1994. v40 p958
''*"Denver-Arca Residential Boom ..." UNA Construction Labor Report. Jan 12. 1994. v39 pl208
total number of violations.'^ Another study examined violations issued from 1985 to 1994

and found scaffold violations ranked third in total violations and second in serious

violations. This study found 80.8% of the violations involving scaffold standards classified

as serious. "" With such a significant ranking, it is no wonder that OSHA is taking a more
serious stand against violators In the 1992 case of Secretary of Labor v. R.G. Friday

Masonry Inc., Judge Schoenfeld cited the company for repeat scaffold violations and lack

of good faith concern for employee safety doubling the OSHA proposed penalties to

$35,000 '^ No injuries were involved with these violations but merely were due to the

lack of guardrails and toeboards on scaffolding used at two job sites. It is clear that action

such as this will send a signal to employers that violations, especially repeat violations, will

not be tolerated.

The importance of following the standards was fijrther emphasized under Secretary of

Labor v. PyramiJ Masonry Contractors Inc.^^ In this case, the court ruled that the

Secretary need not prove that a hazard exists, only that non-compliance of the standard

exists because the cited standard "presumes the existence of a hazard when its terms are

not met." This is exactly what the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

(NIOSH) found in a survey of fall-related deaths from 1980 to 1985.'^ Defective scaffold

equipment and the improper installation or operation of scaffolding were identified to be

the most significant violations of the standards attributable to scaffold fatalities. This

indicates that the blame is on the lack of adherence, not the standards. The editor of Fine

Homebuilding admitted "As a carpenter, I never read OSHA's standards for scaffolding.

'-Hin/.c. J. and Russell. D.. "Analysis of Fatalities Recorded by OSHA". J. of Construction Engineering
and Management. ASCE. Vol 121. No. 2. June 1995. p209
'^ Hinzc. and Bren. K. "Idcnlifying Conslniclion Areas of Need for Safety Research." J.
J. of
Construction Engineering and Management. ASCE. Vol 122. No. 1. (to be published)
'"^"Judge Doubles Proposed Penalties..." BKA Con.struction Labor Report. Sept 9. 1992. v38 p725
"<OSHRC. No. 91-()6()(). 1 1/4/9.1. as cited in "Labor Secretary Need Not Prove Hazard..." BNA
Construction Labor Report. Nov 17. 199.1. v.l9 pl()18

'^NIOSH Alert No. 92-108. as cited in "Scaflbld Falls Could Be Prevented..." BNA Construction Labor
Report. Feb. 10. 199.1. v.l8 pl4i7
As an editor preparing an article on scaffolding for publication, I had to read them. ...they

make me aware that I've taken some foolish chances with scaffolding that I've built, "^o

Liability for Scaflblding Accidents

With large numbers of violations and injuries being sustained, who is being held liable for

any wrong doing? Liability has plagued the construction industry for many years. The

oldest written building code dating to 2200 BC from Babylonia specified: "If a builder

build(s) a house for a man and do(es) not make its construction firm and the house which

he has built collapse(s) and cause(s) the death of the owner of the house - that builder shall

be put to death. "2' While undoubtedly a harsh punishment, it dramatizes the seriousness

of the issue. In the case of temporary structures the construction worker, rather than the

owner, is the party put at risk. The concept of liability, however, remains the same. A
number of factors can be involved when determining liability for temporary structures.

First to consider is whether the structure failed by design or was not constructed properly.

The designer of a facility assumes a great deal of responsibility should failure occur. Two
options exist for design of scaffolds or temporary structures in general: owner-provided

design or contractor-provided design. 22

Under an owner-provided scaffold design, the contractor could be relieved of liability if

the temporary structure was constructed "as specified" and subsequent failure occurred.

The term owner refers to a collective position with an architect/engineer actually

performing the design. By the owner assuming the design responsibility for the temporary

structure greater assurance is provided that the structure has received a proper design.

^''Ireton. K. ed. "Scaffolding - What Goes Up Mustn't Come Down Accidentally", Fine Homebuilding,
Dec-Jan 1987. n36 p37
2'Helandcr. M. ed.. Hitman l-'ac1ors Ergonomics for Building and Construction. New York: Wiley. 1981,
^^Smilh. R.J.. "ConlracUial and Legal Considerations With Respect to Temporary Structures" Temporary
Structures in Construction Operations. Ed. R.T. Ralay. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers.
1987. p9-12.
"Owner-provided" designs are typical for complex temporary structures (structures as may

be required for special construction such as tunneling), but this is not normally done for

typical scaffolding requirements. Under contractor-provided design, the owner has the

option to review and approve the plans for the temporary structure. Normally the

contractor assumes more responsibility but the owner may share in this responsibility by

participating in the review and approval process. With the availability of pre-engineered

scaffolds and the specific standards concerning their use, the design of scaffolds is

typically left to the contractor without much involvement by the owner.

Owner Liability

As mentioned earlier, most violations and injuries result from defective equipment and

improper installation or operation. This usually points the liability away from the

owner/designer and towards the contractor. The issue then revolves around who was in

charge of the work/area. Again, this usually eliminates the owner/designer. An exception

is noted in the 1980 case of Kmherton v. Slate Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co.^^

in which an employee of the general contractor was injured while moving a portable

scaffold. He sued the owner and architect and the court found evidence that the owner

had sufficient "charge of the work due to their particularly detailed involvement in the

construction process. Usually an owner is removed of this involvement by the contractual

arrangement with the general contractor. However, the test of who is "in charge" of the

work usually becomes more important than contract language.

Designer Liability

The architect/engineer is likewise often eliminated from the responsibility for safety

because of the contract clauses giving "charge of the work and responsibility for safety to

the general contractor. A number of cases have been brought against architect/engineers

2^4 111. App. U 839. .138 N.E.2d 1254 (1976). rcv'd. 71 111. 2d 1 1 1. .173 N.E.2d 1348 (1978). fiirtlier

proceedings. 85 III. App. .3d 247. 406 N.E.2d 218 (1980)

claiming they had a responsibility to ensure the safety of the job site.^'* Most decisions boil

down to the language of responsibilities in the architect/engineer's contract with the owner

which specify inspection of progress and quality of work. While the courts have

continued to relieve the architect/engineer of liability, lawyer and architect, Arthur

Kornblut, has warned designers of the potential liability of one particular situation. What
if unsafe conditions are observed or brought to the designer's attention when at a job site

inspecting or reviewing the construction progress'^ Such information cannot be ignored by

the architect/engineer Professional ethics would dictate that action should be taken by the

architect/engineer, with the owner or general contractor, to remedy the condition. ^5 This

sentiment was also echoed by lawyer, Kenneth I. Levin, stating "...courts have inferred

from provisions vesting a professional with the right to stop the work a corresponding

duty to exercise care to prevent contractors from employing unsafe practices. "^^

Contractor Liability

Liability usually rests with the general contractor. According to the Occupational Safety

and Health Act, the general contractor as an employer, "(1) shall furnish to each of his

employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized

hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his

employees" and "(2) shall comply with occupational safety and health standards

promulgated under this chapter." Even though "recognized hazards" may pose a potential

loophole from liability, watchdogs, primarily in the form of OSHA compliance officers,
help keep the general contractor appraised of these hazards. The second clause has been

interpreted as requiring compliance with OSHA standards by the employer in "charge of

the work area where the hazard exists. ^^

^'^Construction Industry Contracts: Legal Cilalor and Case Digest. New York: Wiley. 1988. pp.462-470
^'"Legal Perspectives: Who is Liable for Construction Safety" Architectural Record. October 1983. p41
2^'Levin. K. 1. et al. Construction Litigation. New York: Practicing Law Institute. 1993, p309
^^Howell. Lembhard G.. "Construction Site Accidents: How OSHA Affects their Litigation" Trial, March
1985. pi 8-23
For a multi-employer construction site, identifying the party in "charge of the work area

can be confusing. Can a general contractor be liable for violations or injuries caused or

controlled by subcontractors'' Two similar cases involving subcontractors' employees

injured when falling from scaffolding address this situation with dissimilar outcomes.

Under Hand v. Rorick Construction Co^* the Nebraska court found that the general

contractor had no control over the equipment used by the subcontractor and held the

general contractor not liable. Under Stepanek v. Koher Construction CoP-'^ the Montana

court found the general contractor liable due to contract language with the County stating

that the general contractor could not delegate responsibility for safety to the


Consider the case o^ Plan-Tec, Inc. v. Wi^^gins.^^ A construction manager was held liable

for a subcontractor's employee's injuries when a scaffold collapsed. Even though the

construction manager's contract with the owner imposed no responsibility for project

safety the absence of a general contractor in the project hierarchy caused the construction

manager to assume some functions of the general contractor. While this assumption of

some duties did not make the construction manager liable for safety, his action of

inspecting the scaffolding and other safety related functions did.

OSHA is taking the position of holding the general contractor, as well as the

subcontractor, liable for violations of standards committed by subcontractors. ^^ Under

A C Electrical Co. v. ()SHR(\^^ the subcontractor, A/C Electric Co., and the general

contractor were cited for a violation involving the subcontractor's employee working on a

substandard scaffold. The subcontractor argued that since the employee was directed by

28100 Neb. 191. 206 N.W.2d 834 (1973)

29625 P. 2d 51 (Mont. 1981)
^0443 N.E.2d 1212 (Ind. Ct. App. 1983)
""Subcontractor at Multi-Employer Site..." h\'.l Construction I. ohor Report, Jan 15. 1992. v37 pl222
^2US Ct, App. CA 6. No. 91-3366. 12/20/91 as cited by "Subcontractor at Multi-Employer Site..." BNA
Construction Labor Report. Jan 15. 1992. \37 pi 222
the general contractor to work on the scaffold they should not be liable for the employee's

misconduct. The court upheld the citation stating that the subcontractor did not properly

instruct the employee regarding scaffold safety. It is important to note that even though

there is a trend to hold the general contractor liable for accidents and violations of code,

this does not necessarily relieve subcontractor's of their responsibility for safety.

One interesting case was found where an attempt was made to shift the liability to the

scaffold supplier^^. A worker was injured when he slipped and fell off of the scaffolding.

Under Ball v. SOB ( \)nstnwti()n Services,^'^ the Texas court found the supplier not

responsible citing evidence that the supplier even provided an instruction manual on the

proper erection of the scaffold. It was not clear whether the manual had been followed or

if the accident occurred during erection. This supplier, however, was acting professionally

and pro-actively by going beyond normal expectations to provide the erection manual.


The purpose of scaffolding, to raise a work platform with minimal materials and effort,

creates the inherent risk associated with its use. Workers not familiar with scaffolding

regulations put themselves at considerable risk when using scaffolds when they do not

recognize unsafe situations. The variety of scaffold styles available, while intended to

make the work platform safer for specific uses, can create hazards when a particular type

is not used for its intended purpose. These factors can lead to disaster unless particular

attention is paid to scaffolding safety. The most common causes of scaffold accidents

cited by previous studies related to a simple lack of adherence to the regulations.

^^"ScafTold Supplier Not Liable..." Ii\. I Conslruclion Lobar Report. Dec. 18. 1991. v37 plI29
^'Tcxas Ct. App. . No. ()l-91-()()224-CV. 1 1/21/91 as cited by "Scaffold Supplier Not Liable..." BNA
Construction Labor Report. Dec. 18. 1991. v.l7 pi 129
Efforts by OSHA to limit scaffold accidents have lead to tougher enforcement of scaffold

regulations and higher fines for repeat offenders. No party seems to be totally immune

from liability for safety on the construction site. The potential for liability should ftirther

emphasize the importance of accident prevention Rather than trying to seek contractual

ways to avoid responsibility for project safety, the contracting parties should focus on the

overall prevention of injuries. Owners and designers, instead of transferring safety

responsibility solely to the general contractor, should play an integral role with the general

contractor and subcontractors to ensure safety with temporary structures. General

contractors need to work closely with subcontractors to ensure a commitment to safety

exists with all personnel on the job site. The long range benefit may be finishing the

project without delays caused by accidents. OSHA should consider a more proactive
stand to improve compliance with standards. With increased political pressure to reduce

or eliminate regulations, OSHA would be better served by investing in methods to

improve compliance with existing regulations rather than creating new ones. Hopefully,

with increased emphasis on prevention, the likelihood of accidents and litigation arising

from injuries should dramatically decrease.

Chapter 2

Research Methodology

Research Objectives

The main objective of this research is to obtain information by which reductions may be
made in construction scaffolding and floor/wail opening accidents. This information will

be generated through the examination of the circumstances associated with past injury

accidents. By better understanding the causes of past accidents the probability of

reducing future accidents should improve. The trends and significant causes identified

from historical data will hopefully prove useful in modifying Federal or local safety

regulations or be used in safety educational materials. The results of this research can

make people more aware of the most common types of causes of these accidents and they

can then take measures to mitigate them.

Wall and floor openings were included with scaffolding in this research because of the

similarity between the two construction situations. Specifically, both can make use of

guardrail systems or lifelines to provide the necessary fall protection. Additionally, wall

and floor openings are often associated with scaffolds and can be present on the scaffold

itself In general, this research examines the safety of work platforms whether raised by a

scaffold system or existing on a structure without adequate enclosures for fall protection.

Research Data

The accident data used was obtained from the Occupational Safety and Health

Administration's Office of Management Data System's Integrated Management

Information System (IMIS) database. This database contains accident information

reported to OSHA since 1985 and contains 56 fields of information in addition to an

abstract describing each accident. A sample of the IMIS printout is included in Appendix

A. This data is collected from Investigation Summaries, OSHA- 170, used by investigators

to summarize the results of "events involving fatalities, catastrophes, amputations and

hospitalizations of two or more days; events which have generated significant publicity;

and events resulting in significant property damage."^^

Research Approach

The database was searched for accidents occurring between January 1985 to January 1995

involving the words scaffold, aerial lift, wall opening, or floor opening. This generated a

listing of 760 cases which were screened for applicability to scaffolds, aerial lifts, wall

openings or floor openings. Accident cases which did not directly involve these items

surfaced in the listing from the abstract description and were not included in the final

analysis. For example, a worker may have been injured by a forklift after climbing down
the scaffold en route to the site office. Since the scaffold had nothing to do with the injury

the case was not considered.

The database was also searched for all cases involving citations of 29 CFR 451 (Subpart

L- Scaffolding), 500 (Subpart M- Floor and Wall Openings) and 556 (under Subpart N for
Aerial Lifts). This generated a listing of 730 cases, many of which were duplicated from

the previous listing. This search did, however, generate new cases which involved

scaffolds, aerial lifts, wall openings or floor openings but did not use these words in the

abstract description.

The results of this second search did give cause to be a little suspicious of the IMIS

database program. Many cases were found in this second listing which included the

correct wording in the abstract and, therefore, should have been included in the first

listing, but were not. While this discrepancy brings into question the accuracy of the

information from the IMIS, considerable information was still deemed valuable. The dual

search strategy provided a worthwhile check on the extent of coverage as nearly 40%
duplicate cases were found.

OSHA Instruction Manual ADM 1-1.31 dtd Sept. 20. 1993. p.XXIX-1
Database Structure

The information obtained from the IMIS was reassembled into a statistical database,

within the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The structure of this

database, its coding of information, and sample of coded information are included in

Appendix B. The basic information used includes the following:

Case Number : Used as a quick identification for cases.

Summary Number : OSHA number identifying case from IMIS.

Time, Month, Year : Time, month, and year of the incident.

State, OSHA Region : State and OSHA region of incident location.

Fine : Amount paid for CFR violations.
Union : Union or non-union affiliation of the company/project.

Company/Jobsite Size : Number of employees involved.

Use of scaffolding : How scaffolding was being used at time of incident.

SIC : Standard Industry Codes for work being performed.

Elevation : Height, in feet, of work platform.

Scaffold Type : Scaffold types as defined by 29 CFR 451.

Opening Size : Rough area of wall or floor openings.

Weather : Weather at time of the incident.

Causes : Apparent causes of incident.

Injured Worker Data : Number, age, disposition, type of injury, and body part injured.

CFR Violations : Paragraph citation and characterization of severity.

Many datafields involved facts which were extracted directly from the IMIS information

and did not require any interpretation. However, more specific information relating to the

causes of each accident was obtained from the abstract description in which details of the

incident varied greatly from case to case. Causal information obtained from the abstracts

is more detailed than causal factors used by OSHA's coded choices established for their

Investigation Summary form. The database was organized to be able to compare OSHA's
coding of the causes to the researcher's interpretation of the information available in the

abstract description.

Data Analysis

The data were analyzed by examining the general characteristics of the accidents and,

subsequently, proceeding to more specific issues as factors of interest were identified from

the general analysis. Case variables were compared on the basis of timing, location, job

site, company, and victim characteristics prior to proceeding to more specific comparisons

of individual scaffold types. Basic histograms and tables were utilized to isolate unique

aspects of fatality cases, including specific information provided in scaffold and floor/wall

opening cases.

This analysis was not intended to follow a rigorous statistical methodology. The nature of

the data and the lack of reliance that the data accurately represents all scaffold and

floor/wall opening cases in the U.S. from 1985 to 1994 does not lend itself to analysis by

complex statistical procedures. Rather, the results are represented in simple comparative

form in order to gain insight into the characteristics surrounding these accidents.
Chapter 3

Analysis and Results

Of the 1030 cases recorded, 654 involved fatalities, 376 were injury-only involving either

a hospitalized or non-hospitalized injury and 104 involved both fatalities and injuries (see

Figure 27). The fatality cases accounted for 669 total deaths in which 12 cases involved 2

or more fatalities. Hospitalized injuries (injuries involving hospitalization) totaled 518

workers and non-hospitalized injuries totaled 126 workers. Multiple injuries per case

were more common than multiple fatalities with 77 cases counting 2 or more hospitalized

victims. While cases did involve combinations of fatalities and injuries, 83.3% involved

only one victim.

Scaffold-related accidents accounted for 670 cases. Floor and wall opening accidents

accounted for 394 cases. Of these numbers, 34 cases were counted in each category as

they consisted of accidents in which both scaffolds and openings were involved (see

Figure 28). Single victims accounted for 97.7% of the floor and wall opening cases and

75.3% of the scaffold cases. Fatalities accounted for 73.4% of the floor and wall opening

cases and 57.8% of the scaffold cases. These general statistics are summarized in Table 1.

Timing of Accidents

The time of day was recorded in 2400 hour time and was categorized into hour segments

with the exception of night hours. The time of the incident was provided for only 277 out

of 1030 cases. Incidents generally occurred during daylight hours as shown in Figure 29.

The frequency of cases rose significantly afl;er the start of the regular work day hours to

peak around the 0900 to 1 000 period, dipped during the noon hour and rose again in the

early afi;ernoon hours to peak again between 1300 to 1400. No significant difference is

noticed between the time of fatality cases to injury-only cases. The distribution of

accident occurrences is similar to the distributions generally observed in construction data

fi-om other studies.

Hinze, J.. Construction Safety, (to be published). p28

Both Fatality and


Injury-Only Fatality-Only

37% 53%

Figure 27: Accidents by Disposition of Victims

Both Scaffold and


Opening i3%-

Figure 28: Accidents by Scaffold or FloorAVall Openings

Table 1 : General Scaffold and Opening Accident Statistics

Scaffold Cases Opening Cases

Accidents 670 394

Fatality Cases 57.8% 73.4%

Single Victim Cases 75.3% 97.7%

Total Fatalities 401 290


^HJ -

35- / \ Fatality Cases

/ ""^^-v^ / \ Injury Cases
- -
/ \\ - All r^
- i-. <-.

O 20 -


5 -

0- -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
in g 8 g 8 8 o
o o
o 8 in
in (Nl in
P S o o o

Figure 29: Cases by Time of Day

Cases were also recorded with the month of the occurrence with data being provided for

all cases. The summer months were significantly higher in the number of incidents,

particularly due to an increase in fatality cases, as shown in Figure 30. Injury-only cases

increased only slightly during the summer months. This rise in the frequency of accidents

during the summer corresponds to the increased construction activity for this season, as

documented in the 1987 census of the construction industy."^ The most surprising

information is the sharp rise in fatalities and injuries during the month of October.

Fatalities Cases
Injury-Only Cases
All Cases

f- <n
0) a>
(0 01 J3
3 3 O E E
n 3
0) o 0)
O > u
Q. o <o

Figure 30: Cases by Month of the Year

19H7 Census of Construction Industries, US Dept. of Commerce. CC87-A-10. issued Oct. 1990
One consideration is that this phenomenon is related to the dramatic changes in weather

experienced during this month. This might be expected to occur, only or to a larger

extent, in the northern climates where the temperature and weather changes are most

dramatic in October, however, this was not confirmed by the comparison made between

northern and southern states (see Figure 31). Northern regions showed a slight October

peak which was lower than the frequencies recorded during the summer months.

Southern regions showed the largest increase in October in contrast to what would have

been expected if weather was the influencing factor.

120 X All Cases

Southern Regions

100 -- Northern Regions


40 + N


m Q. 3 a>
n A)
C < o>
3 F h F
W < 0) O
> (\
Q. o d)

Figure 3 1 : Cases by Month and by Region of Country

Figure 3 1 shows a more pronounced spike in October for southern states than for the

northern. Either the phenomenon is related to other factors, or too little data is available

from all states to accurately test for this possibility. When the comparison is made for

only fatality cases the southern regions show an interesting increase with the overall

number of fatality cases, as shown in Figure 32. The dramatic spike for October is now
somewhat de-emphasized in contrast to the apparent slump in fatality cases for September.

Northern region fatality cases show what might be expected - a gradual build-up over the
summer months, typically the most active construction period as seen from the 1987

census data.

80t Fatalities Cases

Southern Region
Northern Region


CD 50
CD ^"
< 30--
20-- \ /

3 3
< C3)
i3 5o 5 S
C 3 E E
CO 0) <; a> o 4)
Q. O g u
z a

Figure 32; Fatality Cases by Month and Region of Country

Yearly data seems to show a significant decline since the start of the IMIS database in

1985, as shown in Figure 33. The dramatic decrease seen since 1988/89 is remarkable and

calls into question the accuracy of the IMIS database in reporting a complete picture of

accidents of any nature. No significant event in 1988/89 was discovered which might

explain this trend. When the number of states reporting per year is compared the same

dramatic decrease is seen after 1989, as shown in Figure 34. A comparison was also

made with states holding their own independent plan implementing the Occupational

Safety and Health Act requirements commonly referred to as "state-plan" states. The

decrease in reporting occurs even with state-plan states and, therefore, likely not entirely

due to this difference in the states. If the state data is examined further, only 1 5 states

reported cases for more than half of the years between 1985 and 1994. Only 6 of these 15

are state-plan states. Not surprisingly, these 1 5 are the states typically reporting after

1989. More detailed state data and analysis will be presented in the next section.

All Cases
Fatality Cases
Injury-Only Cases

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Figure 33: Cases by Year

States Reporting

State-Plan States Reporting

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Figure 34: Number of States Reporting by Year

Locations of Cases

The location (state and OSHA region) of the fatality/injury occurrences was provided for
ail cases. No cases, however, were reported from Alaska, Hawaii, Michigan, Utah,

Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming. The number of cases reported by the remaining

states varied greatly from Maryland reporting the most cases at 195 to many states

reporting only a few cases during the period. State fatality data, reported over 3 or more

years, is presented in Table 2 and shows fatalities normalized over the years reported and

adjusted per million workers on payroll. The number of construction workers per state is

based on the 1987 Census of the Construction Industry which provided information on the
Table 2: State Fatalities Recorded

State Number of Construction Fatalities Fatalities per 1

Years Reporting workers on Recorded btwn million workers

btwn 1985-94 payroll in 1987* 1985-94 per year
Dist. of Columbia 4 198,000 7 8.84
Idaho 4 184,000 5 6.79
Mississippi 7 391,000 9 3.29
Oklahoma 3 531,000 5 3.14
Rhode Island 7 337,000 6 2.54
Colorado 5 1,154,000 14 2.43
Texas 5 5,038,000 56 2.22
Kansas 4 701,000 6 2.14
Illinois 5 4,038,000 43 2.13
Alabama 6 1,207,000 15 2.07
Indiana** 5 1,609,000 15 1.86
New Hampshire 4 554,000 4 1.81
Minnesota** 4 1,544,000 11 1.78
Virginia** 10 2,264,000 37 1.63
South Carolina** 8 1,315,000 17 1.62
Ohio 5 3,011,000 24 1.59
Maryland** 10 2,389,000 37 1.55
Florida 10 4,070,000 60 1.47
North Carolina** 10 1,915,000 26 1.36
Maine 3 489,000 2 1.36
Kentucky** 10 759,000 10 1.32
Wisconsin 3 1,317,000 5 1.27
Georgia 9 1,973,000 22 1.24
Missouri 5 1,796,000 11 1.22
Tennessee** 5 1,341,000 8 1.19
New York 10 6,006,000 66 1.10
New Jersey 10 3,363,000 35 1.04
Massachusetts 9 2,467,000 23 1.04
Pennsylvania 10 3,989,000 41 1.03
Louisiana 3 1,127,000 3 0.89
Connecticut 9 1,588,000 11 0.77
Arizona** 5 1,366,000 5 0.73
Iowa** 3 546,000 1 0.61
Nevada** 3 585,000 1 0.57

1987 Census of Construction Industries, US Dept. of Commerce

** State-Plan States

payroll for each state. The assumption was made that this count has remained relatively

steady between 1985 to 1994.^^ Inconsistencies in reporting may be related to states

holding their own independent plan implementing the Occupational Safety and Health Act

requirements. Currently, 21 states are operating under their own "state plan" with

oversight conducted by OSHA.''^ While many state-plan states report on a regular basis

only 1 1 are represented in Table 2 and 62.5% of the states reporting fewer than 3 years

are state-plan states. A complete listing of "state-plan" states and OSHA regions is
included in Appendix C.

Examining the fatalities by OSHA regions indicates a large portion represented by the
eastern US, as shown in Figure 35. In particular, the Mid- Atlantic region is especially

high in total injuries and the South East region is high in fatalities. This high frequency

may be due to the regular reporting activities of the states of Maryland, Virginia, Florida

and North Carolina. If the cases are normalized per million construction workers, based

on the 1987 statistics mentioned earlier, the significance of the number of injuries and

fatalities in the east is diminished in light of the high fatality ratios for Idaho, Mississippi,

Oklahoma, Colorado, and Texas.

250 T -r2 CO

+ 1.5^
^^ Fatalities o
d^ Injuries c
Fatalities per millbn
workers per yeat
05 <"

In u Mi

II (0
2 (0
UJ i 15 8 S
^Q o
5 (/}

Figure 35: Cases by OSHA Region

1987 Census of Construction Industries, US Dept. of Commerce, CC87-A-10. issued Oct. 1990
Hinze, J., Construction Contracts, New York-McGraw-Hill, 1993. p.3 1
Job Site Characteristics

Company size, union affiliations, fines paid and the type of construction operation were

recorded and can be used to characterize the type of job sites and companies involved with

the cases. The cases were almost exclusively private sector companies with only four

cases recorded as government organizations. Company sizes varied from a high of one

case at 5000 employees to 5 cases recorded with no employees. The average size was 39

employees. However, the median size was 8 employees. As shown by Figure 36, the

cases were dominated by small companies. This does seem to indicate that small

companies either have poorer safety programs or that smaller firms occur in greater

numbers in the construction industry. The percent of fatality cases seems to increase with

company size indicating that of the few times large companies have an accident it is more

likely to be a case involving a fatality

250 T T 100%

200 + 80% w
(0 CO
w 150 60% O
O Fatality Cases (0
o 100-- Injury Only Cases 40% LL
% of Fatal Cases o
50 + -20%

o o s in o
o in
3 o o
o o
(O o o
CN s IG 8
# of Employees

Figure 36: Cases by Company Size

When company sizes were compared specifically to scaffolding or opening cases a similar

predominance with smaller companies is found, as shown in Figure 37. The ratio of

scaffold to opening cases in each size category indicate, possibly, that larger companies

are better prepared at erecting and using scaffolding safely. The relative frequency of

residential construction followed a similar trend as indicated in Figure 37. Of the 1 10

cases related to residential construction 97 involved companies with fewer than 10


250 --

<u 200 - U Scaffold Cases
CO Q Opening Cases
O 150--

2 100--

0-- ' ^it^ I ^^

o R Q
1^ a o "o o o
o o o o in 2 o
o oin

o o
# of Employees

Figure 37: Scaffold and Opening Cases by Company Size

When company size was compared to the average citation fine paid per incident, the

smallest companies paid less than most larger companies, as shown in Figure 38. A
notable exception is seen for companies sized between 10 and 20 employees which paid

more on average than all other sizes except companies with 100 to 500 employees.

Considering that half of the cases involved were represented by companies with fewer than

8 employees, the data indicates that larger companies may have more serious accidents.

However, if a serious accident can be defined as a case involving a fatality, again as seen in

Figure 34, companies with fewer than 8 employees accounted for half of all fatality cases.

Another possibility for this data is that OSHA (at the federal or state level) is, consciously

or unconsciously, not assessing large fines on smaller companies.

$4,000 T
2 $3,000
OJ $2,000
11. --
msM mm mm
o O "o a o o o
O o
*- ^ O o
CM o
in o
r- in 9. 58
o in


# of Employees

Figure 38: Average Fines Paid by Company Size

Examining fines for all cases, a surprising 17.5% of the cases were not assessed any

fine. The expectation would be that these zero fine cases were minor injuries, however,

61% of the cases with no fines assessed involved fatalities, as shown by Figure 39. Four

cases involved fines in excess of $100,000 of which all were fatalities. The median fine for

all cases was $560. The median fine for fatality cases increased slightly to $645, while

injury-only cases had a median of $400. Interestingly, there was no difference between

scaffold cases or opening cases, each with a median of $560.


250 --

200 --
<u D Injury-Only Cases
(0 Fatality Cases
O 150 --


se --


'^8 8
in i= 8 8 o


Figure 39: Cases by Citation Fines Paid

Union affiliation of the job sites was recorded for all cases and percentages varied slightly

from the 1994 national construction industry average of 19.9% union, as reported by the

Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics."*" Union affiliations accounted for 25.2%

of all cases recorded, as shown in Figure 40. Note that union affiliation was considered to

exist when there was at least one worker on the project working under a labor agreement.

"Construction Union Membership...", BNA Construction Labor Report. Vol. 40, No. 2018, Feb. 15,
1995. pl237

800 -r

n Injury Only Cases

w 600 --
<u Fatality Cases
O 400--
: 200 --

Non-Union Union

Figure 40: Cases by Job Site Union Affiliation

Standard Industrial Codes (SIC's) were recorded for all cases as assigned by the OSHA
compliance officers. An additional classification of the construction operation was

recorded from information presented in the abstract for each case. The Special Trade

Contractors category (code 17XX) accounted for 74% of all the cases. The secondary

coding based on the abstract information matched the SIC coding fairly well with only a

few exceptions attributed to the vagueness of the abstract descriptions. The distribution

for all cases codes distinguished 2 categories as being more prevalent than the others (see

Figure 41). Code 174; masonry, stonework, and plastering; accounted for 20% of the

cases. Code 1761; roofing, siding, and sheetmetal work; accounted for an additional

14.8%. When examining fatality cases, code 1761 accounted for the most cases at 16.8%,

but by not as large a margin. Injury cases continue to dominate in the 1 74 category. A
complete listing of SIC descriptions is included in Appendix D.

Fatality Cases
100 -- D Injury-Only Cases


CM ,_ t <o , ^ ^ ^ , ., V- o> ^
in fO in V N
fO h-
in r>. r>-

Figure 41: Cases by Standard Industrial Code

When the cases are separated by scaffold and opening accidents, the reason for masonry

(174) and roofing (1761) operations predominance becomes clearer. Code 174 accounts
for 28.8% of the scaffolding accidents followed by code 1721, painting (12.5%), and

1790, micellaneous specialty trades (1 1.2%). Code 1761 accounts for 28.7% of the

opening accidents followed by 154, non-residential building construction (1 1.4%) and

1751, carpentry work (9.4%) (see Figure 42). By understanding the significant role

scaffolding plays in masonry work, it is little wonder that accidents may tend to be more

common in this category. Likewise, the hazards of openings are more acute during

roofing operations than operations performed by most other trades.

200 T
160 Scaffold Cases

140 i a Opening Cases

(A 120
O 100 i
o 80
20 I
in M f _jja.
<NI ,_ "T , <N ^ , ^ <r ^ .r~ ,f^ cn .,_
in ro
in ^
<D ^
CM CO t^
in CD t- r- o>
r^ r- r^ t^ r^ r-

Figure 42: Scaffold/Opening Cases by Standard Industrial Code

Accident Characteristics

The elevation of the working level was recorded for 88% of the cases from information

presented in the abstract. This field does not necessarily represent the elevation of the

victim, but records the elevation of the working platform involved in the accident as

referenced from ground level. For example, if an object was dropped from a scaffold level

of 35 feet and the victim was struck at ground level, the elevation was recorded at 35 feet.

A separate field was used to distinguish the victim in relation to the platform as either on,

under, or above. Of all the cases with this information in the abstract, 95% were
attributable to victims on the platform. However, being on the platform at a described
elevation does not necessarily mean that the victim fell, but 93.4% of the cases did

involve falling from the elevation recorded. Therefore, when examining the elevation data

any significance can be related to a victim falling from that elevation. Both fatality and

injury-only cases were most common at heights of 1 1 to 20 feet, as shown in Figure 43.

The median for all cases was at 22 feet, while the median for fatality cases was slightly

higher at 27 feet and injury-only cases lower at 18 feet. The number of cases drops off

very quickly after this peak of 1 1 to 20 feet. This indicates that the most common
working heights in construction involving accidents are between 10 to 50 feet, as this

accounts for 84% of the cases. It can be said that at the 11 to 20 feet level there is

roughly a 50% chance that a fall incident will involve a fatality. Using this comparison at

the other heights, it can be concluded that the likelihood of a fatality in an accident

increases as the elevation of the platform increases, as shown in Figure 43.

160- X 100%


120- A-
( \ \ y"^ Fatality Cases

loo- t \ y^^ Injury-Only Cases -1-60% i=

CO ^^
o 60- \ + 40% "3

40- \

20- ./
0- 1

1 1
\ r i-^f
R ^ ^ s s s
o o o o o o o o o
^ ^ ?i m 5 lO 5 ?^ 5
Elevation (feet)

Figure 43: Cases by Platform Elevation and % of Fatalities

By comparing the elevation data to scaffold or opening cases an interesting similarity is

revealed. While the number of cases differs for each, scaffold cases and opening cases

both indicate the same predominance for accidents at 1 1 to 20 feet of elevation, as shown

in Figure 44.

Scaffold Cases
Opening Cases

irto2a 31' to 40' 51' to 60' 71' to 80' 91' to 100'

Elevation (feet)

Figure 44: Scaffold and Opening Cases by Platform Elevation

General Scaflbld Accident Characteristics

Of the 670 cases involving scaffolds, tubular welded frame scaffolds were involved most

often, accounting for at least 17. 1% of the scaffold fatality cases and 28.6% of the injury-

only cases, as shown in Figure 45. Unfortunately, 15.5% of the scaffold cases did not

contain sufficient information in the abstract to discern the type of scaffold involved.

Therefore, it is likely that tubular welded frame scaffolds may have accounted for more.

This does not necessarily indicate that tubular welded frame scaffolds are inherently more

accident prone, rather it is likely one of the more popular types used at construction sites.

When considering only fatalities, the manually-propelled mobile scaffolds and two-point

suspension scaffolds are involved in nearly as many fatalities as tubular welded frame

scaffolds. Again, this more likely indicates their popularity for use in construction, but

may also indicate a vulnerability these scaffolds may have over stationary scaffolds. Each

of the five most frequent scaffold types will be examined more closely in the following


Each scaffold case was categorized by the type of accident and, not surprisingly, 90% of

the scaffold cases were fall-related accidents. The type of fall was distinguished in two

significant ways: fall from a scaffold and fall due to a collapsing scaffold. This distinction

allows a more detailed examination of the causes related to each type. All other accident
descriptions were inconsequential compared to these two types of fall accidents, as

shown in Figure 46. Interestingly, scaffold-related accidents involving electric shock

accounted for 1% of scaffold injury-only cases and 9.6% of the scaffold fatality cases.

The combination of electricity and scaffolds is not very forgiving as indicated by the higher

percentage of fatalities.

Tubular Tubular
Non- Non-
Welded Welded
Descriptive Descriptive
Frame Frame
16% 14%
.17% 45%
Manually- Manually-
21% propelled
Mobile obile
17% 20%
Pump Jack
Swinging Swinging

Aerial Lift
Aerial uii^-^
^"^"^WSSSt ^
_. (Two-

10%' 5%
Fatality Cases 16% Injury-Only Cases 12%

Figure 45: Cases by Scaffold Type (Top 5 Types)

Pinned Pinned
Collapses 2% 1%
22% ^|~^"^
Collapses^ \ Falls
42% ^1 ^H \53%

Materials Electrical
Dropped- Shock
Electrical 2% 1%
Fatality Cases Injury-Only Cases

Figure 46: Scaffold Cases by Accident Description (Top 5 Types)

Each scaffold case was coded with two possible contributing causes based on the

information provided in the case abstracts. While not required by 29 CFR 1926.451 for all

scaffold types, the most common cause identified was the lack of a safety belt and lifeline,

as shown in Figure 47. This cause was listed for any case where a lifeline might have

prevented the fall from being severe, even though the type of scaffold may not have
required this protection by 29 CFR 1926.45 1 . Only the two-point suspension,

boatswain's chair, needle beam, float, and extensible/articulating boom aerial lift scaffold

types specifically require lifelines to be used. The window and roof bracket scaffolds

include lifelines as an option if guard rail protection is not provided. Five categories relate

directly to the construction of the scaffold: structure broke, no guardrails, improper

construction, planking unsecure/broke, and poor footing. Collectively these categories

clearly indicate that the major cause contributing to scaffold accidents is the inability to

construct a safe scaffold. When the type of accident is distinguished between falls,

collapses, and other, the causes reflect expected results. Collapses tend to account for

more accidents related to structural failure, improper construction (which often

accompany structural failures), and tipping incidents. "Other" type accidents dominate the

overhead danger category which is primarily due to electrical shock accidents when

scaffolds contact power lines.

160 --
140 --
120 --
V) Falls

cS 100 +

60 --
40 --
w ^
20 --

4 m S
a> M c o> 2 a
3 a>
r; -^
^Oo .
^C 3
A) in

C T3 o 2 TO
W ?
Z tlo o
o Q.

Figure 47: Scaffold Cases by Major Causes

Accident causes attributed to the working environment and human factors were assigned

by the compliance officers for each case. Theses categories were less specific as the

compliance officers attempted to attribute one environmental and human cause to each

incident. The most common (52.8% of all scaffold cases and 52.5% of the scaffold
fatality cases) environmental cause cited as a problem was the working surface or

facility layout condition (see Figure 48). Unfortunately, many specific environmental

conditions could be described by this phase and no clear significance can be drawn from

this category. This generality is followed by the second most frequently used code of

"other" with 25.5% of all scaffold cases and 26.4% of the scaffold fatality cases.

400 T
D Injury-Only Cases
300-1- @ Fatality Cases


100 -I- W^>^

^^^ i'ffnjjjjj.MJ

0> a)
E o

I -
3 X

Figure 48: Scaffold Cases by Top 5 Environmental Causal Factors

This same lack of specificity is noticed in the human causal factors assigned by the

compliance officers (see Figure 49). The most frequently attributed human cause is

misjudgment of a hazardous condition which accounts for 34.2% of the scaffold cases and

34.6% of the scaffold fatality cases. Fortunately, some insight might be gathered from the

next most common causes of "equipment in use was not appropriate for operation"

(16.3% of scaffold cases) and "safety devices removed or inoperative" (15.7% of scaffold

cases). These categories are sufficiently specific to give a clear indication of what was

done wrong. The next category is an OSHA distinguished "other" classification which,

unfortunately, was a frequently used category too general to interpret much information.

The last category most frequently used was the lack of protective work clothing which

normally includes personal protective equipment (PPE) such as eye protection, hearing

protection, and work boots.

250 T 54

200 --
D Injury-Only Cases
a Fatality Cases

150 +
O 100 --


c o
C 0) o ~ c
c I & ^ o
S p o
o3 E o
.9- h.
2- -

Figure 49: Scaffold Cases by Top 5 Human Causal Factors

Violations of the 29 CFR 1926 regulations were examined. Over 100 different CFR
paragraphs were cited as violations for scaffold cases alone. The top 9 standards violated

in scaffold accidents are shown in Table 3. The most commonly cited standard is 29 CFR
1926.021(b)(2) for the employer failing to properly instruct employees to recognize and

avoid unsafe conditions. While this is a "catch-all" citation, probably used frequently for

many types of cases, it does demonstrate a lack of employer interest towards rigorously

implementing a safety program as noted in 30% of the scaffold accidents. Three other

paragraphs from the general safety and health provisions subpart were listed in the top 9

citations. This indicates that the lack of employer interest in safety is a major contributing

factor in accidents. The most common citation specific to scaffolds was 29 CFR
1926.451(a)(4) specifying the general requirement for guardrails and toeboards.

Unfortunately, it is not precise as to whether the guardrails, toeboards, or both were the

problem identified. Two other general scaffold citations occurred frequently for scaffold

cases: paragraph 1 926.45 l(a)( 13) requiring safe access to the scaffold and paragraph

1926.451(a)(3) requiring supervision during the erection, movement, alteration or

dismantling of scaffolds. The other citations dealing specifically with the individual

scaffold types will be examined in the next section.


Table 3: Top Nine 29 CFR 1926 Citations for Scaffold Cases

(excludes scaffold specific citations)
29 CFR 1926 Description # of Fatality # of Injury-Only
Cases (%)* Cases (%)**
021(b)(2) Instruction of employees to recognize 123(31.8%) 80(28.3%)
and avoid unsafe conditions.
451(a)(4) General requirement for guardrails 57(14.7%) 47(16.6%)
and toeboards.
059(e)(1) Employers shall maintain a written 44(11.4%) 23(8.1%)
Hazard Communication Program.
020(b)(1) Employer to initiate and maintain 40(10.3%) 36(12.7%)
safety programs.

028(a) Employer shall enforce wearing PPE 36 (9.3%) 18(6.4%)

as appropriate.
059(h) Employers shall provide information 36 (9.3%) 16(5.7%)
and training on hazardous chemicals
451(a)(13) Requires means of safe access to the 30 (7.8%) 46(16.3%)

020(b)(2) Programs to include regular 28 (7.2%) 27 (9.5%)

inspections of work sites by
competent personnel.
451(a)(3) Requires supervision during the 28 (7.2%) 23(8.1%)
erection, movement, alteration or
dismantling of scaffolds.
* Percentages reflect the percent of 387 scaffold fatality cases.
** Percentages reflect the percent of 283 scaffold injury-only cases.

The nature of the use of scaffolding at the time of accident occurrence was interpreted

from the descriptions in the abstract. For nearly 78% of the scaffold cases, the scaffold

was being "used" for its intended purpose, as shown in Figure 50. Accidents involving

erecting, dismantling, and moving the scaffold after it was erected, which might be

thought of as the most dangerous periods for a scaffold, were not as frequent, but still

accounted for 17% of the scaffold-related accidents.

The mean platform elevations of the 5 most frequently-involved scaffold types were

compared, as shown in Figure 5 1 . This showed what could be considered as typical

working heights for these types of scaffolds. Swinging scaffolds, supported from the

roof, would be expected to have the highest mean elevation. Mobile scaffolds (manually

propelled) would, understandably, have the shortest operating height due to its inherent

instability. As previously noticed between elevation and fatalities in general, the mean

operating height might be expected to increase slightly for fatal cases, as indicated in

Figure 5 1 . The pump jack scaffold, however, seems to defy this notion with a lower mean

working elevation for fatal cases. The significance of this may not be important as only 10

fatality cases involved pump jack scaffolds.

600 -r

500 --
D Injury-Only Cases
v> 400 -- @ Fatality Cases
300 --

200 -

100 +
)ua!VMvA _^B

g ^ > flj
^ o
2 M o

Figure 50: Scaffold Cases by Scaffolding Use


Mean for all cases
a3 50 DMean for fatal cases

oo 30

3 T3 E ^1
c 9- o a.
ro 2 5 E
5 Q- 0)
< 0.

Figure 5 1 : Mean Elevation by Scaffold Type

Tubular Welded Frame Scaflblds

As mentioned earlier, the tubular welded frame scaffold seems to be the most popular

scaffold type used in construction involved in 147 cases of which 66 cases involved

fatalities. The most popular operation, by all indications of the accident data, is masonry

work accounting for 41 .5% of all recorded uses of this scaffold type (see Figure 52). The

next most frequent operation was painting, at 6.8% of the cases for this scaffold.



50- D Injury-Only Cases

Q Fatality Cases
5S 40H
30 H

% 20

10 H

Masonry Painting Siding Carpentry Drywall Concrete

Figure 52: Tubular Welded Frame Scaffold Cases by Type Work Performed

Falls from and collapses of this scaffold accounted for 89.8% of all cases and 86.4% of all

fatality cases involving this type (see Figure 53). Interestingly, only 13.6% of the fatality

cases were classified as collapses. In many cases the abstract described collapses where

the workers on the scaffold "rode the scaffold down" which likely slowed the rate of

decent and prevented some fatalities.

100 n

80 -
D Injury-Only Cases
S Fatality Cases
(U 60 -
"o 40-



Fall from Scaffold Collapse of Scaffold Others

Figure 53: Tubular Welded Frame Scaffold Cases by Accident Type


The major causes attributed to tubular welded frame scaffolds focused on the construction

of the scaffold (see Figure 54). The 5 most frequent causes involving the construction of

the tubular welded frame scaffold accounted for 57% of all cases for this scaffold type.

The most surprising fact is that 15.6% of the fatalities are due to not having guardrails

installed as required. No complex engineering solution is required to remedy this portion

of this scaffold's problem. The equipment simply needs to be utilized as it was designed.

Work environment and human causal factors for this scaffold type did not vary from the

relative frequencies noticed for all scaffold types reflected in Figures 48 and 49.

40 1

D Injury-Only Cases
30 Q Fatality Cases


c5 20


g2 Q.O
O 3
3 Q. CO
o tl

Figure 54: Tubular Welded Frame Scaffold Cases by Top 5 Accident Causes

The most common 29 CFR 1926.451 citation given for accidents involving tubular welded

frame scaffolds is 451(d)(10) specifying the guardrail requirements which accounted for

61.2% of all cases involving this scaffold type (see Table 4). The 6 most frequently-cited

citations closely match the recorded causes.

Table 4: Top Six 29 CFR 1926 Citations for
Tubular Welded Frame Scaffold Cases
29 CFR 1926 Description # of Fatality # of Injury-Only
Cases (%)* Cases (%)**
451(d)(10) Specifies the guardrail requirements. 38 (57.6%) 52 (64.2%)
451(a)(13) Requires access ladders to scaffolds. 16(24.2%) 31 (38.3%)
451(d)(3) Specifies tubular welded frame 16(24.2%) 21 (25.9%)
451(d)(7) Specifies securing the scaffold to 8(12.1%) 13 (16.0%)
buildings at designated intervals.
451(d)(4) Specifies proper footing of the tubular 5 (7.6%) 15(18.5%)
welded frame scaffold.

451(a)(14) Specifies scaffold planking placement. 4(6.1%) 17(20.0%)

* Percentages reflect the percent of 66 tubular welded frame scaffold fatality cases.
** Percentages reflect the percent of 81 tubular welded frame scaffold injury-only cases.

Manually-Propelled Mobile Scaflblds

Manually-propelled mobile scaffolds were the second most frequent type of scaffold

involved with the scaffold accidents involved in 102 cases, but actually accounted for

more fatalities (69 fatalities in 65 cases) than the tubular welded frame scaffolds (68

fatalities). As indicated earlier, the large ratio of fatalities to injuries associated with this

type scaffold may be related to its inherent instability and improper technique to move

them. While most accidents still occur during regular use, at 61.8%, a large amount are

associated with moving the scaffold, at 27.5% (see Figure 55). This increase in accidents

for this category is apparently due to the instability of a scaffold that is mobile.


50 -- D Injury-Only Cases
a Fatality Cases
40 --


20 --


Using Moving Erected Climbing Erecting Dismantling

Figure 55: Manually-Propelled Mobile Scaffold Cases by Scaffolding Use

The most common operation performed with the manually-propelled mobile scaffold

was drywall and ceiling work, accounting for 24.5% of the cases followed closely by

painting at 18.6% (see Figure 56). This usage is typical as the mobility of mobile scaffolds

is convenient during interior drywall operations. Painting operations are also

accommodated by mobile scaffolds.

25 X

D Injury-Only Cases
Fatality Cases
<D 15


Drywall work Painting Electrical work Plumbing Masonry

Figure 56: Manually-Propelled Scaffold Cases by Type Work Performed

Accidents involving manually-propelled scaffolds, as with most scaffold accidents, were

most commonly described as falls from the scaffold platform at 61.8% and accounted for

52.3% of the fatalities (see Figure 57). Collapses were the second most common, at

15.7%, followed closely by electrical shock at 14.7%. Collapses for this scaffold type

included situations when the scaffold tipped over. The tipping action was typically caused

by the scaffold hitting an irregularity on the floor or caused by the worker improperly

moving the scaffold by pushing on a nearby wall or ceiling. The high number of cases

related to electrical shocks is mostly related to situations where the scaffold hits an

overhead powerline during movement. Not surprisingly, fatalities accounted for 93.3% of

the electrical shock cases.

The lack of guardrails was recorded as the most common cause of manually-propelled

mobile scaffold accidents accounting for 25.5% of the mobile scaffold cases and 12.7% of
the fatality cases (see Figure 58). This was followed closely by an action which caused

the scaffold to tip over (23.5%). The third cause, associated with electrical shock, was
inattention to overhead obstacles at 13.7% of the cases. Electrical shock accounted for

fatalities in 92.8% of the cases related to this cause. Work environment and human causal

factors for this scaffold type did not vary from the relative frequencies noticed for all

scaffold types reflected in Figures 48 and 49.

60- D Injury-Only Cases
Fatality Cases

^ 40--
O --
>*- 30
* 20-

Fall Collapse Electrical Shock Others

Figure 57: Manually-Propelled Mobile Scaffold Cases by Accident Type

30 -r

n Injury-Only Cases
20-1- Fatality Gases

O 15--
* 10-1-

5 +
S of"
rf TO .tr-
(TJ W ll
a> *= 2
o (0 o 8
c Q.

Figure 58: Manually-Propelled Mobile Scaffold Cases by Top 6 Accident Causes

Citations assigned for this scaffold type were reflective of the causes as the most

frequently cited standard in the 29 CFR 1926 regulations was the specification for proper
guardrails (see Table 5). Both paragraphs 45 1 (e)( 1 0), covering the specific

requirements for manually-propelled mobile scaffold guardrails, and 451(a)(4), covering

the general requirements for scaffold guardrails were cited for failure to provide this

important protection. The next most frequently cited standard was 45 1 (e)(4) requiring

tight and secure planking (33.3% of cases). While this citation does not match the ranking

of the causes it is not unusual for the planking to be unsatisfactory for accidents attributed

to tipping or overhead obstructions.

Table 5: Top Five 29 CFR 1926 Citations for

Manually-Propelled Mobile Scaffold Cases
29CFR Description # of Fatality # of Injury-Only
1926 Cases (%)* Cases (%)*
451(e)(10) Specific requirement for guardrails 41 (63.1%) 12(32.4%)
on the manually-propelled mobile

451(e)(4) Requirement for tight and secure 20 (30.8%) 14(37.8%)

451(e)(8) Requirement for proper footing 14(21.5%) 9 (24.3%)
support and locked wheels.
451(a)(4) General requirement for proper 11 (16.9%) 6(16.2%)

451(e)(3) Requirement for proper bracing. 10(15.4%) 9 (24.3%)

* Percentages reflect the percent of 65 manually-propelled mobile scaffold fatality cases.
** Percentages reflect the percent of 37 manually-propelled mobile scaffold injury-only


Swinging (Two-Point Suspension) Scaffolds

The third most frequently recorded type of scaffold is the swinging or two-point

suspension scaffold. This type of scaffold typically operates at a higher elevation than the

other scaffold types , as shown in Figure 5 1 . With a mean elevation of 60 feet for all cases

and 64 4 feet for fatality cases it is not surprising that fatalities account for 74.4% of all

cases involving this scaffold type. As might be expected, 88.5% of the accidents

associated with this type occur during regular use since erecting and dismantling of this

scaffold occurs mainly at the ground level (see Figure 59).

80 -r

70-- D Injury-Only Cases

Ea Fatality Cases
<" en
O 40 --

0-- 'Aiii^wmii'iw ^
Using for operation Moving erected Climbing Dismartling

Figure 59: Swinging Scaffold Cases by Scaffolding Use

Painting seems to dominate the use of two-point swinging scaffolds, accounting for 40.2%

of all case operations of this scaffold type (see Figure 60). Unfortunately, 39% of the

cases were not able to be classified given the information provided by the abstracts.

Various other operations were mostly building exterior operations which included siding

and glazing operations.

35 -r

D Injury-Only Cases
25 --
O Fatality Cases
CO 20-



Painting Masonry Other

Figure 60: Swinging Scaffold Cases by Type Work Performed

The type of accident consisted of mainly two types (see Figure 61). Falls from the

swinging scaffold platform accounted for 47 6% of the cases and 47.5% of the fatalities.

Collapses of the scaffold accounted for 45, 1% of the cases and 49.2% of the fatalities.
Collapses mostly consisted of one or both of the lines breaking and, as described in the

next paragraph, workers were not wearing lifelines. On a positive note, there were four

cases recorded where lifelines were used and, as designed, fatalities were prevented.

40 -r

35 --

30- D Injury-Only Cases

Fatality Cases
25 +

20 +
* 15 +

10 +

Fall Collapse Lifeline prevented fall Other

Figure 61 : Swinging Scaffold Cases by Accident Type

A lack of a lifeline or safety net was the most frequently recorded cause for the swinging

scaffold accidents accounting for 57.3% of the cases and 60.7% of the fatalities involving

this scaffold type (see Figure 62). While the lack of guardrails was not as common with

4.8% of the cases, guardrails could not stop workers from falling when the next major

cause was the scaffold structure breaking. Accounting for 47.6% of the cases and 47.5%

of the fatalities, the collapse of the scaffold by breaking is significant. Lifelines were the

only viable means by which these fatalities could have been prevented. Work environment

causal factors for this scaffold type did not vary from the relative frequencies noticed for

all scaffold types reflected in Figure 48. The human causal factors did cite the category

"safety devices removed or inoperative" most frequently for these scaffold accidents.
80 -r

D Injury-Only Cases
50- Fatality Cases



0-- ijKKfl mm^MA

^_ o V)
o. o
i 1 o Z3

Q. (/>
it O
h c
O a>

Figure 62: Swinging Scaffold Cases by Accident Causes

The 29 CFR 1926 citations assigned reflected the lack of lifelines and other major causes

recorded (see Table 6). Besides requiring lifelines during the operation of the swinging

scaffold, paragraph 451(i)(8) specifies the limits for live loading to be placed on the

scaffold. Considering the structural paragraphs 45 l(i)(4) and (7) collectively, the number

of cases closely matches those categorized previously as breaking.

Table 6: Top Six 29 CFR 1926 Citations for

Swinging (Two-Point Suspension) Scaffold Cases
29 CFR 1926 Description #of # of Injury-
Fatality Only Cases
Cases (%)* (%)**
451(i)(8) Specifies the live load limits and 43 (70.5%) 13(61.9%)
requirements for lifelines.

451(i)(4) Specifies the requirements for roof tiebacks 24 (39.3%) 6 (28.6%)

and hooks.
451(i)(ll) Specifies guardrail requirements. 23 (37.7%) 7(33.3%)
451(a)(3) Requirement for supervision when 11 (18.0%) 2 (9.5%)
erecting, moving, or dismantling scaffolds.

451(i)(9) Specifies the lashing requirements to 11 (18.0%) 2 (9.5%)

prevent swaying.
451(i)(7) Requires all suspension ropes to be 8(13.1%) 1 (4.8%)
* Percentages reflect the percent of 61 swinging (two-point suspension) scaffold fatality

** Percentages reflect the percent of 21 swinging (two-point suspension) scaffold injury-
only cases.
Extensible and Articulating Boom Aerial Lifts

Aerial lifts, particularly the extensible and articulating boom types of lifts, were the fourth

most common type of scaffold involved in accidents, with 48 cases. As seen in Figure 45

earlier, this type of powered scaffold had the largest percentage of fatalities at 77. 1% of

the cases. Again, like the manually-propelled mobile scaffolds, the instability of this

scaffold may be the reason for this high fatality rate. As seen in Figure 63, moving of the

erected aerial lifts accounted for only 4.2% of the cases while all other cases occurred

during regular use. Movement in this case is defined as horizontal motion of the

equipment rather than vertical motion of the basket.

D Injury-Only Cases
Fatality Cases
o 20--

0-- ,!faaafj.-ju!aaea

Using for operation Moving erected

Figure 63 Extensible and Articulating

: Boom Aerial Lift Cases by Scaffolding Use

While the type of construction operation using aerial lifts varied greatly, the most

frequently-cited operation was electrical work accounting for 43.8% of the cases and

46.2% of the fatality cases (see Figure 64). Unfortunately, 25% of the cases could not be

attributed to a construction operation due to the limited information provided in the


30 T
D Injury-Only Cases
Q Fatality Cases
S 20

10 --

Electrical Work
^ w^-

Painting Other Not Indicated

Figure 64; Extensible and Articulating Boom Aerial Lift Cases by Type Work Performed
The type of accident occurring most frequently with aerial lifts was, as with other

scaffolds, falls from the working platform (see Figure 65). While falls accounted for

43.8% of the cases, 90.5% of the falls resulted in fatalities which is the highest fatality rate

of any of the scaffolds examined. The next two types of accidents most frequently

occurring simulate the relative results seen with manually-propelled mobile scaffolds in

Figure 55. Electrical shock which accounted for 25% of the cases were all fatality cases.

Collapse cases, accounting for 22.9% of the cases, were only 45.5% fatalities. Collapses,

as with manually-propelled mobile scaffolds, involved tipping over as well as structural


D Injury-Only Cases
Fatality Cases

o 10 --

Fall Electrical Shock Collapse

^ Other

Figure 65: Extensible and Articulating Boom Aerial Lift Cases by Accident Type

The major cause of accident identified was the inattention to overhead obstructions

accounting for 33.3% of the cases of which all were fatalities (see Figure 66). Commonly,

the collision with an overhead obstruction lead to electrical shocks and or being knocked

out of the basket platform. Thus, it is logical to expect the next major cause to be a lack

of lifeline support which accounted for 27% of the cases with 92.3% being fatalities. Poor

footing, structure breaking, and tipping action all contributed to the collapse type

accidents and collectively accounted for 45.8% of the cases. Work environment causal

factors for aerial lifts did not vary from the relative ranking of other scaffolds, as

previously shown in Figure 48, except for a higher number of cases categorized as

"other." Human causal factors varied slightly from the relative rankings shown in Figure

49 with "the lack of protective work clothing" being the second most cited factor.

16 -r

14 --
D Injury-Only Cases
Q Fatality Cases

wio ^-


% 6 --


o <u
2 o) c
c .2
o 11 c
1 1

Figure 66: Extensible and Articulating Boom Aerial Lift Cases by Causes

Only one significant 29 CFR 1926 paragraph standard was cited most fi'equently.

Paragraph 556(b)(2) which specified nearly all requirements for the extensible and

articulating boom aerial lifts accounted for 68.7% of the cases and 69.2% of the fatalities.

Unfortunately, individual standards within this paragraph were not recorded.

Pump Jack Scaffolds

Pump jack scaffolds are one of the more unusual scaffold types and because of its

convenient vertical adjustment mechanism it seems to be a very popular scaffold system in

construction. Like most other scaffolding accidents, occurrances were more frequent

during regular use (90.7%) than by erecting or dismantling (see Figure 67). The use is

predominantly in the residential construction industry. Of the 43 cases involving pump

jack scaffolds 46.5% specifically indicated their use for residential construction while the

remainder failed to indicate any particular segment of the industry. The construction

operation responsible for this seems to be siding installation accounting for 51.2% of the

cases, as shown in Figure 68. With 27.9% of the cases not indicating a construction

operation, it is possible that usage of pump jacks in residential siding installation is larger.

D Injury-Only Cases
V) 30 -- Fatality Cases
O 20--
% 10--


Using for operation Other

Figure 67: Pump Jack Scaffold Cases by Scaffolding Use

25 -r
D Injury-Only Cases
20 -- @ Fatality Cases
55 15--


-- mmimiimfiit.

Siding Installation Other Not Indicated

Figure 68: Pump Jack Scaffold Cases by Type Work Performed

With only 23.3% of the cases involving a fatality, pump jack scaffolds seem to be one of

the safer scaffolds in use. This record could be improved by realizing that collapses are

the major reason for accidents, accounting for 72. 1% of all the cases (see Figure 69).

Since both collapses and falls involve a worker falling from an elevation, the combined

number of fatalities from these categories account for 90% of the fatality cases.

D Injury-Only Cases
S B Fatality Cases
O 20--

Collapse Fall Other

Figure 69: Pump Jack Scaffold Cases by Accident Type


The main cause for these collapses is a structural failure which is attributed to 62.8% of

the cases (see Figure 70). The structure most responsible is the 2x4 lumber pole on which

the pump jack scaffold is based. A related, but more generic cause, is improper

construction, accounting for 32.6% of the cases, which typically leads to a structural

failure. Again, as seen with other scaffold types, the lack of guardrails or lifeline

accounted for 25.6% of the cases. Overloading the scaffold was another major

contributor leading to structural failure. This category, which includes overloading by

either workers or materials, accounts for 20.9% of the cases involving this scaffold type.

Work environment and human causal factors for this scaffold type did not vary from the

relative frequencies noticed for all scaffold types reflected in Figures 48 and 49.

30 1

25 - - D Injury-Only Cases
Q Fatality Cases
- -

o 15 -

* 10 - -

- -

U -
n ^M c
t- o o
.o 3 o (5 .
C/) -Q
Q. (0
^ -o ^
u o

Figure 70: Pump Jack Scaffold Cases by Causes

As expected, the most frequently cited 29 CFR 1926 standard was paragraph 451(y)(4)

specifying the pole placement, height limits and bracing requirements cited in 67.4% of the

cases (see Table 7). The second most cited standard was 45 l(y)(ll) accounting for

46.5% of the cases which describes the guardrail or lifeline requirements that could have

prevented the injuries and fatalities associated with this scaffold. The need for guardrails

was also cited under 451(a)(4) accounting for 25.6% of the cases.
Table 7: Top Six 29 CFR 1926 Citations for
Pump Jack Scaffold Cases
29CFR1926 Description #of # of Injury-
Fatality Only Cases
Cases (%)
451(y)(ll) Specifies the guardrail or lifeline 5 (50.0%) 15(45.5%)
requirements for the pump jack scaffold.

451(y)(4) Specifies the pole placement, height limits 4 (40.0%) 25 (75.8%)

and bracing requirements.
451(y)(l) Specifies the load limits on the pump jack 3 (30.0%) 8 (24.2%)

451(y)(3) Requires secure and tight planking. 3 (30.0%) 7(21.2%)

451(y)(6) Specifies the type of lumber which should 3 (30.0%) 7(21.2%)
be used as the pole.
451(a)(4) General requirement for guardrails on 1 (10.0%) 10 (30.3%)
* Percentages reflect the percent of pump jack scaffold fatality cases.

** Percentages reflect the percent of 33 pump jack scaffold injury-only cases.

Scafibid Summary
Comparing the accident characteristics with the 5 scaffold types most frequently involved

in scaffold accidents, some interesting distinctions can be made between the scaffold types

(see Table 8). Scaffold-related accidents occurred primarily when the scaffold was used

for its intended purpose. The only scaffold type which had a significant amount of

accidents outside of its intended use was the manually-propelled mobile scaffold.

Likewise, falls from and collapses of the scaffold was the most common type of accident.

The other significant accident type was electrical shock which primarily occurred with

manually-propelled mobile scaffolds and extensible/articulating boom aerial lifts. Note

that the accident characteristics have been tabulated for all major scaffold types. Since

those not shown in Table 8 were associated with only a few accidents, no conclusions can

be drawn (see Table 9). No accidents involving plaster's, decorator's, and large area

scaffolds; window jack scaffolds; or stone setter's adjustable multi-point suspension

scaffolds were recorded.

Table 8: Compaijson of Top 5 Scaffold Types

''^>>^^ Scaffold Type Tubular Manually- Two-Point Extensible/ Pump Jack

Welded Propelled Suspension Articulating Scaffold
Accident ^^"s.^,.^^^^ Frame Mobile Scaffold Boom Aerial
Characteristics ^""^"^ Scaffold Scaffold Lift

Scaffold Use
Using 109(74.1%) 63(61.8%) 72 (87.8%) 46 (95.8%) 39 (90.7%)
Moving Erected 2(1.4%) 28 (27.5%) 7 (8.5%) 2 (4.2%)
Climbing 11 (7.5%) 5 (4.9%) 2 (2.4%) 1 (2.3%)
Erecting 14 (9.5%) 4 (3.9%) 2 (4.7%)
Dismantling 1 1 (7.5%) 1 (1.0%) 1 (1.2%) 1 (2.3%)
Not Indicated 1 (1.0%)
147(100%) 102(100%) 82(100%) 48(100%) 43(100%)

Accident Type
Fall 95 (64.6%) 68 (66.7%) 39 (47.6%) 21 (43.8%) 10 (23.3%)
Collapse 39 (26.5%) 16(15.7%) 37(45.1%) 1 1 (22.9%) 31 (72.1%)
Elec. Shock 15(14.7%) 12 (25,0%) 2 (4.7%)
Other 13(8.8%) 3 (2.9%) 6 (7.3%) 4 (8.3%)
147(100%) 102(100%) 82(100%) 48(100%) 43 (100%)

Type Work Performed

Masonry 61 (41.5%) 4 (3.9%) 7 (8.5%) 1 (2.1%)
Painting 10 (6.8%) 19(18.6%) 33 (40.2%) 6(12.5%) 2 (4.7%)
Siding 5 (3.4%) 2 (2.0%) 2 (2.4%) 1 (2.1%) 22 (51.2%)
Drvwall 5 (3.4%) 25 (24.5%)
Elec. Work 9 (8.8%) 21 (43.8%)
Other 21 (14.3%) 18(17.6%) 8 (9.8%) 7(14.6%) 7(16.3%)
Not Indicated 45 (30.6%) 25 (24.5%) 32 (39.0%) 12 (25.0%) 12 (27.9%)
147(100%) 102(100%) 82(100%) 48(100%) 43(100%)

No guardrails 40 (27.2%) 26 (25.5%) 5(6.1%) 6(14.0%)
Improper construction 25(17.0%) 8 (7.8%) 12(14.6%) 1 (2.1%) 14 (32.6%)
Unsecure planking 20(13.6%) 10 (9.8%) 2 (4.7%)
Poor footing 17(11.6%) 10 (9.8%) 8(16.7%)
Structure breaking 14(9.5%) 1 (1.0%) 39 (47.6%) 8(16.7%) 27 (62.8%)
Tipping 10 (6.8%) 24 (23.5%) 1 (1.2%) 6(12.5%)
Overhead obstruction 1 1 (7.5%) 14(13.7%) 16 (33.3%) 2 (4.7%)

No lifeline 9(6.1%) 5 (4.9%) 74 (90.2%) 13(27.1%) 5(11.6%)

Other 44 (29.9%) 29 (28.4%) 7 (8.5%) 9(18.8%) 10(23.3%)

Percentages for causes will not necessarily add to 100% since two causes are assigned to each case.
Table 9: Comparison of Remaining Scaffold Types

""""^->,,^^Scaflbld Type Aerial Lifts Carpenters Ladder Makeshift* Roofing

(Scissor- Bracket Jack Brackets
Accident ^'""^*">.>.,^^ T>pe)
Characteristics ^^'^^^

ScafTold Use
Using 17(65.4%) 15(100%) 1 1 (84.6%) 12(92.3%) 9 (90%)
Moving Erected 7 (26.9%) 1 (7.7%)
Climbing I (7.7%)
Erecting 1 (10%)
Dismantling 1 (3.8%) 1 (7.7%)
Moving Dismantled 1 (3.8%)
26(100%) 15(100%) 13(100%) 13(100%) 10(100%)

Accident Type
Fall 15(57.7%) 10 (66.7%) 1 1 (84.6%) 6(46.1%) 9 (90%)
Collapse 8 (30.8%) 5 (33.3%) 1 (7.7%) 7 (53.8%) 1 (10%)
Elec. Shock 1 (3.8%) 1 (7.7%)
Other 2 (7.7%)
26(100%) 15(100%) 13(100%) 13(100%) 10(100%)

Type Work Performed

Carpentry 2(13.3%) 1 (7.7%)
Steel Work 2 (7.7%) 3 (20.0%)
Siding 1 (6.7%) 5 (38.5%) 2 (15.4%) 1 (10%)
Drvvvall 3(11.5%)
Elec. Work 3(11.5%) 2(15.4%)
Concrete Work 1 (3.8%) 1 (6.7%) 2(15.4%)
Roofing 1 (3.8%) 3 (20.0%) 2(15.4%) I (7.7%) 7 (70%)
Other 3(11.5%) 1 (7.7%) 2 (15.4%) 1 (10%)
Not Indicated 13 (50%) 5 (33.3%) 4 (30.8%) 4 (30.8%) 1(10%)
26(100%) 15 (100%) 13(100%) 13(100%) 10(100%)

No guardrails 3(11.5%) 4 (26.7%) 2(15.4%) 3(23.1%) 5 (50%)
Improper construction 1 (3.8%) 5 (33.3%) 1 (7.7%) 5 (38.5%)
Unsecure planking 1 (3.8%) 2(13.3%) 1 (7.7%) 5 (38.5%)
Poor footing 6(23.1%) I (7.7%)
Structure breaking 5(19.2%) 6 (40.0%) 1 (7.7%) 6(46.1%) 1 (10%)
Tipping 4(15.4%) 1 (6.7%)
0\ erhead obstruction 2 (7.7%) 1 (7.7%)
No lifeline 6(23.1%) 3 (20.0%) 5 (38.5%) 4 (30.8%) 9 (90%)
Other 4(15.4%) 3 (20.0%) 2(15.4%) 1 (7.7%) 2 (20%)

* Makeshift scaffolds do not conform to any type described in CFR standards.

** Percentages for causes will not necessarily add to 100% since two causes are assigned to each case.
Table 9: Comparison of Remaining Scaffold Types (continued)
'''*'-^>.,.,^^^ ScafTold Type Form Boatswain Single- Tube and Outrigger
Point Coupler
Accident ^^^^^^ Suspension
Characteristics ^^^^
ScafTold Use
Using 5 (50%) 9 (90%) 8 (88.9%) 3 (37.5%) 7 (87.5%)
Moving Erected 1 (10%) 1 (11.1%)
Climbing 2 (20%)
Erecting 4 (50%) 1 (12.5%)
Dismantling 3 (30%) 1 (12.5%)
Moving Dismantled
10(100%) 10(100%) 9(100%) 8(100%) 8(100%)

Accident Type
Fall 8 (80%) I (10%) 2 (22.2%) 6 (75%) 5 (62.5%)
Collapse 2 (20%) 8 (80%) 6(66.7%) 1(12.5%) 3 (37.5%)
Elec. Shock
Other I (10%) 1 (11.1%) I (12.5%)
10(100%) 10(100%) 9(100%) 8(100%) 8(100%)

Type Work Performed

Masonry 1 (10%) I (11.1%) 3 (37.5%) 1 (12.5%)
Painting 5 (50%) 1(11.1%) 2 (25%)
Carpentr\' 2 (25%)
SteelWork 1(10%)
Concrete Work 7 (70%) 1 (12.5%)
Other 2 (20%) 2 (20%) I (12.5%)
Not Indicated 1 (10%) I(10%) 7 (77.8%) 4 (50%) 2 (25%)
10(100%) 10(100%) 9(100%) 8(100%) 8(100%)

No guardrails 1 (12.5%)
Improper construction 1 (11.1%) 3 (37.5%)
Unsecure planking I (10%) 3 (37.5%) I (12.5%)
Poor footing
Structure breaking 1 (10%) 8 (80%) 6 (66.7%) 1 (12.5%) 3 (37.5%)
Tipping 1 (11.1%)
Overhead obstruction
No lifeline 3 (30%) 8 (80%) 6 (66.7%) 1 (12.5%) 2 (25%)
Slippery surface 3 (30%)
Other 3 (30%) 2 (20%) 1 (11.1%) 1 (12.5%) 3 (37.5%)
Percentages for causes will not necessarily add to 100% since two causes are assigned to each case.
Table 9: Comparison of Remaining Scaffold Types (continued)

""^^-^^s^^^^^ScafTold Type Wood Pole Mason s Crawling Float or Interior

Multi-Point or Chicken Ship Hung
Accident ^^^^^^^ Suspension Board
Characteristics ^^^^

Scafibld Use
Using 5 (83.3%) 2 (50%) 3(100%) 2(100%) 1 (50%)
Moving Erected
Erecting 1 (25%)
Dismantling 1 (16.7%) 1 (25%) 1 (50%)
Moving Dismantled
6(100%) 4(100%) 3(100%) 2(100%) 2(100%)

Accident T>pe
Fall 4 (66.7%) 2 (50%) 2 (66.7%) 2(100%) 2(100%)
Collapse 2 (33.3%) 1 (25%) 1 (33.3%)
Elec. Shock
Other 1 (25%)
6(100%) 4(100%) 3(100%) 2(100%) 2(100%)

T>pe Work Performed

Masonry 2 (50%)
Painting 1 (33.3%) 1 (50%)
Steel Work 1 (50%)
Carpentry 1 (16.7%)
Roofing 1 (33.3%)
Other 1 (16.7%)
Not Indicated 4 (66.7%) 2 (50%) 1 (33.3%) 1 (50%) 1 (50%)
6(100%) 4(100%) 3(100%) 2(100%) 2(100%)

No guardrails 2 (33.3%) 1 (25%) 1 (33.3%) 1 (50%)
Improper construction 3 (50%) 1 (33.3%)
Unsecure planking
Poor footing
Structure breaking 2 (33.3%) 1 (33.3%) 1 (50%)
Ov erhead obstruction
No lifeline 1 (16.7%) 2 (66.7%) 1 (50%) 1 (50%)
Slipper> surface 1 (25%)
Other 4(100%) 1 (50%) 1 (50%)
* Percentages for causes will not necessarily addto 100% since two causes are assigned to each case.
Table 9; Comparison of Remaining Scaffold Types (continued)
'^^^^^.^ Scaffold Type Bricklayers Horse Needle Horizontal Non-
Square Beam Wire Descriptive
Accident Suspension in Abstract
Characteristics * **

Scaffold Use
Using 2(100%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 79 (76.0%)
Moving Erected 3 (2.9%)
Climbing 6 (5.8%)
Erecting 8 (7.7%)
Dismantling 6 (5.8%)
Moving Dismantled 1 (1.0%)
Not Indicated 1 (1.0%)
2(100%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 104(100%)

Accident T>pe
Fall 2(100%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 72 (69.2%)
Collapse 1 (100%) 23(22.1%)
Elec. Shock 1 (1.0%)
Other 8 (7.7%)
2(100%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 104(100%)

Type Work Performed

Masonry 1 (50%) 25 (24.%)
Painting 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 6 (5.8%)
Siding 1 (50%) 1 (100%) 3 (2.9%)
Drywall 4 (3.8%)
Carpentry 6 (5.8%)
Concrete 16(15.4%)
Other 37(35.6)
Not Indicated 7 (6.7%)
2(100%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 1 (100%) 104(100%)

No guardrails 14(13.5%)
Improper construction 1 (50%) 9 (8.7%)
Unsecure planking 24(23.1%)
Poor footing 1 (100%) 12(11.5%)
Structure breaking 1 (100%) 13(12.5%)
Tipping 1 (50%) 2(1.9%)
Overhead obstruction 4 (3.8%)
No lifeline I (100%) 1 (100%) 20(19.2%)
Slipper\' surface 1 (50%) 8 (7.7%)
Other I (100%) 23(22.1%)
* Horizontal wire suspension scaffold is designed for travelling horizontally along the cable suspending
the scaffold. It is used typically in bridge painting operations.

** Insufficient information existed in the abstract to identify the scaffold inv olved w ith the accident,
** Percentages for causes will not necessarily add to 100% since two causes are assigned to each case.
As might be expected, each type of construction work performed seems to focus on one

type of scaffold which best meets the needs of the operation. The causes associated with

each scaffold type seem to reflect this variation of their uses in construction. The most

frequent causes of accidents portray the weaknesses of each of the scaffold types. The

tubular welded frame scaffold has problems being constructed properly which includes

missing guardrails, unsecure planking and miscellaneous missing parts. Manually-

propelled scaffolds have problems with no guardrails being installed and tipping/overhead

obstruction hazards. Swinging scaffolds have problems with failure to use lifelines and

breaking of suspension ropes. Aerial lifts have problems with failure to use lifelines and

contacting overhead obstructions. Pump jack scaffolds have problems primarily with

structural breaks and improper construction.

Floor and Wall Openings

Floor and wall openings were involved in 394 cases of which 73.4% were fatality cases.

Openings were segregated by the general size of the opening or an open-sided area as

listed below. Since the sizes of openings varied greatly, the size of opening was converted

to an area in square feet for purposes of categorization and comparison. For example, a

opening recorded as 2'x6' was converted to 12 square feet and categorized as between


Opening Size Categories:

3'x3' or smaller (< 9 square feet)

Between 3'x3' and 6'x6' (between 9 and 36 square feet)

6'x6' or larger (> 36 square feet)

Open-sided floors or platforms

Open-sided floors accounted for 41.4% of all opening cases and 43.3% of the opening

fatality cases (see Figure 71). The next most frequent category was 9 to 36 square feet of

floor opening (or square dimensions between 3 and 6 feet) accounting for 1 7.8% of all
cases and 17.0% of the fatality cases. Unfortunately, 24.9% of the cases involving

openings did not indicate the size.

160 --
D Injury-Only Cases
140 --
B Fatality Cases
0> 120--
TO 100 --
() --
< 80
n --
<9sf 9 to 36 sf >36sf Op s led ^k>t indicated

Figure 71 : Opening Cases by Size of Opening

The type of work performed at the time of the accident varied between many different

trades, but was dominated by roofing operations. Roofing accounted for 34.5% of all

cases and 39. 1% of the fatality cases (see Figure 72). Interestingly, 60.0% of the roofing

cases were related to open-sided accidents and 28% were related to floor size openings

between 9 and 36 sf In many cases, these openings were skylights in which workers

accidentally fell into the skylight or purposely sat or stepped on the skylight expecting the

transparent covering to hold them. The next most frequent type of work was carpentry

accounting for 10.4% of all cases and 6.9% of the fatality cases.

140 -r

120 --
O Injury-Only Cases
100 -- Q Fatality Cases
to --
CD 80
o --
40 --

20 --

Roofing Carpentry Moving Concrete Steel

Materials Work work

Figure 72: Opening Cases by Type of Work Performed

As might be expected, opening accidents were almost completely fall-related incidents

accounting for 99.0% of the cases. Three major types of falls can be observed in the data

(see Figure 73). Falls through floor openings/edges is the most common form of opening
accident accounting for 53.3% of the cases and 52.2% of the fatality cases. This category

includes part of the cases previously classified as open-sided openings (i.e. falls from floor

edges), as well as other opening sizes. The next most frequent fall incident was from a

roof edge accounting for 27.4% of the cases and 29.4% of the fatality cases. This

category was entirely categorized as open-sided accidents. Wall openings comprised a

smaller portion accounting for only 12.2% of the cases and 1 1.8% of the fatality cases.


200 --
D Injury-Only Cases
B Fatality Cases

0) 150
o 100--


Fall from Floor Fall from Roof Edge Fall from Wall Opening other

Figure 73: Opening Cases by Type of Accident

The causes of opening accidents were fairly basic and generally involved a lack of an

appropriate guard for the opening, contributing to 44.9% of the cases and 42.5% of the

fatality cases (see Figure 74). While the type of guard for the opening could consist of

many items, 26. 1% of the cases and 26.0% of the fatality cases specifically indicated that

guardrails were missing. The lack of a lifeline or safety net was a cause for 23.9% of the

cases and 26.0% of the fatality cases. In 9.9% of the cases and 1 1.8% of the fatality

cases, covers were provided over the openings but failed to protect by breaking under the

load of the worker. Similarly, in 8.1% of the cases and 6.9% of the fatality cases,

coverings were provided over the openings but failed to protect by moving out of place.
180 T
D Injury-Only Cases
140 --
Fatality Cases
w 120 --

CO 100 +
O 80 --
o --
40 --


? (U o
O) =
il c * ^c C
(1) 5
C O o o P
3 O =3

Figure 74: Opening Cases by Causes

Causes attributed to the working environment and human factors varied only slightly from

the causes attributed to scaffolds in Figures 48 and 49. "Misjudgment of the hazard" was

cited as the most frequent of the human causal factors accounting for 40.4% of the cases

and 39. 1% of the fatality cases (see Figure 75). The removal of safety devices such as

lifelines or guardrails accounted for 1 5.0% of the cases and 15.2% of the fatality cases.

As might be expected, the category "working surface of facility layout condition" under

working environment accounted for 78.2% of the opening cases and 77.2% of the fatality

cases (see Figure 76).

140 --
D Injury-Only Cases
120 --
V) @ Fatality Cases
100 --
o 60 --

40 --

c en s:
(U O ;g C
i, E ^O ^
2 aa> "> 2; p s=
m .O O (U ^ "(6


5 S -I 2 o S 8
3 a.

Figure 75: Opening Cases by Human Causal Factors


300 --
n Injury-Only Cases
250 --
Fatality Cases
^ 200 +
- 150 +
% 100 --

50 -
Working surface or Other Materials tiandling
facility layout

Figure 76: Opening Cases by Environmental Causal Factors

The most frequently cited 29 CFR 1926.500 paragraph standard was the lack of guardrails

on the exposed sides of the floor openings. This and other citations seem to correlate well

with the causal indicators reviewed previously for openings. The seven most frequently

cited 29 CFR 1926.500 paragraphs are listed in Table 10. Of special note, paragraph

500(e)(1) is no longer listed in the 29 CFR 1926, requiring handrails on stairwells.

Table 10: Top Seven 29 CFR 1926.500 Paragraph Citations for Opening Cases

29 CFR 1926 Description # of Fatality # of Injury-

Cases (%) Only Cases (%)
500(b)(1) Guardrails on all exposed sides of 83 (28,7%) 28(26.7%)
floor openings.
500(d)(1) Open-sided floor/platform to be 76 (26.3%) 29 (27.6%)
500(g)(1) Roof work edge protection or 41 (14.2%) 4(3.8%)
warning system.
500(g)(6) Training program for falling hazards 41 (14.2%) 7 (6.7%)
during roof work.
500(g)(5) Protection of materials handling 32(11.1%) 2(1.9%)
areas of roof edges.
500(b)(4) Skylights guarded by rails or cover. 27 (9.3%) 4(3.8%)
500(e)(1)* Stair flights equipped with handrails* 23 (8.0%) 9 (8.6%)

Paragraph not included in July 1, 1994 edition of 29 CFR 1926.

Victim Characteristics

Information about each of the injured or deceased workers was recorded and included

age, disposition of the injury, nature of the injury, and part of the body involved in the

injury This database was organized to record up to 6 victims per case. The mean age for

all 1,313 victims recorded in the 1,030 cases was computed and compared to the mean

age of the first recorded victim in each case (see Table 1 1). Since these figures vary by

very little the assumption is made that the data for first victim in each case is

representative of the entire population of victims in this database for the purposes of these

comparisons. This assumption is made because of the limitations of the SPSS database

program in order to simplify the calculations of the mean, mode, and median ages, as well

as frequencies of injury nature and part of body affected.

As noticed in Table 1 1, the typical age for a fatality is higher than other non-fatal injuries.

This indicates that older workers may be slightly more vulnerable to more serious injuries

than younger workers. This does not discount that experience and wisdom gained with

age can undoubtedly prevent many accidents from happening, or the lack of experience

can lead to the development of an accident. In fact, the lower age observed for floor/wall

opening accidents may indicate that the lack of experience of younger workers has lead to

a larger number of younger victims involved in these accidents.

Table 1 1 : Comparison of Victim A ges (years)

Mean Mean Age of Mode Age of Median Age

Age 1st Victim 1st Victim of 1 st Victim
All Cases 35.1 35.8 26 33
Fatality Cases 37.7 37.8 26 35
Hospitalized Cases 32.3 32.1 26 29
Non Hospitalized Cases 33.1 33.6 23 31
Scaffold Cases 36 1 26 33
Opening Cases 35.3 24 32

If the mean age of the first victim of each fatality case is compared to the working

elevation (or height) of the case, an interesting trend is noticed (see Figure 77). As the
working elevation rises, the mean age of the victim decreases. This would indicate

younger workers typically work at higher elevations or are better able to withstand

potentially fatal injuries at the lower working elevations.

50 -r

1 1 to 20 31 to 40 51 to 60 71 to 80 91 to 100

Working height (feet)

Figure 77: Mean Age of First Victim by Working Elevation

The nature of the victim's injury whether fatal or not tended to focus on 5 classifications

(see Figure 78). The most frequent was fractures accounting for 42.4% of the cases and

33.2% of fatality cases. Again, the "other" category was used frequently by compliance

officers for 19.4% of all cases and 26.9% of the fatality cases. Unfortunately, little

information can be gained from this classification. Not surprisingly, categories for

concussion and electrical shock have a high percentage of fatalities. Obviously, injuries of

this nature are very serious and commonly result in death for the victim. The relative

rankings of these categories did not vary when comparing scaffold and floor/wall opening

cases except in one category. Electrical shock was not a significant type of injury involved

with floor/wall opening accidents.


400-- D Injury-Only Cases
350 - S Fatality Cases
w 300 --
250 --
^_ 200 --
% 150 --

100 -
50 --


Fracture Other Concussion

Bruise/contusion Electrical Shock Other categories

Figure 78: Cases by Nature of Victim's Injury

The part of the body injured in most cases was the head, accounting for 35.5% of all cases

and 49. 1% of all fatality cases (see Figure 79). Since falls were the major type of accident,

it is reasonable to expect injuries to the head and multiple injuries will be significant. Body
system injuries were fatalities in 86.5% of the instances which typically was used to

classify electrical shocks. The category for "other body system" also reflects a high

fatality rate at 78.6%, However, it is not clear how the category "other body system"

differs from "body system." Again, the relative rankings of these categories did not vary

when comparing scaffold and floor/wall opening cases except for one category. Injuries to

the feet were not a significant factor involved with floor/wall opening accidents.


D Injury-Only Cases
300 - Ea Fatality Cases

o 250 --
O 200 --

2 150 --

100 --

50 --

0-- !M!JJMMi

o 0)
(0 Q. u

CD ><
mM .O 0)

Figure 79: Cases by Part of Victim's Body Injured
Chapter 4

Conclusions and Recommendations

General Accident Conclusions

As with most construction accidents, scaffold and floor/wall opening accidents occur most

often during the mid-morning and mid-afternoon hours of the work day. This may be due
to the pace of woric activity being at its highest which may add to the amount of fatigue

affecting workers. A pattern of accident occurrences is also observed during the months

in the year. Scaffold and opening related-accidents occur most often during the summer
months when the pace of construction activity is at its highest. One exception is noted for

a significant increase in accidents occurring in October. Further research will be required

to identify the cause of this phenomenon.

Southern states report about half as many accidents compared to northern states, but have

more fatality accidents. Southern states also show a sharp decrease in accidents in

September which highlights the increase of accidents in October. The data prevented

detailed analysis by states because many states are not represented in the IMIS database

for all years. If the October peak was related to changing seasonal weather, the October

peak should have been less pronounced in the southern regions.

The IMIS database showed a dramatic decline in cases reported in more recent years

indicating a problem in reporting. No identified event around 1988/89 was found to cause

the safety of scaffolds and openings to improve substantially by 1990. Further research

will be required to identify the cause of declining accidents to less than half of its previous

level Approximately 1 5 states have continued to regularly report each year since 1990.

The number of accidents recorded in comparison to the fatalities per million workers per

year would indicate that many states are not reporting accidents to the IMIS on a regular

basis. This lack of reporting is not believed to be related to the state-plan states since the

number of these states reporting each year also declined to half of the previous level.
The lack of detailed information in the case abstracts and frequent use of "other"

categories to describe some datafields indicates that many OSHA compliance officers are
not properly trained to record accident data for the IMIS. Frequent use of general

description categories such as "other" also indicate limited choices for categorizing the

datafield and lead to generalized analysis results unable to pin-point specific conclusions.

Companies involved in scaffold and floor/wall opening accidents are generally small and

have less than 10 employees. The large frequency of accidents involving small companies

size could be explained by a large number of small firms in the construction industry. It

might also be argued that larger companies have better project safety programs as fewer

accidents are recorded with an increase in the number of employees. The percentage of

fatality accidents, however, increases with company size demonstrating that accidents,

while rare, are more likely to be serious in a larger firm. Many other factors may be

involved that would influence accident rates for differently sized companies, therefore,

more research would be required to draw conclusive relationships between company size

and accidents.

When a larger company does have an accident, it will most likely pay a higher fine for

violations of the 29 CFR 1926. The reason for this is not clear since the fewer accidents

reported would indicate better safety programs. The higher fines per accident may be

related to the fact that larger companies are "expected to know better" as compared to

smaller companies or that they have the capacity to pay larger fines. Another explanation

is related to the previously mentioned possibility that the few accidents occurring to larger

companies are more serious in nature than most accidents involving small companies.

However, considering that half of all fatality cases involved companies with fewer than 8

employees, larger companies seem to be paying more than their share in fines.

Since 93.4% of the cases involved falling from an elevation, the elevation can be

considered key to determining the occurrence and seriousness of the injury. Most
accidents, either fatal or non-fatal, occur between an elevation of 1 and 50 feet as this

represents the most frequently used elevations in construction involving scaffolds or

floor/wall openings. As the elevation rises, the probability of a fatality in an accident

increases. Thus, as working platforms increase in elevation, more attention should be

given to safety aspects of the operation, particularly related to fall protection.

General Accident Recommendations

Employers and federal/state OSHA organizations should consider the following


- Construction contractors should be encouraged to implement and maintain strong

safety programs. A positive safety conscious attitude beginning with the employer will

help ensure all workers take safety seriously. A regular training program showing workers

how to recognize hazards will help eliminate the sometimes simple mistakes which lead to


- Allow adequate rest breaks to reduce fatigue. Fatigue is possibly a factor in all

accidents. Allowing adequate rest during the day will increase production in the long term

by avoiding accidents in the short term.

- Pay attention to safety in the summer and the months of September and October.

While no specific cause to the fluctuations in accident occurrences for September and

October is apparent, sufficient data exists to warrant special attention to safety during

these months.

- Federal and state safety agencies should enforce regular reporting of accidents to

the federal level. All states should be required to report all cases annually. Without a

complete database, analysis of the information will not lead to accurate conclusions and

decisions to improve safety.

- Federal and state safety agencies need to train compliance officers to record

accident details in a standardized format to ensure complete information is included in the

IMIS database. Details in the abstract vary greatly and commonly miss critical

information which could help point to the cause of an accident. Likewise, some datafields
in the IMIS are not accurately coded. Just as recording all accidents in the database is

important, recording complete details on each accident will further strengthen the

conclusions made from this data.

- Future searches for information with the IMIS database should be done with a

dual search strategy to ensure complete selection of applicable cases. Without this

strategy valid data may be overlooked and possibly cause inaccurate or inconclusive


- Federal and state safety agencies should enforce standards with consistent

amounts of fines for comparable violations. It seems that if fines are to work as a deterrent

to poor safety practices, small companies need to be fined at the same amounts that larger

companies would be charged for similar violations. Focus enforcement efforts on smaller

companies which represent the major portion of accidents. Additional research

investigating the relationships between company size and accidents may be useful in these


ScafTold Accident Conclusions

In order to prevent falls from occurring, it is necessary to know the causes of falls. For

scaffolds, the general causes are not wearing a lifeline when required and not properly

constructing scaffolds. The major causes of scaffold accidents, as discovered in this study,

are no guardrails, improper construction such as missing bracing, unsecure/weak planking,

and poor footing support. These deficiencies lead to falls from scaffold platforms or

collapses of scaffolds resulting in falls.

A significant part of these deficiencies can be related to an employers general safety

program in addition to the specific problems of the scaffolding. Injuries resulting from

deficiencies in training programs of employees, failure to inspect work site conditions, and

not enforcing the wearing of personal protective equipment have all contributed to the

development of a job site attitude where personnel do not concentrate on safety.

Tubular welded frame scaffolds are the most popular type of scaffold in use in

construction, particularly with masonry construction. Falls from this type of scaffold were

mainly due to the lack of guardrails or unsecure planking. Collapses were due to improper

construction of the scaffold (usually missing bracing members) and poor footing support.

Manually-propelled mobile scaffolds were most popular with drywall installers, painters,

and, to a lesser extent, electricians. Falls related to this scaffold appear to be due to the

lack of guardrails and unsecure planking. Collapses of this scaffold came mostly from

tipping over, caused by poor footing, improper movement, and unlocked wheels.

Electrical shock was also a significant contributor to accidents when the scaffold was

moved into overhead power lines.

Painting dominates the usage of two-point suspension scaffolds. Because of the higher

working elevations encountered with the use of this scaffold, a higher percentage of

fatalities occurred compared to other scaffold types. Falls and collapses accounted for

virtually all accidents related to this scaffold. The lack of a lifeline was the most

significant cause of these accidents. Even though collapses were most frequently caused

by the structure support breaking, the use of lifelines in those situations would have

prevented the victims from falling.

Extensible and articulating boom aerial lifts were used most often for electrical work and
less frequently for painting. Though falls were the most common type of accident, a

significant number were due to electrical shock primarily due to contact with overhead

power lines. The most common causes of accidents related to this scaffold type were the

inattention to overhead obstructions and the lack of a lifeline.

Siding installation dominated the type of work related to pump jack scaffold accidents.

These accidents occurred primarily in residential construction. Pump jack scaffolds

suffered mostly from collapses which were caused by the breaking of the main structural
supports, the wooden poles. While the 29 CFR 1926 allows the lifeline as an option to

guardrails, the use of lifelines is to be preferred to prevent workers from falling with the

scaffold, acknowledging that collapses are most common with this system.

FloorAVall Opening Conclusions

Floor/wall opening accidents were comprised mostly of falls from open-sided floors or

platforms which were mostly associated with roofing operations. Floor opening sizes

typically ranged in size from 9 to 36 square feet. Many floor opening accidents were

associated with workers falling through existing skylights during roofing operations.

Causes of floor/wall opening accidents were generally due to an unguarded floor opening,

a lack of guardrails or a lack of a lifeline while working near an opening. In many

situations where coverings were provided, the covering failed to hold the weight of the

worker (such as with the skylights) or was unsecured and moved to expose the worker to

a fall hazard.

ScafTold and FloorAVall Opening Recommendations

To prevent scaffold or opening related accidents from occurring, or to minimize injuries

should an accident occur, employers and federal/state OSHA organizations should

consider the following:

- Use a lifeline Though not all scaffolds require their use by the CFR, use of the

lifeline/safety belt combination can greatly reduce the risk of serious fall-related injury. Its

use is minimally inconvenient to production and should be considered for any scaffold

situation where guardrails are not used or where the working elevation exceeds 1 5 feet.

When using swinging or pump jack scaffolds, a lifeline should be used due to the

frequency of structural failures. Lifelines should also be used when working at an open-

sided floor/platform.
- Install proper guardrails. Though not structurally important for the scalTold, it

provides a vital barrier between the worker and the edge of the platform Having

guardrails lets the worker concentrate on the work without worrying about backing over

the edge.

- Construct scaffolds properly This includes secure and strong planking, proper

bracing, and sound footing. Scaffolds are already designed for minimal construction

material. Short-changing this material will significantly decrease its rigidity.

- Check overhead obstructions prior to moving/erecting any scaffold. Electrical

shock from power lines is the main concern, but other obstructions can cause scaffolds to

tip over.

- Use secured covers for floor/wall openings, when possible. Materials should be

strong enough to withstand the force of a worker and be secure to prevent accidental

movement. Coverings, when feasible, are better protection than guardrails in most

situations because more of the opening can be covered.

- Check and guard opening hazards during roofing operations. Roofing is the one

type of construction work which will consistently have opening hazards existing either as

rectangular floor openings or open-sided roof edges

- Give special attention to inspections of the structural members of swinging and

pump jack scaffolds. Because of the high frequency of collapses related to these scaffold

types the suspension system on the swinging scaffolds and the poles of the pump jack
scaffold should be carefully inspected for defects prior to each and every use.

Sample of OSHA's
Integrated Management Information System (IMIS)
Record of Accidents
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SPSS Database Data Definition File

Sample of Coded Data File
data list file = "c:\temp\scaffold\data.txt"
/CASE 1-4
/SUMM 1-9 TIME 11-14 MONTH 16-17 YEAR 19-20 STATE 22-23
REGION 25-26 FINE 28-32 OWNER 34 UNION 36 CLASS 38
EMPESTAB 40-44 EMPINSP 46-50 EMPCNTRL 52-56 USE 58 SIC 60-63
CAUSE 15-16 CAUSE2 18-19 DESCRIP 21-22

/VICTIMl 1-2 AGEl 4-5 DISPOl 7 NATUREl 9-10 BODPARTl 12-13 EVENTl
ENVIROl 18-19 HUMAN 1 21-22
/VICTIM2 1-2 AGE2 4-5 DISP02 7 NATURE2 9-10 B0DPART2 12-13 EVENT2
ENVIR02 18-19 HUMAN2 21-22
/VICTIM3 1-2 AGE3 4-5 DISP03 7 NATURE3 9-10 B0DPART3 12-13 EVENT3
ENVIR03 18-19 HUMAN3 21-22
/VICTIM4 1-2 AGE4 4-5 DISP04 7 NATURE4 9-10 B0DPART4 12-13 EVENT4
ENVIR04 18-19 HUMAN4 21-22
/VICTIM5 1-2 AGE5 4-5 DISP05 7 NATURE5 9-10 B0DPART5 12-13 EVENT5
ENVIR05 18-19 HUM AN5 21-22
/VICTIM6 1-2 AGE6 4-5 DISP06 7 NATURE6 9-10 B0DPART6 12-13 EVENT6
EN VIR06 18-19 HUMAN6 21-22
/STANDI 1-7 TYPEl 9 STAND2 11-17 TYPE2 19 STAND3 21-27 TYPE3 29
STAND4 31-37 TYPE4 39 STAND5 41-47 TYPE5 49
/STAND6 1-7 TYPE6 9 STAND7 11-17 TYPE7 19 STAND8 21-27 TYPE8 29
STAND9 31-37 TYPE9 39 STANDI 41-47 TYPE 10 49

variable labels
/CASE "Case Number"
/SUMM "Summary / Abstract Number"
/TIME "Time of day - 24 hour time"
/MONTH "Month of year"
/YEAR "Yearinthe 1900's"
/STATE "State abbreviation as defined below"
/REGION "OSHA region number"
/FINE "Penalty paid for violations"
/OWNER "Private or Govt activity"

/UNION "Union or non-union activity"

/CLASS "OSHA inspection classification (defined below)"
/EMPESTAB "Number of employees in establishment(employer)"
/EMPINSP "Number of employees in inspection"
/EMPCNTRL "Number of employees controlled by employer at site"

AJSE "Use of scaffolding at the time (defined below)"

/SIC "Standard Industry Code of construction being performed"
/LOCATION "Location of victim(s) prior to accident (defined below)"
/ELEVATE "Elevation of working platform or victims fall height in feet"
/OPERATE "Const, operation performed at the time"
/SCAFFTYP "Type of scaflFold used (defined below)"
/OPEN "Size of floor or wall opening (defined below)"
/WEATHER "Weather at time of incident (defined below)"
/CONTYPE "Type of construction (defined below)"
/CAUSE] "First apparent cause of accident from abstract"

/CAUSE2 "Second apparent cause of accident from abstract"

/DESCRIP "General description of accident"
/VICTIM "Number assigned to first victim"

/AGEl "Age of first victim"

/DISPOl "Disposition of first victim"
/NATURE "Nature of injury of first victim"

/BODPARTl "Body part injured on first victim"

/EVENT "Type of injury event of first victim"

/ENVIROl "Environmental causal factor involved with first victim"

/HUMAN "Human causal factor involved with
1 first victim"
/VICTIM2 "Number assigned to second victim"
/AGE2 "Age of second victim"
/DISP02 "Disposition of second victim"
/NATURE2 "Nature of injury of second victim"
/B0DPART2 "Body part injured on second victim"
/EVENT2 "Type of injury event of second victim"
/ENVIR02 "Environmental causal factor involved with second victim"
/HUMAN2 "Human causal factor involved with second victim"
/VICTIM3 "Number assigned to third victim"
/AGE3 "Age of third victim"
/DISP03 "Disposition of third victim"
/NATURE3 "Nature of injury of third victim"
/B0DPART3 "Body part injured on third victim"
/EVENT3 "Type of injury event of third victim"
/ENVIR03 "Environmental causal factor involved with third victim"
/HUMAN3 "Human causal factor involved with third victim"
/VICTIM4 "Number assigned to fourth victim"
/AGE4 "Age of fourth victim"
/DISP04 "Disposition of fourth victim"
/NATURE4 "Nature of injury of fourth victim"
/B0DPART4 "Body part injured on fourth victim"
/EVENT4 "Type of injury event of fourth victim"
/ENVIR04 "Environmental causal factor involved with fourth victim"
/HUMAN4 "Human causal factor involved with fourth victim"
/VICTIMS "Number assigned to fifth victim"
/AGES "Age of fifth victim"
/DISP05 "Disposition of fifth victim"
/NATURES "Nature of injury of fifth victim"
/BODPARTS "Body part injured on fifth victim"
/EVENTS "Type of injury event of fifth victim"
/ENVIROS "Environmental causal factor involved with fifth victim"
/HUMANS "Human causal factor involved with fifth victim"
/VICTIM6 "Number assigned to sixth victim"
/AGE6 "Age of sixth victim"
/DISP06 "Disposition of sixth victim"
/NATURE6 "Nature of injury of sixth victim"
/B0DPART6 "Body part injured on sixth victim"
/EVENT6 "Type of injury event of sixth victim"
/ENVIR06 "Environmental causal factor involved with sixth victim"
/HUMAN6 "Human causal factor involved with sixth victim"
/STANDI "Standard from CFR Part 1926 (indicates paragraph & subpara)
/TYPE] "Citation type (defined below)"
/STAND2 "Standard from CFR Part 1926 (indicates paragraph & subpara)
/TYPE2 "Citation type (defined below)"
/STAND3 "Standard from CFR Part 1926 (indicates paragraph & subpara)
/TYPE3 "Citation type (defined below)"
/STAND4 "Standard from CFR Part 1926 (indicates paragraph & subpara)
/TYPE4 "Citation type (defined below)"
/STANDS "Standard from CFR Part 1926 (indicates paragraph & subpara)
/TYPES "Citation type (defined below)"
/STAND6 "Standard from CFR Part 1926 (indicates paragraph & subpara)
/TYPE6 "Citation type (defined below)"
/STAND? "Standard from CFR Part 1926 (indicates paragraph & subpara)
/TYPE? "Citation type (defined below)"
/STANDS "Standard from CFR Part 1926 (indicates paragraph & subpara)
/TYPES "Citation type (defined below)"
/STAND9 "Standard from CFR Part 1926 (indicates paragraph & subpara)
/TYPE9 "Citation type (defined below)"
/STAND 10 "Standard from CFR Part 1926 (indicates paragraph &. subpara)"
/TYPE 10 "Citation type (defined below)".

missing values
/TIME SIC (0000)
TYPE9 TYPE 10(0)
/ELEVATE (999)









value labels
/MONTH 1 "January" 2 "Febuary" 3 "March" 4 "April" S "May" 6 "June"
? "July" S "August" 9 "September" 10 "October" 11 "November"
12 "December"
/STATE 1 "Alabama" 2 "Alaska" 3 "Arizona" 4 "Arkansas" S "California"

6 "Colorado" ? "Connecticut" 8 "Delaware" 9 "District of Columbia"

10 "Florida" 11 "Georgia" 12 "Hawaii" 13 "Idaho" 14 "Illinois"
15 "Indiana" 16 "Iowa" 1? "Kansas" IS "Kentucky" 19 "Louisiana"
20 "Maine" 21 "Maryland" 22 "Massachusetts" 23 "Michigan"
24 "Minnesota" 2S "Mississippi" 26 "Missouri" 2? "Montana"
28 "Nebraska" 29 "Nevada" 30 "New Hampshire" 31 "New Jersey"
32 "New Mexico" 33 "New York" 34 "North Carolina" 3S "North Dakota"
36 "Ohio" 3? "Oklahoma" 38 "Oregon" 39 "Pennsylvania"
40 "Rhode Island" 41 "South Carolina" 42 "South Dakota"
43 "Tennessee" 44 "Texas" 45 "Utah" 46 "Vermont" 4? "Virgina"
48 "Washington" 49 "West Virginia" SO "Wisconsin" 51 "Wyoming"
52 "Puerto Rico" 53 "Guam"
/REGION 1 "New England" 2 "New York New Jersey" 3 "Mid Atlantic"
4 "South East" 5 "Old Northwest" 6 "Oil States" ? "Mid West"
8 "Rocky States" 9 "California" 10 "Northwest"
/OWNER "Not Indicated" 1 "Private Sector" 2 "Local Govt." 3 "State Govt."
4 "Federal Govt."
/UNION "Not Indicated" 1 "Union" 2 "Nonunion"
/CLASS "Not Indicated" 1 "Construction" 2 "Manufacturing" 3 "Other"
/USE "Not Indicated" 1 "Erecting" 2 "Using" 3 "Dismantling"
4 "Moving erected" 5 "Moving dismantled" 6 "Climbing"
/LOCATION "Not Indicated" 1 "On platform" 2 "Under platform"
3 "Above platform"
/OPERATE "Not Indicated" "Concrete Work" 2 "Painting or
1 Caulking"
3 "HVAC work" 4 "Electrical work" 5 "Plumbing work"
6 "Siding Installation" 7 "Brick or block work" 8 "Rough Carpentry"
9 "Inspecting" 1 "Telephone linework" 1 1 "Drywall/Ceiling Work"
12 "Moving materials" 13 "Steelwork" 14 "Glazing related work"
15 "Roofing" 16 "Asbestos" 17 "Waterproofing Tunnel"
18 "Rock Drilling"
/SCAFFTYP "Not Involved" 1 "Tube and Coupler" 2 "Tubular Welded Frame"
3 "Manually-propelled"
4 "Elevating and rotating platforms (scissor lift)"

5 "Outrigger" 6 "Mason's Adjustable Multi-point Suspension"

7 "Swinging (Two-point Suspension)"
8 "Stone Setter's Adjustable Multi-point Suspension"
9 "Single-point Adjustable Suspension"
10 "Boatswain's (Bosun's) Chair" 1 1 "Carpenter's Bracket"
12 "Bricklayer's Square" 13 "Horse" 14 "Needle Beam"
15 "Plaster's, decorator's, and large area" 16 "Interior Hung"
17 "Ladder Jack" 18 "Window Jack" 19 "Roofing Brackets"
20 "Crawling Boards or Chicken Ladders" 21 "Float or Ship" 22 "Form"
23 "Pump Jack" 24 "Aerial Lifts (Articulating Boom)"
25 "Non-descript" 26 "Wood Pole" 27 "Makeshift"
28 "Horizontal Wire Cable"
/OPEN "Not Involved in incident" "3'x3' or smaller"

2 "Between 3'x3' and 6'x6'" 3 "Larger than 6'x6'"

4 "Open-sided floor or platform"
5 "Invovled but not size not indicated"
/WEATHER "Not Indicated" 1 "Fair" 2 "Raining" 3 "Wet" 4 "Snow or Ice"
5 "Wind" 6 "Hot/Humid"
/CONTYPE "Not Indicated" 1 "High-rise" 2 "Residential"
3 "General Repair or Maintenance" 4 "Specialty Plants"
5 "Highway/ Road" 6 "Utilities" 07 "Bridge" 8 "Commercial"
/CAUSEl CAUSE2 "Not Indicated" 1 "Inattention to overhead"
2 "Improper construction" 3 "Poor footing support"
4 "Lack of standards" 5 "Unguarded floor opening"
6 "Breaking/failure of structure" 7 "Slippery work surface"
8 "Overloading with materials" 9 "Overloading with workers"
10 "Planking unsecure or broke" 1 1 "No guard rails scaffold"
12 "Traffic control" 13 "No life line or net"
14 "Unlocked wheels on scaffold" 15 "Worker ignores safety devices"
16 "Weather" 17 "Other events not related"
18 "Failure of lifeline during fall from scaffold"
19 "Dropped materials from scaffold"
20 "Intoxicated"
21 "Action causing tipping" 22"Unsecure covering to floor opening"

23 "Guardrails failed to hold" 24 "Covering to opening broke"
/DESCRIP "Not Indicated" 1 "Electrical Shock - Scaffold"
2 "Fall from Scaffold" 3 "Fall from Floor Opening"
4 "Pinch-point Scaffold" 5 "Fall from wall opening"
6 "Fall from both scaffold and floor opening"
7 "Lifeline prevented fall from scaffold"
8 "Dropped materials from scaffold"
9 "Mobile scaffold impact on object"
10 "Fall from Scaffold and Collapse"
1 "Dropped materials on scaffold"
12 "Fall from roof or platform edge"
/DISPOl DISP02 DISP03 DISP04 DISP05 DISP06 "Not Indicated"
1 "Hospitalized injury" 2 "Non-hospitalized injury" 3 "Fatality"
1 "Not Indicated

" Amputation " 2 "Asphyxia" 3 "Bruise, contusion, abrasion"
4 "Burn (chemical)" 5 "Burn or scald (heat)" 6 "Concussion"
7 "Cut or laceration" 8 "Dermititis" 9 "Dislocation"
10 "Electric Shock" 1 1 "Foreign body in eye" 12 "Fracture"
13 "Freezing or frost bite" 14 "Hearing loss" 15 "Heat exhaustion"
16 "Hernia" 17 "Poisoning (systemic)" 18 "Puncture"
19 "Radiation effect" 20 "Strain or sprain" 21 "Other" 22 "Cancer"
"Not Indicated"
" Abdomen " 2 " Arm(s) - multiple" 3 "Back" 4 "Body System"
5 "Chest" 6 "Ear(s)" 7 "Elbow(s)" 8 "Eye(s)" 9 "Face" 10 "Finger(s)"
11 "Foot, feet, toes, or ankle(s)" 12 "Hand(s)" 13 "Head" 14 "Hip(s)"
15 "Knee(s)" 16 "Leg(s)" 17 "Lower arm(s)" 18 "Lower leg(s)"
19 "Multiple" 20 "Neck" 21 "Shoulders" 22 "Upper arm(s)"
23 "Upper leg(s)" 24 "Wrist(s)" 25 "Blood" 26 "Kidney" 27 "Liver"
28 "Lung" 29 "Nervous system" 30 "Reproductive system"
3 1 "Other body system"
1 "Not Indicated" 1

"Struck by"
2 " Caught in or between" 3 "Bite, sting or scratch"
4 "Fall (same level)" 5 "Fall (from elevation)" 6 "Struck against"
7 "Rubbed or abraded" 8 "Inhalation" 9 "Ingestion" 10 "Absorption"
1 1 "Repeated motion or pressure" 12 "Cardio-vascular/respiratory"
13 "Shock" 14 "Other"
1 "Pinch point action" 2 "Catch point / puncture action"
3 "Shear point action" 4 "Squeeze point action"
5 "Flying object action" 6 "Overhead moving / falling object action"
7 "Gas, vapor, etc. condition"
8 "Materials handling equipment or method" 9 "Chemical action"
10 "Flammable liquid/solid exposure" 11 "Temperature tolerance"
12 "Radiation" 13 "Working surface or facility layout condition"
14 "Illumination" 15 "Over/underpressure condition" 16 "Sound level"
17 "Weather, earthquake, etc. condition" 18 "Other"
1 "Not Indicated"
I "Misjudgment of hazardous condition"
4 "Malfijnct. of procedure, for warning of haz. situation"
5 "Distracting actions by others"
6 "Equipment in use not appropriate for operation or process"
7 "Maftinction of neuro muscular system"
8 "Malfunct. of perception system WRT task environment"
9 "Safety devices removed or inoperative"
10 "Operational position not appropriate for task"
I I "Procedure for handling mtls not appropriate for task"
12 "Defective equipment: knowingly used"
13 "Malfunction of procedure for lock out or tag out"
14 "Other" 15 "Insufficient or lack of housekeeping program"
16 "Insufficient or lack of exposure or biological monitoring"
17 "Insufficient or lack of engineering controls"
18 "Insufficient or lack of written work practices program"
19 "Insufficient or lack of respiratory protection"
20 "Insuf or lack of protective work clothing & equipment"
"Not Indicated" 1 "Serious" 2 "Other" 3 "Willful" 4 "Repeat"
5 "Eminent Danger".

Recode SIC (1521 thru 1522=1520) (1541 thru 1542=1540) (1622 thru 1629=1620)
(1741 thru 1743=1740) (1793 thru 1799=1790) (0001 thru 1500=1)
(1800 thru 9999=1).
variable labels SIC "Codes grouped to major categories",
value labels SIC 1520 "General Building Contractors - Residential"
1 53 1 "General Building Contractors - Operative Builders"
1540 "General Building Contractors - Nonresidential"
1611 "Heavy Construction - Highway/Street"
1620 "Heavy Construction - Non-Highway"
1711 "Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning"
1721 "Painting and Paper Hanging"
1731 "Electrical Work"
1740 "Masonry, Stonework, Plastering"
1751 "Carpentry Work"
1761 "Roofing, Siding, Sheet Metal Work"
1771 " Concrete Work"
1791 "Structural Steel Erection"

1790 "Misc. Specialty Trades" 1 "Others".

Recode EMPESTAB (1 thru 5=1) (6 thru 10=2) (1 1 thru 20=3) (21 thru 50=4)

(51 thru 75=5) (76 thru 100=6) (101 thru 500=7) (501 thru 1000=8)
(1001 thru 99999=9).
variable labels EMPESTAB "Employees in establishment collapsed into segments".
value labels EMPESTAB l"l - 5" 2 "6 10" 3 "1 - 20" 4 "21 - 50" 5 "51 - 75"
- 1

6 "76 - 100" 7 "101- 500" 8 "501 - 1000" 9 "> 1000"

Recode time (0600 thm 0659=6) (0700 thru 0759=7) (0800 thru 0859=8)
(0900 thru 0959=9) ( 000 thru 059= 0) ( 00 thru 1 59= 1
1 1 1 1 1 1

(1200 thru 1259=12) (1300 thru 1359=13) (1400 thru 1459=14)

(1500 thru 1559=15) (1600 thru 1659=16) (1700 thru 1759=17)
(1800 thru 2400=1) (0001 thru 0559=2).
variable labels time "Time collapsed into hour segments",
value labels time 6 "0600-0700" 7 "0700-0800" 8 "0800-0900" 9 "0900-1000"
10 "1000-1 100" 11 "1100-1200" 12 "1200-1300" 13 "1300-1400"
14 "1400-1500" 15 "1500-1600" 16 "1600-1700" 17 "1700-1800"
1 "1800-2400" 2 "2400-0600".

Recode fine (1 thru200=1) (201 thru 500=2) (501 thru 1000=3)

(1001 thru 5000=4) (5001 thru 10000=5) (10001 thru 50000=6)
(50001 thru 99998=7).
variable labels fine "Fines collapsed into segments".
value labels fine "No fine issued or fine dropped" 1"$1 - $200"
2 "$201 - $500" 3 "$501 - $1,000" 4 "$1,001 - $5,000" 5 "$5,001 - $10,000"
6 "$10,001 - $50,000" 7 "$50,001 - $100,000" 99999 ">$100,000".

Recode Elevate (1 thru 10=1) (1 1 thru 20=2) (21 thru 30=3)

(31 thru 40=4) (41 thru 50=5) (51 thru 60=6) (61 thru 70=7)
(71 thru 80=8) (81 thru 90=9) (91 thru 100=10) (101 thru 998=1 1).

variable labels Elevate "Platform elevation in feet collapsed into segments".

value labels Elevate 1 "1 - 10" 2 "1 1 - 20" 3 "21 - 30" 4 "31 - 40"
5 "41 - 50" 6 "51 - 60" 7 "61 - 70" 8 "71 - 80" 9 "81 - 90" 10 "91 - 100"
11 ">100".

Recode victim victim2 victim3 victim4 victim5 victim6 (01 thru 06=1) (00=0).

Count victim = victim victim2 victim3 victim4 victim5 victim6 (1).


variable labels victim "Total injured persons in each incident".

Count Hosp = Dispol Dispo2 Dispo3 Dispo4 Dispo5 Dispo6 (1).

variable labels Hosp "Number of Hospitalized Injuries".

Count NonHosp = Dispol Dispo2 Dispo3 Dispo4 DispoS Dispo6 (2).
variable labels NonHosp "Number of Non-Hospitalized Injuries".

Count Fatal = Dispol Dispo2 Dispo3 Dispo4 Dispo5 Dispo6 (3).

variable labels Fatal "Number of Fatal Injuries".

Sample ofdata.txt file of coded data from IMIS information:

014477830 0000 10 85 20 01 00300 1 2 1 00010 00010 00035 4 1541 000
06030000001 0001
01 19 2 10 04 12 13 18
02 36 3 10 04 12 13 18
03 25 2 10 04 12 13 18
04 19 2 10 04 12 13 18
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
3030303 1 4000302 1 4510510 5000401 4 0200203
1 2
2510501 2 4500101 2 6020301 2 0000000 OOOOOOO

014477889 OOOO 05 86 20 01 00377 1 2 1 00005 00003 00005 2 1522 1 020
06 23 00 00 02 00 10
01 28 2 03 19 05 06 17
02 29 1 03 19 05 06 17
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
4510112 1 4510410 4512504 0210202 4512511
1 I 1 1

4512503 1 4510113 2 4510407 2 4512505 2 0000000

014477947 0000 06 86 20 01 00000 1 2 00000 00000 00000 2 1521 1 012
06 13 00 02 03 04 02
01 42 1 20 03 05 13 01
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00

014265235 1530 04 85 22 01 00350 1 1 1 00003 00003 00010 1795 050
07 00 5 00 00 05 00 03
01 31 3 06 13 05 18 09
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00

OSHA Regions and State-Plan States

Region I - New England. Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire,

Rhode Island, Vermont*

Region II - East: New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

Region III - Mid Atlantic: District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland*, Pennsylvania,

Virginia*, West Virginia

Region IV - South East: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky*, Mississippi,

North Carolina*, South Carolina*, Tennessee*

Region V - Old Northwest: Illinois, Indiana*, Michigan*, Minnesota*, Ohio, Wisconsin

Region VI - Oil States: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico*, Oklahoma, Texas

Region VII - Midwest: Iowa*, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska

Region VIII - Rocky States: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah*,

Region IX - Pacific: Arizona*, California*, Hawaii*, Nevada*

Region X - Northwest: Alaska*, Idaho, Oregon*, Washington*

* These states and territories implement their own OSHA-monitored programs as allowed
by the Occupational Safety and Health Act provisions.


Selective List of Standard Industrial Classification Titles

for Construction

SIC Code Industry Titles

152 Residential Building Constaiction

153 Operative Builders

1 53 Operative Builders

154 Nonresidential Building Construction

16 HEAVY CONSTRUCTION, except Building Construction

161 Highway and Street Construction
1611 Highway and Street Construction

1 62 Heavy Construction, except Highway


171 Plumbing, Heating, Air-Conditioning
1711 Plumbing, Heating, Air-Conditioning

1 72 Painting and Paper Hanging

1 721 Painting and Paper Hanging

173 ElectricalWork
1731 Electrical Work

1 74 Masonry, Stonework, and Plastering

1 75 Carpentry and Floor Work

1751 Carpentry Work

176 Roofing, Siding, and Sheet Metal Work

1761 Roofing, Siding, and Sheet Metal Work

1 77 Concrete Work
1771 Concrete Work

1 79 Misc. Special Trade Contractors

1791 Structural Steel Erection
51NPS . .

TH jiji
1/99 22527-200

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