Journal of Hydrology: Liangping Li, Haiyan Zhou, J. Jaime Gómez-Hernández, Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen

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Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169

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Jointly mapping hydraulic conductivity and porosity by assimilating

concentration data via ensemble Kalman lter
Liangping Li a,, Haiyan Zhou a, J. Jaime Gmez-Hernndez a, Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen b
Group of Hydrogeology, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain
Agrosphere, IBG-3, Forschungszentrum Jlich GmbH, 52425 Jlich, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Real-time data from on-line sensors offer the possibility to update environmental simulation models in
Received 25 May 2011 real-time. Information from on-line sensors concerning contaminant concentrations in groundwater
Received in revised form 20 January 2012 allow for the real-time characterization and control of a contaminant plume. In this paper it is proposed
Accepted 29 January 2012
to use the CPU-efcient Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) method, a data assimilation algorithm, for jointly
Available online 7 February 2012
This manuscript was handled by Andras
updating the ow and transport parameters (hydraulic conductivity and porosity) and state variables
Bardossy, Editor-in-Chief, with the (piezometric head and concentration) of a groundwater ow and contaminant transport problem. A syn-
assistance of Attilio Castellarin, Associate thetic experiment is used to demonstrate the capability of the EnKF to estimate hydraulic conductivity
Editor and porosity by assimilating dynamic head and multiple concentration data in a transient ow and trans-
port model. In this work the worth of hydraulic conductivity, porosity, piezometric head, and concentra-
Keywords: tion data is analyzed in the context of aquifer characterization and prediction uncertainty reduction. The
Data assimilation results indicate that the characterization of the hydraulic conductivity and porosity elds is continuously
Stochastic transport improved as more data are assimilated. Also, groundwater ow and mass transport predictions are
Ensemble Kalman lter improved as more and different types of data are assimilated. The benecial impact of accounting for
Multiple concentration data multiple concentration data is patent.
Hydraulic conductivity and porosity
2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Gmez-Hernndez and Srivastava, 1990; Strebelle, 2002). Like-

wise, inverse modeling, i.e., conditioning to indirect data, has been
During the last several decades numerical simulation is rou- reviewed in the literature (e.g., Yeh, 1986; McLaughlin and Town-
tinely utilized to evaluate the groundwater resources and predict ley, 1996; Zimmerman et al., 1998; Carrera et al., 2005; Hendricks
the fate of contaminant plumes. The adequate characterization of Franssen et al., 2009; Zhou et al., submitted for publication). Com-
spatially distributed hydrogeological parameters like hydraulic monly, inverse methods dene an objective function that includes
conductivity and porosity plays an important role in groundwater the mismatch between calculated and observed state values, as
ow and transport simulations. However, due to the scarcity of well as the perturbation of the initial parameter estimates. This
measurements in combination with the large spatial heterogeneity objective function is minimized by an optimization approach.
it is not trivial how to characterize the spatial distribution of the Examples are the self-calibration method (Sahuquillo et al., 1992;
mentioned parameters, and, consequently, groundwater ow and Gmez-Hernndez et al., 1997; Capilla et al., 1999; Wen et al.,
transport predictions call for an uncertainty assessment. Inverse 2002; Hendricks Franssen et al., 2003), the pilot point method
modeling is often used to reduce model uncertainty by jointly con- (Ramarao et al., 1995; LaVenue et al., 1995; Alcolea et al., 2006),
ditioning on hard data (e.g., hydraulic conductivity and porosity) the Markov chain Monte Carlo method (Oliver et al., 1997), and
and indirect data (e.g., the observed state information, such as pie- the gradual deformation method (Hu, 2000; Capilla and Llopis-Al-
zometric heads, concentrations and temperatures) to characterize bert, 2009).
the spatial variation of hydrogeological parameters. The issue of Albeit the abundant literature on inverse conditioning of con-
how to condition on the direct measurements has been extensively ductivities to piezometric head, only a few works have paid atten-
investigated in the geostatistical literature (e.g., Journel, 1974; tion on jointly conditioning on head and concentration data to
improve the characterization of multiple hydrogeological parame-
ters. Medina and Carrera (1996) extended the maximum likelihood
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 963879615; fax: +34 963879492.
approach (Carrera and Neuman, 1986) to condition on concentra-
E-mail addresses: (L. Li),
(H. Zhou), (J.J. Gmez-Hernndez), h.hendricks-franssen@fz-
tion data for a better characterization of zoned hydraulic conduc- (H.-J. Hendricks Franssen). tivity maps. The main shortcoming of this approach is that the

0022-1694/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169 153

small-scale heterogeneity is ignored due to the estimation of conditioning on the direct measurements. Schniger et al. (in
hydraulic conductivity for larger zones. Hendricks Franssen et al. preparation) assimilated normal-score transformed concentra-
(1999) calibrated both hydraulic conductivity and storativity by tion data to calibrate hydraulic conductivities. They concluded
conditioning to transient head data using the self-calibration that the improvement by the normal-score transformation (as
method (Gmez-Hernndez et al., 1997). More recently, Hendricks compared with the classical EnKF, which uses untransformed data)
Franssen et al. (2003) further extended the self-calibration method is limited because after univariate normal transformation of
to calibrate hydraulic conductivity by conditioning on piezometric the state variable, the concentration distribution is far from
head and concentration data. Huang et al. (2004) also employed multi-Gaussian.
the self-calibration method to jointly identify hydraulic conductiv- In comparison with the effort devoted to characterize the spa-
ity and sorption partitioning coefcient by conditioning on tracer tial variability of hydraulic conductivity by conditioning state
breakthrough data. Fu and Gmez-Hernndez (2009) employed information, less attention has been paid to identifying the spatial
the block Markov chain Monte Carlo method to calibrate conduc- variability of porosity, probably due to its relatively small spatial
tivity by jointly conditioning to head and travel time data. Llopis- variability ranging from 0.1 to 0.55 in unconsolidated granular
Albert and Capilla (2009) utilized the gradual deformation method aquifers (Freeze and Cherry, 1979). Additionally, various authors
to estimate the conductivity by incorporating head, concentration (e.g., Hassan, 2001; Riva et al., 2008; Hu et al., 2009; Jiang et al.,
and travel time data. Schwede and Cirpka (2009) used the quasi- 2010) have demonstrated (both in synthetic examples and real
linear geostatistical approach of Kitanidis (1995) to estimate con- aquifers) the signicance of accounting for the heterogeneity of
ductivity by conditioning on steady-state concentration measure- porosity on predictions of solute movement.
ments. Barnhart et al. (2010) employed PEST (Doherty, 2004), a In the literature, it has been demonstrated that techniques
model-independent nonlinear parameter estimation program, to based on Kriging tend to smooth the eld, compared with the sto-
calibrate hydraulic conductivity by conditioning to concentration chastic techniques. Therefore we believe that a comparison with
data collected from wireless sensor networks. These approaches kriging is of less interest, as kriging is clearly outperformed by
are able to generate multiple equally-likely parameter elds condi- techniques that combine model simulations and geostatistical sim-
tional to static and dynamic measurements, thus capable of depict- ulation. This was for example already shown in the paper of
ing small-scale variability of hydraulic conductivity. However, the Gmez-Hernndez and Wen (1994), and Hendricks Franssen et al.
main shortcoming of those methods is that they are CPU-intensive; (2003). Moreover, in this paper our particular focus is on the
these methods require running the forward model multiple times demonstratation of the value of concentration data for the identi-
during the iterative optimization process of each realization. cation of hydraulic conductivity and porosity, rather than the
The Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) (Burgers et al., 1998; Even- comparison between kriging and stochastic simulation methods.
sen, 2003), based on the sequential Bayesian updating rule, can be We will demonstrate the capability of the EnKF to jointly map
used to obtain results similar to those obtained by Monte-Carlo the hydraulic conductivity and porosity elds by assimilating dy-
(MC) type inverse methods but with reduced CPU time (see Sec- namic piezometric head and multiple concentration data. Few stud-
tion 2.2), and it is also exible to incorporate multiple sources of ies have considered the conditioning with help of both multiple
uncertainty. Hendricks Franssen and Kinzelbach (2009) carried concentration data and dynamic piezometric head data to charac-
out a synthetic exercise and demonstrated that EnKF needs around terize unknown parameters. Also, to the best of our knowledge, this
a factor of 80 less CPU time than the self-calibration method to at- is the rst work proposing the joint estimation of spatially distrib-
tain similar results. The EnKF can also handle data from on-line uted hydraulic conductivity and porosity elds in hydrogeology.
sensors that become available in real-time and assimilate them The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. We rst
into an on-line model. The traditional inverse methods are not well summarize in Section 2 the mathematical framework of the EnKF
suited to assimilate information that becomes available in real- and discuss the jointly mapping of hydraulic conductivity and
time. EnKF provides an ensemble of updated stochastic realizations porosity by assimilating multiple concentration data. In Section 3,
which can be used for uncertainty analysis. a synthetic example is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
The EnKF is increasingly applied, in atmospheric sciences, land EnKF. The paper ends with summary and conclusions in Section 4.
atmosphere interaction, petroleum engineering and hydrogeology
(e.g. Anderson, 2001; Reichle et al., 2002; Wen and Chen, 2005;
2. Data assimilation with the EnKF
Chen and Zhang, 2006; Nowak, 2009; Franssen et al., 2011; Zhou
et al., in press). In atmospheric sciences or land surface models in
First, the ow and transport equations (i.e, the transfer func-
general only the model states are updated, whereas in petroleum
tions) will be presented, and then the algorithm of EnKF is intro-
engineering and hydrogeology both system parameters and state
duced with emphasis on the assimilation of concentration data.
variables are commonly addressed (Naevdal et al., 2005).
The EnKF has been successfully applied to assimilate dynamic
piezometric head data to improve model predictions (e.g., Chen 2.1. Flow and transport equations
and Zhang, 2006; Hendricks Franssen and Kinzelbach, 2008; Sun
et al., 2009; Li et al., 2011d, 2012; Zhou et al., 2011a). With regard The well known ow equation of an incompressible or slightly
to assimilating concentration data, Huang et al. (2008) conducted a compressible uid in saturated porous media can be expressed
synthetic experiment and calibrated hydraulic conductivity elds by combining Darcys Law and the continuity equation (Bear,
by assimilating piezometric head and concentration data. In their 1972; Freeze and Cherry, 1979):
experiment, ow was at steady-state. Liu et al. (2008) estimated @h
multiple parameters (i.e., hydraulic conductivity, dispersivities, r  K rh S W 1
mobile/immobile porosities) by assimilating piezometric head
and concentration data in the steady-state ow model for the where K is the hydraulic conductivity [LT1] (which, without loss of
MADE site. It is worth to note that they used constant values as generality, will be considered as a scalar at the characterization
the prior estimates for the mentioned parameters, and perturbed scale), h is the piezometric head [L]; W represents sources or sinks
the parameters, by assimilating observation data via EnKF, to [L3T1]; S is the specic storage coefcient [L1]; t is the time [T];
yield heterogeneous elds. Our aim is to quantify the uncertainty r  =(@/@x + @/oy + @/@z) is the divergence operator of a vector eld,
of parameters and states starting with heterogeneous elds by and r = (@/@x, @/oy, @/@z)T is the gradient operator of a scalar eld.
154 L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169

Solute transport with linear equilibrium adsorption is governed ment locations, and, in our case, is composed of 0s and 1s since
by the following differential equation (Bear, 1972; Freeze and we assume that measurements are taken at block centers. There-
Cherry, 1979): fore, Eq. (6) can be expressed as:
/R r/D  rc  rqc 2 Wak;j Wfk;j Gk Yobs f
k;j   Yk;j ; 7
where c is solute concentration of solute in the water phase [ML3]; where the Kalman gain Gk is given by:
/ is the porosity [dimensionless]; D is the local hydrodynamic dis-  1
persion coefcient tensor [L2T1], with eigenvalues associated with Gk Pfk HT HPfk HT Rk ; 8
principal axes parallel and perpendicular to the direction of ow,
dened as DI = aLjqj + Dm, DII = aTjqj + Dm, DIII = aTjqj + Dm (aL and where Rk is the measurement error covariance matrix, and
aT are respectively the longitudinal and transverse pore-scale dis- Pfk contains the covariances between the different components
persivity; Dm is the molecular diffusion coefcient set to zero in this of the state vector. Pfk can be estimated from the ensemble of
study, and q is the Darcy velocity given by q = Krh [LT1]); R is forecasted results as:
retardation factor expressed by R = 1 + qbKd// (qb is the bulk den-   T 
sity of soil; Kd is the distribution coefcient).
Pfk  E Wfk;j  Wfk;j Wfk;j  Wfk;j
2.2. Ensemble Kalman lter   T
Ne Wfk;j  Wfk;j Wfk;j  Wfk;j
 ; 9
Extensive descriptions of EnKF and its algorithm can be found in j1
Burgers et al. (1998) and Evensen (2003). Here, we mainly focus on
the use of EnKF with updating both parameters (i.e., hydraulic con- where Ne is the number of realizations in the ensemble, and the
ductivity and porosity) and states (i.e., piezometric head and con- overbar denotes average over the ensemble.
centration). It involves a forecast step and an analysis step, after In the implementation of the algorithm, it is not necessary to cal-
the generation of the initial ensemble of hydraulic conductivity culate explicitly the full covariance matrix Pfk (of dimensions
and porosity realizations. (4  Nk)  (4  Nk) for case C). The matrix H is very sparse,
and, consquently, the matrices Pfk HT and HPfk HT can be computed
 Step 1: Forecast model. The ow Eq. (1) or transport Eq. (2) is directly at a strongly reduced CPU cost.
solved, i.e.,  Step 3: Loop back. The updated states become the current states
and the forecast-analysis loop is started again.
Yk f Xk1 ; Yk1 ; 3
where Yk is the state of the system (piezometric heads and/or When the number of observation locations used in the assimi-
concentration data) at time step tk, f represents the groundwater lation step is not very large, the computational cost of calculating
ow and transport model (including boundary conditions, exter- the covariances is limited. The main cost is related with the for-
nal stresses, and known parameters), and Xk1 denotes the mod- ward simulations for each of the stochastic realizations.
el parameters (hydraulic conductivity and/or porosity) after the During the updating step, the forecasted state variables may
latests update at time tk1. Specically, X and Y are expressed as: have no physical meaning, e.g., negative concentrations. In our
8 T case, we remove negative values resetting them to zero. We have
< Case A : X lnK
> Y hT ; if only h data are available:
checked that when this may happen at locations far from the con-
Case B : X lnK; /T Y cT ; if only c data are available: centration plume and always with small values. This approach fol-
Case C : X lnK; /T Y h;cT ; if h and c data are available: lows the one by Gu and Oliver (2006), who had a similar problem
4 when dealing with water saturation in a reservoir characterization
 Step 2: Analysis step. Using the observed dynamic piezometric Fig. 1 is the ow chart of EnKF coupling with MODFLOW and
head and concentration data, the model parameters are updated MT3D in case C. It is shown that, after the forecast step, the model
as follows: parameters (conductivity and porosity) and state variables (piezo-
1. Build the joint vector Wk, which includes the parameters (X)
and the forecasted state values (Y). This vector can be split
into as many members as there are realizations in the
ensemble, with Initial Updated
Conductivity Conductivity
Wk;j ; 5 MODFLOW
Y k;j Updated
being the jth ensemble member of the augmented state vector at porosity
Head EnKF
time tk. As an example, if the number of discretization blocks in
the domain is Nk and we are in case C, i.e., updating both ln K and Updated
/ using both h and c data, the dimension of vector Wk will be
4  Nk. MT3D
2. The joint vector is updated, realization
 by realization, by Data
assimilating the observations Yobsk : Simulated
Wak;j Wfk;j Gk Yobs f
k;j   HWk;j ; 6

where the superscripts a and f denote analysis and forecast, t=t+1

respectively;  is a random observation error vector; H is a linear
operator that interpolates the forecasted heads to the measure- Fig. 1. Flow chart of EnKF coupling with MODFLOW and MT3D.
L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169 155

(A) Reference lnK Data (B) lnK Data to be Conditioned






-5.5 -5.5


-6.0 -6.0

.0 .0
.0 250
.0 50 100 150 200 250

(C) Reference porosity Data (D) Porosity Data to be Conditioned







0.2 0.2

.0 .0
.0 250
.0 50 100 150 200 250

Fig. 2. (A) Reference lnK eld. (B) Conditioning lnK data. (C) Reference porosity (/) eld. (D) Conditioning porosity (/) data.

Table 1 Y
Parameters of the random functions for modeling the spatial distributions of lnK and

Mean Variance Variogram kx ky Rotation angle

type (m) (m) b
lnK 5 1 Exponential 180 60 45
/ 0.3 0.0036 Exponential 240 60 45

#7 #8 #9
b denotes the rotation angle of one clockwise rotation of positive y axis.

#4 #5 #6
metric heads and concentrations) both are updated by assimilating #11
observed head and concentration data in EnKF.
#1 #2 #3
The algorithm is implemented in the C software EnKF3D which
is used in conjunction with nite-difference program MODFLOW
(Harbaugh et al., 2000), to solve the conned transient ow Eq.
(1), and the solute transport code MT3DMS (Zheng et al., 1999). 0 X
MT3DMS uses a third-order total-variation-diminishing (TVD)
solution scheme, to solve the transport Eq. (2).
Fig. 3. Sketch of the ow and transport simulation with boundary conditions and
observation and prediction wells. Filled circles correspond to the pressure head
3. Synthetic example observation wells (#1#9). Open circles denote the control wells (#10#11). Empty
squares indicate the wells where concentration is sampled.
In this section, a synthetic example will be presented to demon-
strate the capability of the EnKF to calibrate the hydraulic conduc- concentration data. The resulting ensemble of realizations will be
tivities and porosities by assimilating piezometric head and used also for uncertainty characterization; in a real-world case
156 L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169

(A) Reference concentration (B) Concentration Data (t=300)

field (t=300) to be Conditioned
250 250.






0.0 0.0

.0 0.
.0 250
0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 250.

(C) Reference concentration (D) Concentration data (t=400)

field (t=400) to be Conditioned
250 250.

1.5 1.5


1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5


0.0 0.0

.0 0.
.0 250
0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 250.

(E) Reference concentration (F) Concentration Data (t=500)

field (t=500) to be Conditioned
250 250.



1.0 150.



.0 0.
.0 250
0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 250.

Fig. 4. Reference concentration elds at time 300(A), 400(C) and 500(E) days. Conditioning concentration data at time 300 (B), 400 (D), and 500 (F) days.

study, uncertainty may stem both from the conceptual model (e.g., 3.1. Experiment setup
the boundary conditions, aquifer geometry) and from the parame-
ters. Here, we only consider the uncertainty due to the heterogene- 3.1.1. Reference eld
ity of hydraulic conductivity and porosity, no conceptual The reference conductivity and porosity elds are generated
uncertainty is considered. using the code GCOSIM3D (Gmez-Hernndez and Journel, 1993)
L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169 157

Table 2 over a domain of 250 m 250 m  1 m, which is discretized into

Denition of scenarios based on the different sets of conditioning data. grid cells of size 5 m by 5 m by 1 m (see Fig. 2A and C). Here, we
Scenario S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 assume that the two variables are independent of each other. The
Hydraulic conductivities (K) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes parameters of each random function are listed in Table 1. From
Porosity (/) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes these reference realizations nine conductivity and nine porosity
Dynamic piezometric heads (h) No No Yes Yes Yes Yes data are sampled for conditioning purposes. The locations are
Concentrations (t = 300 day) No No No Yes Yes Yes shown in Fig. 2B and D.
Concentrations (t = 400 day) No No No No Yes Yes
Concentrations (t = 500 day) No No No No No Yes
It is assumed that the sampled data have the same support as
the grid cell. If the data support would be much smaller than the

S1: mean of lnK S2: mean of lnK

250 250
-4.0 -4.0

-4.5 -4.5

-5.0 -5.0

-5.5 -5.5

-6.0 -6.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S3: mean of lnK S4: mean of lnK

250 250
-4.0 -4.0

-4.5 -4.5

-5.0 -5.0

-5.5 -5.5

-6.0 -6.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S5: mean of lnK S6: mean of lnK

250 250
-4.0 -4.0

-4.5 -4.5


-5.0 -5.0

-5.5 -5.5

-6.0 -6.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

Fig. 5. Ensemble average logconductivity elds for the different scenarios.

158 L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169

grid cell size, the additional problem of upscaling must be consid- tern boundary. The total ow rate through the eastern boundary
ered for generating the parameter realizations conditional to the is 25 m3/d, distributed uniformly along the boundary. The initial
direct measured data (e.g., Li et al., 2011a; Zhou et al., 2010; Li head value is 0 m over the entire domain. The total simulation
et al., 2011b). time is 500 days, and this period is discretized into 100 time steps
The aquifer is assumed to be conned with impermeable following a geometric sequence of ration 1.05. Specic storage is
boundaries on south and north, prescribed head values on the assumed constant with a value of 0.003 m1. The simulated dy-
western boundary and constant ow rate on the eastern bound- namic piezometric heads at the observation wells #1#9 in
ary (see Fig. 3). The prescribed head value is 0 m along the wes- Fig. 3 are sampled and will be used as assimilating data. The

S1: variance of lnK S2: variance of lnK

250 250

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S3: variance of lnK S4: variance of lnK

250 250

1.0 1.0


0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S5: variance of lnK S6: variance of lnK

250 250

1.0 1.0


0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

Fig. 6. Ensemble logconductivity variance elds for the different scenarios.

L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169 159

simulated heads at the wells #10 and #11 will be used as valida- The code MODFLOW (Harbaugh et al., 2000) is used to solve the
tion data. transient groundwater ow equation for the reference eld and the
The boundary conditions for the transport model are no-mass pore velocities across the grid cell interfaces are calculated using
ux boundaries on the western, northern, and southern borders the porosities in Fig. 2C. This velocity eld is used as input for
of the model. The eastern border is a specied advective mass ux solving the solute transport problem with help of the MT3DMS
boundary, acting as a line of sinks taking mass out of the aquifer code (Zheng et al., 1999). We only consider advection and disper-
(see Fig. 3). sion as transport mechanisms with aL = 1.0 m and aT = 0.1 m.

S1: mean of porosity S2: mean of porosity

250 250

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S4: mean of porosity S5: mean of porosity

250 250

0.4 0.4


0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S6: mean of porosity





.0 250

Fig. 7. Ensemble average porosity elds for the different scenarios.

160 L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169

S1: variance of porosity S2: variance of porosity

250 250

0.004 0.004

0.003 0.003

0.002 0.002

0.001 0.001

0.000 0.000

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S4: variance of porosity S5: variance of porosity

250 250

0.004 0.004

0.003 0.003


0.002 0.002

0.001 0.001

0.000 0.000

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S6: variance of porosity







.0 250

Fig. 8. Ensemble porosity variance elds for the different scenarios.

Table 3
Conservative solute is uniformly placed over a line transverse to
Bias and spread of ln K and porosity for the different scenarios.
the groundwater ow at time t = 0 (see Fig. 3). The source concen-
tration is 900 ppm. To avoid the boundary effect as described by Scenario S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

Naff et al. (1998), the contaminant source is separated 20 m from AAB (ln K) 1.112 0.949 0.852 0.816 0.796 0.790
the western boundary and 50 m from the northern and southern AESP (ln K) 1.001 0.874 0.728 0.680 0.650 0.624
AAB (/) 0.072 0.059 0.057 0.056 0.055
boundaries. The plume snapshots at 300, 400 and 500 days will
AESP (/) 0.060 0.051 0.049 0.047 0.046
be used here to compare the EnKF solutions with the reference
L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169 161

0 S1: Well # 2 0
S1: Well # 10


Piezometric Head [m]

Piezometric Head [m]





-7 -4
100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
Time [day] Time [day]

0 S2: Well # 2 0
S2: Well # 10

Piezometric Head [m]

Piezometric Head [m]





-7 -4
100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
Time [day] Time [day]
0 S3: Well # 2 0
S3: Well # 10

Piezometric Head [m]

Piezometric Head [m]





-7 -4
100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
Time [day] Time [day]
0 S6: Well # 2 0
S6: Well # 10

Piezometric Head [m]

Piezometric Head [m]





-7 -4
100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
Time [day] Time [day]

Fig. 9. Piezometric head time series for the reference eld (black) and simulated ones (gray lines) for the S1, S2, S3 and S6 scenarios at the conditioning well W2 (left column)
and verication well W10 (right column).

plume maps (see Fig. 4A, C and E). The concentration is measured These measured multiple concentration data (see Fig. 4B, D, and
at 63 wells, uniformly distributed over the domain (see Fig. 3). F) will serve as assimilating data.
162 L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169

Table 4 3.1.2. Scenario studies

Bias and spread of predicted piezometric heads at time t = 67.7 days for the different Six simulation scenarios are considered for which different
scenarios. types of measurement data are assimilated (see Table 2). Scenario
Scenario S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 1 (S1) is an unconditional case. In Scenario 2 (S2) geostatistical
AAB (ht=67.7) 0.690 0.503 0.169 0.170 0.179 0.179
simulation (Gmez-Hernndez and Journel, 1993) is used in order
AESP (ht=67.7) 0.901 0.649 0.175 0.172 0.169 0.162 to condition on the nine measured hydraulic conductivities and the
nine porosities shown in Fig. 1B and D, repsectively. For S1 and S2,

S1: mean of concentration S2: mean of concentration

250 250

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S3: mean of concentration S4: mean of concentration

250 250

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5


1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S5: mean of concentration S6: mean of concentration

250 250

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5


1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

Fig. 10. Ensemble average concentration elds at t = 300 day for the different scenarios.
L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169 163

500 realizations of hydraulic conductivity and porosity are gener- data from wells #1#9 are sequentially assimilated for the rst
ated using the same random functions as for the reference elds. 60 time steps (approximately 67.7 days).
Flow and transport are calculated for each of the 500 ln K/ reali- In scenarios 4, 5 and 6 (S4, S5, S6) concentration data are assim-
zation couples, without conditioning to head or concentration data. ilated by EnKF, in addition to hydraulic conductivity data and pie-
For scenario 3 (S3) dynamic piezometric head data are used to zometric head data. S4 uses concentration data at 400 days, S5 uses
update the geostatistical realizations conditioned on hydraulic concentration data at 300 and 400 days, and S6 uses concentration
conductivity and porosity data of scenario S2. Piezometric head data at 300, 400 and 500 days.

S1: variance of concentration S2: variance of concentration

250 250

3.0 3.0

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0

.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S3: variance of concentration S4: variance of concentration

250 250

3.0 3.0

2.0 2.0


1.0 1.0

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S5: variance of concentration S6: variance of concentration

250 250

3.0 3.0

2.0 2.0


1.0 1.0

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

Fig. 11. Ensemble variance of concentration elds at t = 300 day for the different scenarios.
164 L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169

The piezometric head and concentration data are sampled from From an operational point of view, it is straightforward to integrate
the reference simulations without error. However, during the them into the assimilation procedure.
assimilation process it is considered that the data might contain
measurement errors and therefore a diagonal error covariance ma-
trix was used, with all non-zero terms equal to 0.0025 m2 for head 3.2. Assessment measures
data and 0.0025 ppm2 for concentration data. We note, in practice,
the errors for the heads and concentration data would be not the The results for the six scenarios will be analyzed with the help
same, and the observation errors would change with the time. of two metrics:

S1: mean of concentration S2: mean of concentration

250 250

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S3: mean of concentration S4: mean of concentration

250 250

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0


0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S5: mean of concentration S6: mean of concentration

250 250

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0


0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

Fig. 12. Ensemble average concentration elds at t = 500 day for the different scenarios.
L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169 165

1. The average absolute bias (AAB) is a measure of accuracy number of nodes, and Ne is the number of realizations in the
dened as follows: ensemble (500, in this case).
2. The ensemble spread (AESP) represents the estimated uncer-
1 X 1 X Ne tainty dened as follows:
AABX jX i;r  X ref ;i j 10 !1=2
Nb i1 Ne r1 Nb
1 X
AESPX r2 ; 11
Nb i1 Xi
where Xi is, either the logconductivity lnK, porosity /, hydraulic
head h or concentration c, at location i, Xi,r represents its value
for realization r, Xref,i is the reference value at location i, Nb is where r2Xi is the ensemble variance at location i.

S1: variance of concentration S2: variance of concentration

250 250

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S3: variance of concentration S4: variance of concentration

250 250

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0


0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S5: variance of concentration S6: variance of concentration

250 250

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0


0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

Fig. 13. Ensemble variance of concentration elds at t = 500 day for the different scenarios.
166 L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169

3.3. Data assimilation results 3.3.2. Piezometric heads reproduction

Fig. 9 shows the piezometric head evolution at well #2 and #10
3.3.1. Hydraulic conductivities and porosities for scenarios S1, S2, S3 and S6. Recall that the piezometric head
Figs. 5 and 6 show the ensemble mean and variance of the 500 data continuously collected from well #1 to #9 are used for condi-
logconductivity realizations for all six scenarios. Figs. 7 and 8 tioning, while wells #10 and #11 are for validation. Fig. 8 shows
show the ensemble mean and variance of the 500 porosity real- that for S1 uncertainty is largest and that the uncertainty is re-
izations and scenarios. Note that assimilating head data has no duced for increasing amounts of conditioning data. For S2 the
impact on the identication of transport parameters (porosity), uncertainty is still considerable, but if piezometric head data are
so we did not present the result of S3 for the porosity eld. The used for conditioning (S3) the conditional well #2 has a good head
ensemble mean is used to check whether the main patterns of reproduction and the control well #10, also shows a large
variability of the parameter are captured. In contrast to the indi- reduction of spread. The measured head data play a critical role
vidual realization showing distinctive patterns of high and low to reduce the uncertainty of predicted heads. The concentration
values, the ensemble means are smoothed representations of data do not result in a further improvement of the characterization
the spatial variability of the parameters. The ensemble variance of hydraulic head since the dynamic heads are already reproduced
illustrates how conditioning reduces the differences between very well in S3.
the realizations. Table 4 shows the metrics regarding the piezometric head char-
In scenario 1, with no conditional data, the ensemble mean and acterization at time t = 67.7 days (i.e., the 60th time step). The
variance of lnK and / are very close to the prior mean and variance. introduction of measured hydraulic conductivities attains around
In scenario 2, using 9 conditioning hydraulic conductivities and 27% reductions both for the AAB(h) and AESP(h). An additional
porosities, the overall spatial patterns are captured, resulting in 66% reduction of AAB(h) and 73% reduction of AESP(h) is achieved
typical kriging maps. The ensemble variance maps show the typi- by conditioning to head data. The reductions of AAB(h) and AESP(h)
cal bull-eye look of kriging maps, with zero variance at the sample almost can be ignored when concentration data are used for condi-
locations and increasing variance away from them. The dynamic tioning in S4, S5 and S6.
piezometric head data included in S3 help to capture better the The main conclusions are: (1) of all the data, the measured
main patterns of hydraulic conductivity with a further reduction piezometric head data are most informative for improving head
of the variance. S4, S5 and S6 also include concentration data for predictions and reducing the prediction uncertainty; (2) the impact
conditioning. The ensemble mean maps better delineate the main of concentration data for characterizing piezometric head is very
patterns of variability, and at the same time, unlike previous sce- small.
narios with strongly smoothed representations of ln K, also show
some degree of the small-scale variability. The characterization
of the main patterns of ln K improves quite remarkable with the
conditioning of concentration data. For the scenario that uses the Table 5
largest amount of conditioning data (S6), the patterns in the left Bias and spread of predicted concentrations at time t = 300, t = 400, t = 500 days for
upper corner of the area are identied very well, whereas this is the different scenarios.

not the case if only hydraulic conductivity, porosity and piezomet- Scenario S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
ric heads are used for conditioning. The role of concentration data AAB (ct=300) 0.493 0.402 0.384 0.318 0.252 0.225
on the characterization of porosity is also observable. The main AESP (ct=300) 0.781 0.703 0.652 0.496 0.400 0.337
patterns of porosity are clearer than without conditioning, and clo- AAB (ct=400) 0.506 0.422 0.403 0.331 0.249 0.209
ser to the reference distribution. As expected, the ensemble vari- AESP (ct=400) 0.710 0.662 0.613 0.470 0.371 0.300
AAB (ct=500) 0.452 0.393 0.374 0.303 0.226 0.176
ance, both for ln K and /, reduces further in S6 as compared with
AESP (ct=500) 0.634 0.624 0.577 0.457 0.358 0.274
the other scenarios.
From a more quantitative point of view, the calculated two met-
rics (see Table 3) lead to similar conclusions. When the measured
hydraulic conductivity, porosity, piezometric head and multiple
concentration data are all used for conditioning (S6), the average Reference concentration field (t=500)
absolute bias and the ensemble spread have the smallest values. 250
More precisely, when conditioning to ln K, the AAB(ln K) decreases 3.0
14% (S2 vs. S1), if we further condition to piezometric head,
AAB(ln K) further decreases a 10% (S3 vs. S2), and there is an addi-
tional reduction of a 7% when conditioning to concentrations (S6
vs. S3). Likewise AESP(ln K) goes down 12% from S1 to S2, an addi- 2.0
tional 16% from S2 to S3 and 14% more from S3 to S6. Similar re-

sults can be observed when analyzing the evolution of AAB(/)

and AESP(/). The AAB(/) shows an 18 % reduction as a consequence
of conditioning to measured / (S2 vs. S1), and 7% additional reduc- 1.0
tion related with conditioning to concentration data (S6 vs. S2) and
AESP(/) shows a 15% reduction as a consequence of conditioning to
measured / (S2 vs. S1), and 9% additional reduction related with
conditioning to concentration data (S6 vs. S2).
From these results, we can conclude that: (1) The direct mea-
sured hard data play the most important role to reduce the abso- .0
.0 250
lute bias of parameters. (2) The indirect measured head and East
concentration data reduce both the absolute bias and ensemble
spread. (3) The best characterization of the aquifer in terms of Fig. 14. The reference concentration eld at t = 500 days for the reactive transport
prediction experiment.
ln K and / is achieved by combining all the data.
L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169 167

3.3.3. Concentrations reproduction similar to those in the reference, the random location of high and
Figs. 1013 show the ensemble mean and variance of 500 con- low concentrations makes that the ensemble mean maps of plume
centration realizations at time 300 and 500 days resulting from the show a Gaussian shape. Introducing the hydraulic conductivity data
transport simulation for all the six scenarios. (S2) recties the plume but still does not reproduce the reference.
These ensemble mean maps of concentration for scenario 1 show The ensemble mean of the plume is further rectied when the con-
that even though each realization will have a non-Gaussian plume ductivity, porosity and head data are jointly used for conditioning

S2: mean of concentration S2: variance of concentration

250 250

3.0 2.0




0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S3: mean of concentration S3: variance of concentration

250 250

3.0 2.0





0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

S6: mean of concentration S6: variance of concentration

250 250

3.0 2.0





0.0 0.0

.0 .0
.0 250 .0 250
East East

Fig. 15. Ensemble mean and variance of concentration elds at t = 500 day for the S2, S3 and S6.
168 L. Li et al. / Journal of Hydrology 428429 (2012) 152169

(S3). The reproduction of piezometric heads is very good in S3, but tation without need of an adjoint model and the exibility with re-
the limited improvement of the plume characterization indicates gard to accounting for multiple sources of uncertainty jointly.
the importance of further conditioning on concentration data. The We have used a synthetic example (1) to demonstrate the poten-
results for scenarios S4 and S6 show that conditioning remarkably tial EnKF has to condition in a CPU efcient way to concentration
improves the characterization of the plume. Conditioning to con- data and (2) to analyze the worth of data for the characterization
centration data at t = 300 days (S4) also improves strongly the pre- of aquifer parameters and states (with a special focus on solute con-
diction for 500 days (although the concentration data sampled at centrations). We have found that the head data have a distinctive
t = 500 days are not used for conditioning in scenario S4). For sce- impact to reduce the uncertainty of predicted piezometric head,
narios S5 and S6 the additional concentration data from t = 400 but only a limited inuence for improving the characterization of
and 500 days improve further the characterization of the plume so concentration distributions. Additional conditioning to multiple
that they are very close to the reference plumes. concentration data was shown to improve strongly the predicted
The ensemble variance maps of the concentration elds show solute plume and also the characterization of hydraulic conductivity
that the ensemble variance decreases away from the barycenter and porosity.
of the plume and is close to zero outside of the plume. The ensem-
ble variance of concentration decreases continuously if more data
are used for conditioning.
Table 5 shows the AAB and AESP values for the concentrations at
The authors gratefully acknowledge the nancial support by
three times. Conditioning to hydraulic conductivity and porosity
ENRESA (Project 0079000029) and the Spanish Ministry of Science
data (S2) results in an average AAB reduction of 15% (compared with
and Innovation (Project CGL2011-23295). Extra travel Grants
S1) and AESP reduces around 5%. Additional conditioning to piezo-
awarded to the rst and second author by the Ministry of Educa-
metric head data (S3), results on average in an additional 5% reduc-
tion (Spain) are also acknowledged. Dr. Jichun Wu and an anony-
tion of AAB and an AESP reduction of around 7%. Further
mous reviewer are grateful acknowledged for their comments
conditioning to concentration data (S4, S5 and S6), yields prominent
which helped improving the nal version of the manuscript.
reduction of AAB and AESP (on average 19% and 20%, respectively).
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