Istelessonplan 2 Watson

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Name: Jeanna Watson

Title of lesson: Online Writing Portfolio

ISTE Standard Addressed:

Creative Communicator
6d Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their
intended audiences.

Content Standard(s) Addressed:

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique,
well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation and its
significance, establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing a narrator and/or
characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events.
Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot
lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.
Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create a
coherent whole and build toward a particular tone and outcome (e.g., a sense of mystery,
suspense, growth, or resolution).
Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid
picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters.

Learning outcomes:
1. The students will produce many short written narratives on Google Classroom
over the course of a unit or one long single narrative. They will focus on one specific
audience and style of writing (for example mystery, suspense, horror, love, humor,
heros journey, etc.)
a. The students will do 7-10 writing assignments about 500 words
a piece.
b. The students will also have the option of writing longer pieces
and adding on to previous words. For example, the students may have seven
500 word pieces or three pieces 1,750 word pieces.
2. The students will create a website to publish their written work, this will serve
as an electronic writing portfolio. The site will be created and designed by the students
to fit their intended audience. Therefore, the students writing humorous pieces will
have a different design than a student writing scary pieces.
a. Different websites that can be helpful for this assignment

Brief description of lesson:

This project is an accumulation of writing assignments over a unit; therefore, this activity will
need to be talked about with plenty of time to prepare. Ideally, the writing assignments will
already be completed (or at least the rough drafts of the assignment) and this process will be
creating the website. The students will most likely need three to five days in class to create
their website, design it to fit their writing, and editing/compiling their writing pieces.

The students will be expected to create a website, design the site to match their writing and
attract the attention of their audience, and cumulate their final drafts of different writing

First, the site will need to be created based on student chosen audience and writing style.
After the site is made and approved by the teacher, the student may begin compiling writing
pieces and an introduction page. The writing assignments will have already been graded with
feedback. This is a great opportunity for students to revisit past writing and make necessary

Each day should have specific goals for the students to reach. For example, the first day the
students should create their website, design it, and create their introduction page. The second
day the students will read through their previous writing pieces and make necessary edits.
The third day the students will compile their works on the websites. Then, the students will
receive feedback from peers and the teacher on improvement they can make. The last day
will be spent making those improvements and sharing work with others.

Technology used (by both teachers and students):

The students will need one-to-one technology. This may be laptops or computer lab
personal computers. In order for students to create their website and compile writing

Students need website creator sites in order to make their websites. Some helpful and easy
sites include: and

Students will need to be connected to Google Classroom and Google Documents to share
their work with the teacher throughout the unit. This will be especially important during
formative and summative assessment to provide quick and effective feedback on the student
documents. Google documents can also be shared with peers for peer-reviews.

A projector will be needed for the teacher to project different research websites and show the
students how to properly create a new website. The teacher should model creating a website
so the students have a clearer idea of what is expected of them.

Justification of need for technology:

HLPs used:
1. Checking student understanding during and at the conclusions of the lessons.
a. The teacher should be circling the room while students are
working on websites to make sure the students are understanding what is
expected of them.
b. Each day the students will have a specific goal to reach
(mentioned above) and this is a good time to check for understanding along the
c. Once the student have completed their website, they will get
feedback from peers and from the teacher. Then, the students will have an
opportunity to fix anything they need to.
2. Setting long- and short-term learning goals for students.
a. This is a big project and therefore to help students stay on track
each day should have specific goals for the students to reach. See the
description of lesson for specific goals.
b. The long term goal will be the completed website.
3. Providing oral and written feedback to students.
a. Students will receive written feedback on all of their writing
assignments through Google Documents.
b. Students will receive oral feedback on their websites on what
they can improve before making their final product.
4. Explaining and modeling content, practices, and strategies.
a. The teacher will model how to write the different writing
assignments throughout the process.
b. The teacher will model creating a website on the projector
before students create their own so they can have an idea of what is expected
of them.
Strategies with High Effect Sizes used:
1. Providing formative evaluation
a. The students will get two opportunities for formative evaluations.
The first will be with the writing assignments. The students will get feedback
from the teacher on the Google Documents.
b. The second formative evaluation will be when the students finish
their websites. They will be given feedback from the teacher and peers on what
they could do to improve. This will help them make improvements for their final
website to be turned in for a summative assessment.
2. Feedback
a. This ties directly into the formative evaluation with giving
students feedback during the process of creating the website.
b. The students will receive both peer and teacher feedback.

Purpose of technology:
This creative projects would be impossible to complete without technology because the
students are literally making a website with all of their writing assignments. The technology is
used to make the website, to write the assignments on Google Docs, to provide peer-to-peer
and teacher feedback, and to share the final website for a summative assessment. Overall,
the purpose of technology is to aid the learning process and to act as a platform for students
to demonstrate both their creative capabilities and their writing ability.

Lesson Without Technology:

If this lesson was created without technology, the students would have to handwrite every
writing piece. Then the feedback would also be hand written. The edits would have to be
made by rewriting the entire piece on another paper to make another final draft. Then, the
students would have to make a physical portfolio where they put all of their writing
assignments together. This would be tedious and incredibly time consuming. The students
would not be able to demonstrate their creativity and would spend more time rewriting by
hand than actually learning. Technology not only expedites the learning process, it allows for
easy feedback and edits on papers.

Technology Connected to Learning Goals:

Technology is directly related to the ISTE learning goal 6d because it allows students to use
websites as a medium to demonstrate their creativity and ability to publish their work. Also,
this helps students expedite the writing and re-writing process by allowing for quick edits and
feedback processes on Google Documents.

Technology at Home:
Different families have different capabilities at home, some students to not have access to
technology. Therefore, there should be ample amount of time in class for the students to finish
their project. Each day should have reasonable goals for the students to reach. If students are
not about to finish in the time given, then students should have the option to stay after school
or come early before school starts to finish the project.

Technology Rating:
In order for this lesson to succeed, technology is a complete necessity. It allows for students
to create a webpage, write and re-write narratives, and publish a compilation of writing
assignments. It also allows for easy feedback processes to aid in formative assessment
feedback. Therefore, the technology is rated extremely necessary.

How will you formatively and summatively assess whether standards/outcomes were
met/achieved? (include rubric at end, if needed)
Formative Assessment:
There are two opportunities for formative assessments in this lesson. The first is with the prior
writing assignments that were already turned in. Though at the time these assignments were
viewed as summative assessments, the students now have an opportunity to read feedback
given about the writing and make more edits to improve the different assignments.

The second aspect of formative assessment is once the students complete their website.
They will get their website checked by a teacher and at least two peers. This will be a time to
make sure the students used creativity in making their website and have followed the
expectations set for them. The student will receive both verbal and written feedback on how
they can strengthen their website.

In addition to the two mentioned above, the students will be receiving feedback each day on
what they need to have done and on what they have completed. This verbal feedback is also
in a way a formative assessment to check where the students are at and if they are
understanding what is expected of them.

Summative Assessment:
The summative assessment is the final website created by each student. This is the time to
make sure the students followed both the Common Core State Standards given and the ISTE
technology standard. This will actually be for a grade. If the students have followed the
feedback given from the formative assessments, they should succeed in this portion. The
students will again receive feedback for the summative assessment to better understand why
they earned the grade they were given.

Writing Website Rubric

5 4 3 2 1
The writing is high The writing is The writing is The writing is below The writing is poor
Quality of quality with minimal moderately high average quality with average quality with and has distracting
Writing grammar mistakes, quality with few some grammar many grammar grammar mistakes,
uses imagery and grammar mistakes, mistakes, uses some mistakes, uses does not use imagery
figurative language, uses imagery/ imagery/figurative minimal imagery/ or figurative
has a clear purpose figurative language, language, has figurative language, language, has an
and audience and has a somewhat somewhat clear has unclear purpose unclear purpose and
clear purpose/audience and audience. audience.

The word count for The word count for The word count for The word count for The word count for
Quantity of all the writing all the writing all the writing all the writing all the writing
Writing assignments is at assignments is assignments is 1,200 assignments is assignments is fewer
least 1,700 words. 1,500-1,699 words. - 1,499 words. 1,000-1,199 words. than 1,000 words.
The website has The website has The website has The website has The website has
Creativity abundant creativity quality creativity and average creativity below average minimal creativity
and and originality and originality and a and originality and a creativity/ originality and originality and no
has a clear intended mostly clear intended somewhat clear and unclear intended audience.
Originality audience. audience. intended audience. intended audience.

The website is well The website is The website is The website The website lacks
Organization organized well as a organized as a averagely organized, somewhat organization, is not
and User whole, is user whole, user friendly, somewhat user organized but not user friendly, and is
friendly and is easy and somewhat easy friendly, but difficult to user friendly or easy not easy to navigate.
Friendly to navigate. to navigate. navigate. to navigate

Total: /20

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