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Experiment 2

Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes and Signal Generators

2.1. Objectives
Basic usage and operation of cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is introduced. In this experiment,
you will also learn:
1. AC, DC and GD coupling.
2. Basic usage of Signal Generator.
3. ADD and DUAL modes in CRO.
4. Triggering in these modes.
5. External triggering.

2.2. Equipment List

1. CRO
2. Signal Generators

2.3. Preliminary Work

1. Study Notes on Oscilloscopes, and Notes on Signal Generators. Also study the Front
Panel Elements of HM 203-7 CRO from CRO Manual.
2. What is the function of a Signal Generator?
3. What is the difference between floating output signal generator and a grounded output
signal generator?
4. What is the function of an Oscilloscope?
5. What is the function of the deflection plates in the CRO?
6. What is the function of the saw tooth waveform of CRO?

2.4. Experimental Work

1. Set the front-panel controls of HM 203-7 CRO for operation as given below.

2. Switch the power of CRO on. If a trace is not yet visible, use the horizontal and vertical
controls (marked with the labels X-POS. and Y-POS.I) to bring the trace into view. Then,
set the straight line to central position. If a trace is not clearly visible, then rotate the
INTENS. control. Also adjust FOCUS for trace sharpness.

3. Now, the CRO is ready for single trace operation. Restore the input coupling of Channel 1
(Ch. 11) to DC (Release the GD button of Ch. 1.). Connect the positive lead of the probe of
Ch. 1 to the CAL. 2V eyelet of the CRO and leave the ground lead of the probe
unconnected. CAL. 2V eyelet of the CRO provides a square wave voltage waveform of 1
kHz frequency, and 2 V peak-to-peak (2 Vpp in short) amplitude.

4. To observe the square wave you may need to adjust the VOLTS/DIV and TIME/DIV
controls of Ch. 1. Plot the observed waveform.

5. Change the input coupling from DC to AC by releasing the AC/DC button of Ch. 1. Note
the change on the trace and explain the reason. Plot the observed vaweform.

6. Vary the VAR.GAIN control from CAL position and note the effect on the trace. Since the
input is not changing, what is happening?

7. Repeat Parts 3 to 6 for Ch. 2. (Plots for the repeated steps are not necessary)

The abbreviations of CHI and Ch. 1 may lead to ambiguity. When referred to a switch or button on the front
panel of the CRO, CHI is used to be consistent with front panel of the CRO. When referred to first channel of the
oscilloscope as a whole Ch. 1 is used.

8. Set the output of the signal generator to a sinusoidal waveform of 1 Vpp amplitude and 500
Hz frequency. Connect the probe of Ch. 1. to the signal generator. Be sure that the grounded
lead of the CRO is connected to the negative (black) lead of the signal generator.

9. Set the TIME/DIV control to 1ms/div and adjust the frequency of the signal (if necessary)
so that one period of the waveform fits exactly into two divisions.

10. Observe and plot the waveform on the CRO and then adjust the amplitude of the signal to 2

11. Set the AT/NORM switch to NORM, vary the LEVEL control, and note the effect on the
observed waveform. What is the reason of this effect?

12. Without disconnecting Ch. 1, connect the probe of Ch. 2 to the other signal generator.
Adjust the settings of the new signal generator so that you observe a square wave of 2 Vpp
amplitude and 500 Hz frequency.

13. Press the DUAL button and observe the waveform. What is happening? Now select Ch. 1
(release the CHI/CHII button.) while the CRO is still in the DUAL mode. What is the effect
of selecting Ch.1.?

14. Now press the ALT. button while DUAL button is still depressed. Plot the observed
waveforms. What is the effect of the ALT. button? How does this happen? Explain.

15. Release the ALT button. Make the frequencies of the two signals as close as possible by
varying the frequency of the Agilent signal generator. How do you decide to increase or
decrease the frequency?

16. After you observe an almost steady waveform release the DUAL button and press the ADD
button. Plot the waveform you observe. Press the INV. CHII button and plot the waveform.

17. Slightly increase the frequency of the Agilent signal generator and obtain a sliding
waveform on the screen. Now select Ch. 1 by pressing the CHI/CHII button. What is the
effect of the selected channel in ADD mode?

18. Release the ADD button. Obtain a sine wave of 2 Vpp from the Agilent signal generator (Let
the frequency to remain constant.). Disconnect the probe connected to the Agilent signal
generator and connect it to the EXT. input of the CRO. Observe the signal generated by the
Thandar function generator. Now press the EXT. button. What is happening? Vary the
frequency of the Agilent signal generator to obtain a steady waveform. In which frequencies
the observed waveform is steady? Comment on the results.

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