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Professional Development

William L. White, Director
Faculty Development
SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222-1095

Did you know

that first-generation college students make up over 40% of Buffalo States

first-year (freshman) class a number that is slightly higher than national
averages. While the percentage of first generation college students
enrolled is a strong demonstration of the Colleges commitment to access
and inclusion, the challenges that face these students are different than
those faced by students whose families have college-level experience.

Research suggests that work, family commitments, shock at the culture

present on campuses, and understanding connections between academic
and career goals are among the most significant challenges that first-
generation college students face. These challenges are, in fact, so
formidable that less than 24% of first-generation graduate. Yet, even with
obstacles to overcome, first-generation college students can be successful
when pedagogy, engagement, and care intersect.

To begin, research from Stanford University suggests that being open about
family histories and parental education attainment is an important, indeed
essential, component of first-gen success. In the study, first-gen students
who explored their fears in open conversation with faculty and peers earned
higher year-end GPAs and felt more confident in their overall chances of
completing their degree programs. This suggests that faculty who teach
classes with high first-year enrollments might want to spend some time
discussing student histories, fears, and expectations. The results can help
faculty and students understand and map pathways to success.

In addition to classroom conversations, research notes that creating a

culture of success is vital to first-gen student success. Success can be
measured in many ways, but within the academy, we often use formal
assessment as our primary tool. When first-gen students perform poorly on
initial assessments, they tend, according to research, to view their
performance as a clear indicator of their inability to succeed and either drop
out or disengagement. Assessments that are based on mastery learning
and which emphasis connections between curricular objectives and lived
experiences seem to eliminate some of the phobias surrounding
assessment and help first-gen students build a culture of success that does
not eliminate rigor but which promotes long-term success.
While there are many more practices that promote first-gen student success
(see the resources list below), we might end this short did you know with
a focus on engagement. Research notes that many first-gen students are
pulled away from the college campus by family and work commitments.
Yet, at the same time, engagement in the life of the campus is important for
long-term success. As faculty in courses with high first-year and first-gen
enrollments, we might consider ways to help students see the campus as
an integrated whole where all parts are working toward the ultimate goal of
student success. These activities can include, among others, several
required office meetings with faculty to gauge student progress and to
discuss student needs; course-based activities that require students to work
in small groups on projects that are campus-based; and activities that
encourage students to explore not only the meaning of a college education
but also the campus resources that help ensure success.

While the foregoing has been a short review of some of major findings
related to the challenges and potential of first-generation college students,
there is much more information available (see below). Please look over
some these sites, think about your own teaching practices, and know that
when engaged and supported, first-generation college students can not
only be successful, they can also present strong and diverse points of view
within your classes.

And finally, should you want to discuss how to ensure first-generation

college student success, please do not hesitate to contact Bill White,
Director of Faculty Development at Buffalo State.

Classroom Tips

Use Student Response Systems (e.g., Clickers) to monitor student

comprehension of materials
Use interactive learning models (e.g., mastery learning, collaborative
learning, cooperative learning, and project-based learning) to engage
students in course materials
Use daily experiences, whenever possible, to connect course content
to the lives of students
Use various forms of assessment (class participation, reflections,
short tests, etc.) to gauge student progress
Use course content as the point of access to Student Learning
Create in-class learning communities that offer peer-learning
Talk about the challenges of transitioning to college-level courses
In-Office Tips

Require students to attend at least two office hours per semester

Use engaged advising practices (e.g., discuss not only course work,
but life outside the classroom; ask about preferred learning styles,
study techniques, and amount of time spent on school work; find out
challenges that students are facing and suggest resources that can
Use positive language when discussing work (e.g., comment first on
content and what you learned rather than on problems)


First-Generation College Student Resource Links

Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning First-Generation Students

What Works for First-Generation College Students

First-Generational Students Benefit from Talking

Supporting First-Generation College Students through Classroom-Based


Institute for Student Identity and Success Short Videos

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