Iii. Project Management 3.1 Calendar of Activities 3.1.1 Description of Activities

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3.1 Calendar of Activities

3.1.1 Description of Activities

The following are the tasks and activities to be accomplished by the

proponents to develop an Automated Enrollment System for the Mother of

Eucharist and Grace Montessori School, Inc. or MoESys.

1. Data Gathering
The proponents gather information to build the system which includes

interview with principal, registrar, and cashier of Mother of Eucharist and

Grace Montessori school Inc., internet research and library research.

The proponents have conducted series of interview with Mr. Jay

Cagandahan, principal of Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori

school Inc., to the cashier Mrs. Dianna Cagandahan and to the registrar Ms.

Aileen Almeda. The data gathered will be used to develop a system that will

eliminate or lessen the problems encountered on enrolment.

The proponents conducted library research and internet research to

find related studies and gather information that will give the proponents

additional knowledge that will help to develop a better automated enrollment


2. Software Requirement Analysis

The proponents analyze all the software requirements needed in

developing MoESys.

MoESys: Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Enrollment System 3 -
3.1.2 Gantt Chart of Activities

Activities June July Augu Septem Octob

st ber er
Looking for a prospective client
Research on Existing Project
Selecting target client
Background of the problem
Overview of the Current State of Technology
General Objectives
Specific Objectives
Project Rationale
Project Description
Problem Statement
Proposed Research Project
Scope and Limitation
Description of Activities
Gantt Chart of Activities
Project Planning
Estimating Budget
Analyzing Company Background
Analyzing Existing System
Analyzing Requirements
Design/ Implementation
Database Designing
Module Designing
Unit Testing
System Testing

3.2 Resources

3.2.1 Hardware

The following hardware are needed by the proponents in

developing MoESys:

MoESys: Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Enrollment System 3 -
Monitor (at least 14 with 1366x768 pixels screen resolution)

CPU (at least 2.4GHz of speed )

Memory (at least 1GB of RAM)
Router, UTP, RJ45 for client-server networking

The following hardware are needed by the client/server in using MoESys:

Monitor (at least 14 with 1366x768 pixels screen resolution)

CPU (at least 2.4GHz of speed )

Memory (at least 1GB of RAM for the client and 2GB of RAM for

the server)
Printer (Laser or Ink-Jet)
Router, UTP, RJ45 for client-server networking

3.2.2 Software

The following are the software needed by the proponents in developing


Operating System ( Windows 7)

The proponents will use Windows 7 operating system

because it is compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Lower

versions of windows have compatibility issues with Microsoft

Visual Studio 2010.

The proponents have decided to use MySQL as database

because aside from being free it also provides the ultimate in

MoESys: Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Enrollment System 3 -
scalability, sporting the capacity to handle deeply embedded

applications and have strong data protection that is needed in

developing MoESys.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or VB.NET
The proponents have decided to use VB.NET as an object-

oriented programming language because it is an extension of visual

basic which is much easier to use, nicer interface, and much

preferred by the proponents.

The following software are needed by the client/server in using


Operating System ( Windows 7)

Installer of MoESys.

MoESys: Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Enrollment System 3 -

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