March 2017 Newsletter Pub

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Thumb Industries,

A d v o c at e

in this
M a r c h 2 0 1 7
Gearing Up For
Gearing Up For Spring
Expanding Our seeds are
Recycling Efforts sprouting now
and will be for
sale mid to late
Month May at our
Thrift Store
Thumb Indus-
tries is excited
about offering and fall squash. We are
Thumb Industries, Inc. is flowers in addition to our hoping this fall that we will
gearing up for spring. produce and hope for a also have pumpkins availa-
Prepping in the green- successful growing season. ble. Last years dry condi-
Follow our Facebook tions and a drastic case of
page and website to blight took over our patch
track the progress and last year.
for additional infor-
Inside this mation as to when our
issue: flowers will be available
for sale.
Wellness Com- 3 This year we will once
house has begun and we
mittee again be selling our most
are getting ready to once
popular produce including,
Consumer of the 4 again offer fresh produce
broccoli, cauliflower, red
Month and new this year we will
and green peppers, toma-
also be selling flats of
toes, snap
flowers and hanging bas-
kets. The greenhouse has
beans, car-
planted flats of many
rots, cu-
popular annuals includ-
ing, pansies, impatiens,
as well as,
begonias, marigolds,
mums and petunias. The
Page 2

Expanding Our Recycling Efforts

Thumb Industries, Inc. Thumb Industries Re- approved, Thumb In-
began their recycling cycling Center meet dustries Recycling Cen-
efforts in April 2009. their goals by applying ter looks to increase
Since 2009 our materi- for an infrastructure their commodity col-
als facility has kept grand through the lection by almost 25%.
4,361 tons of recycla- DEQ. In conjunction This goal would be ob-
ble commodities out with Materials Coordi- tained by expanding
of our local landfills. nator, Mark Brown efforts though the use
Currently Thumb In- and Community Out- of compartmentalized
dustries Recycling trailers into commu-
Center partners with 5 nities we currently do
Huron County school not reach including,
districts and Diva Dis- Caseville, Harbor
posal, a local waste Beach, Port Austin
contractor to increase and Pigeon. Also
recycling efforts and proposed in our grant
keep recyclable mate- application, is the
rials out of our land- purchase of a new,
fills, but want to con- reach Coordinator, more reliable truck to
tinue to increase recy- Danielle McKimmy transport commodities,
cling, educate and in- the group established and a conveyor system
crease awareness about goals and objectives in our facility to help
recycling in our com- for the recycling cen- make sorting plastics
munity. ter, discussed ideas and more efficient.
ways to meet these
In March, Thumb In- The grant application
goals and the necessary
dustries, Inc. Executive was due on March
equipment and tools to
Director, Rhonda 17th and we should re-
attain these goals.
Wisenbaugh applied ceive a response by the
for a grant to help If the grant were to be end of May.
Page 3

Developmental Disabilities Month

The month of March er, worship together, learn WHEREAS, families of peo-
marked the 30th year of together and grow together; ple with developmental dis-
Developmental Disabilities and, abilities deserve our admi-
Awareness Month. The ration and recognition for
WHEREAS, every person, their caring commitment
month highlights the many regardless of their ability, and ongoing support that
ways in which people with has valuable strengths, an are both essential to an in-
and without developmental infinite capacity to learn and dependent and productive
disabilities come together to the potential to make im- life; and,
form strong and diverse portant contributions to their
communities. It also serves local communities; and, WHEREAS, during this
month, we join with the
to celebrate the many con- WHEREAS, celebrating the Michigan Department of
tributions people with de- abilities and contributions of Health and Human Services
velopmental disabilities people with developmental Developmental Disabilities
make to our society. disabilities can only serve to Council to encourage all
enrich the communities of citizens to recognize Michi-
Heres what Govenor Rick Michigan and enhance our gan advances concerning
Snyder had to say regarding diversity; and, persons with disabilities,
Developmental Disabilities and also to acknowledge
Awareness Month. that our work to ensure full
inclusion, integrated em-
WHEREAS, approximately ployment and community-
57 million people nation based settings are not yet
wide have a disability, and done;
of those approximately
178,606 people in Michigan NOW, THEREFORE, I,
have a developmental disa- Rick Snyder, governor of
bility; and, Michigan, do hereby pro-
WHEREAS, Michiganders claim March 2017 as Devel-
with and without disabilities opmental Disabilities
work together, play togeth- Awareness Month in Michi-

Wellness Committee
Thumb Industries start- ness committees main facilities and have cre-
ed a new initiative in objective is to create ated a wellness infor-
November of 2016. health awareness and mation board in lunch
Partnering with Laurie healthy habits. Among room at the main facil-
Messing of the MSU Thumb Industrys em- ity. More to come at
Extension Office, we ployees and consumers. meetings and check the
have formed a wellness We have begun to post boards often for new
committee. The well- communications at all information.
Happy Birthday
Staff Consumers
Mike Wolfe 27th April Jagoda 4th

Thumb Industries, Inc. Phillip Cucchiara 9th

Ashley Blunt 13th

1263 Sand Beach Rd.
Julie Nowak 23rd
Bad Axe, MI 48413

Phone: 989-269-9229
Fax: 989-269-2587

Developing and Expanding Opportunities for

Persons with Disabilities

If you have ideas or news, consumers or staff that

youd like to highlight or praise for upcoming
editions of the newsletter please let Danielle
McKimmy know. You can email her at dmckim- or drop by her office.
Also, in an effort to be green we prefer to send
the newsletter via email, rather than print and CONSUMER OF THE MONTH
distribute. If you have not already signed up to
receive the newsletter via email send an email to Congratulations to our consumer of the
month for March, Lloyd Prill.
Danielle at the above address to be added to
the list.

Like Thumb Industries on Facebook!

We now have a page for our Main Facility, Thrift

Store & Recycling Center

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