Determining An Author's Point of View 6th Grade English Language Arts

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Title: Determining an Author's Point of View

Grade and Subject:6th Grade English Language Arts

Name:DeMorris Stroud
In this lesson the students will learn how to properly determine an authors
point of view or purpose in a text. The students will then trace and evaluate
arguments and specific claims in a text. This will allow the students to
practice distinguishing claims supported by reasons and evidence from
claims that are not supported with proper reasons and evidence. This lesson
Overview will develop the student's ability to properly identify and cite evidence from
artifacts to support an author's claim. The students will analyze articles to
select proper evidence to determine an author's point of view or purpose in a
text.The students will be able to support the author's argument/position in
writing and cite evidence to identify whether the authors claim is in support
or against a claim.
This class is comprised of gifted and high ability achievers. The total
population of the class is 26. The demographics of the class is comprised of
13 girls and 13 boys. There a c status from single parent to two-parent
homes. There is only one identified English Language Learner. Most of the
Student Background, Culture, students are performing on or above grade level in English Language Arts.
and Context Mostly all of students need improvement in writing. Reading comprehension
is the primary strength of the students. Hampton Middle School is a
predominantly Title 1 school. Overall, the school has a high African-American
population. 429 of the 842 students are African American. This means that
51% of the students at the school are African-American.
This lesson was developed for this particular group of students because it
meets curriculum standards and allows the students to express their ideas
and point of view about the topic based on evidence. In addition, the students
in the class are high achievers that are outspoken, assertive, strong willed
and enjoy expressing their point of view on various topics. This lesson
develops the student's ability to determine the author's point of view, trace
and evaluate specific claims to support the view they are writing about, and
understand how to properly identify claims that are supported by evidence
Rationale from artifacts and those that are not. This lesson is important because as
students transition to higher levels of learning and thinking they will be able
to recall the strategies implemented when writing an argumentative essay.
This lesson meets the developmental needs of my students by teaching them
how to properly use evidence from artifacts to identify an author's point of
view. This lesson will fit into larger class curriculum and connect to previous
and future lessons by allowing the students to create an applicable thesis
statement, cite evidence from their research, and eventually write an
argumentative essay.

How can I determine an authors point of view?

How can I trace and evaluate specific claims to support an authors
Purpose of the Lesson: Central point of view/argument?
Focus How can I distinguish claims that are supported by reasons and
evidence from claims that are not?

I can identify an authors point of view

I can point out an author's point of view/argument and support it
Learning Objective(s) with evidence
I can distinguish the difference between claims that are supported by
reasons and evidence and claims that are not
The students are seated in rows, however, they will be provided with a time
to transition into their designated locations for collaborative groups,
students will make one transition during the class period for collaborative
practice. Students will be in possession of all needed materials for classroom
instruction. Students will be informally assessed throughout the lesson to
check for understanding through discussion, individual, group, and elbow
Facilitation & Safety
partner activities. Students who are unable to stay focused on task during
collaborative practice will work independently away from the group.
Disruptive students will receive warnings to redirect behavior. The students
will also be provided the opportunity to move up or down according to the
classroom management system as in regards to consequences. Proximity
control will be used for disruptive or disengaged students.
Academic Students will choose evidence from artifacts to support an author's
Language point of view
Students will identify claims and support them with evidence
Students will distinguish the difference between claims that are
supported by reasons and evidence and claims that are not
Point of view
The students will independently read an article highlighting sentences that
emphasis the author's point of view regarding the topic. Following the
Syntax or
independent reading the students will participate in a guided reading of the
article. Through discourse the students will identify and explain how the
author's point of view is conveyed in the text.
ELAGSE6RI6: Determine an authors point of view or purpose in a text
and explain how it is conveyed in the text.
GSE - Georgia Standards of
ELAGSE6RI8: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a
text, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from
claims that are not.
The students will be formally assessed through identifying an author's point
of view in two passages. Students will be informally assessed by analyzing
Formal and Informal Assessment
the author's point of view in the short passage Chocolate may be good for
your heart.

After reviewing First Ten, I will introduce the learning targets for the day
and review vocabulary. I will hook the students by telling them that we will
be reading an informational article about Sweets and invite the students to
share some of their favorite sweets. After that, I will inform the students that
we will read the article Chocolate may be good for your heart. The students
Introduction will be read and analyze the article to identify evidence from the text to
(20 Minutes) support the authors point of view. After the reading the students will
participate in a guided discussion on whether or not the cited evidence
supports the identified point of view. The teacher will pass out the Author's
Point of View Graphic Organizer and go through the article again with the
students and the students will use evidence from the article to complete the
graphic organizer.
The students will independently read the article, Debate on Healthier School
Strategies &
Lunches. The students will then use evidence found in the article to support
the author's point of view. Students will use the assigned artifact to properly
Tasks that
cite their evidence to support the authors position. The teacher will rotate
Support Body
through the classroom to ensure students are on task and assist them as
Diverse (30 Minutes)
needed to ensure their success. Students will be assigned to find and cite
Student Needs
evidence that goes against or supports the identified authors point of view.
The students will use their highlighters/crayons to mark evidence that they
may use to support the author's point of view.
Ticket Out The Door-The students will point out an author's point of
view/argument and support it with evidence from the article titled Debate
on Healthier School Lunches. They will be given two different color sticky
notes. The students who receive a pink sticky note will analyze and cite
evidence to support the author being against healthier school lunches and
(15 Minutes)
the students receive a yellow sticky note will analyze and cite evidence to
support the authors promotion of healthier school lunches. The students will
cite evidence from the article on a sticky note to support their side on the
authors point of view and place it on the board.
Differentiation, Modification(s), Preferential seating will be provided for my students who have visual
and Accommodation(s) impairments
Additional time in small-group or individual instruction will be
provided for struggling readers
Students will also be provided with an example through guided
practice before starting their assignments
Extra time for processing and assessments will be provided for
students who need additional time
Slower speaking and more handouts with repeated instruction will be
provided for students who are English Language Learners
Students may use highlighters to mark important information on

Lesson Slides
Point of View Graphic Organizer

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