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Humanities I: Jos A. Hernndez Zamudio

11 November 2016

Jose Godinez

University of Utah
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They dont lie when they say time flies. Things are always changing with time; things happen

in a blink of an eye. Its a calm day, the sun has headed west and the wind has calmed down. My room is

filled with happiness the LED lights are at their brightest and The Beatles keep on playing. I finally

paused Pandora and sat back at my desk. The time has come to write a self-narrative about my past life.

After putting some thought, I was sure that it wasnt going to be too hard. Immediately memories came

rushing from years ago. I began to search all over my house, looking for school stuff from elementary

school and junior high. I am known as a hoarder, so it wasnt hard finding things from the past. We dont

always get a chance to reflect on our life in education. Now, this was my chance to reflect on my personal


It doesnt take long for me to remember the time; I was leaving my country and everything

behind. For a better life and to strive for the American Dream. I was five-years-old, the happiness I had

was my five Hot Wheels cars, tightly packed in a sandwich bag. That very day the sun was at its

highest and the heat moved through the air which touched my skin. It was hard to tell the total number of

people that were present, also trying to strive for the American Dream. One thing that made it hard was

the pure quietness, the only sound came from the stomping on the solid dirt ground. I was just a kid

thinking it was just a hide and seek game not knowing it was for me to have a brighter future. It took

me a long time to know the reason for leaving everything behind in Mexico and starting all over in the

United States.

In the United States, we first arrived in Park City. There was no idea of me distinguishing how

different life in Park City was going to be. Park City started as a mining town (silver) that would

eventually become rich. The green pine trees and its beautiful ski resorts attracted many people. Some of

the 2002 Winter Olympic Games were hosted in Park City. There was no doubt that Park City was well

known, as a tourist place. In 2003 was when I arrived in Park City. I was clueless, stepping in a different

culture it differently felt that I was in a different world. The hardest thing was not knowing the language,

it was the only barrier that was going to stop me from learning. It was something that I had to overcome
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if I wanted to pursue a higher education. It was something that I had to overcome if I wanted to make a

difference in my life!

My family and I lived in Kimball Junction, Park City, just right off the freeway on I-80. I

enrolled at Jeremy Ranch Elementary as half day kindergarten student, the full day was only for the elites.

The school was only a quarter mile from our apartment, but I still had to ride the bus. Every morning my

mom would walk me to the bus stop. I started kindergarten with an empty mind. I wasnt going to learn

anything for a while, lucky Ms. Allen my kindergarten teacher spoke Spanish, my original language. The

only thing I remember from kindergarten was eating crackers with a chocolate carton. Ms. Allen had

beautiful hair, it was red and was something I hadnt seen before. When the school year ended, I had no

idea what was going to come next. The principle Mrs. Wallace and Ms. Allen had a meeting with my

parents about my progress. It was clear that I hadnt learned much and would be best if I would be held


Another year past; I wore a golden gown after completing my second time in kindergarten.

Looking at pictures of that time and seeing that smile of mine it must have meant something to me. I

dont know what was going through my mind but it had to do with moving forward. I must have felt that

I had accomplished something. We moved more into the city because it would be easier for my dads

work. We moved into these apartments near Park City mountain resort. Our apartment number was #8

and it was a pain moving in with all our stuff. There was a lot of stairs we had to take and had to keep

going back and forth. I remember running across the hallway and noticing the carpet being wet but there

was no water. I remember writing my name on my parents wooden dresser with a black sharpie. I was

fascinated with writing my name and would write it everywhere. Even though, I would write my Js and

Ss backward. The thing that remembers most was my balcony with its beautiful view. Seeing the PC

Mountain in the distance, where the letters PC were marked in white on a hill.

Waking up early in the morning and walking to the bus stop. The bus drivers name was Scott and

were the coolest bus driver ever! I enrolled at Parleys Park Elementary School and would attend up to
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5th grade. First grade, I often get reminded that I would often say my tummy hurts. I would often say

those words to get me out of school. Every time during lunch I would go to the office and have the

school call my mom, of course, my mom would always come get me. When I would get home I would go

outside and have fun and play video games. It took my mom a few weeks to realize that I was not having

a stomach pain just a little home sick, she eventually stopped believing my stomach ache cries.

Ms. Stark, my first-grade teacher would always make us read, hearing other kids read helped me

learn the language more. At Parleys Park, I was placed in ESL the fact that English was going to be my

second language. I would often get pulled out of class and go to another classroom where I got helped to

understand a bit better. In the ESL class, we often read and wrote, eventually I started understanding the

language more than I could speak it. At one point Ms. Stark sent a stack of homework in Spanish with me

to take home. Im sure it was all the homework that I never did or understood. I remember taking the

stack of homework to Salt Lake to my brothers house. His beautiful wife was willing to help me finish

all of it. I remember the first night we stood up until 3 a.m. and kept wanting to fall asleep. From that

day on I was told to always do my homework. I was terrified having to stay up and doing homework

instead of playing the GameCube. First grade was when I started to snowboard. I began to find interest

in snowboarding from my older brother, Cub. Every winter my dad would sign me up with a program

the school did for kids to snowboard. Each year my dad took me to the Canyons (ski resort) to rent a

snowboard and the gear. During winter, each Friday my dad would take me to school with my snowboard

and gear. After school, I would get on a bus and head toward the Canyons Resort. My dad bought me a

snowboard from a yard sale and I remember being happy. I remember putting my name everywhere and

adding a ton of stickers. Each year I had to do well in school and always be respectful if I wanted my dad

to pay for the snowboarding program.

As years passed at Parleys Park, I was taught to think bigger. The year 2007 came and I entered

second grade. Mrs. Kadziel is the teacher that I remember well. She often made go beyond my ability,

she never excludes me from things other kids did. She believed in me and always knew I could do it. In
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second grade, I often drew myself as a police officer. Becoming an officer was my dream at that time.

When summer came Mrs. Kadziel packed a clear bind with a blue lid and a gray handle. It was full of

books she always wanted me to read. Since that summer each summer until 5th grade, Mrs. Kadziel

would pick new books. Some books I couldnt read, one way I read those books was through audio

books. This helped me out in becoming a better reader. I dont think I could ever forget Mrs. Kadziel for

all the things she did for me. To this day I often look over a Memory Booklet she made for me. I

remember most of the things that happened in second grade. I couldnt ever forget a teacher that believed

in my potential and the ability that I could do to move forward in my education.

I finally reached 5th grade, the last year I would be at Parleys Park. The year 2010, I dont often

refer to this year. This was the year when everything changed. It was mid-April; we often took spelling

tests. I would often do very poorly. An upcoming spelling test was coming up and I had the urge to get a

good score. I didnt know what was going through my head that made me decide to cheat on it. I was

willing to do anything to get a good score, I decided to write the words I didnt know on the palm of my

hand. I dont remember using my source to see the words. By the end of class, we had to turn in our

spelling test and the teacher noticed writing on my left palm. She made me stay after class within waiting

my heart began to pump fast as if it were to pop out. It was first time cheating and I had gotten caught,

that day the principal wasnt there. But that didnt stop the principal from taking with me and my dad.

That day is a day that I couldnt ever forget. Mrs. Kendell my 5th-grade teacher, began by explaining

what had happened. The things she said referred that I couldnt do it it was too much of a challenge.

She went on by stating that she would give me extra time on the spelling test if I needed it. The way she

said it, which I still cant quite explain but filled me with anger. Not at her directly but at me, my parents

were upset and I was willing to prove them wrong that I could do it. From that day on I started taking

every single class seriously, I became an overachiever. I never had to request for extra time on my

spelling test, I study so hard until my head started hurting. I still remember that day when everything
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happened, seeing all the upset faces all because of me, its a day I hate remembering but its the reason I

believe I have kept moving forward!

I was about to start middle school at Ecker Hill International Middle School. That summer before

starting middle school, I was about to have a heart attack after finding out I was going to have eight

classes. I went to Ecker Hill for both grades, 6th, and 7th. Both years I was often challenged by the work

I had to do. Looking back, I was often stressed about school. Both years I was self-motivated, I wanted

to be and do the best of my abilities. Challenging myself led me to have anxiety when I did not meet

certain requirements. I often hid my anxiety from family and friends, I didnt know when to stop. Even

my teachers always saw me as the bright student always having a smile, not knowing what I was going

through. I was often awarded certificates but for some reason, they didnt mean anything to me. Mr.

Sanderson one of my social studies teachers was influential. I often got anxious before entering his

classroom. He was strict with everything and often yelled. Never did I have a teacher so strict. By the

end of the year, the butterflies in my stomach started disappearing each time I entered his classroom. I

often refer to Mr. Sanderson as a mentor, making me strong. Not having fears anymore, he taught me to

take risks in life. I learned many things at Ecker Hill that would prepare me for future challenges.

There was this desire of enrolling at Park City High School. Although, that desire wasnt going to

happen. After my 7th grade at Ecker Hill, we moved to West Valley City and I had to enter Valley Junior

High. The school was about five minutes away from my house. I only went to Valley for my 8th-grade

year. This was a totally different experience; the school was very multicultural. Back in Park City, most

students were White, Hispanic and Asian. I didnt find much challenge at Valley, I couldnt be placed in

harder classes. I dont know why exactly but my counselor, Mr. Valentine often said I was going to

struggle. Honors Math was the only class my counselor had me take. The class I remember most was

AVID, it was an early college readiness class. In AVID we often learned strategies to help us out. It was

mid-April and all the students had received a letter from AMES. I remember most of the kids not wanting

to apply in the lottery, if you were picked from the lottery then you could attend. The letter seems to
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catch my attention; it was an opportunity to move forward with my education. I had this feeling of

confidence that I was going to be chosen and could attend the Academy for Math, Engineering, and


Choosing to attend the Academy for Math, Engineering, and Science was probably one of the

greatest decisions that I have made. I didnt know what to expect from AMES, I just knew it would

prepare me for college. AMES has pushed me to go beyond my expectations. I could tell how different

AMES is from other high schools. This school makes students become good learners and see things in a

new way. The best part of AMES are the teachers; they do everything they can for us to be successful.

You get to know your teachers well and is just a different kind of environment. There are so many AMES

memories that I will always remember and refer to in my future. AMES got me to get out my comfort

zone, before I was quiet and just focused in school. Eventually, I realized that I was missing out on many

things, I had to make my high school years the best possible. I do believe that AMES has prepared me to

move forward with my educations. At AMES, I found interest in Civil Engineering during my freshman

year. Taking technical design made me realized that I would enjoy the work civil engineers do. At some

point, I had to take an art credit, I decided to take A.P Art History. At first, I was nervous, hearing that

you had to memorize a lot of things. Ms. McDonald was the teacher and she was amazing. By the end of

the year, I had fallen in love with art history, I was fascinated with all sorts of paintings and sculptures. I

would often teach my family about it, even though they didnt find interest, it would always put a smile

on my face. Ms. McDonald taught me many things, especially being skeptical. From there only I

questioned many things around me and didnt always accept things that I was told. Ms. McDonald taught

me to see things in a whole new way. She would often tell me that if I move forward in my educations I

will go far and find something thatll love. Take chances in life because in the end, the only regret was

not taking those chances (Lewis Caroll). I still remember the Saturday she took me to the UMFA just

before the A.P test. She gave me the confidence that I seem not to have. That same summer I received a
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notification that said I had passed the test. Those emotions cannot be described because I was super

happy that I accomplish something I found a passion in.

We often dont get a chance to reflect on things weve been through. Putting thought into this paper has

led me to realize that I have come a long way. Things are always a challenge and we cant prevent

change from happening. If a person isnt challenging themselves then theyre probably not living nor

moving beyond the point. I was told that hard work doesnt always guarantee you things, it only gives

you a chance its true hard work only gives you a shot at something. My life in education has always

been a part of me since coming to this beautiful country. The word Kadima in Hebrew means

forward. Even though I get anxious when change happens, I want to move forward. I am willing to

move forward with my education and willing to work hard to get a shot at it. I dont want to stay the

same nor want stereotypes to define me.

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