Intasc Standard 5 - Mused

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Kyra White 1

InTASC Standard 5: Innovative Application of Content

The fifth InTASC Standard states the following, The teacher understands how to connect

concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical/creative thinking and

collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues. This can be confusing

at first, but with thought, it can be quite simple. This standard explains that teachers need to be

open-minded, so that their students are able to understand concepts from different points of view.

Not everyone will agree on everything, and students need to be able to learn in a way that

connects to them personally. In choral teaching, this concept can be applied through music

appreciation and music history. A seasoned music teacher would use this concept by comparing

theories and differing opinions of others.

I feel like I have an understanding of this concept, yet I know that I still have some ways

to go. In my past classes, I have learned to try and play devils advocate. In my Secondary

Education class, we were taught to always try to view things that we do not agree with from

someone elses perspective who does agree with the matter. Allowing students to see things from

other opinions not only helps them learn acceptance, but also allows their own views to be


I will continue my development in this standard by completing both the education classes

as well as music theory classes to continue learning about issues and differing opinions. After I

complete these courses, I will be able to take the skills I learn and apply them to my own

classroom. Once I myself am able to completely see things from another point of view, I can

better teach my students how to do the same thing.

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