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LTE Radio Load versus User Throughput

Jari Salo

A frequently asked question among LTE radio planners is that of how to determine the maximum acceptable
LTE radio interface load that should not be exceeded in order to maintain some targeted user data throughput.
This white paper summarizes some simple formulas for calculation of downlink user throughput as a function
Physical Resource Block (PRB) utilization. The formulas are expressed in terms of standardized 3GPP KPIs and are
hence computable from network performance counters. Examples from live LTE networks are given to illustrate
the usefulness.

1. INTRODUCTION throughput over LTE radio interface. In par-

ticular the so-called M/G/1 Processor Sharing
A frequently asked question in radio planning (PS) approach is used to express user through-
community is that of "what is the maximum LTE put in terms of Physical Resource Block (PRB)
radio load so that user throughput is still ac- utilization. Importantly, the formulas are pre-
ceptable". A simple answer to the question is sented using the 3GPP standardized Key Perfor-
available by exploiting results from IP network- mance Indicators (KPI) and measurement exam-
ing literature and basic queuing theory. In or- ples from three live LTE networks are shown to
der to make those results practically useful for illustrate their utility. The results can be used for
radio planners, the goal of this white paper is to both FDD and TDD variants of LTE. Although
state the existing theoretical results in terms of in principle the general approach is applicable
LTE radio utilization metrics that can be easily to both downlink and uplink, the uplink case
computed from network performance statistics is dependent on power control and link adapta-
available in commercial LTE base station prod- tion, which leaves more degrees of freedom to
ucts. be considered. For this reason, throughout the
User throughput for elastic traffic transmit- paper throughput refers to the downlink case,
ted over fixed bandwidth non-wireless links with the uplink applicability left for the reader
has been thoroughly investigated in engineer- to consider case-by-case.
ing literature, an overview and references can be No new science that cannot be found some-
found in [1]. Wireless network user throughput where in the depths of engineering literature
has been analyzed already in [2] and in other is developed in this white paper. The target
works of the authors thereof. The general idea audience are radio planning and optimization
has been to assume that the underlying trans- engineers with a working knowledge of LTE.
port protocol (usually TCP) realizes fair sharing Principles of LTE, as detailed in 3GPP specifica-
of the link bandwidth between users, and there- tions, will not be repeated in this paper. Instead
fore the instantaneous user throughput is sim- the reader is referred to the 3GPP standards or
ply the total link bandwidth divided by the in- the latest editions of well-known literature ref-
stantaneous number of users. As the number of erences, e.g. [35] and many others.
active users sharing the link varies over time the In Section 2 the average user throughput is
main challenge is how to find the average user formulated as a function of the number of active
throughput over time. data flows sharing radio scheduler resources. In
In this paper the focus is on the average user Section 3 these results are related to physical re-

2 J. Salo

source block (PRB) utilization by means of the sence of other users, a single user obtains
well-known M/G/1 processor sharing formula, all available radio resources. For example,
resulting in 11 degradation in user through- constant bit rate streaming traffic would
put with denoting PRB utilization. Live net- not satisfy this condition.
work examples are shown to validate the result.
If there is more than one user, the sched-
The basic M/G/1 PS formula can be extended
uler shares radio resources equally, on av-
to cover the case where voice and data traffic
erage, between users. This fair sharing
are mixed. Other interesting use cases include
principle is assumed independently of the
external rate limitation and carrier aggregation
radio conditions of the UEs sharing the
which are discussed in Section 4. Further food
scheduler resources.
for thought is served in Section 5 where the va-
lidity of the underlying assumptions are scruti- The first assumption will be relaxed in Sec-
nized. Finally, conclusions are presented. tion 4, and the second assumption will be dis-
cussed in Section 5. The notion of "radio re-
Version: 8 July 2016
source" could be defined in various ways, but in
case of the LTE radio interface it is convenient to
choose Physical Resource Blocks (PRBs) as the
FDD Frequency Division Multiplexing resource being shared. For LTE downlink, PRB
IP Internet Protocol utilization can be equated with transmit power
KPI Key Performance Indicator utilization as long as physical layer and com-
LTE Long Term Evolution mon channel overhead are properly taken into
M/G/1 Memoryless/Generic/single server account.
M/G/R Memoryless/Generic/R servers With the assumptions above, instantaneous
OSS Operations Support System user throughput with x active users download-
PRB Physical Resource Block ing simultaneously would be 1x of the maximum
PS Processor Sharing throughput. A UE is said to be active if there
RRC Radio Resource Control are data remaining in the transmit buffer1 . As
TCP Transmission Control Protocol different UEs in the cell start and finish their
TDD Time Division Multiplexing data transfers, the number of active UEs (x), and
TTI Transmission Time Interval hence also the instantaneous user throughput,
UE User Equipment changes over time. The interesting metric is the
average throughput experienced by UEs in the
ACTIVE USERS 2.2. Two user throughput metrics
In this section two different single-user Consider a UE located somewhere in a cell
throughput metrics are defined. It is shown via experiencing certain radio quality. In the ab-
a live network example that the so-called sched- sence of any other users the UE is allocated all
uled IP throughput, standardized by 3GPP, can available PRBs and receives some throughput
be accurately predicted based on the number of T1 , where the subscript 1 emphasizes that there
active UEs. is one active user, i.e., x = 1. If there were x > 1
active UEs in the cell, the throughput of the user
2.1. Basic Assumptions 1 TermsUE and user are used interchangeably. The num-
The following assumptions are made. ber of active UEs is different from the number of RRC-
connected UEs since a UE can be RRC-connected without
Full buffer traffic model so that, in the ab- having any data to receive or send.
LTE Radio Load versus User Throughput (DRAFT) 3

would be T1 /x instead. The maximum achiev- IP network throughput analysis where it goes
able user throughput, T1 , depends on the user by the name "flow throughput". An application
location in the cell, interference from other cells, to wireless network setting can be found [2] and
number of transmit antennas, and so on. The many others published since.
average user throughput Tue is defined as the ex- Regardless of which variant is used it is worth
pected value of T1 /x for positive integer x, in noting that the scheduled throughput Tsch is al-
other words ways lower than user throughput Tue . This is a
[ ] direct result of the concavity of 1/x and Jensens
Tue = E 1 , x 1 , (1) inequality: E[1/x ] > 1/E[ x ] and subsequently
Tue >Tsch . Typically one would be more inter-
where E[] denotes expected value and T1 and ested in the end user experience making Tue
x 1 are the random variables being averaged. preferable to Tsch . Despite of this the focus in
The user radio conditions, and hence the max- this paper is on the scheduled throughput Tsch
imum throughput T1 , can be assumed statisti- because Tue is not usually computable from LTE
cally independent of the number of active UEs base station performance counters. A discussion
in the cell, and (1) can thus be written as on the differences between different throughput
[ ] metrics can be found in [6,8].
1 Fig. 1 shows an example of two cells serv-
Tue = E[ T1 ] E , x 1. (2)
x ing a large number of smart-phone users. The
horizontal axis is the average number of active
The term C = E[ T1 ] will be called cell capacity
UEs, E[ x ], that has been extracted from hourly
in this paper.
OSS performance counters over a period of two
Unfortunately, the second term E[1/x ], which
weeks. The hourly averages of x have been
is the average of the inverse of the number of
binned to integers and for each bin the average
active UEs, cannot be always computed since it
flow throughput is plotted. The flow through-
is not usually available as a radio counter. On
put shown on the vertical axis is also obtained
the other hand, the average active UEs, E[ x ], is
from the OSS counters and computed according
a standardized KPI defined in 3GPP TS 36.314
to the scheduled throughput (Tsch ) definition in
and thus commonly implemented in commer-
3GPP TS 36.314. Each dot in the figure is the av-
cial systems. Therefore a more practical metric
erage UE throughput for the horizontal binned
results if E[1/x ] in (2) is replaced by 1/E[ x ], or
value of E[ x ]. It can be seen that the scheduled
E[ T1 ] throughput scales approximately inversely pro-
Tsch = , x 1. (3) portional to the average active UEs, as predicted
E[ x ]
by theory.
In 3GPP TS 36.314 this is called "scheduled From here onwards, unless otherwise men-
IP throughput". It should be emphasized that tioned, the terms scheduled throughput, flow
E[ x ] = E[1/x ] and for this reason Tsch and Tue throughput, user throughput, and UE through-
are different throughput metrics and not equal put are all used interchangeably to refer to Tsch .
in value. The scheduled throughput can also be
Tsch = , (4)
W In the previous section, it was shown that av-
where S is the average file size (bytes) and W is erage scheduled throughput is inversely propor-
the average file transfer time. This form of the tional to the average number of active UEs. For
scheduled throughput is often used in fixed-line most radio planners the number of active UEs
4 J. Salo

Scheduled throughput versus number of active UEs utilization is available from system counters in
any practical LTE system.
Scheduled throughput, Megabits per second

To map bytes to PRBs the file size S needs to

be converted to PRBs. For example, given an
end user spectral efficiency of = 1 bits per
second per Herz, one PRB can fit 180 bits of
end user data after channel coding and phys-
ical layer overhead. Hence a one MegaByte
1 web page would generate scheduler PRB load
20MHz cell
of 106 8/180 44000 PRBs. More generally,
10MHz cell
1 S
= , (6)
0.1 180 Rprb
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
average number of active users, x
where is the average cell spectral efficiency in
bits per second per Hz, Rprb is the PRB rate (e.g.,
105 PRBs per second for a 20MHz cell), and the
scaling factor 180 comes from the standardized
Figure 1. Scheduled throughput Tsch versus av-
PRB bandwidth of 180kHz.
erage number of active UEs, two examples from
In daily usage it is not necessary to know the
live network.
traffic parameters and S since the PRB utiliza-
tion can be extracted from network statistics
directly. This is in contrast to cell capacity C
is perhaps not the most intuitive KPI for charac- which is somewhat less straightforward to esti-
terizing network load. A more commonly em- mate from counters.
ployed yardstick of network load is the fraction
of utilized PRBs. It would therefore be handy 3.2. Throughput versus PRB utilization via
for a radio planner to have some rule that re- M/G/1 PS model
lates PRB utilization to user throughput. This is To relate the number of active UEs, E[ x ] or
the topic of the section. 1/E[ x ], in (1)(3) to PRB utilization, some sta-
tistical assumptions on the arrival rate of the
3.1. Definition of Radio Load user data flows need to be made. In the IP
In fixed link throughput analysis, the link uti- engineering literature, it is common practice to
lization is usually expressed in terms of av- model TCP flow throughput in wireline links
erage flow size S (bits) and flow arrival rate using the so-called M/G/1 Processor Sharing
(1/sec) as model. The M/G/1 PS model assumes that ,
S the number of data flow arrivals per time unit,
= , (5) has Poisson distribution. This is typically as-
sumed well-justified, one reason being that it
where C is the link bandwidth (bits per second). leads to simple formulas. In the sequel, the
The resource shared between users in this case same approach is applied to LTE radio through-
is the link bandwidth C. For LTE radio interface put.
another option is to use LTE physical resource It is well-known from basic text books [7] that
blocks (PRBs) instead. In this context, a 20MHz under the assumption of Poisson distributed
LTE cell scheduler can be considered a "proces- the proportion of time with x active UEs is
sor" that shares the PRBs equally between active x = (1 ) x , where x is a non-negative in-
UEs. For a practitioner the benefit is that PRB teger and is the load defined in (6). With this
LTE Radio Load versus User Throughput (DRAFT) 5

Comparison of user throughput and scheduled throughput utilization is extracted from hourly counter
user throughput Tue measurements collected over a period of two
Throughput as a fraction idle cell throughput C

0.9 scheduled throughput T

weeks and binned to 2PRB granularity. Each dot
0.8 presents average scheduled throughput of the
0.7 PRB bin computed based on the 3GPP method
0.6 [9]. It can be seen that the theoretical model (8)
fits measurements fairly well, and throughput
falls approximately linearly as a function of ra-
dio utilization. For example, at 50% utilization
0.3 user throughput has dropped to half of the cell
0.2 throughput while for 75% radio load a single
0.1 user receives on average only 25% of maximum
throughput. Such simple rule of thumbs can
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 provide useful capacity management guidance
PRB utilization,
for LTE networks, including traffic steering be-
tween different frequency layers.
In some cases cell-level measurement data do
not provide good fit to theory. Typically this
Figure 2. Comparison of the throughput metrics
appears to be a result of unstable cell statistics,
in (7) and (8).
for example due to short-term irregularities in
traffic or network interference. Such anomalies
violate some of the assumptions used to derive
information the expected values E[1/x ] and E[ x ] the theoretical model. A noteworthy example,
in (2) and (3) can be computed. The details can to be explored further in the following section, is
be found in a number of references and the re- where cell throughput is higher than the achiev-
sult for user throughput is [7,6,8,2] able UE throughput. For example, if the cell
throughput C was 50Mbps it could happen that
C (1 ) 1 the user can only achieve 50% PRB utilization
Tue = ln , (7)
1 and, say, 25Mbps throughput due to a band-
width limitation somewhere along the end-to-
while the scheduled throughput is simply
end data path. The actual mechanism behind
Tsch = C (1 ) . (8) the user throughput throttling is not relevant
as such2 . A limitation of this kind violates the
As mentioned, measurement of user through- full buffer assumption listed in Section 2, since
put Tue is not very straightforward and not typ- adding another active UE to the cell would not
ically implemented in commercial base station halve the first users PRB resources. In the next
products, while the scheduled throughput Tsch section the M/G/1 PS based formula (8) will
is simpler to compute and has been standard- be extended to overcome this issue, albeit at the
ized by 3GPP [9]. Comparison of the two KPIs is cost of the lost simplicity.
shown in Fig. 2. For a given , user throughput
is always higher than the scheduled throughput
as mentioned in Section 2.
2 Commonly encountered throttling mechanisms include
3.3. Live network examples
TCP window size limitation, limited bandwidth due to
Fig. 3 illustrates scheduled throughput Tsch capped subscription, transport bandwidth bottleneck, or
for six cells from three different networks. PRB server-side throughput limitation.
6 J. Salo

Scheduled throughput versus PRB utilization

Megabits per second

15 30

10 20

5 10

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Megabits per second

30 20


0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Megabits per second

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
PRB utilization, (percents) PRB utilization, (percents)

Figure 3. Scheduled throughput versus PRB utilization, six cells from three different networks.
LTE Radio Load versus User Throughput (DRAFT) 7

4. EXTENSIONS for brevity. Setting R = 1 results in the special

case of (8).
Due its simplicity the M/G/1 PS formula It can be observed that the seemingly innocent
given in (8) is not directly applicable in some constraint of external throughput limitation re-
practical use cases of interest. These cases in- sults in a considerably more involved formula
clude: that can no longer be calculated using pencil-
and-paper. Another unpleasant finding is that R
User throughput is not limited solely by
is forced to be an integer which forces the user
the available PRBs because of some ex-
PRB limit 1/R to be 12 , 31 , . . . which is unneces-
ternal throttling mechanism such as maxi-
sarily coarse for practical use. Fortunately, it is
mum subscribed rate or bandwidth bottle-
possible to generalize (10) to real-valued R. For
neck in the end-to-end packet path.
example [11] gives the formula
Prioritization between users in radio
RK ( R, y)
scheduler, for example mixing of voice and E2 ( R, y) = , (11)
best effort data traffic. R y [1 K ( R, y)]

Carrier aggregation where

g( R + 1, y)
In this section some extensions of (8) to the K ( R, y) = , (12)
1 G ( R + 1, y)
above-mentioned cases are outlined. An ap-
plication to traffic balancing between frequency with g(, x ) and G (, x ) denoting the proba-
layers is also briefly considered at the end of the bility density function and cumulative density
section. function of the gamma distribution, respectively.
In (12) R 1 is a real number. Commonly
4.1. External user throughput limitation
available spreadsheet programs implement the
Consider the case where, due to some
gamma distribution functions which makes it
throughput limiting mechanism, a UE is able to
possible to compute values for (9) without spe-
use only 1/Rth portion of the cell PRB resources
cial mathematics software.
even when there are no other active UEs. A suit-
Figure 4 illustrates the formula (9). In the
able model in this case is the M/G/R PS, where
figure, the user throughput on the vertical axis
R defines the fraction of PRBs a UE is able to uti-
has been normalized with the cell throughput
lize. Again skipping details, the M/G/R proces-
C = E[ T1 ]. It can be seen that with increasing
sor sharing version of the scheduled throughput
R user throughput becomes increasingly limited
in (8) becomes [10]
by the external constraint and less impacted by
C load from other users, for example for R = 5
Tsch = E2 ( R,R)
, (9) user throughput is one fifth of the cell through-
1+ R (1 ) put until it starts to decrease at around 0.5.
Figure 5 shows an example of a cell with
where E2 ( R, y) is the famous Erlangs second
high spectral efficiency and cell throughput in
the order of 50Mbps. As seen, the average
yR R user throughput measured from counters sat-
R! Ry urates at low , and consequently the simple
E2 ( R, y) = . (10)
R 1 R i yR
i=0 i! + R! RRy linear throughput degradation of (8) does not
hold well and at low load it is rather an upper
Here y is a positive real number, R = 1, 2 . . . is a bound to the measured user throughput. Theo-
positive integer and notation y = R was used retical throughput is shown with the basic for-
8 J. Salo

Scheduled throughput using M/G/R PS for different R Scheduled throughput versus PRB utilization, M/G/R PS
1 50

Scheduled throughput, Megabits per second

0.9 45 R=1
Throughput (normalized with C)

0.8 40

0.7 35
R = 1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 3, 5
0.6 30

0.5 25

0.4 20

0.3 15
R = 1.7
0.2 10

0.1 5

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
PRB utilization, (percents) PRB utilization, (percents)

Figure 4. Normalized scheduled throughput Figure 5. Scheduled throughput versus PRB uti-
versus PRB utilization, M/G/R PS model. . lization, M/G/R PS model. .

mula (R = 1) as well as the M/G/R based for- traffic. The approximation arises from the fact
mula (9) for R = 1.7 and C = 47 Mbps. It can be that the number of PRBs allocated for the GBR
seen that the M/G/R PS formula offers better traffic is time-varying (but approximated with
match to network-measured throughput values. its average value) since it depends on the num-
ber of GBR users and their radio quality. The
4.2. Priority-based scheduling of non-GBR quasi-static approximation is still usable if the
data and GBR traffic average GBR PRB utilization is less than, say,
A mix of Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR) traf- 50% and varies slower than non-GBR utilization
fic and non-GBR elastic data traffic is a practi- [12]. This is a viable assumption since voice call
cal use case due to voice and video over LTE. holding time is usually in the order of 60 sec-
The main question is how the non-GBR data onds or more while non-GBR data transfers of
throughput changes due to GBR traffic that is smart phones last considerably shorter time.
scheduled with strict priority over the data (pos- As a summary, when GBR traffic is scheduled
sibly up to some capacity limit). Although a with strict priority over non-GBR traffic an ap-
considerable amount of research has been con- proximate way to calculate scheduled through-
ducted, no exact formulas are available for the put is to replace the PRB utilization in (8) with
case of two or more traffic classes scheduled the effective non-GBR PRB utilization eff , which
with strict priorities. Bounds and approxima- can be calculated as utilized non-GBR PRBs di-
tions can be found in e.g. [12,13] and refer- vided by the number of non-GBR PRBs available
ences therein. For daily radio planning work, after GBR scheduling.
the only usable approach seems to be the so-
called quasi-stationary approximation that as- 4.3. Carrier aggregation
sumes that the capacity available to non-GBR For carrier aggregation, the total user
traffic is simply the difference of the total num- throughput is the sum of component carrier
ber of PRBs and average PRBs allocated for GBR throughputs. For the simplest case of two car-
LTE Radio Load versus User Throughput (DRAFT) 9

riers, this leads to leaves the portion of 1 for the second cell.
For a given average file size S, the average sector
user throughput (8) can be written as a weighted
Tsch,ca = Tsch,1 + Tsch,2 sum
= C1 (1 1 ) + C2 (1 2 ) , (13)

where Ci and i are the average link throughput Tsec = Tsch,1 + (1 ) Tsch,2 (15)
and load of the ith link, respectively. This is eas- S S
ily generalized to multiple carriers. From (13) = + (1 ) (16)
W1 W2
it can be seen that the contribution of a highly = C1 (1 1 ) + (1 )C2 (1 2 ) , (17)
loaded carrier on total throughput is very small.
The cell throughputs Ci are not, strictly speak- where Ci and i are the average cell throughput
ing, independent since due to higher (lower) and load of the ith cell, respectively. The traffic
path loss a UE on a higher (lower) carrier fre- splitting ratio is assumed to apply to all traffic
quency will in general be closer to cell edge. and thus the cell loads are3
Thus in a given UE location C2 depends on
C1 experienced in the same location. Assum-
ing that the dependency is linear, C2 = kC1 , 1 = , (18)
for some constant k, the carrier aggregation C1
throughput gain from adding the second carrier S
2 = (1 ) . (19)
would be C2

All told, the average user throughput across the

Tsch,1 + Tsch,2 two cells of the sector becomes
Gca =
1 2 ( )
= 1+k . (14) S
1 1 Tsec = C1 1
( )
The constant k depends on cell geometry, path S
+ (1 )C2 1 (1 ) . (20)
loss difference, and other factors. Detailed in- C2
vestigation is beyond the scope of the present
Fig. 6 illustrates the result. Offered traffic is
10Mbps and C1 = 20Mbps. The average user
4.4. Traffic balancing between frequency lay- throughput is shown for different traffic split be-
ers tween layers, for a few selected values of C2 . It
Considering two cells on different carrier fre- can be seen that an optimum traffic split maxi-
quencies that cover the same physical area (e.g. mizing user throughput exists. Interestingly, for
a sector), an interesting question is that of how C2 = 40Mbps all traffic should be carried by the
the cell loads are related to the average user second layer in order to maximize average user
throughput of the sector. From earlier discus- throughput.
sion, the throughput in case of a single cell is The sector user throughput is also shown in
S Fig. 7. In the figure the total offered traffic
defined as Tsch = W where S is the average file
size and W is the average time to transmit the S = 10Mbps and the capacity of the first cell
file to the UE. To average the user throughput C1 = 20Mbps are fixed, while C2 and traffic
over two cells, a traffic splitting ratio can be in- 3 Inthis section it is more convenient to express load in terms
troduced. The fraction of arriving data flows as- of traffic volume and cell traffic capacity, rather than PRB
signed to the first cell is denoted with which utilization.
10 J. Salo

traffic split versus throughput, C1=20Mbps, S = 10Mbps Optimum traffic balancing factor for two cells
30 0.5
sector average user throughput, Mbps


optimum traffic splitting factor

1 = 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 1.0


5 C2 = 10Mbps, 20Mbps, 30Mbps, 40Mbps 0.1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
traffic balancing ratio, ratio of cell capacities C /C
2 1

Figure 6. Average sector user throughput as a Figure 8. Optimum traffic splitting factor for
function of traffic split. C1 = 20Mbps, sector two parallel cells.
offered traffic is 10Mbps.

the even split, opt = 21 is optimum, as expected.

split are allowed to vary. The contours map Fig. 8 illustrates the optimum for differ-
parameter pairs (C2 , ) that result in the fixed
ent values of C C and 1 . It can be seen that
sector throughput shown in the contour label. 1

For example, when C2 = 20Mbps and = 0.5 if the capacity ratio C 2

C1 is higher than a certain
the sector average user throughput is 15Mbps. threshold, that depends on total sector traffic via
This should be compared to the case of one 1 , no positive opt exists and to maximize user
20Mbps cell in which case the user throughput throughput the first cell should not carry any
is 10Mbps as can be seen by looking at points traffic at all.
(0, 1) and (20, 0) in Fig. 7.
Figs. 6 and 7 invite the following question: 5. DISCUSSION
if the sector offered traffic S and the cell ca- In this section the following points are briefly
pacities are fixed, what is the optimum traf- discussed.
fic balancing factor that maximizes the sector
user throughput Tsec in (20) ? Skipping some Impact of network load and impact of in-
straightforward calculations the optimum split- terference from neighbour cells
ting ratio turns out be
The assumption of equal PRB sharing be-
C2 tween active UEs
1 1 C1
opt = + , (21)
2 4 1 The assumptions underlying the M/G/1
PS model
where 1 = S
C1 , i.e., the load of the first cell if the
second cell was non-existent. The optimum traf- 5.1. Impact of Network Load
fic split depends only on the ratio of cell capac- In (8) the and Tsch denote the PRB utilization
ities, not on their actual values. When C1 = C2 , and user throughput of the serving cell. Noth-
LTE Radio Load versus User Throughput (DRAFT) 11

Average user throughput in the sector. C1 = 20Mbps, S=10Mbps


proportion of traffic carried by the first cell,


0.7 20









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
capacity of the second cell C , Megabits per second

Figure 7. Equal throughput contours for two cells for different traffic balancing ratios. The first cell
capacity is constant C1 = 20Mbps, and the total offered traffic is 10Mbps. The solid contours indicate
(C2 , ) parameter pairs with constant user throughput across the two cells (Mbps). The red dashed
line indicates optimum traffic split opt that maximizes (20).
12 J. Salo

ing is said about the load of the surrounding PRB utilization versus spectral efficiency
cells. This raises the question of how Tsch =

cluster average spectral efficiency, bps/Herz

C (1 ) behaves when the neighbour cell load
also changes at the same time with . Interfer- 2 2.6GHz
ence received from neighbour cells degrades the 800MHz

spectral efficiency in the serving cell, hence it 1.5

is expected that the cell capacity C decreases as
neighbour cell load increases. Decreasing also
increases the PRB utilization (6) since the num-
ber of bits per PRB decreases (for a fixed traffic
volume S in bytes) . However, the change in 0.5
due to interference is indistinguishable from a
change due to traffic volume, and therefore in 0
this sense it does not directly impact through- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
cluster average PRB utilization
put calculation. The second order impact still
remains since increasing own cell PRB utiliza-
tion generates more interference to neighbours,
which in turn again increases own cell PRB uti-
lization. Figure 9. Load versus spectral efficiency at clus-
Increased load can also have positive impact ter level, inter-site distance 500 meters.
on spectral efficiency, namely in the form of
multi-user diversity gain, where the scheduler
exploits frequency selectivity of the wideband
radio channel. UEs are opportunistically sched-
uled on the frequency subband that has the
highest relative channel gain for that UE. The ficiency on load is shown in Fig. 9. Each dot
multiuser diversity increases with the number in the figure presents one hour average of ver-
of UEs scheduled per TTI, which was related to sus for a cluster of 16 three-sector sites, with
PRB utilization in Section 3. Cell capacity gains two cells per sector, on 800MHz and 2.6GHz.
of up to 50% have been simulated [14]. The im- It can be seen that going from unloaded to 50%
pact on the present discussion is that if the serv- load the decrease in spectral efficiency is around
ing cell load increases at the same time with the 30-40%. Characteristically for cellular networks,
neighbour cell load, degradation in spectral ef- the load in the plotted cluster is unevenly dis-
ficiency is partially compensated by multiuser tributed and many cells have load near 100%,
scheduling gain. while for others < 20%. Therefore a 50% clus-
Depending on implementation the radio ter average load can be considered quite high.
scheduler may also trade off spectral efficiency All in all, integrating the impact of neigh-
to latency by using free PRBs to transmit with bour cell load in the throughput formulas seems
lower channel coding rate. This improves la- intractable. Measurement data from smart-
tency since the probability of retransmission is phone dominant networks and mass events in-
reduced, but it also reduces spectral efficiency at dicate that the scheduled throughput degrades
low load. On the other hand, at high load most roughly linearly with the serving cell PRB uti-
PRBs tend to be in use and the scheduler is thus lization, which implies that the linear degrada-
forced to operate at higher spectral efficiency. tion predicted by C (1 ) is still a useful ap-
An example of the dependency of spectral ef- proximation for most network operations pur-
LTE Radio Load versus User Throughput (DRAFT) 13

5.2. Assumption of Equal Sharing of PRBs where = 0.84. The mismatch is caused by
One of the assumptions listed in Section 2 is a small number of active UEs generating high
that the scheduler shares PRBs equally between load, in other words while 1, x does not
active UEs in time and frequency domain. If this tend to a high value (theoretically ), but in-
assumption does not hold the user throughput stead saturates at small value.
will not scale as 1/x where x is the number of The right-hand panel of Fig. 10 illustrates the
active UEs. For example, a scheduler that priori- more general formula (3) which does not rely on
tizes UEs having high good signal quality would the M/G/1 PS model and the underlying Pois-
not satisfy this requirement. Another commonly son assumption. The throughput is simply the
implemented scheduler type, the Proportionally cell capacity divided by the average of x, i.e., the
Fair scheduler has been shown to allocate, on number of active UEs. The agreement with the-
average, resources equally between users in [15]. ory is better than with M/G/1 PS, since no as-
sumptions are made regarding the distribution
5.3. M/G/1 PS modeling assumptions of x.
As with all models to obtain any usable re- To conclude this section, the extremely handy
sults some assumptions need to be made. In and insightful linear degradation of scheduled
the case of M/G/1 PS the assumption is that throughput (8) does not hold in cases where the
number of active UE arrivals per second is Pois- underlying statistical assumptions are violated.
son distributed, which effectively means that The more general formula (3) makes no assump-
as approaches 100%, also x increases sharply tions on distribution of the active UEs and is
which in turn makes user throughput approach therefore more robust.
zero. In fact if the Poisson assumption holds ex-
actly, the average active UEs is given by [7]

E[ x ] = , x 0.
This could be considered a reasonable assump-
tion, especially in mass events and cells dom- This white paper discussed mapping of LTE
inated by smart phones. The other extreme is user throughput to radio utilization. The aver-
a network (or a cell) where USB data modems age scheduled throughput, calculated with the
or wireless routers are the dominant UE type. 3GPP method, was shown to be fairly accu-
A single active UE downloading a very large rately predicted by the cell capacity divided by
file, or a wireless router shared by multiple the average number of active UEs. Adding the
subscribers, can cause PRB utilization of 100% usual assumption that user data flow arrivals
for long periods of time, and at the same time are Poisson distributed this result was expressed
hourly radio counters will show high scheduled in terms of Physical Resource Block utilization,
throughput per user. the outcome being the well-known M/G/1 Pro-
Empirical evidence from several networks cessor Sharing formula that predicts linear de-
suggests that cells that do not accord to C (1 ) crease of user throughput with PRB utilization.
frequently still present linear degradation in , Real-world measurement examples were inter-
but at a less steep rate. A typical example is spersed throughout the paper to illustrate the
shown in Fig. 10. The left-hand side panel applicability of the results. Extensions to some
shows scheduled throughput and the M/G/1 common LTE use cases were presented, and ap-
prediction, and clearly the actual throughput plication to load balancing between frequency
from counters has less steep decline with ; layers was discussed. A discussion on the un-
the best linear fit results in 1 degradation, derlying assumptions concluded the paper.
14 J. Salo


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Figure 10. Example of a 20MHz cell where 11. V. Naumov and O. Martikainen, Queueing
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Jari Salo received the degrees of Master of

Science in Technology and Doctor of Science in
Technology from Helsinki University of Tech-
nology (TKK) in 2000 and 2006, respectively.
From 2006 to 2013, he was with European Com-
munications Engineering Ltd, where he worked
as a consultant for mobile wireless industry and
operators. He is currently with Nokia Net-
works where he works as a radio and access
transport planner. He has written or co-written
5 book chapters, 14 IEE/IEEE journal papers,
35 conference papers, and is the recipient of
the Neal Shepherd Memorial Best Propagation
Paper Award from the IEEE Vehicular Tech-
nology Society, for the best radio propagation
paper published in IEEE Transactions on Vehic-
ular Technology during 2007. He is also a co-
creator of the wide-band spatial channel model
adopted by 3GPP for LTE system-level simula-
tions. E-mail:

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