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Anton Baylen

English - Okeefe 6th

Brave New World

Everyone works for everyone else, The World State allows them to have instant

features and taking away their responsibility. The State assigns every citizen to a caste

and a type of social function before birth. Everybody is drugged. Brave New World seek

to the perfect world by drugging their citizens and taking responsibility and from them.

The world controllers seek to the perfect world by drugging their citizen with

Soma and controlling what they are able to do in the future. The world's stable now.

People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they can't

get...And if anything should go wrong, there's soma. Which you go and chuck out of the

window in the name of liberty, Mr. Savage. Liberty!, this quote tells us that the

reasoning that when you are drugged, you are happy and by that the government is

controlling you.

In my view the World Controllers succeed and fail in perfecting the world. The

world state drugged their citizens and causes them to be happy, but once the drug

brushes off, they will be back to normal and face reality.

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