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Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 251256

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Chemical, physical and biological properties of alginates and their

biomedical implications
Kurt I. Draget*, Catherine Taylor
Norwegian Biopolymer Laboratory NOBIPOL, Department of Biotechnology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), N-7491 Trondheim, Norway

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Alginates are binary, linear copolymers of (1 / 4) linked -D-mannuronic acid (M) and a-L-guluronic
Received 10 June 2009 acid (G) residues of widely different composition and sequence. The monomers do not occur randomly
Accepted 12 October 2009 but rather in a block-like fashion, where the G-blocks are responsible for the specic ion binding and
hence also the gelling properties of alginates. Alginates have for decades been used as medical devices in
Keywords: various products, and research has been conducted on alginate gel beads as entrapment devices for the
transplantation of e.g. insulin producing cells. Until recently, no pharmaceutical activity of the alginate
Physicochemical properties
molecule itself had been claimed. The fact that alginates high in mannuronate residues are able to induce
Oligoguluronate cytokine production and may stimulate Toll-like receptors has changed this picture. Furthermore, it has
Mucin interaction quite recently also been shown that oligoguluronates are able to transiently modify mucin network
Biomedicine structures to such an extent that it opens up possibilities for the treatment of pathological respiratory
diseases as well as a general increased drug bioavailability due to increased mucosal uptake. This review
presents a summary of the physicochemical properties of alginates and their entry into biotechnology
and biomedicine.
2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2. Physicochemical properties

Alginates occur both as structural components in marine brown Alginates constitute a family of linear binary copolymers, con-
algae (Phaeophyceae) as well as capsular polysaccharides in some sisting of (1 / 4) linked b-D-mannuronic acid (M) and a-L-gulur-
bacteria (Draget, Moe, Skjk-Brk, & Smidsrd, 2006). Commercial onic acid (G) residues (see Fig. 1a and b). Chemical composition and
alginates are at present still exclusively extracted from algal sources sequence may vary widely between algae species and even
although production by microbial fermentation is technically between different parts of the algae and the time of year when it is
feasible. Industrial applications of alginates, based on their gelling, harvested. Alginate with a very high content of guluronic acid,
viscosifying and stabilizing properties, account for the quantita- which is of importance for the mechanical properties of the algi-
tively most important uses of alginates. In comparison, emerging nate gel, can be prepared from special algal tissues such as the outer
and knowledge demanding speciality applications within biotech- cortex of old stipes of Laminaria hyperborea. Alginates with more
nology and medicine are based on biological effects of the alginate extreme compositions containing up to 100% mannuronate can be
molecule, of alginate molecular building blocks, or alginates isolated from bacteria (Valla, Ertesvg, & Skjk-Brk, 1996). Algi-
unique, gentle and almost temperature independent sol/gel tran- nates may also be sequentially modied by post-polymerisation
sition in the presence of multivalent cations (e.g. Ca2), which enzymatic modication applying mannuronan C-5 epimerasesfrom
makes alginate highly suitable as an immobilization matrix for Azotobacter vinelandii (Ertesvg et al., 1995), which convert M to G
biocatalysts such as living cells. Advanced research within these within the polymer chain. A. vinelandii encodes a family of 7 exo-
areas is promoting a further detailed understanding of structure cellular iso-enzymes with the capacity to epimerise alginates into
function relationships of the alginate molecule. a wide range of polymer sequences ranging from very long G-locks
via short G-blocks to polyalternating alginates. Alginates with
tailored physical and chemical properties can thus be made.
As early as in the 1960s, alginate were determined to be a true
block copolymer with no regular repeating unit; i.e. the alginate
* Corresponding author. molecule consisted of M-blocks, G-blocks and stretches of blocks of
E-mail address: (K.I. Draget). a predominantly alternating structure (MG-blocks; see also Fig. 1c)

0268-005X/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
252 K.I. Draget, C. Taylor / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 251256

Alginate Cell
solution suspension


Fig. 2. Alginate beads with encapsulated cells manufactured by the diffusion setting
Fig. 1. Structural characteristics of alginates: (a) alginate monomers, (b) chain
conformation, (c) block distribution.
(Draget, Skjk-Brk, & Smidsrd, 1994) providing mechanical
properties comparable to their ionically cross-linked counterpart.
(Haug, Larsen, & Smidsrd, 1967). The distribution of the monomers With the exception of some pharmaceutical uses, the number of
along the polymer chain can therefore not be described by Ber- applications of acid gels is rather limited to date.
noullian statistics, implying that knowledge of the monomeric Alginate monomer composition and sequence have a profound
composition is not sufcient to determine the sequential structure effect on the nal properties of calcium alginate gels since selective
of alginates. This sequential structure also leads to the occurrence binding of ions is a pre-requisite for gel formation. Fig. 3 shows gel
of all four possible glycosidic linkages within the alginate molecule. strength as a function of the average length of G-blocks larger than
The diaxial linkage in G-blocks results in a large hindered rotation one unit (NG>1). Marked effects on gel strength are observed when
around the glycosidic linkage, which combined with the poly- NG>1 changes from 5 to 15, which coincides with typical G-block
electrolyte nature of the alginate molecule, may account for its stiff lengths found in commercially available alginates.
and extended nature. Alginate gels made by the diffusion setting method often exhibit
The most important feature of alginates physical properties is an inhomogeneous distribution of alginate where the highest
the selective binding of multivalent cations, which is the basis for concentration is found at the surface and gradually decreasing
gel formation, and the fact that the sol/gel transition of alginates is towards the center of the gel. Extreme alginate distributions have
not particularly inuenced by temperature. Selective binding of been reported (Skjk-Brk, Grasdalen, & Smidsrd, 1989) with
certain alkaline earth metals ions (e.g. strong and cooperative virtually zero concentration in the center of the bead. Diffusion of
binding of Ca2 relative to Mg2) increases markedly with gelling ions into the bead will create a sharp gelling zone, where the
increasing content of a-L-guluronate residues in the chains. Poly- activity of alginate will equal zero leading to soluble alginate
mannuronate blocks and alternating blocks are almost without molecules diffusing towards this zero activity region from the
selectivity (Smidsrd, 1973). Some chelation of multivalent cations internal, non-gelled part of the gelling body (Mikkelsen & Elgster,
obviously takes place as a result of structural features in the 1995). Such controllable inhomogeneous alginate distribution may
G-blocks, with the so-called egg-box model (Grant, Morris, Rees, be used, at least in part, to modify the porosity of the nal gel and
Smith, & Thom, 1973) being an initial attempt at explaining the hence also control the diffusivity of chemical components into and
phenomen. More recent small-angle X-ray scattering studies on out of the alginate bead.
alginate gels suggest lateral association of G-blocks far beyond
a dimerization with increasing [Ca2] and G-content of the alginate
(Stokke, Draget, Yuguchi, Urakawa, and Kajiwara, 2000).

3. Alginate gels and their properties

A direct mixing of alginate and multivalent cations rarely

produces homogeneous gels due to the very rapid and irreversible
binding of such ions. A controlled introduction of cross-linking ions
is possible by the two fundamental methods for preparing an
alginate gel: the diffusion method and the internal setting method
(Smidsrd & Draget, 1996). The diffusion setting technique, which is
the only method to be described in this paper, is characterized by
allowing a cross-linking ion (e.g. Ca2) to diffuse from a large outer
reservoir into an alginate solution (Fig. 2). Diffusion setting is
characterized by rapid gelling kinetics, and is indeed utilized for
immobilization purposes where each droplet of an e.g. Na-alginate
solution makes one single gel bead containing and entrapping the
suspended cells (Smidsrd & Skjk-Brk, 1990). Alginates may also
gel following a third and ion-independent way in that they form
acid gels at pH values below the pKa values of the uronic residues Fig. 3. Mechanical properties of alginate gels as function of average G-block length.
K.I. Draget, C. Taylor / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 251256 253

4. Traditional biomedical alginate applications 5.1.1. Desired physicalchemical properties of alginates used for cell
Alginates have for many years been used as devices in various The alginate bead matrix to be used for immobilization and
human health applications, such as excipients in drug delivery transplantation should in general be characterized by (Orive et al.,
(DDS), wound dressings, as dental impression materials and in 2004):
some formulations preventing gastric reux. One advantage of
using alginates in oral tablet formulation is their property of  High mechanical and chemical stability
preserving a solid-like attribute (gel) also at gastric (acid) condi-  Controllable swelling properties
tions due to the formation of an alginic acid gel. This property  Low content of toxic, pyrogenic and immunogenic contaminants
allows for the protection of delicate compounds against the acid  Dened pore size and a narrow pore size distribution.
inuence of gastric juice, both by preventing convection ow and
by acting as a buffering agent in the stomach when tablets are This may, at least in part, be obtained by selection and puri-
manufactured using Na- or Ca-alginate. cation of alginates, controlling gelling ions and gelling kinetics,
Alginate-based raft-forming formulations are also used for the interaction with other polymers and possibly also chemical and
treatment of heartburn and gastric reux (Chateld, 1999), e.g. enzymatic modication of alginates. The mechanical and swelling
Gaviscon. When in contact with the gastric content, these formu- properties of the gel beads depend strongly on the monomeric
lations will build a physical raft on top of the stomach preventing composition, block-structure, and molecular weight of the alginate
gastric reux into the esophagus, and they provide symptom relief (Martinsen, Skjk-Brk, & Smidsrd, 1989). High mechanical
within minutes. Anti-reux formulations like Gaviscon are also stability can be achieved by using alginate with a high content
considered as being reasonably safe with little or no adverse effects (>70%) of a-L-guluronic acid, and NG>1 of about 15. Ba2 can, by
as they are also prescribed against heartburn during pregnancy replacing some of the calcium ions, also contribute to improved
(Lindow, Regnell, Sykes, & Little, 2003). mechanical and swelling stability of the alginate beads. Alginates
Non-woven alginate ber wound dressings (e.g. Sorbsan, Sea- also form strong complexes with polycations (Thu, Bruheim,
sorb and Kaltostat) have been used for decades in management of Espevik, Smidsrd, & Skjk-Brk, 1996). These complexes do not
epidermal and dermal wounds. It can for example be mentioned dissolve in the presence of calcium chelators or non-gelling cations,
that applying Ca-alginate dressings appears to be an appropriate and can thus be used both to stabilize the gel and to reduce/control
topical treatment of diabetic foot lesions with respect to both gel porosity. In general, the pores of the alginate gels are so large
healing and tolerance (Lalau et al., 2002). It can not be ruled out that small molecules exhibit diffusion characteristics close to what
that the alginate molecule itself has a positive effect on wound is observed in water, and even large proteins (Mw > 3  105 Da) will
healing, but it has also be pointed out that Ca2 ions, which play an diffuse out of an alginate bead depending on their molecular size
important role in the normal homeostasis of mammalian skin (Tanaka, Matsumura, & Veliky, 1984). Some kind of porosity
serving as a modulator in keratinocyte proliferation and differen- modication, by e.g. complex coacervation with polycations,
tiation, may be released form Ca-alginate bers promoting early therefore becomes imperative to prevent diffusion of antibodies
stage wound healing (Lansdown, 2002). through the capsule membrane.

5. Potential biomedical and pharmaceutical alginate 5.2. Immunogenic properties of alginates

A biological effect of alginate was initially hinted at in the rst
Over the last couple of decades, new knowledge about the animal transplantation trials of encapsulated Langerhans islets for
impact of chemical composition and sequential arrangement of diabetes control. Overgrowth of alginate capsules by phagocytes
alginate on biological systems points towards more advanced and broblasts, resembling a foreign body/inammatory reaction,
biomedical devices as well as pharmaceutical properties of alginate was reported (Soon-Shiong et al., 1991). In bioassays, induction of
in its own right. tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin 1 (IL-1) showed that
the inducibility depended upon the content of mannuronate in the
5.1. Therapeutic cell entrapment alginate sample (Soon-Shiong et al., 1994). This result directly
explains the observed capsule overgrowth; mannuronate-rich
Entrapment of living cells within Ca-alginate spheres is a well- fragments, which do not take part in the gel network, will leach out
established technique (Smidsrd & Skjk-Brk, 1990), and can be of the capsules and directly trigger an immune response (Stokke,
carried out in a single step process under very mild conditions. A Smidsrd, Zanetti, Strand, & Skjk-Brk, 1993). This observed
cell suspension is mixed with a (osmolytically balanced) sodium immunologic response can, at least partly, be linked to b-(1 / 4)
alginate solution, the mixture dripped into a solution containing glycosidic linkages since also other homopolymeric di-equatorial
Ca2 and the droplets instantaneously form gel-spheres entrapping polyuronates, like D-glucuronic acid (C6-oxidised cellulose), also
the cells in a three-dimensional lattice (Fig. 2). A most exciting exhibit this feature (Espevik & Skjk-Brk, 1996). The immunologic
prospect for alginate immobilized cells is their potential use in cell potential of poly-mannuronate has also been registered in several
transplantation, where the main purpose of the gel is to act as in vivo animal models (Skjk-Brk, Flo, Halaas, & Espevik, 2000).
a barrier between the transplant and the immune system of the
host. Cell lines that have been suggested for such transplantation 5.2.1. Proposed mode of action for the immunogenic response of
include parathyroid cells for the treatment of hypocalcemia and high-M alginates
dopamine producing adrenal chromafn cells for treatment of The signaling cascade leading to the immunological response
Parkinsons disease (Kuhtreiber, Lanz, and Chick, 1999). and proinammatory cytokine induction of mannuronate-rich
One example that has been subject to a substantial amount of alginates seems to involve pattern recognition receptors (PPRs),
research is insulin producing cells for the treatment of Type I dia- especially toll-like receptors TLR4 or TLR 2 together with CD 14
betes. Alginate/poly-L-lysine capsules containing pancreatic Langer- (Espevik, Rokstad, Kulsen, Strand, & Skjk-Brk, 2009). Although
hans islets have been shown to reverse diabetes in large animals and the exact epitope of the alginate molecule responsible for TLR
have also been clinically tested in humans (Soon-Shiong et al., 1994). activation is not established, it is a striking feature that neither
254 K.I. Draget, C. Taylor / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 251256

100% M alginate nor alginates containing G-blocks initiate this molecular weight alginate such as produced by Pseudomonas aer-
activation. Some fraction, typically 0.050.30, of single G residues uginosa, a most common inammatory microorganism in the CF
seems to be a pre-requisite within a high MW alginate for an lung, interacts with mucin in a synergistic manner and this inter-
immunological response to occur. This fact suggests that the action bears the ngerprint of being of an electrostatic nature
epitope may require a certain degree of chain exibility within (Taylor, Pearson, Draget, Dettmar, & Smidsrd, 2004).
a certain length of an alternating MG sequence (Espevik et al., The possibility of applying low molecular weight oligoelec-
2009). trolytes to normalize the rheology of mucus by a shielding off of
Some questions have been raised regarding whether this algi- the interaction sites between mucin and other macromolecular
nate induced immunological response could be due to a general components therefore became pertinent. The general idea behind
biocompatibility issue, i.e. that contamination with proteins or LPS this approach was that these types of interactions, which lead to
could account for the observed effects. This is especially important increased mucus mechanical properties, could be eliminated
in the case of LPS from Gram negative bacteria since they both bind through electrostatic competitive inhibition by charged oligo-
to CD 14. Under any circumstances, it is highly important to apply mers too small to create intermolecular cross-links. G-blocks,
highly efcient purication methods, but one fact that teaches typically degree of polymerization 1020, were chosen as an
away from an alginate immunological response due to contami- appropriate candidate for this purpose as they are known to be
nation of LPS is that this response is more or less lost by an enzy- non-immunogenic (Otterlei et al., 1991).
matic depolymerisation of the alginate. Upon coupling the resulting Fig. 4 shows the mechanical spectra of a model mucus alone
high-M fragments to particles, the immunological response is (partially puried pig gastric mucus, PGM), in combination with
restored and often enhanced (Berntzen et al., 1998). a high molecular weigh alginate and nally of a mixed PGM/HMW
alginate in the presence of G-blocks. It is clearly seen that the
5.3. Alginate oligoelectrolytes as a mucin polymer network modier mechanical properties of the mucus network increases profoundly
in the presence of HMW alginate. After G-blocks have been added
It has been known for some time that oligoguluronates are able to this system, however, the mechanical properties are reduced to
to modify both gelling kinetics as well as the apparent equilibrium the extent that the complex dynamic modulus (G*) is lower than
properties of alginate gels (Draget & Smidsrd, 2006). Quite that for the pure PGM over the entire frequency region investi-
recently, it has also been shown that such G-blocks are able to gated. This effect of G-blocks on pure PGM model systems has been
transiently modify mucin network structures. Such effects may conrmed in other non-published studies implying that such
provide a basis for the treatment of pathological respiratory oligoelectrolytes may be applied in improving mucosal drug
conditions as well as for a general manipulation of mucosal surfaces delivery systems.
for e.g. drug delivery systems (Taylor, Draget, & Smidsrd, 2007). Fig. 5 shows the typical effect on mucus rheology of adding
G-blocks, and the equivalent amount of NaCl, to sputum from a CF
5.3.1. Oligoguluronates as modiers of cystic brosis mucus patients diagnosed positive for P. aeruginosa. It can be seen that
In patients diagnosed with cystic brosis, the most common even though there is a slight reducing effect of adding NaCl to CF
lethal genetic disease amongst Caucasians, the general pathological sputum, again hinting at least some degree of electrostatic stabi-
picture is described by a thick intractable mucus in multiple organs lization of the CF sputum, the effect of G-blocks is substantially
of which the lungs are the most problematic accounting for well greater. It also seems like average DP 10 is more efcient than DP
over 90% of the mortality (Welsh, Ramsey, Accurso, & Cutting, 20, but this may be due to the DP 20 sample had a fraction (about
2001). Mucus rheology plays a major role in the mucociliary 10%) comprising molecules large enough to create intermolecular
clearance of the lungs, but in the case of cystic brosis the highly cross-links.
viscous mucus combined with a hyperinammatory state leads to In Fig. 6, the complex viscosity from 4 different samples of CF
malfunctioning of the mucociliary clearance. In addition to the sputum is compared with respect to the effect of saline and oligo-
normal mucins a number of non-mucin macromolecular compo- guluronates. As can be seen, and as expected, the rheology of CF
nents, such as DNA, actin and bacterial polysaccharides, appear at mucus is highly variable reected in the large scattering of h*
high levels in CF mucus and are suspected to make a substantial
contribution to the viscoelastic properties. For example, high
G* [Pa]

G* Pa

sputum + NaCl

sputum + G blocks Dp 20
sputum + G blocks Dp 10

0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Time [min]
Frequency Hz
Fig. 5. The initial mechanical response of an ex vivo sputum sample from a CF patient
Fig. 4. Mechanical spectra of partially puried fresh pig gastric mucus (PGM, 6), in the after pre-shear (60 s at 20 s1) in the presence of oligoguluronates of different average
presence of high molecular weight alginate (HMW, ,) and nally the PGM/HMW size, and in the presence of NaCl corresponding to the increase in ionic strength
alginate blend in the presence of oligoguluronates (>). imposed by the oligoguluronates.
K.I. Draget, C. Taylor / Food Hydrocolloids 25 (2011) 251256 255

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Stokke, B. T., Smidsrd, O., Zanetti, F., Strand, W., & Skjk-Brk, G. (1993). Distri-
The authors would like to thank Prof. Em. Olav Smidsrd for bution of uronate residues in alginate chains in relation to gelling properties
valuable discussions, and the Norwegian Research Council and 2:Enrichment of b-D-mannuronic acid and depletion of a-L-guluronic acid in
Helse Midt-Norge for nancial support. the sol fraction. Carbohydrate Polymers, 21, 3946.
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