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Selena Garcia Program 1

Program Planning Worksheet

Agency Name: Bobcat Sports Clinic

Name of Program: Beginner Soccer Lessons

Target Market: 8-10 year olds
Staff: Participant Ratio: 1:10

Program Description: The purpose of this class is to teach youth participants the basic rules and skills
needed to play soccer.

Program Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: To understand the basic skills needed to play soccer
Objective 1: During each practice session staff, will demonstrate passing, dribbling, and
shooting drills to participants.
Objective 2: After each drill, has been shown, participants will then be given 15 minutes to
practice what they have learned during each session.
Goal 2: To understand game rules
Objective 1: During each session, staff will demonstrate how to score goals in a soccer
Objective 2: During each session, staff will demonstrate how to use skills and stay inside
field lines.

Program Administration

How many weeks does the program meet during a year? 40 weeks

How are sessions* going to be offered? 8 week sessions

How many sessions* in a year? 5

If a person signed up for 1 class, how many days per week would they attend? 1 day

How long does class meet each day? 2 hours How long does staff need to be there for each
class? 3 hours

Actual number of program days per session if in one class? 8

Are you offering more than 1 section* per session*? NO If Yes, How many? ______

Actual number of class days per session* 8 x 1 section*s x 5 sessions* = 40 for the year

Max. Number of Participants 40 per class x 1 sections x 5 sessions = 200 for the year

How many staff do you need for each class? 4

Break Even Price (per person per session) for Covering Direct Expenses: $41.20

Break Even Price (per person per session) for Covering Total Expenses: $107.48

Selena Garcia Program 1
Agency: Bobcat Sports Clinic

Selena Garcia Program 1
BUDGET WORKSHEET for Beginner's Soccer Lessons

Break-even price Direct Expenses Only? 8,240.94/200= $41.20 per person per session
Break-even price TOTAL Expenses? 21,495.94/200= $107.48 per person per session
Pricing Strategy: Average Cost Pricing

Registration Fee:
$96 x 200 participants = $19,200.00 $19,200.00
TOTAL REVENUE $19,200.00

Part Time Staff
4 staff X $10/hr X 3 hours X 40 classes $4,800.00
2 assistants X $8/hr X 3hrs X 40 classes $1,920.00

TOTAL Payroll $6,720.00


Work Comp and Unemploy Insur (.0125 x 5,460.00) $68.25
FICA and Medicare (.0765 x total 5,460.00) $417.69




SUPPLIES & Equipment provide detail

Goal nets - 2 new ones after every 5 sessions @ $65.00 $650.00
Goal net fastners - 1 new roll after every 5 sessions @ $16.00 $80.00
Balls - 3 new ones after every 5 sessions @ $10.00 $150.00
Cones - 1 new pack after every 5 sessions 25pk @ $11.00 $55.00

TOTAL SUPPLIES & Equipment $935.00

Program Marketing $100.00



Overhead Expenses 1/7 of 92,785 $13,255.00


NET ($2,295.94)

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