OIML R31:1995 - Sapphire

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Member State OIML Certificate No.

P.R.China R31/1995-CN1-14.01
Revision 1


Issuing authority
Name: Office of OIML Affairs, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
Address:N0.9 Madiandonglu,Haidian District,Beijing,100088P.R.China

Name: Zhejiang Sapphire Meter Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: Qiantong Town, Ninghai County, Zhejiang Province, 315636P.R. China

Manufacturer of the certified type (if the manufacturer is not the applicant)

Identification of the certified type

Diaphragm gas meter

Type G2.5S
Accuracy class 1.5%
Maximum flow rate 4 m3/h
Minimum flow rate 0.025 m3/h
Cyclic volume of a gas
1.2 dm3
volume meter
Maximum operating
50 kPa
Operating temperature

The numbers of the associated test reports and the included pages:
2013OM002 12 pages
OIML Certificate No.
Revision 1

Th is certi fic ate attests the conformity of the abov e-mention ed

type(represented by the samples identified in the associated test
report) with the requirements of the following Recommendation(s)
of th e In te r n at io n a l Or g an i za ti o n of Le g al Me tr o lo g y (O I ML ) .

R: 31
Edition: 1995
For accuracy class (if applicable): 1.5%
Th is certi fic ate relates only to the metrological and tech nical
characteristics of the type of the instrument concerned ,as covered
by th e re l e v a n t OI M L In t e r n a t i o n a l R e c o m m e n d a t i o n ( s ) .
This certificate does not bestow any form of legal international approval.
The conformity was established by tests described in the associated test reports.
This Revision replaces the preceding certificate.

The CIML member

February 28, 2014 February 28,


Important note: Apart from the mention of the certificates reference number and the name of the OIML
Me m b e r St a t e i n w h i c h t h e ce r t i f i c a t e wa s is s u e d , pa r t i a l qu o t a t i o n of th e ce r t i f i c a t e or of
t h e a s s o c i a t e d t e s t r e p o rt i s n o t p e r m i t t e d , t h o u g h t h e y m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d i n f u l l .

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