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1)Vetting 2)Folks 3)Run(this)By 4)Snare

5)Backlash 6)Roadkill 7)Deem 8)Flee 9)Slam

10)Swarm 11)Droves 12)Dispatch 13)Gauge
Because of the recent increase of security
1)________being carried out, its hard to 2)________
the real number of people who will lose their jobs
due to such things as overlooked criminal records. It
might be just a few or the company might kick them
out in 3)________, its hard to tell. Quite a few teams
of investigators will be 4)________ for this purpose,
so it will be difficult to 5)________ from this outcome
if they really do have some questionable
background. Now, the company will probably get
6)________ by employees and the public alike for
being this excessive and seemingly digging into
everyones personal information, but I personally
7)________this a necessary precaution to ensure the
integrity of this company. A lot of 8)________here feel
uneasy about the fact that there had previously
been no real thorough background check on their
co-workers. Some extremists even think the
company is already 9)________ with dishonest people
who will cause a lot of 10)________ for the company
if ever a scandal were to occur and come to light.
But I truly feel this is a good solution to the issue,
we can 11)________ the potential threats without
much of a 12)________ at all. I will not let this
company become the 13)________ of some petty
thief looking to make a quick buck off some
embezzlement or bribery or who know what else.
Once I 14)________ some of the higher-ups, the final
stages of this process will begin and we can finally
put an end to all of this doubt.

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