Unit 2 Practice Essay Writing-600 BCE - 600 CE Chapters 4,5,6, and 1 DBQ AP World History 2015-16 1/2 Summative Grade

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Elmer Yang

Mr Martin


Unit 2 Practice Essay Writing- 600 BCE- 600 CE

Chapters 4,5,6, and 1 DBQ
AP World History 2015-16
1/2 Summative grade

Due October 5th at Midnight

Comparison Essay outline- Ch. 4

Analyze similarities and differences between the political structures of two of the
following classical-age empires.

a. Persian Empire
b. Roman Empire
c. Mauryan Empire
d. Qin/Han Dynasty Empire

1. Thesis: RED- 1 point

One or more sentences
Contains a valid similarity and a valid difference

The Classical Age Empires of Rome and the Han experienced

periods of great power often by centralization of power and
expansion of Empires. Both empires flourished at the same time,
and had very similar political structure. Both empires invoked
supernatural Sanctions to support their rule and had centralized
government with the emperor as the head of state with
unwavering power. However, while the Chinese used an elaborate
bureaucratic system to support their rule, the Romans leaned
more on regional governors to support their rule.

2. Body 1- Similarity or Difference GREEN- 1 point

Topic Sentence: Stating the Similarity or Difference in detail.
A major similarity in the Roman and Han political structure was
the reliance and invoking of the supernatural in order to enforce
their rule over the people. In Rome, the emperors were treated
as Gods and were hailed as them, and in China, the rulers used
to Mandate of Heaven to show that the supernatural deities
deemed them worthy of their rule.
Evidence (Facts) and Substantiation (Explanation) for the Similarity or
difference. BLUE- 1 point
By the First Century, Rome regarded their emperors as Gods and
established a religious cult in order to bolster the regime. This
cult soon grew and expanded to the entire Roman Empire, and
bolstered the regime as the people of the Empire believed the
Roman Emperors to be above men, and were deities, and were
worshiped as such. In China, the Mandate of heaven was a seal of
regard from the Chinese Concept of Heaven, which was neither a
place nor a deity, but a moral face that regulated the world and
the universe. Emperors were referred to as the Son of Heaven
and the Mandate was a seal of approval by Heaven. This Mandate
was retained as long as the Emperor ruled morally and whenever
they ruled wrongly and badly, they would lose the Mandate of
Heaven and signs such as invasions and floods were viewed as
the signs of losing the Mandate of Heaven.
Reason: Why/How is the similarity or difference shared? PINK- 1 point
This similarity came about because they regimes of both the Han
and the Roman Empire needed to bolster their regime and gain
undying support for their rule. Due to this need for the peoples
support, they used Religion to garner it, leading to the use of a
supernatural support for their regime, leading to more support
among the people. Due to both empires being extremely large
and encompassing huge amounts of people, this was necessary
for both empires to gain support and prevent insurrection.

3. Body 2- Similarity or Difference GREEN- 1 point

Topic Sentence: Stating the Similarity or Difference in detail.
A major difference between the Han and the Romans is the
different ways that their Centralized government structures
governed their regional provinces. While the Romans relied
heavily on localized governors to do the daily work of the
provinces, the Chinese used a highly efficient and unique system
of Bureaucrats to govern the daily ways of life that all took direct
orders from the Emperor.

Evidence (Facts) and Substantiation (Explanation) for the Similarity or

difference. BLUE- 1 point
While both Empires relied on a branching style of politics, they
differed greatly in the types of governors that they used. Rome
used localized aristocratic elites and the army with a certain
level of autonomy because of the large size and the huge variety
of people that they had to govern, leading the Romans to rely on
non Roman Bureaucrats to govern daily life in the provinces. Due
to this lack of a cohesive system, the Romans instead relied on
an elaborate body of law which dealed with all matters of life
from Justice to Family life, and therefore provided cohesion in
the way that things were governed. This differed greatly from
the Chinese Elaborate Bureaucratic System in which they had an
Imperial Academy for training officials who then participated into
a civil service system and took orders directly from the Emperor.
Reason: Why/How is the similarity or difference shared? PINK- 1 point
These differences came about because of the ethnic structures of
the two empires. While the Qin/Empire was mainly composed of
one ethnic group of Chinese descent making it significantly
easier for the bureaucratic system of civil servants to happen.
However, in Rome, because the empire was so large and that it
encompassed so many people, this was impossible because Rome
was only one city, so they were forced to rely on a Body of Law
and local aristocrats to maintain order and cohesion.
CCOT Essay outline- Ch. 5
Analyze the continuities and changes in religious belief systems from 600 B.C.E. and
600 C.E. in one of the following regions.
a. Middle East
b. South Asia
c. East Asia

1. Thesis:
One or more sentences
Addresses continuities and changes. Answers the question.
In East Asia, from the years 600 BCE to 600 CE, in the period
known as the Warring States Period, there were many solutions
from many religions and beliefs in order to find Social Order. The
first Solution was that of Legalism, which was of the belief that
deterrence would eventually lead to social equality. Next came
Confucianism, which was a continuity from Legalism.
Confucianisms answer was in that of a series of strict
hieararchies in which people would follow. After Confucianism,
there was a major change with the rise of Daoism, whose answer
was a counter to that of Confucius, and instead encouraged
behavior that was spontaneous, and natural, and turned the
focus from human relationships in the form of Hierarchy to that
of the mysterious realm of Nautre

2. Body 1- Continuity or Change

Topic Sentence: Stating the Continuity or Change. Provide some detail and
Global Context.
A Continuity in the Religious Beliefs in East Asia, was
Confucianisms solution in the form of Hierarchies, that
continued Legalisms form of Hierarchy in that most people were
not fit to rule themselves, so they needed a ruler to rule over
them .
Evidence (Facts) and Substantiation (Explanation) for the Continuity or
The first solution to the Chaotic period in East Asia was that of
Legalism. Legalism was based on a system of rewards and
punishments and was based on a pessimistic view of human
natures. Legalism was based on the belief that humans were
shortsighted and were not able to rule for themselves. This led
to the solution that only the state and its rulers could be
entrusted into thinking in the peoples long term interests. This
belief in a hierarchical rule was continued by Confucianism. The
Confucian solution for Social Order was a belief of society to be
composed of multiple unequal relationships. If the person at the
superior end of this relationship behaved and acted with respect,
then those at the bottom would as well.

Process and Global: Why/How (Process) did this Continuity or Change

happen? Also provide global context and Connections. What is
happening in the world during this time period that causes this
continuity or change?
This continuity came about because of the need for a solution to
the chaotic period in China, and the age old tradition of a
hierarchy led to the belief that some people are more fit to rule
others as people are naturally short sighted and that they need
someone else to think about the future for them.

3. Body 2- Continuity or Change

Topic Sentence: Stating the Continuity or Change. Provide some detail and
Global Context.
A major defining change in the beliefs of East Asia was the
radical change form the Hierarchical beliefs of Confucianism and
Legalism, was the change to Daoism, which instead of focusing
on Political Structure, focused on the Mysterious form of nature,
and embraced the concept of the Dao, the way of nature, and
how that it governs all natural phenomena.

Evidence (Facts) and Substantiation (Explanation) for the Continuity or

Instead of focusing on the political structure on life, as
Confucianism and Legalism focused on, Daoism disregarded the
Hierarchical views on life that Confucianism and Legalism
possessed instead believing that all people are equal and ran
counter to that of Confucianism. Rather than believing and
focusing on human relationships, Daoism focused on the concept
of Dao, which is the way of nature, and governs everything in
life. Daoism led people to withdraw from the world of Political
and Social action that Legalism and Daoism focused on, and
instead to align them with the way of nature. This led to a
simplistic form of thinking rather than the advanced form that
Confucianism preached.

Process and Global: Why/How (Process) did this Continuity or Change

happen? Also provide global context and Connections. What is
happening in the world during this time period that causes this
continuity or change?
This change came about because of the failure of Confucianism
and Legalisms focus on Political and Social Structures to work,
and therefore led people to renounce these structures that were
engrained into the culture, and led to the embracement of
Nature and the way of the Dao in order to achieve true social
equality and social harmony in the Chaotic world of China during
the Warring States Period.
Comparison Essay outline- Ch. 6
Analyze similarities and differences of the influence of religious tradition on gender and
social roles for two of the following faiths before 600 C.E.
a. Christianity
b. Hinduism
c. Buddhism

1. Thesis:
One or more sentences
Contains a valid similarity and a valid difference

Many religions offered different solutions In order to achieve

Social Harmony. In India, Hinduisms Solution was in the Caste
System, an extremely rigid structure of Social Hierarchy based
on your occupation, called a Caste, and for which you were born
into for life. The Caste System was extremely religious, as shown
by the fact that the priests, the Brahmins, were at the very top.
In China, Confucianism took a very similar approach, but at the
same time, extremely different. Confucianisms solution was a
Social Hierarchy as well, but instead of a religious hierarchy, it
was more Political, with the Emperor and his cabinet at the very
top, and at the bottom, the merchants and Peasants.

2. Body 1- Similarity or Difference

Topic Sentence: Stating the Similarity or Difference in detail.
One major difference between Confucianisms and Hinduisms Social Hierarchy is
the ground under which they were formed and how they were spread. While
Confucianisms Hierarchy was spread by the Central Government and therefore is
secular in format, Hinduisms Caste System was spread by Hinduism and therefore
is fundamentally religious in its concept. Because of the way they came about,
Confucianism gave more leeway in moving in the Hiearchy, than the Caste System,
which was much more rigid making it near impossible to switch Castes.

Evidence (Facts) and Substantiation (Explanation) for the Similarity or

The Caste System was mainly focused in a village format, with
many different forms of it in different regions with one central
concept throughout India. This is different than Confucianisms
Hierarchy, which was based in the Government and every village
followed them through an elaborate bureaucracy. This led the
Hierarchy to be Political in concept and based on how much
power and influence you had, because it was formed and spread
by a Central Government, leading to the Emperor on top, then
the Landowners, and then the Peasants, and the Merchants. In
the Caste System, it was based on what role you played in Hindu
Traditions, as they did not have a central government to spread
the hierarchy, but instead it spread through religion, leading to
Brahmins being on top, then the Kshatriya, the warriors, then
the Vaishyas, those who worked the land, and finally the Sudras,
the peasants, and outside of the system were the Untouchables.

Reason: Why/How is the similarity or difference shared?

This difference came about because of the radically different
ways that the Hierarchies were spread in China and India. Due to
the Confucians Hierarchy being spread by the Government, this
inevitably led the Government to be on the top of it, with the
roles and levels going down based on what role you played in the
Government. This is different from Hinduisms Caste System,
which was spread by religion, so the roles were based on what
role you played within Hinduism.

3. Body 2- Similarity or Difference

Topic Sentence: Stating the Similarity or Difference in detail.
While there were many significant differences, there were many
similarities as well between the two hierarchies. They were both
meant to social order, by giving everyone a universal title that
they could be recognized by. They were also similar in that both
of them had a system of determination by being born into a
Hierarchical Level, and both were defined by what role you
played and what job you had.

Evidence (Facts) and Substantiation (Explanation) for the Similarity or

Both Confucianism and Hinduism developed their respective
Hierarchical Systems in order to achieve Social Order, by
attempting to resolve conflict. By having a system where one is
born into a level, it gives everyone a universal role that one
could be recognized by theoretically leading to Social Harmony.
Having one being born into a caste led to supposed social
harmony prevented them from being able to change leading to
an extremely rigid hierarchical structure of the Caste System and
the Confucian Hierarchy. This gave a universal stamp on every
person putting them in a place and gave them a Social Identity
that they could all be recognized by.
Reason: Why/How is the similarity or difference shared?
This rigid structure of being born into your social class came
about because of the need for a Solution to disorder. By having a
universal social identity, there would be no more confusion as
you have a specific role therefore achieving Social Harmony and
DBQ Essay outline- Title
One or more sentences
Answers the question fully- the goal being three categories based on your three

During the 200s, Buddhism gradually transferred to China. There,

it was scrutinized by the Imperial Dynasties, such as the due to
its philosophy of social equality without a Hierarchy, which
strictly contradicted the Strict Hierarchical beliefs of the
Confucian System. However, during the turmoil period after the
collapse of the Han, Buddhism was positively received for its
promises of eternal enlighten during trying times. However, soon
afterwards, the rise of the Tang and Confucianism once again
reignited the negative feelings toward Buddhism.

Body 1- Grouping 1
Topic Sentence: Answers the question through introducing your 1st
grouping- Common Characteristics
After the Fall of the Han Empire, during the period of chaos and
invasion from foreign land, Buddhism was met with
overwhelmingly positive responses because of its compatibility
with the time period. Documents 1 and 2 show the initial
compatibility of Buddhism with the time period, and Documents
3 and 5 show the compatibility between Buddhism and
Confucianism by asserting that both could co-exist at the same
Evidence (Facts) and Substantiation (Explanation) using each document
(source) in the grouping. Answer the question. Refer to the source (name
it) and the document.
- Analyze POV at least once
- Ask for an additional document (source)- Why? How would this help you
answer the question.
Buddhism stresses the life is sorrow and that Enlightenment is
the way to escape from this sorrow and to achieve rebirth. This is
shown by the Excerpt from a Sermon by the Buddha in which he
states the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism stating that Rebirth
brings delight and pleasure and that the Noble Truths are key to
stopping sorrow (Doc 1). This led to an overwhelmingly positive
response from China after the Fall of the Han, in the period of
Chaos known as the Warring States Period, in which they needed
to believe in something that would release them from their
sorrow, and Buddhism provided that belief giving them hope for
escape. The Dun document further makes this promise of an
escape by saying that whoever makes a vow to be reborn will be
transported and will enter Nirvana. (Doc 2). This promise greatly
appealed to the people during the Chaotic period greatly
increasing its compatibility with the Chinese People. Buddhisms
compatibility with the main religion of China, Confucianism, was
stressed by many Buddhist Scholars and allowed positive
reception of the new religion. The Zong Mi document shows this
compatibility by demonstrating the similarities and saying the all
three teachings of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism all led to
the creations of an orderly society and should all be observed
with respect. (Doc 5) As a Buddhist Scholar as well as being
favored by the Tang Imperial Household, Zong Mi, as a Buddhist
Scholar working for the Tang, would have felt the need for
Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism to coexist and respect all
religions as they had the same end goal and all stressed moral
living as the Tang, who he was favored by believed in
Confucianism. Buddhisms stress on escape from Worldly Desires
and Pains also made it enticing for the Chinese People. As shown
by the Document from an Anonymous Chinese Scholar, in
answering the question of why Buddhism rejects worldly
pleasures, they answered that simple living and inaction are the
wonders of the Way and that the monk practices the Way and
substitutes that for worldly pleasures. (Doc 3)
Basic Paragraph structure:

Topic Sentence (what characteristic do these docs share, and how does that support the thesis?)

Evidence Doc #1 (what text/idea from doc #1 supports this paragraphs topic/thesis?)
POV/Analysis of doc #1

Evidence Doc #2 (what text/idea from doc #2 supports this paragraphs topic/thesis?)
POV/Analysis of doc #2

Evidence Doc #3 (what text/idea from doc #3 supports this paragraphs topic/thesis?)
POV/Analysis of doc #3

How these docs relate/compare to each other. (The fullest understanding of any particular document emerges
only when that document is viewed within the wider context of all the documents.)

Additional Doc (be sure to relate how/why this doc would be useful in answering question)


Lets take a closer look at that POV..Write it below.

Explains why this particular Must move beyond a mere Mere attribution (copying or
person might have this particular description of that individual by repeating info verbatim from the
opinion OR what particular feature considering and explaining the tone, source line of the doc) is not
informs the authors or intended characteristics of the author, intended sufficient.
audiences POV. audience, and/ or how the intended
outcome may have influenced the
authors opinion.
As a Buddhist Scholar as well as being favored by the Tang
Imperial Household, Zong Mi, as a Buddhist Scholar working for
the Tang, would have felt the need for Confucianism, Taoism, and
Buddhism to coexist and respect all religions as they had the
same end goal and all stressed moral living as the Tang, who he
was favored by believed in Confucianism.

Lets take a closer look at the Additional Document (Source)

..Write it below.
Tell me an additional source and how it would help you answer the question.
An additional document showing the current cultural beliefs in
China would help in contrasting Buddhism with the Current
Beliefs showing the compatibility that Buddhism had with the
current beliefs leading to show positive responses to the spread
of Buddhism.

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