Da Birp

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Practice BIRP Name:

Masyn Upchurch

Pt. is a 47 y/o male with prolonged back & knee strain. Pt. engaged in a 1 hr. yoga

session on 04/30/2012.

Behaviors: Pt. A&Ox3 & displayed + LTM. Pt. able to amb c forearm crutches & full leg

braces on both legs. Pt. experienced difficulty balancing & ROM in LE due to weakened

leg & core muscles. Pt. displayed outlook on life, AEB, I had basically given up, in

reference to potential to walk unassisted. Pt. displayed indifference to self-care & poor

self-esteem as well, due to outlook.

Intervention: Yoga

Response: Pt. started out able to amb c Mod I Assistance & progressed to walking,

running, & completing yoga workouts independently. Pt. was initially able to maintain

poses for a maximum of 3 seconds before they needed to reach out to prevent falling. As

pt. progressed, balance & core strength , AEB ability to hold poses longer & attempt

more difficult poses. LE strength also , AEB pt.s progressive ability to walk

independently. Pt. maintained + outlook on challenges, stating, Just because I cant do it

today, doesnt mean Im not going to be able to do it someday. Pt. built confidence &

self-esteem, AEB drastic changes to appearance, i.e. haircut & shaving.


1) Pt. will core & individual leg strength by adding use of bosu ball to applicable


2) Pt. will UE strength by adding bosu ball planks to sessions.

3) Pt. will flexibility by stretching legs c the intention of being able to comfortably

place them behind head.

Print: _______________________________________ Sign: ________________________________

Date: _______________________________________ Time: ________________________________

ROM- Range of Motion

A&Ox3- Alert & Oriented to Person, Place, & Time

LE- Lower Extremities

LTM- Long Term Memory

amb- Ambulate

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