Math Reflection 5 3 20

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Math Reflection

Entry #2- Monday, March 20th.

Standard Covered- I can add within 1000 using efficient and accurate strategies.

Intro/Engage: To begin math today, Mr. Crow had everyone come sit down up front with their
notebook and pencil. In todays lesson, students would receive three different types of dice
cubes. One of the dice would have numbers 1-10 on it to represent the ones. The second dice
cube would have numbers 10-100 on it going up by tens to represent the tenths place. The third
dice cube would have numbers 100-900 on it to going up by hundreds to represent the
hundredths. Mr. Crow shows the students each of the dice cubes and discusses place value
with them. He also models how to roll the dice and record the number shown. Mr. Crow also
talks about the different strategies that can be used to add the numbers they record down--
these included: open # line, expanded form, and breaking apart.

Activity: During this time, Mr. Crow sends the students off to work in partners on rolling the
three dice and recording each number down on
paper and then putting into expanded form to
solve. For example, one group I watched rolled the
three dice cubes and recorded the numbers 3, 40,
and 700. Afterwards, the group set up the numbers
into expanded form so that they could add them--
700 + 40 +3 , 700 + 40 = 740 , 740 + 3 =743. As I
walked around and observed students doing this
activity, I noticed many would roll a number and
change it because it was too hard for them. I also
noticed several students getting messed up with
their expanded form, by forgetting a step or
skipping a number. After completing this activity,
Mr. Crow called students down to come talk and share their work. He then provided the
students with a second paper. This paper had addition word problems on it. He told the students
that the first thing they must do after reading the word problem is to
write the problem equation. The second thing they must do after that
is to pick a strategy to solve, either using open number line or
expanded form-- and if you are really good, model both ways! As I
walked around and observed this activity, I noticed most students
using expanded form as their strategy of choice. I feel that most
students that tried the open number line had a harder time. During
this activity, I also worked with a small group of 4 students. While
working with them, I noticed their addition skills were very good,
however, they lacked some understanding with place value. I was
impressed how well they were able to do expanded form, since they
were questionable with place values. After allowing enough time for the students to complete
the majority of the worksheet, Mr. Crow had them come down to the front of the room and
discuss their work. He held up two different students work and compared how they chose to
solve the problem. One of the students used expanded form and the other student use the open
number line strategy. Mr. Crow discussed with the class how both ways are effective and had
each student model the way they chose.

Recap: The students did a great job with the activities they completed today. Overall, I felt that
the students did well with breaking numbers apart into a simpler form and adding. Although, this
activity was helpful, I do feel that it was one of the more less engaging activities. As a future
teacher, I would have allowed the students to use dry erase boards and other materials that are
more engaging and fun for the students. Mr. Crow closed the lesson explaining that the
following day they would be using the show me app to record how they solved the word
problem--this to me was a really neat idea and more engaging than the paper activities done

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