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Lesson plan: Down the River

Class Goals and Objectives

Continue to develop proper singing by working on singing on pitch, as well as keeping rhythm.
Teach students what pick up notes are, and how they are used in music.
Develop and understanding of a descant with a song.


White board with markers



1. Students and instructor will discuss rivers, as well as experiences students may have in the past.

QUESTION: Does anyone here enjoy nature, especially the water? Have you ever been on a
PROMPT: I am going to sing you a song that is about sailing on a river. As you listen, tap
your foot on the floor to keep a steady beat.

2. Students will keep a steady beat and listen as the instructor sings/models Down the River,
accompanied by ukulele.

PROMPT: Now I will sing the song in small segments and you will repeat it after me.

3. Students will repeat phrases after the teacher to learn Down the River. Eventually, more words will
be added until the students completely know the correct pitches and rhythms of the song.

PROMPT: Now lets sing the whole song together.

4. The students and teacher will sing Down the River. The teacher will make sure to help students
with lyrics, and intone the beginning so students know the starting pitch.

PROMPT: Now, I am going to sing this song in a way we have not heard it. As I sing, listen
to what is different.

5. Students will listen as the instructor sings the first verse to Down the River, excluding the pick-up

QUESTION: What did you notice about the song this time when I sang it? How would you
describe it?
PROMPT: Now lets talk about what you observed.

7. The teacher will then write on the board what pick up notes look like in sheet music.

PROMPT: Now, I am going to teach you the descant of the song.

The teacher will repeat step 3, except with the descant.

Lesson plan: Down the River

8. The teacher will end the lesson by splitting the class between boys and girls, with one part singing
melody and the other the descant. This will create harmony. After the performance, the teacher will hand
students an exit ticket, to be filled out before leaving class. The teacher will walk about the room to hear
students singing the correct pitches.

PROMPT: As you leave class, please complete the Exit Ticket you just received and fill in
the blanks where necessary.

Assessment of Goals and Objectives

Assessment of singing goals will be informal and will happen when the teacher walks around the
students to listen to how they are staying on pitch and keeping rhythm. The formal assessment of the
small exit ticket will be used to determine if students understand pick up notes.

Follow up Lessons
Future lessons introduce other things in music theory, such as rhythm lessons, to teach students how to
understand reading sheet music.

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