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Jenkins 1

Ian Jenkins

Instructor Connie Douglas

18 April 2017

Immigration corrected -

Immigration has become a serious national concern in the past sixteen years after

September 11, 2001. In the years following this tragic event, many laws have been created to

stop the growth of illegal immigration into the US. This subject matter can be broken down into

three main points of view. The first being the general US population, second being the individual

immigrant or entire family they are bringing along, and lastly, being the United States national

government. Each point of view brings different ideas and perspectives upon the table, some

being the advantages and others including the risks and dangers. Some voices made on this topic

portray more authority towards actions made against immigration than others. The general

population is going to include natural born citizens that have an unbiased approach towards

immigration. Having an unbiased viewpoint means the citizens voice has not been affected with

crimes or illegal activity involving an illegal immigrant. A large majority of the immigrant

population in the United States are here for a good reason besides drugs and committing crimes.

They travel great distances for new opportunities, in search for jobs, and formal education for

their children. However, the US national government has a different approach on immigration,

and the different ways it could increase the economy. Using the large illegal population for the

better good of the United States in the political aspect.

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American citizens have the most important point of view in the serious topic of illegal

immigration because every day US citizens are going to be directly affected by them either in a

positive or negative way. According to the article Unauthorized Immigrants by Noel Merino,

reads in the year 2009 there are over eleven point two million illegal immigrants living in the

United States within only six states across the nation. This increase of population has caused

overcrowding of large cities, while bringing poverty to wealthy parts of the United States

(Merino). Many US citizens believe that if the immigrant is correctly processed and meets

specific requirements, to which he or she should be allowed into the United States. The DREAM

Act was created by US citizens that strongly believe in the equality of all living people, in

addition the DREAM Act would provide undocumented students with the legal right to pursue

career opportunities they have earned for themselves in the United States (Merino).

Unauthorized immigrants account for every one-in-twenty people in the paid workforce, in

addition around six percent of the students in the grade levels K-12th grade are illegal

immigrants (Merino). Many US born citizens strongly believe in the hidden dangers of allowing

undocumented people to walk the streets of highly populated cities across the United States.

They believe strongly in the ability to allow immigrants a quick and easy process to citizenship if

they meet strict requirements (Merino).

With many motives that bring people from every country into the United States, new

jobs and opportunities is the main reason for travel. However, with the increase in immigrant

population many American are pushed to believe that all immigrants are in the united states to

cause trouble and take advantage of government assisted programs. Providing a formal

education is a very important factor in a childs early life, many countries around the world lack
Jenkins 3

the skills to be able to educate (Roberto G). However, hispanic immigrant children in particular

that attend US public school tend to receive more verbal and physical bullying than other

students. They are often bullied because they look different and do not adapt well to changing

styles and customs of other native students (Berlatsky). Many immigrants do not speak proper

English which causes bullying from teachers and students. Teachers have hard time

communicating, grading papers, and teaching Hispanic immigrants in the classroom because

they lack the ability to understand English (Berlatsky). Many common stereotypes involved in

illegal immigration in the United States is the idea that the people increase the national crime

rate. With this stereotype spread widely across the United States it is hard to have loyal trust in

an illegal immigrant that has a bad reputation (Barry). Studies and many reports have concluded

that illegal immigration in the United States has not contributed to the steady increase in overall

crime. The Center for Immigration Studies or (CIS) , has stated that crimes committed by illegal

immigrants are often done in immigrant based communities to which to authorities are never

contacted (Barry).

Amnesty according to the US government is the act of providing the path to citizenship

for millions of people, all from different countries that are in the United States illegally. A major

reason that Amnesty is very popular in the government world is that providing an easy

citizenship to an immigrant now gives he or she the ability to vote if eighteen years or older.

When election time comes around and the majority of past immigrants will vote for the same

Political party that gave them the easy way to citizenship (Zhuge). Both political parties on the

congressional level are pushing for another wave of amnesty in the near future to help restore

positive outlooks on global immigration. The United States government has provided
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information that has included the steady decline in overall immigration from Mexico and other

countries into the United States (Zhuge). Many factors play it the reasons for this sudden decline,

including increasing border security, making the process to gain citizenship much easier, and the

overall improvement of the Mexican economy. Approximately 425,000 undocumented

immigrants are being held in over 250 federal prisons around the United States, to make matters

worse most of the people are not willing to provide personal information to US officials.

According to many United States officials, the deportation system in the United States is very

unorganized; it has many flaws and holes that people can slip through (Karaim). The average

illegal immigrant that travels to the United Sates is in search for better jobs and greater pay.

However according to the article only a small percentage of over ten million people are here for

work, others are here for drugs, scamming artist, and other terrorist related programs.

To conclude my round table essay, different points of view may have a biased outlook on

illegal immigration into the United States. The general US population may have good or bad

experience with an illegal immigrant that may change their entire perspective. Many immigrants

stay connected by living in the same communities and going to the same schools, which can have

a negative effect on social class in parts of the United States. To be expected, an individual

immigrant will be faced with many challenges in adapting and blending in with the American

culture. Going to school he or she may be faced with high levels of bullying for being an

immigrant who speaks a different language or may look different. However, laws are made and

enforced by the United States to ensure a safe living environment for every US citizen.
Jenkins 5

Works cited

1. Barry, Tom. "Illegal Immigration Is Not Increasing Crime Rates." Illegal Immigration, edited

by David Haugen and Susan Musser, Greenhaven Press, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context


Accessed 4 Mar. 2017

2. Gonzales, Roberto G. "Current Policies Regarding Illegal Immigrant Children Are

Inadequate." Illegal Immigration, edited by Nol Merino, Greenhaven Press, 2012.

Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,


Accessed 3 Mar. 2017.

3. Healy, Jos&#x00E9 A. "Hispanic and Immigrant Students Face Bullying." Bullying, edited by

Noah Berlatsky, Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in



Accessed 5 Mar. 2017

4. Karaim, Reed. "Immigrant Detention." CQ Researcher 23 Oct. 2015: 889-912. Web. 4


Jenkins 6

5. "Mass Legalization for Unauthorized Immigrants Is a Bad Idea." Immigration Reform, edited

by Nol Merino, Greenhaven Press, 2016. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in



Accessed 4 Mar. 2017.

6. "Unauthorized Immigrants: Who They Are and What the Public Thinks." Immigration Reform,

edited by Nol Merino, Greenhaven Press, 2016. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints



Accessed 25 Feb. 2017.

7. Zhuge, Scott. "Going Home: Illegal Immigration Reverses Course." Harvard International

Review, vol. 34, no. 1, 2012, pp. 7-8 Research Library,


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