Report 4

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1. Analysis of industry, key stakeholders and players.

AreoGarden- Technology that foolproof, dirt-free, indoor garden and so

easy to used that anyone can grow luches, beautiful garden, all year
round. It also tells time to add water and nutrients and even turns
growth light on and off to stimulate the sun.
LEAF- The first smartphone controlled, automated home grow system
for medical plants and food.
NIWA- Plant seeds and tell the Niwa app what customer growing.
Veggies, plants, herbs and so on. Niwa software comes with a library of
Growing Programmes that create the optimal environment for growing.
Sit back and relax as Niwa automatically controls feeding and watering
cycles, giving plants exactly what they need, when they need it.
Manage and monitor Monitor and interact with plants in real time right
from smartphone. Niwa enables to experiment with a variety of
settings to optimise the growing environment. Adjust lights,
temperature, and feeding cycles to see how your plants respond then
log your results and share notes with other growers.

2. Strength, weakness, opportunities, threats (SWOT):

Odyseed companys strength more to environment friendly. Odyseed

provide green environment to earth by developing remote card to
growing herb planation in optimal parameter. This ecological product
can make help customer to created and do the home made fresh and
Odyseed companys weakness is little time in the market. Odyseed
does not have many prestige and neither a strong personal brand for
its little time in the market. This company also do not have clear
information of the features and operation your main product. Besides
does not have a differentiation of its product in comparison with other
companies, its techniques are very like the other companies that are
engaged in the same. It was automated technology segmented its
customers in who know of the management of the technology and
leaving aside those people who do not are sufficiently skilled in
handling of technology.
Odyseed companys opportunities are to upgrading the LED light to
make it more powerful making the product more competitive. Odyseed
also can expanding the product range to include more variety within
the product, perhaps cherry tomatoes or other small growing
vegetables. By using Amazon Spain, Italy, Canada and United Stated to
expand internationally and possibly reduce the cost of shipping due to
a large market. Build the partnership with a big retailer in a specific
country. This will allow the Odyseed to ship in bulk if the demand is
there, reducing the cost of the final product, making them more
competitive. While these all opportunities for Odyseed to expand, it is
currently a start-up so it would be unreasonable to expect any
immediate investment from them into any of the above options
without reasonable assurances of success. However, when they are a
more established brand with more capital and experience, one of the
opportunities for expansion above may not seem so far-fetched.
Odyseed companys threats in the competitor market with such many
competitors, it could lead to a price war. The expend of advertising,
Odyseed need to recognize and know about doing advertisement and
how to persuade people to buying their product using advertisement.
Odyseed also have problem to compete with larger company that have
been stand longer and being able to produce at much lower price.
Odyseed also facing to be able adapt with the constant of changing of
technology could produce a more advanced product that replaces the
current product.

3. Survey of decision makers, clients, players:

> 25 persons
Students from others University, workers and worker that have pension.
Most of them give positive comment about planting and growth the
herbs in house in the survey.
Most of them were agree with the ideas growing herbs in house
because it will create such great and fresh aroma. About 50% of the
student have try indoor greenhouse product. 65% are consider to use
Odyseed product because it easy to manage and conduct it. By using
Odyseed produce, it can help them to take care their herbs. 60% said
that price is the most that can make product be more appealing, 25%
said different design, and 20% said others. About the pricing, most
people prefer to purchases in cheaper and moderate price base on the
product. On the survey, people use to look out the Odyseed strength by
quality, design, ecological friendly, prices and wellness and health.
Survey question ask people about:
1. open the ideas of growing herbs in house,
2. have they try any indoor greenhouse product
3. would they consider to use Odyseed product
4. what make product more appealing
5. how much, as customer they are willing to pay for purchasing
the product
6. what is Odyseeds strength and weakness

4. Market Success Criteria:


Make innovate, produce unique product, cut costs and fulfilling
customer needs and wants.
The company must be more innovative in produce a product to
make sure that they can compete with other competitors.
Odyseed also can produce more product line of new product that
give more benefits to customer. Besides that, an organization
must know how to fulfil customer needs and wants by doing the
research, survey, interview, questionnaires and so on.


Odyseed need to create a good customer relationship build and
sustain the businesses to make customer trust on the product
and created good relationship with supplier to make easier in
dealing and ordering raw materials. Relationship with suppliers
is importan to make and order run smoothly without and delay.
By doing that, there will no problem in getting thing supply or
ordering and customer also satisfied with the service that
Odyseed provided to them.
Treat the customer nicely by earning their trust. Give a good
and positive impression and effective two ways communication
with them. Fact to face communication is very important. Beside
create a good relationship with customer, information that
Odyseed want to send will receive without any noise and
customer understand and know about the product very well. Bt
face to face communication also, customer can ask some
question directly about something that they want to know or
confuse. Besides that, promotion, discount, membership and so
on also one of the ways to build the relation with customers.
Treat your client list like gold, because client or customers is the
company measurement result of success. The result of company
depends on the service and goods that we give to the customer.
This is how can Odyseed want to created Market success criteria
to make customer satisfied with their services. Depending upon
the market and business type, Odyseed can build and maintain
an extremely profitable business by simply nurturing
relationships with the influential that trust Odyseed products
and growth herbs business. But, sometimes come company
might lost the customer from time to time. However, if Odyseed
core constituency is well-served, Odyseed will retain and earn
the trust of others customers.


Position the business as the only one in a unique category that
no company have it.
To create it, Odyseed must study the trends of the market,
competitors behaviors and customer needs and wants, because
technology changing day by day, people changing their taste on
designing. Odyseed need to highlight the uniqueness that their
company want to bring forward to customer.
Suggestion when Odyseed can position their business as the
only one in a unique category, they need to have a marketing
platform without rivals. Thinks that, how can Odyseed can
change the game that they play? Odyseed must redefining it
such that Odyseed is the only one that can win it. That is
sustainable differentiation. This is how it process in order to
Odyseed created unique and specific positioning in the market.

Whatever it is may only be temporary to Odyseed gain some in

the market, as everything these days it easily copied by the
others competitors that operate in the same industry and
produce similar product. Nevertheless, that should not stop
Odyseed from capitalizing on it. Odyseed can keeping ahead and
have benefits and some the fun and opportunities to expend to
global market by study the trend and movement when there are
changing in the market.


Provide the product based on the countrys weather for example
Asia region, Europe. These countries have the suitable pH of soil
that can help to grow the herbs. The environment pollution can
be decrease by Odyseeds product as the customer can help to
neutralize the environment.

Odyseed is a new company that involved in keeping herb
growing in the house and make indoor herb alive. Even, there
are more company that produce the similar product, but
Odyseed can adapt with this competitive environment such as
competitor. There are many competitors that operate in this
market. Growing herbs and make indoor live, is a market product
that dominated by global and local brand. Odyseed can take this
challenge as the strategy to create an innovation to full fill
customer needs and wants and make the product more unique
than other competitors. Competitors make company want to
develop more about the industries that they involve. Like
Odeyseed, they can use and refer to the competitors how
exactly their process to be. How they persuade customer and
how they promote their product to the customer. Competitor will
give great successful in result. So, that, Odyseed can take this
competitive environment to compete with others competitors to
make a plan move further. Take the challenge to improve and
make a great step by looking out what competitors do. For the
example, competitors that produce similar product are:
1. AreoGarden
4. Plantiu
5. Big Bloomz
6. Chlorophyll
7. Ralphas Greenhouse

5. All viable new markets that your team members have been suggesting in your

In order to expand a new market, Odyseed need to choose a

good place to operate their industries. By taking this
characteristic to gain to the economic success of the customers
product such as; geographic, shipping or transportation, income
level, ethnic composition, population density, climate, culture
and so on.
Expending the product to international business.
- Not only focus on urban and domestic, we also can launch this product to
others country in open market. Approach others country to growth their
own plant at home by reduce depending on supermarket. Such as country
that Odyseed can expand their product are, China, India, Asia and other
Using hydroponic technique.
- This technique used to grow plant without using soil, where the plant has
a constant flow of nutrients.
Increases the product line that also give unique design and green
- Make innovation in the product line by create it new. For example, beside
using Odyseed Eden to grow plant, Odyseed also create new product
which is plant pot that sticks to the wall that also give a unique design to
green environment.
Unique product that been produce.

6. Market analysis:

POLITICS: Political scenario also matters greatly as there can be some

civil unrest in certain market or due to inflation the sales of the product
can fall. Cross border situation is different therefore the company must
stay in line with all those policies and changes so that they can adapt
with it.
In the political environment governments also influence and
affect business as it can play a very important role, can become
in some cases an important customer as it buys goods and
services and in other cases may even encourage or limit some
new business.

SOCIAL: Social implication is seen in marketing campaign so the

company must keep in line with all those different culture, weather to
understand the psyche of their market and how they can cash upon
the opportunity.
Market division by the socioeconomic characteristics of the
clients: social class, level of studies, purchasing power,
behaviors, habits, lifestyles. Also has to take into account is the
relationship of the company or business with society, cultural
changes and values as what is fashionable and new trends that
are evolving and giving way to new needs.

TECHNOLOGY: Country that have a modern high technology. The social

media explosion has allowed for increasingly interactive engagement
with the consumer to utilize technology for their benefit.
Technology can improve and meet various needs, you have to
pay attention to the various technological changes that are
going on and be watching if these changes can help the
improvement and growth of the company.

ENVIRONMENT: Provide the product based on the countrys weather for

example Asia region, Europe. These countries have the suitable pH of
soil that can help to grow the herbs. The environment pollution can be
decrease by Odyseeds product as the customer can help to neutralize
the environment.

LAW AND REGULATIONS: The company choose the market that can
easily penetrate their market without go through the strictly legal.
Economics: company had to restructure the sales and marketing
campaign based on economic.
Another role of the government is present in the law and
regulation since they have the power to restrict and regulate a
business through laws, regulations. It is very important that the
new business or company is accepted to the laws or regulations
to be able to develop their goals as a company.

ECONOMIC: Conditions have the higher influence on the business,

regardless of what type of business it is. Quota, tariff, embargo also
must be considered by the company.
You must consider several Economic circumstances, the
environment in which you want to create the company or launch
a product, since it is not the same to start a new market in times
of crisis or economic expansion.

7. All viable market entry modes:

Direct Export product to others country.

Direct exporting is selling directly into the market that have
chosen using in the first instance of own resources. When
Odyseed already have established a sales program turn to
agents or distributors to represent, it will further in that market.
Agents and distributors will work closely with Odyseed company
in representing the interests. They become the face of Odyseed
company and thus it is important that Odyseed can make choice
of agents and distributors is handled in much the same way
Odyseed would hire a key staff person.
Build franchising store.
To expand the business, a good choice to Odeyseed have a
franchise branch at the new market. Franchising is a typical
North American process for rapid market expansion but it is
gaining traction in other parts of the world. Franchising is works
well for Odyseed, in order to Odyseed distribute and launcher
heir product to the other business that have a repeatable
business model such as distribute Odyseeds product to the food
outlets that can be easily transferred into other markets. Two
caveats are required to Odyseed when considering using the
franchise model. The first is that Odyseeds business model
should either be unique or have strong brand recognition that
can be utilized internationally and secondly Odyseed may be
creating future competition in the franchisee.
Contractual agreement (Licensing)
By applied an international licensing agreement allows foreign
firms like Odyseed, either exclusively or non-exclusively to
manufacture a proprietors product for a fixed term in a specific
market. Summarizing, in this foreign market entry mode, a
licensor in the home country makes limited rights or resources
available to the licensee in the host country. The rights or
resources may include patents, trademarks, managerial skills,
technology, and others that can make it possible for the licensee
to manufacture and sell in the host country a similar product to
the one the licensor has already been producing and selling in
the home country without requiring the licensor to open a new
operation overseas. The licensor earnings usually take forms of
one time payments, technical fees and royalty payments usually
calculated as a percentage of sales
Joint venture with others company.
Joint ventures are a form of partnership that involves the
creation of a third independently managed company. It is the
1+1=3 process. For Odyseed that making this unique product, it
can create a new joint venture with country that have a big
producing and distribute of herbs plant such as China. By
making joint venture with China, Odyseed can find new
experience and information about other company in the market.
Join venture means two companies agree to work together in a
market, either geographic or product, and create a third
company to undertake this. Risks and profits are normally
shared equally. For examples of a joint venture is Sony/Ericsson
Cell Phone.

8. Potential distributors, retailers, sales agents:

The potential distributers for Odyseed include expanding their

partnership with Amazon to include other domains, perhaps Amazon
USA, Canada or the UK.
The potential retailers include, Lowes/Home Depot and Walmart in the
USA, Tesco in the UK and Carrefour in France. Local garden centers or
nurseries in each of the above markets are also good potential retailers
as they automatically attract the target market.


Television channel
Companies that specialized in delivery (FedEx, DHL, TNT and others)

Food hub:

Asador Organico Mexicano (Mexican restaurant)
Pan Comido (Mexican restaurant)
Origenes organicos (Mexican restaurant)
Ojo de Agua (Mexican restaurant)
ANNEX Food Pty Ltd (Australian)

9. HR and staffing:

May hire part time sales staff such as university level student.
For the starting to Odyseed expand their product, Odyseed need to
know and analysis their cost of the product such as all the fix and
variable cost that include in the activities. Besides that, in order to
analyses the target strategy of new market, Odyseed need to hire
some of the part time workers to run the business in the new place
Odyseed can hire part time sales staff, promoters to promote the
product to people.

10.Logistic and trade regulation:

Highway system
Odyseed can used the road transport to send and make delivery
to the customer. Besides that, by using own company transport
to making trade with other country, Odyseed also can use the
road transport services such as TNT, FedEx and others road
services. By choosing road transport it can be the most flexible
option to Odyseed for making trading in international business.
The motorway network is good and crossing national borders is
usually quick and efficient.
Air transport
Besides that, in order to expending the business to others
country, Odyseed can use the air transport service that offers
numerous advantages for international trade, depending on the
requirements. It can deliver items quickly over long distances,
give high levels of security for sensitive items and can be used
for a range of goods. For Odyseed to make export to other
country with big amount, Odyseed can use air transport to send
the product or it also can import the raw material from others
Rail transport is a cost-effective and efficient way to move the
products and goods. It offers Odyseed the following advantages
such as fast rail links and it is environmentally friendly compared
with other transport modes.

11.All viable pricing options:

For Odyseed there are several viable pricing options or strategies

which they can peruse, these include, promotion pricing, bulk pricing
for more than 3 orders, a loyalty or subscription program or some sort
for the seed and substrate or a perhaps a pay by the moth interest for
debit system.
However, for these options to be successful there are many aspects
which must be considered for them to be implements successfully,
these include:
If the product is a higher price that the standard must be
superior to the competitors.
If the product is a lower price as a comparable product that the
company must be prepared to be an interior product.
The company must have several consistent options available,
they cannot afford to continuously change the product prices.

12.Price range you are considering so far (min and max that came up in your

The price range should keep between 80 until 125 US Dollars

As Odyseed is still new in the market, Odyseed need to fix the
price with other competitors that already longer in the market.
By doing this, customer can make comparison on purchasing the
product. Being a new business in the market, Odyseed need to
take any price that others business put in the market. Odyseed
also called as price taker because it still new in market and still
trying to adapted with the trend in the market.
So, the price range of the product must in the range of
competitors price.

13.Possible product promotion and marketing channels:

Product promotion
1. Free samples
2. Have product used and visible at an attraction. For the
example, amusement park, restaurant etc.)
3. Online ads
4. Letter in mail
5. Trade show
6. Radio
Marketing channels
Direct selling
-Odyseed can making selling by face-to-face with customer.

Dual distribution
-Odyseed can make distribution by wholesale or retain resale
through more than one distribution channel, such as via dealers
to smaller customers and direct to the large customers.

-Odyseed can used marketing intermediaries, that also known as
middlemen or distribution intermediaries. Intermediaries is
important part of the product distribution channel. They are
individuals or businesses that make it possible for the product to
make it from the manufacturer to the end user, essentially
facilitating the sales process. Intermediaries knows as brokers or

14.Marketing budget range (min and max that came up in your discussions):

You would have to invest 20% in your main buyers or future buyers, in
case Odyseed continue to invest in children as they teach them to
grow a garden can be, stimulate new interests and skills, as well as
give them a new appreciation of nature.
You should also invest in people between 15 and 18 who
are people that live immersed in technology and have
new liked by the environment and sustainable
development, these could become the future buyers of
Internal or external event in these should be invested 20% since the
organization of event on a topic of interest san provide the customer a
sense of belonging by the company, since with the participation of
these event may have new experience about the company the product
and may the customer on their own can get to advertise to the
company as it feels parts of it.
Social networks should invest 20% as social network are very useful
resources in these new generation in labor and business relationship.
Odyseed already has presence in the main social networks as they are:
Twitter: It has become a virtual news networks and it is
important to have a consistent and relevant presence.
Facebook: It is the network with greater number of users
is important to invest a little more in this social
networking since premium of this one can interact more
with the consumers and is something important for the
growth of Odyseed.
Instagram: It has achieved a constant growth and
positioning and many brands are using it, because
through their images and videos, brands can connect in a
more emotional way. Although Odyseed is in Instagram
needs more influence within this social network because
the characteristic of this could be reached more
emotionally to customers.
Paid advertising or online advertising should be investing 30% in this
should invest a greater amount since the online public allows to reach
the customer in a much more effective way, speed the things much
more available to the customer will help to the strengthening of the
Incentives to sell you should invest 10% since wo does not like to be
given gifts, after and many more things, with this could be attract or
maintain customer.
15.Product idea:

Reduce operating and manufacturing costs to lower its price and be

more accessible at the time of purchase.
Increase the variety of plants and accessories
Customize product
Make more publicity about the brand and the product to more people
know about it.
Make different sizes of Odyseed Eden or at least three: small, medium
and large.

16.All viable product delivery options:

Ordered and delivered to consumer.

Ordered and delivered to retailers nearby.

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